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Old 02-03-2007, 03:16 AM   #1
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Default Is Enoch the Son of Man in Teh Book of Enoch?

I have read this several times and cant' figure it out, and I don't have a trusty commentary:

1 The word of the blessing of Enoch, how he blessed the elect and the righteous, who were to exist in the time of trouble; rejecting all the wicked and ungodly. Enoch, a righteous man, who was with God, answered and spoke, while his eyes were open, and while he saw a holy vision in the heavens. This the angels showed me.
2 From them I heard all things, and understood what I saw; that which will not take place in this generation, but in a generation which is to succeed at a distant period, on account of the elect.
3 Upon their account I spoke and conversed with him, who will go forth from his habitation, the Holy and Mighty One, the God of the world:
4 Who will hereafter tread upon Mount Sinai; appear with his hosts; and be manifested in the strength of his power from heaven.

5 All shall be afraid, and the Watchers be terrified.
6 Great fear and trembling shall seize them, even to the ends of the earth. The lofty mountains shall be troubled, and the exalted hills depressed, melting like a honeycomb in the flame. The earth shall be immerged, and all things which are in it perish; while judgment shall come upon all, even upon all the righteous:
7 But to them shall he give peace: he shall preserve the elect, and towards them exercise clemency.
8 Then shall all belong to God; be happy and blessed; and the splendor of the Godhead shall illuminate them.


1 Afterwards my spirit was concealed, ascending into the heavens. I beheld the sons of the holy angels treading on flaming fire, whose garments and robes were white, and whose countenances were transparent as crystal.
2 I saw two rivers of fire glittering like the hyacinth.
3 Then I fell on my face before the Lord of spirits.
4 And Michael, one of the archangels, took me by my right hand, raised me up, and brought me out to where was every secret of mercy and secret of righteousness.
5 He showed me all the hidden things of the extremities of heaven, all the receptacles of the stars, and the splendours of all, from whence they went forth before the face of the holy.
6 And he concealed the spirit of Enoch in the heaven of heavens.
7 There I beheld, in the midst of that light, a building raised with stones of ice;
8 And in the midst of these stone vibrations of living fire. My spirit saw around the circle of this flaming habitation, on one of its extremities, that there were rivers full of living fire, which encompassed it.
9 Then the Seraphim, the Cherubim, and Ophanin surrounded it: these are those who never sleep, but watch the throne of his glory.
10 And I beheld angels innumerable, thousands of thousands, and myriads and myriads, who surrounded that habitation.
11 Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Phanuel and the holy angels who were in the heavens above, went in and out of it. Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel went out of that habitation, and holy angels innumerable.
12 With them was the Ancient of days, whose head was white as wool, and pure, and his robe was indescribable.
13 Then I fell upon my face, while all my flesh was dissolved, and my spirit became changed.
14 I cried out with a loud voice, with a powerful spirit, blessing, glorifying, and exalting.
15 And those blessings, which proceeded from my mouth, became acceptable in the presence of the Ancient of days.
16 The Ancient of days came with Michael and Gabriel, Raphael and Phanuel, with thousands of thousands, and myriads and myriads, which would not be numbered.
17 Then that angel came to me, and with his voice saluted me, saying, You are the Son of man, who art born for righteousness, and righteousness has rested upon you.
18 The righteousness of the Ancient of days shall not forsake you.
19 He said, On you shall he confer peace in the name of the existing world; for from thence has peace gone forth since the world was created.
20 And thus shall it happen to you for ever and ever.
21 All who shall exist, and who shall walk in your path of righteousness, shall not forsake you for ever.
22 With you shall be their habitations, with you their lot; nor from you shall they be separated for ever and ever.
23 And thus shall length of days be with the Son of man.
24 Peace shall be to the righteous; and the path of integrity shall the righteous pursue, in the name of the Lord of spirits, for ever and ever.
- The Book of Enoch, 2nd - 1st century BCE
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Old 02-03-2007, 04:05 AM   #2
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According to that section of Enoch (which may be a late addition to the Similitudes which is itself the latest portion of Enoch) yes Enoch is or becomes the Son of Man.

Scholars are not agreed as to what on earth (or in heaven) this means.

Andrew Criddle
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Old 02-03-2007, 05:31 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Malachi151 View Post
I have read this several times and cant' figure it out, and I don't have a trusty commentary:
For the benefit of other members, the verses in question come from chapter 70. My edition of The Book of Enoch, edited by R.H. Charles, has the following footnote. The verses in Charles' edition are different from those quoted above:

...Enoch asked some question regarding [the Son of Man]. This passage has been lost, but the context requires its restoration. In answer to this question of Enoch an angel comes forward and makes answer in ver. 14. But owing to the loss of this passage the text has been changed by some scribe in verses 14,16 and been made to apply to Enoch instead of to the Son of Man. The scribe, however, has fallen from his role in ver. 17 and forgotten to make the necessary changes; for that verse as it stands refers undoubtedly to the Son of Man and not to Enoch: 'There will be length of days with that Son of Man.'
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Old 02-03-2007, 04:19 PM   #4
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That's odd too though, because 13:

13 Then I fell upon my face, while all my flesh was dissolved, and my spirit became changed.
Seems to indicate a transformation of Enoch leading up to the revelation of Enoch as the Son of man.
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