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Old 04-24-2006, 02:06 PM   #1
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Wink What to say to Christian "magic"

Hi Odemus: Here is a reply to those who are being told by preachers, etc. that the bible is "accurate." No it isn't.......I am in correspondence with about 4 Christians who are trying to save me. I have asked them about 25 questions about the documented fiction that exists regarding bible/christian doctrine. After about 3 emails, not a single question has been answered by these christians. Therefore, I believe that christianity is a form of dissociative mental illness, in which individuals refuse to live in reality, and seek some kind of self hypnotic dream state in order to make themselves feel better, or powerful over others. To wit:

The incredible number of the bible's inaccuracies, 20,000 edits, unknown authors, the number of fallacies, fictions, and political nature of who chose the books of the bible, while rejecting others (by human beings) is exactly why I "de-converted." I could no longer handle the lies, BS etc. Much of my studies occurred over 30 years of trying very hard to "justify" believing in myths. One website you can go to for scholarly research is:

In this website, are real scholars and researchers who define why the bible is a myth. You may also find some authors who try very hard to state that the books of the bible are accuarate. They are not. For example:
1) The Apostle Paul "saw" Jesus after going into an epileptic fit some 12 years after Jesus was executed. Paul worked for the Romans and in the Letters of Paul, he states very frequently to "pay your taxes...obey the law." If anything Jesus was a rebel against Roman and Jewish tyranny and died for his beliefs. Examination of syntax (grammar) and cultural idioms and dialogue, show that only 1 of Paul's letters was written by him, the rest were written some 200-300 years later. They are fakes and forgeries.
2) Jesus never said he was a "god." Jesus was turned into a "god" by the Nicene counsel in 325 AD, to compete with Apollo and get an army together that would not fight each other over religion. What Jesus probably said, if he existed as all...was "believe what I am telling you," not "believe in me as a god."
3) There were some 19 different men named "Jesus" who were doing magic tricks, mass and individual hypnosis during the time of Jesus. Jesus was one of many magician and in the ME there were many others who claimed to be "gods" or said that their power came from god/Venus/Apollo/Zeus, etc. Furthermore, there were some 300 "messiahs" before, during and after Jesus was executed. Jesus was chosen as the "primary" god-man by King Constantine in order to control people...and get them organized under a state-run religion. Guilt, hate, and sin were all created as forms of blackmail and extortion, with "god" being the main thug used to get people in line and manipulate them for the "state." Today, too often christians turn into real assholes...and threaten you with death, damnation, and hell, if you don't believe just like them. This is extortion and blackmail whether they want to call it that or not, that is what it is.
4) There are some 30 gospels, not just 4 (Mathew, Mark, Luke and John). The early church politicians cherry-picked which one of the gospels they liked and even edited them frequently to attempt to make Jesus into a god and promote a single, coherent religion. National Geographic documentaries on Cable TV, they have shown the research on three other Gospels which completely counterdict the 4 main Gospels. The recently discovered gospels are by Thomas, Phillip, and Judas. Another one by "James" was supposedly written by Jesus' brother. The Christians don't tell you that "Paul" took over the early Jesus movement and tried to kill James, Jesus' brother by throwing him down the temple steps. There is such incredible censureship of the bible that it has zero credibility. All of the early gospels were about gnosticism...i.e. the ability to find god and power inside one's self...not through an organized church. Now get this, only 1 of the gospels (Luke) claimed Jesus was born of a virgin. So, then does god have a penis? Luke was trained in Egyptian and Greek myths...and chose to turn Jesus into a virgin birth story following the mythes of Isis and Horus also born the same way. Also, by the first BC, there were counted some 1000 stories of "virgin births." Jesus never said he was born of a virgin. Alexander the Great, Venus de Milo, Neptune, Zeus were all born either of virgins or by extraordinary means. The books of the bible are just rehashing of old myths...especially the ethics and monotheism of Zoroastrians who existed some 3500 to 1500 BC before Christians. Christians would like the world to beleive that they were the first to view the world as they do. Christianity is a Johnny-come-lately religion in which every single part and all of their "stories" mimmics other older religions including the birth of Jesus. Judaism's rituals and clothing mimic not only Zoroastrians but the Babylonians. Nothing is original in religion.
5) The early church removed "goddesses" and the feminine aspect from god and Jesus' message. Jesus liked and respected women just as much as he liked men or so the gospels tell. This was a heresy to the old Jews and to the evolving Christian church that eventually became dominated by big government. The 13th apostle was reported to be Mary of Magdalen, of the "Da Vinci code" fame, who Jesus in some myths was supposed to have married. Because the dirty old men of the church did not want a "feminine" religion of which women had equal power....they "murdered 5 million women" in the next 1000 years by torture, burning, and out right executions. These dirty old men of the church turned having sex into something nasty and only for procreation, turned having babies into something very painful, and treated women as equals into a "sin" in order to keep women out of the church. These Christian bastards especially murdered intelligent, educated, and accomplished an exercise in power to keep women down.
Women were murdered if they made child birth easier, if they gathered herbs to help cure the sick, or if they just looked funny. Just as Islam today thinks women are only 2/3rd human according to the Koran and should have very few rights, the early christian church denigrated women into slaves. The Roman Catholic church even competed with women by wearing long dresses (cassocks) as priests.
6) The books of the bible as they appear today, were chosen by a committee of 33 men in Scotland in King James' court in 1560. Thus, this is not the word of a "god," but the highly edited, voted upon books of the bible created by human beings and "committees" attempting to be politically correct and using religion to control and manipulate people. The bible as it looks today is barely 1500 years old. Furthermore, the nefarious and insane Book of Revelation was voted into the King James' bible by only 1 vote. The author, John of Patmos was a nut case. In fact, all religions were created when people did not understand natural phenomena, such as earthquakes, volcanoes, lava flow, burning off of natural gas, tsunamis, floods, disease due to drought...into religions. If a man had a "bad dream" he believed it was god speaking to him. Science has disproven all of this foolishness....and today, medical doctors cure more people of disease and even prevent disease than did Jesus. Jesus was just a trickster and a magician working on people who most often suffered from mental disorders, hypchondriasis, or idiopathic, self-induced beliefs that they were sick. Jesus comes along and and goes "poof" you are now well. Today, hypnotists and real doctors do the same thing and much more scientifically and with a better track record than Jesus. Religion was created because there was no understanding of cause-and-effect and science, and people believed "god" performed miracles. Today, I have never seen these "Disneyland Christians" on TV who are performing healings...cure someone of being fat, growing new teeth or arms, or making blind people who have no eyes see. Ergo, its all a dog and pony show, smoke and mirrors, and people who "want to believe" they are healed from some psychosomatic (self-induced) illness. I have seen in these TV healings people "walk" for the first time...however, the sick person had legs like a football player. Hmmm, just where did they get those muscles if they couldn't walk?
Your pasteur is most likely bring up the Dead Sea Scrolls and tell you that the scrolls exactly duplicate the books in the New Testament. No they do not...the Dead Sea Scrolls counterdict the New Testament in so many ways, its hard to count. Your pasteur gets his information from other church propagandists who are not scholars and have every interest in converting you with fiction. Just do a "google" and look up Dead Sea Scrolls and see the difference.
7) Lastly, 180 million people died in the last century. Of those 180 million murdered...most were bible-believing Christians and Jews. You need to ask your pasteur where was god? Why would a "god" create evil, and murder helpless small children and innocent people? Most pasteurs answer that children and innocent people are murdered (by god) because they deserved it, or it was to teach a lesson, or that human beings did it...not god. The problem is that this makes god into a) helpless entity, or b) a bastard who creates evil and kills the innocent and kills little children. Which is it? Why then would anyone believe in...or worship such a son-of-a-bitch? And Jesus is like a "magic charm" that if you believe in Jesus, you will be "saved" from evil. Really? In my home state of Florida, last year 3 little Christian girls were brutally raped, and tortured for hours and days, and then murdered. Where was Jesus the magic charm that was supposed to protect them? The more I looked at the image of Jesus strung up on a cross, all bloody and tortured, the more I realized that if Jesus was a "god" he could not even save himself from the Romans...much less save anyone else who believes Jesus has any power over life and death. Furthermore, this Jesus "knew" he was going to be arrested by the Romans, therefore Jesus committed suicide. He set himself up to be executed.Often preachers' last resort is to say that Jesus is insurance against going to hell. So now Jesus is an insurance agent? What? Why would anyone believe in a god who commits suicide? And it gets sillier. In 3 of the 4 Gospels, jesus was executed on Passover, and in the 4th Gospel, Jesus was executed the day after passover. So much for the innerancy and accuracy of the bible. So, was Jesus a god? Not no, but hell no. By the way, ask your pasteur where heaven is? Where's the address. Where is hell...we know due to science that hell is not in the middle of the earth. Good luck...the more I don't believe in magic, the more mentally healthy and rational I've become. Only crazy people and the irrational believe in magic. I no longer have to deal with irrational guilt for just being alive. I do "right" because it is the right thing to do...and I won't cause trouble for myself later. This is the law of actions and consequences preached by the Zoroastrians some 5,000 years ago...who by the way rejected all the religious hocus pocus, and prayers they called "mumblings," and voo doo that existed then. Tell your pasteur to "grow up." Diana Wilson PhD :devil3:
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Old 04-24-2006, 04:28 PM   #2
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Hiya DeeVee and welcome.
I think I'll move this over to Biblical Criticism and History
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Old 04-24-2006, 05:01 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by DeeVee
1) The Apostle Paul "saw" Jesus after going into an epileptic fit some 12 years after Jesus was executed. Paul worked for the Romans and in the Letters of Paul, he states very frequently to "pay your taxes...obey the law." If anything Jesus was a rebel against Roman and Jewish tyranny and died for his beliefs. Examination of syntax (grammar) and cultural idioms and dialogue, show that only 1 of Paul's letters was written by him, the rest were written some 200-300 years later. They are fakes and forgeries.
I'd like to point out that this is not found on my website. Indeed very few of your points are.

Peter Kirby
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Old 04-24-2006, 06:07 PM   #4
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Wow...too many assertions there to even deal with. Why not try one subject at a time?

Perhaps the Nicene Council deciding the books of the bible and the divinity of Christ... Since you made this assertion, can you prove it via evidence?
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Old 04-24-2006, 06:34 PM   #5
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While I agree somewhat with the conclusion of the initial poster I must say that there are quite a few mistakes in the post. Try starting a thread with just one point, like Phlox said. I think the canon would be a good place to start since that part of the OP is pure nonsense. Read this first: to get some facts about the selection of the books in the bible.

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