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Old 07-01-2007, 08:09 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Biomystic View Post
I maybe need to make this clear to you in your haste to close your mind by trying to control a phenomenon clearly uncontrollable by human beings. Number One: I am not a scholar, never claim to be one. I am however a real live living breathing religious visionary, a person who gets religious visions and revelations. So. I am only therefore responsible for sharing my visions. Nothing more. Period.
Ooooo Kaaaay....

This explains a lot. I think I will leave you alone right now. Have fun.

:: walk away. don't turn you back. Ok, now RUN! ::
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Old 07-02-2007, 09:47 AM   #42
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Default Matlock traces all kinds of Sanskrit words

in Hebrew names but I think he's run with the ball way off the field. I'm sticking with the linkages between the Vedic religious names and ideas and Hebrew Tanakh legendary figures.

In the Abraham story we've got:

Brahma/Sarasvati = Abraham/Sarah

Ghaggar-Hakra = Hagar

Melchizedek = Melik-Sadaksina

We've got timing:

Geologic upheaval changing the Sarasvati river system between 4000-2000 BC. We have Abraham estimated to be in Canaan around 2000-1800 BC although Muslims I think believe he's older than this date.

We've got motive:

If their source of upper-class Brahmin highest caste status and wealth dries up and they are forced to move out and become immigrant wanderers, what kind of memories would seethe underneath a life-style that must have been greatly diminished? Would such a people come to think of themselves as Special even though poor nomadic shepherds?

This is what I'm picturing as a plausible scenario, and remember, this is all new to me too, and I am not a scholar--just someone who knows some things about ancient Near Eastern religious history relating to the roots of Christianity.

A new religion is born:

Memories of their ancient founding god, Brahma and his consort Sarasvati, the Ghaggar-Hakra river's place in relationship to Sarasvati, the magical prince Melik-Sadaksina, perhaps many or a few others have lost their context as gods and places in the ancient Vedic worship system in the oral transmission over time from India through Iran, Iraq, to Canaan.

The writers of Judah while in their Babylonian Captivity cobble together religious myths and gods and goddesses from several sources and rework them into human form as "Hebrew" legendary figures, geneologies and memorable stories.

The pagan gods are "pacified" when they become parts of the Hebrew epic, e.g. EL becomes Yahweh, Amen becomes the ending of a Hebrew prayer, Tut-moses is stripped of Thoth to become Moses, Rahab Mesopotamian sea-monster goddess becomes Rahab the helpful whore in the Joshua genocide, Shalom, god of peace as the Evening Star Venus, becomes Solomon with Shalom's partner, Shulutu..(sp) becoming the Shulumite maiden in the Song of Solomon, Ishtar becomes Ester, Marduk becomes Mordicai, to name a few.

So why couldn't Brahma and Sarasvati also be one of these pacification of foreign gods efforts? Because if those Vedic gods were active in the area it seems to me the ruse would be found out quickly which it obviously wasn't.
Whoever wrote those Genesis stories didn't know the Vedic connection. I think the Vedic connection might have been re-established in Arabia by expansions of Hindu kingdoms at a much later date--the Arabic Vedic culture that was in Mecca before Muhammad destroyed it. According to the Hindu Sword of Truth site, "Arabia" is a Sanskrit word meaning "land of horses".
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Old 07-02-2007, 10:09 PM   #43
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Arva and Asva in Sanskrit mean horse. Hindu sword of truth is more of a speculative / nationalist site by reputation, I think.
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Old 07-03-2007, 07:16 PM   #44
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I always thought, and was told the Sanskrit word for king was raja descended to the IE *rEg: ruler, king. Similarly in OE rIc kingdom Italic: rex king Keltic: rix king. *mlk is Semitic and not a Wiro word. Methinks Biomystic is an extreme diffusionist of the Elliot-Smith type.

Eldarion Lathria
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