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Old 07-08-2004, 04:59 AM   #321
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Magus55--I see that despite answering OTHER posts, you have failed to respond to my David's census question. Unfortunately, I am left with no alternative but to assume you have no answer.

Curiously, this is now the second post I have ever responded to you, and now the second post which you have completely ignored.

The reason for the curiousity, is that in the first instance, Mageth questioned your belief about God in the presence of sin I raised certain verses which seemed to refute this position.

You never responded.

I see, herein this thread, AGAIN Mageth raised the very same concerns. Interestingly, Amaleq13 referred to the same problems as I addressed.

Again you have not responded.

While I understand your love for these debates, it is the arguments that you do not respond to that are showing the chinks in the armor of your belief.

Magus55, the silence of your response is becoming deafening.
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Old 07-08-2004, 05:52 AM   #322
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Originally Posted by xxthe_leewitxx
In the future, comments about moderation should be made in the Bugs and Complaints forum, and not in the thread in question. That having been said...

This thread needs to be heading down a more civil track. Attacks on other posters will not be tolerated; attacks on ideas are, as always, completely kosher.

Thank you,
the Leewit
To reiterate- comments about moderation should be made in the Bugs and Complaints forum, and not in the thread in question.

So let me rephrase it. Magus' ideas and beliefs are completely moronic for somebody that has a college education.
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Old 07-08-2004, 07:25 AM   #323
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Oh for crying out loud! Name one person who hasn't heard about Jesus, or is this a trick question?

Wow, you ask tough questions! The Chinese culture is about 10,000 years old. First western contact occured about the early 1700's. So how many people would that mean who never heard of Christ. You do the math.
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Old 07-08-2004, 07:26 AM   #324
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Originally Posted by Magus55
. . . how do you exercise free will if you don't exist?

Babies are selfish. Now obviously the baby can't control that, which is why I don't believe they are held accountable, but they are still born with a sinful nature.
How do you exercise free-will if you're a fetus, or a 1yr. old.

What does this mean exactly? Do deceased babies go to hell, (with no chance to choose), because they are born in sin; or do they go to heaven because they are not held accountable even though they were never allowed to exercise their free-will to choose.

Originally Posted by Magus55
Nope, because the only humans that exist were that ones that would choose Heaven.
Exactly, the "ones that would choose heaven". Magus, you're not trying to tell me that you are one of those people who have been arguing for the mutual exclusivity of omniscience and free-will, are you?

Originally Posted by Magus55
Probably (Magus would have a child even if he knew for a fact that it would end up in hell for eternity), but since I never have to worry about this scenario, its irrelevent.
Originally Posted by doubtingthomas
The reason it is relevant is because the same thing would apply to God.

Originally Posted by Magus55
I don't really have much of a position on it . . .
Of course you have a position on it. You have argued that your bible is infallible. Thus your position is necessarily that the flood happened when the bible says it did. The question being put to you is; how do you square that with non-biblical historical sources?

Incidentally, the evasion waltz does more harm to your credibility than any straight answer ever would, even if that answer is simply, "I don't know".

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Old 07-08-2004, 07:35 AM   #325
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Originally Posted by Chili
Oh I figured you knew the jargon!!

The flood is myth and as an believer you should have been building an ark (instead of proclaiming selfrighteousness) that would have carried you through the storm of your life and placed you now at the other side of slavery. The flood is not fantasy because myths are real and you are actually the living proof of it. Nothing personal here but just the simple fact that faith can only be faith if there is truth behind it.
Not that this is really on topic, but since others won't address my offered canon problems, why not.

Not if I bought into OSAS... Ah, but you see those aren't/weren't the only problems. It's just that fundyism was running into trouble. My brain, that your supposed Xian god made, had real questions that needed answers so I started reading, praying, and digging. Only I wasn't getting answers, only more questions. So I could say in retort, that I was thrown out of the "ark". In some ways you could say my deconversion story was a mild version of COAS's story (if you've read it here). I even went to preachers for help. I read their stuff and more. Finally I realized that there were too many lies for there to be truth within the Xian canon. C.S. Lewis found a way to square the circle, accepting the OT fabulous stories as just stories, yet somehow finding the rest to not be also fictional, arriving slowly toward a real truth as the united kingdom formed. Alas, my brain could not find such a conclusion valid or intelligible.

Since, once one accepts that all is not perfect within the canon (and even which canon), where does it stop? The forged ending of Mark; the fake Paul of 1 Timothy written by an unknown; Mathew's 3 14's of generations; the convoluted different representations of the death/resurrection; the morality of canon acceptance of polygamy and slavery; 1 John 5:11-12 that condemns 2/3 of the world to hell while the word couldn't get out to places like the new world; and on and on...

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Old 07-08-2004, 07:38 AM   #326
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Magus: I just wanted to see if I understand you correctly. There are only two alternatives: hell or heaven. The only way to escape hell, is to believe that Jesus is your personal savior. So if a baby dies then it goes to hell. And if a person who has never heard of Jesus, dies, he goes to hell also? So all the people who lived in Africa, South America, North America, Australia, Asia, and all the islands in between since the 1700’s are currently rotting in hell?
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Old 07-08-2004, 10:11 AM   #327
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Originally Posted by Stinger
Oh for crying out loud! Name one person who hasn't heard about Jesus, or is this a trick question?

Wow, you ask tough questions! The Chinese culture is about 10,000 years old. First western contact occured about the early 1700's. So how many people would that mean who never heard of Christ. You do the math.
Actually the Chinese have always believed in Jesus Christ. As a matter of fact that's where Jesus is now. Jesus had them build a big wall around their country to keep out the rest of the world, I guess after the Romans crucified him he really did'nt want to be bothered any more. The whole "China is Communist" is a red herring, invented so people will not think to look for Jesus in a God-less country. Remember the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989? They were actually protesting because Christian Missionaries were trying to kidnap Jesus from them.
Old 07-08-2004, 10:36 AM   #328
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Originally Posted by DISSIDENT AGGRESSOR
Actually the Chinese have always believed in Jesus Christ. As a matter of fact that's where Jesus is now. Jesus had them build a big wall around their country to keep out the rest of the world, I guess after the Romans crucified him he really did'nt want to be bothered any more. The whole "China is Communist" is a red herring, invented so people will not think to look for Jesus in a God-less country. Remember the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989? They were actually protesting because Christian Missionaries were trying to kidnap Jesus from them.
But construction on the Great Wall of China began in 214 B.C. and was completed in 200 B.C. Thus your attempt at historical reconstruction collapses.
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Old 07-08-2004, 10:39 AM   #329
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Originally Posted by Gregg
But construction on the Great Wall of China began in 214 B.C. and was completed in 200 B.C. Thus your attempt at historical reconstruction collapses.
Gregg: I believe that Dissident is simply being sarcastic.
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Old 07-08-2004, 11:01 AM   #330
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But time means nothing to God, remember?
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