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Old 04-11-2008, 02:10 PM   #171
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Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post
And you have yet to qoute a source that seperates the Medes and Persians...can you find one?
First of all, we have to wonder why the writer didn't say that the ram was the kings of Medo-Persia if he meant for the ram itself to symbolize a combined Medo-Persian empire. Why did he clearly distinguish between the Medes and the Persians as he consistently did throughout the book? In his interpretation of the handwriting on the wall, Daniel told Belshazzar that his kingdom was divided and given to the Medes and the Per- sians (5:28), so he had previously spoken of Media and Persia as separate kingdoms. If the writer knew that there was at that time a combined "Medo-Persian" empire, this would have been an excellent opportunity for him to say that the kingdom was being given to the Medo- Persians, but he didn't say that.
The two kingdoms are distinct.
The Persians were nomadic pastoralists who began to develop their state on the Iranian Plateau east of Mesopotamia in the 6th century BCE. Because the plateau did not get as much water as Mesopotamia and the winters were colder, it was not a good place for planting crops. The Persians and their neighbors, the Medes, survived by raising livestock for food including sheep, goats and cattle.
Neighbors, not countrymen.
[The Medes] entered the Iranian plateau around 1800 BC and settled over a huge area in north-western Iran some time earlier than the Persians. The Medes were divided into six tribes (the Busae, the Paretaceni, the Struchates, the Arizanti, the Budii and the Magi). Their first mention is in the Assyrian records of Shalmeneser III in about 836 BC who referred to them the "Madai"
The Medes, being a seperate people, settled the area seperately from the Persians.
In their inscriptions Achaemenian kings talk about their Aryan origin and speak of Ahura Mazda (Zoroastrian Sovereign God and the Lord of Wisdom) as the’ God of the Aryans’. However they put more emphasis on being Persian than Aryan and as Persians they separate themselves from Medes, Bactrians (parts of Afghanistan) and other Iranian speaking people.
The Persians themselves considered the Medes to be a seperate people!

This took a whole 3 minutes to find. If you really need more information than this, just search the thread.

Edit: removed pointless maps.
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Old 04-11-2008, 02:15 PM   #172
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Originally Posted by funinspace View Post
Originally Posted by sy2502 View Post

So now the E.U. is a kingdom that will swallow the entire earth? Come on!!! The E.U. is a lose association of constantly bickering sovereign countries, and it has little influence on the workings of the rest of the world. In fact, it has little influence even on the countries that make the Union, except pissing them off frequently. Heck, the US has more influence over the rest of the world than the E.U.
You'll have to read further up this strange thread to see that he also lumps the US with Europe, oh and the US controls the UN as well. You see that we (US) are just an extension of Europe, so he can mash the square Daniel peg, in the round hole of history...
The U.S. is a European power controled by European-Americans.

Read the Council of Foriegn Affairs internet Journal titled "America, A European Power." America is a European power.

And the United Nations was jointly founded by Europeans and Americans....headquatered in America on land donated by co-founder Rockefeller. The U.N. is an attempt to unite the world under the umbrella of the Western powers.
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Old 04-11-2008, 02:26 PM   #173
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Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post
Originally Posted by funinspace View Post
You'll have to read further up this strange thread to see that he also lumps the US with Europe, oh and the US controls the UN as well. You see that we (US) are just an extension of Europe, so he can mash the square Daniel peg, in the round hole of history...
The U.S. is a European power

controled by European-Americans.
How long do people have to live here before they're considered Americans?
By your argument, Great Britain is an Asian country, since the Germanic migrations originated in Asia.

The above, by the way, is another reason why getting you to provide a definition of "empire" is so important. You tend to stretch and bend the definitions of commonly used words, whenever your pet interpretation of prophecy needs rescuing from reality.

Read the Council of Foriegn Affairs internet Journal titled "America, A European Power." America is a European power.

This is an article by Richard Holbrooke published by CFR. It happens all the time. The fact that he wrote an article with that title does not prove your assertion - especially since you've never read the article.

And the United Nations was jointly founded by Europeans and Americans
Who cares. It doesn't prove your argument, no matter who founded the UN.
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Old 04-11-2008, 02:54 PM   #174
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Originally Posted by ChairmanMeow View Post
Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post
And you have yet to qoute a source that seperates the Medes and Persians...can you find one?

The two kingdoms are distinct.

Neighbors, not countrymen.

The Medes, being a seperate people, settled the area seperately from the Persians.
In their inscriptions Achaemenian kings talk about their Aryan origin and speak of Ahura Mazda (Zoroastrian Sovereign God and the Lord of Wisdom) as the’ God of the Aryans’. However they put more emphasis on being Persian than Aryan and as Persians they separate themselves from Medes, Bactrians (parts of Afghanistan) and other Iranian speaking people.
The Persians themselves considered the Medes to be a seperate people!

This took a whole 3 minutes to find. If you really need more information than this, just search the thread.

Edit: removed pointless maps.


1. If Daniel considered the kingdom of the Medes and Persians to be a single one...why didnt he say Your kingdom is given to the Persians? Why is there a law of the "Medes and Persians" instead of law of the Persians. Why was a Mede MADE king over Babylon? The fact that he says "divided and given to the Medes and Persians" shows that he considers them to be a dual kingdom if he didnt the Medes would not be mentioned at all only the Persians.

2. Your sources of history that seperates the Medes and Persians are talking about the days before Cyrus united them. Can you qoute a (neutral) source that denies this unity in the days of Cyrus?

3. Who cares if the Medes and Persians are two distinct groups. Does this prove that unity did not happen in the Cyrus

You will have to try better than this my friend.

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Old 04-11-2008, 03:13 PM   #175
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Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post
1. If Daniel considered the kingdom of the Medes and Persians to be a single one...why didnt he say Your kingdom is given to the Persians? Why is there a law of the "Medes and Persians" instead of law of the Persians. Why was a Mede MADE king over Babylon? The fact that he says "divided and given to the Medes and Persians" shows that he considers them to be a dual kingdom if he didnt the Medes would not be mentioned at all only the Persians.
This is a fine example of 1984-style thinking. The fact that it is stated as divided between "Medes and Persians" is evidence that they are considered different. If he wanted to combine them, he wouldn't have used the term "divided." This is, of course, assuming for the sake of argument that any of this is even close to historically accurate.

di·vid·ed [di-vahy-did]
1. separated; separate.
2. disunited.

2. Your sources of history that seperates the Medes and Persians are talking about the days before Cyrus united them. Can you qoute a (neutral) source that denies this unity in the days of Cyrus?
Their unity in the "days of Cyrus," if we apply your definitions and logic, is irrelevant. Hellenic culture dominated the Romans, "uniting" their people -- yet you consider them to be seperate. On the other hand, the Ottomans conquered the Byzantines in much the same way that the Persians conquered the Medes -- yet you consider the Ottomans to be an extension of Rome (). You haven't defined what you consider an empire. You are applying a ridiculous double standard. Before any further debate can occur, you must make some solid definitions.

3. Who cares if the Medes and Persians are two distinct groups. Does this prove that unity did not happen in the Cyrus
:banghead: It's like debating someone who is making the story up as they go along. It took this long to get you to admit that they are seperate and distinct -- yet you concede nothing, shifting the goalposts back even further.
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Old 04-11-2008, 03:20 PM   #176
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Default Says Medes and Persians a Dual Monarchy-Non-christian site? Says Medes and Persians united says the same

There are many more who back up my arguement.

Daniel does not seperate the Medes and Persians

3. Greece
4. Rome
4. Divided Rome (Modern Europe)
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Old 04-11-2008, 03:20 PM   #177
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Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post
Originally Posted by funinspace View Post
You'll have to read further up this strange thread to see that he also lumps the US with Europe, oh and the US controls the UN as well. You see that we (US) are just an extension of Europe, so he can mash the square Daniel peg, in the round hole of history...
The U.S. is a European power controled by European-Americans.

Read the Council of Foriegn Affairs internet Journal titled "America, A European Power." America is a European power.

And the United Nations was jointly founded by Europeans and Americans....headquatered in America on land donated by co-founder Rockefeller. The U.N. is an attempt to unite the world under the umbrella of the Western powers.
And by your own very loose usage of Empire continuance, the Roman Empire is still just an out growth of the Greek Empire. You have still not shown anything that would suggest a stronger linkage between the Roman Empire and power emanating out of Washington DC, than the very clear Greek cultural, societal, and political imprint upon the Roman Empire.

For the tenth time: By your own waxing from white supremacist sites about German dominance and other flaky places, you have no fourth empire as long as the US is just an outgrowth of the Romans. You are still trying to have your cake and eat it as well, without a shred of support…

Either way Frodo, I tire of hearing unsupported tales from what your ring tells you. So I will let others continue trying to get you to back up the tales you weave.
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Old 04-11-2008, 03:30 PM   #178
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Originally Posted by ChairmanMeow View Post
Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post
1. If Daniel considered the kingdom of the Medes and Persians to be a single one...why didnt he say Your kingdom is given to the Persians? Why is there a law of the "Medes and Persians" instead of law of the Persians. Why was a Mede MADE king over Babylon? The fact that he says "divided and given to the Medes and Persians" shows that he considers them to be a dual kingdom if he didnt the Medes would not be mentioned at all only the Persians.
This is a fine example of 1984-style thinking. The fact that it is stated as divided between "Medes and Persians" is evidence that they are considered different. If he wanted to combine them, he wouldn't have used the term "divided." This is, of course, assuming for the sake of argument that any of this is even close to historically accurate.

di·vid·ed [di-vahy-did]
1. separated; separate.
2. disunited.

Their unity in the "days of Cyrus," if we apply your definitions and logic, is irrelevant. Hellenic culture dominated the Romans, "uniting" their people -- yet you consider them to be seperate. On the other hand, the Ottomans conquered the Byzantines in much the same way that the Persians conquered the Medes -- yet you consider the Ottomans to be an extension of Rome (). You haven't defined what you consider an empire. You are applying a ridiculous double standard. Before any further debate can occur, you must make some solid definitions.

3. Who cares if the Medes and Persians are two distinct groups. Does this prove that unity did not happen in the Cyrus
:banghead: It's like debating someone who is making the story up as they go along. It took this long to get you to admit that they are seperate and distinct -- yet you concede nothing, shifting the goalposts back even further.
Daniel said the KINGDOM (Babylon, if the Persians was a single monarchy why divide it with the Medes?) was divided between the Medes and Persians not that the Medes and Persians were divided. If they were divided than how can their kingdom stand? If this Persian empire was a single Monarchy Mede would not even be would be Persian pure and simple.

Greeks appeared in both the Roman and Greek empires. The Roman empire is only different because it also included the Latins and Nordic tribes as well as its extended territory into Europe.
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Old 04-11-2008, 03:33 PM   #179
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Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post Says Medes and Persians a Dual Monarchy-Non-christian site?
No, it does not. It says that Cyrus had a personal monarchy that was dual. Clearly you don't understand the difference.

Besides, you seem to mistakenly believe that ruling over two countries means that they are equals, or that both countries participate in the governance. Maybe you should review the history of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, to see if all the players in that arrangement have dual, or equal, standing.

Quote: Says Medes and Persians united
It does? Where? You know that isn't a historical source anyhow, right? It's a group of Iranians posting on the web?

Quote: says the same
It does? Where?

There are many more who back up my arguement.
No, there aren't.
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Old 04-11-2008, 03:35 PM   #180
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Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post
Greeks appeared in both the Roman and Greek empires. The Roman empire is only different because it also included the Latins and Nordic tribes as well as its extended territory into Europe.
1. Laughably incorrect.

2. The Greek empire also included non-Greeks. Therefore both empires are the same in that they were not confined to the nationalities of their originators.
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