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Old 01-31-2006, 06:17 PM   #1021
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Originally Posted by rhutchin
I am absolutely convinced that the Bible tells us about eternal torment and no one can prove there will be no eternal torment.
I can disprove the existence of your God, if the three verses in the Bible are assumed to be true. If God's existence is disproved, as it is, it's a very easy slippery slope to deduce that no eternal punishment exists.

No offense taken.
In your case, I think it's more of a situation of "not understood well enough to take offense."

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Old 01-31-2006, 06:20 PM   #1022
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You are a man of greater faith than I had supposed earlier. You must be a very religious man.

Wayne Delia
Because faith in a religious concept is a good thing to have, yet "faith" in the observations of the known universe based on confidence, reliability, and repeatability is a tool of Satan? You are a man of much less understanding than I had supposed earlier, and even then, I didn't give you much credit for understanding things terribly well. Thus, you, too, must be a very religious man.

It would appear that we are both very religious differing only in the object of our faith.
It would only appear that way to very stupid, gullible people who do not understand the meaning of the term "religious".

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Old 01-31-2006, 06:22 PM   #1023
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Originally Posted by rhutchin
Uncertain - I like that.
Then you'll LOVE to come to my poker parties. I hold five cards in my hand, and you are uncertain whether I have a royal flush in each hand that I am dealt. Therefore, acting on the uncertainty, it would be to your clear advantage to fold every hand you've got. Not only will you avoid the possibility of getting clobbered by my royal flush, you'll have a standing invitation to come back and play poker any time.

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Old 01-31-2006, 06:31 PM   #1024
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The losses you describe are finite and only could be exposed if God does not exist.

Wayne Delia
Exactly. Thus, when Pascal says "If you lose [the Wager], you lose nothing," he is wrong. What is lost are the finite costs. You have just conceded the point.

To one person the loss of a penny when one has billions of dollars is nothing. To others, like you, the loss of a penny would be a great loss. It just shows that people see events from different perspectives.
You're wandering all over the map again; you've lost focus on the question of whether a finite loss "reduces to zero" in the case Pascal's Wager is lost (the case that God turns out not to exist).

The person who loses a penny when he has billions of dollars is NOT analogous to a believer who has tithed 10% of income in the case that God does not exist. Pascal misrepresented it when he said "If you lose, you lose nothing."

You have guessed wrong on my financial status. My family's estate is in the multiple millions of dollars.

The question was never whether people see events from different perspectives. The question was whether Pascal misrepresented the loss in the case where the Wager is lost: "if you lose, you lose nothing" cannot possibly be true when a tithe is imposed. There are no infinite rewards to compare to when the Wager is lost. Pascal is wrong, and you're ducking the question.

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Old 01-31-2006, 06:37 PM   #1025
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If God does exist, then the losses are as nothing compared to the infinite gain.

Wayne Delia
Not so. Not in any way anyone has demonstrated; in fact, there are verses in the Bible which would seem to imply that a "hedged bet" belief in God entirely to avoid eternal punishment for a selfish, greedy, "self-interest" could just as easily get you headed for hell in a rocket sled.

I agree. However, it is still true that if God does exist, then the losses are as nothing compared to the infinite gain.
You've missed the point again, this time probably intentionally. In the case that God exists, AND does not reward insincere, faked, or "hedged bet" belief grounded in self-interest greed, then the infinite gains don't materialize. That's why your argument failed.

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Old 01-31-2006, 06:45 PM   #1026
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Following your logic, a person would not save money for retirement or buy life insurance because of the lost income that they cannot spend today.

Wayne Delia
That doesn't follow the logic at all. We can observe people retiring from their jobs, calculate the cost of living as a retiree, and investigate the change in the sources of income as the retiree no longer makes money from employment, but starts collecting income from a pension or Social Security. All these things are very real, tangible, reliable, and repeatable - and the outcomes are quite easily calculated. No such evidence is available for your God, or the associated empty death threats. That's why you're so baaaaad at paraphrasing other people's arguments.

Still, some people die before they retire. In fact, all people eventually die.
They sure do. We have evidence for that, too. But still no evidence for your God, or any actuality of this empty death threat you're parrotting.

What we see is people planning for a future that is not guaranteed to them nor one that they necessarily will be able to control.
And we also see that the more people save for retirement, the more control they have over their circumstances, and the higher quality of life we have.

People plan for uncertainty.
The uncertainty of retirement is based on what expenses, what lifespan, and what quality of life is aspired to. But for those who live long enough, retirement is a known reality. The uncertainty of eternal torment is based on the complete lack of evidence that it even exists; the same is not the case for retirement.

For some reason, you don’t seem to think that this is advisable, or maybe for emotional reasons, you just don’t think it advisable to plan for the uncertainty that follows death.
The reason is you've made up that strawman argument out of pure bullshit. Nothing I've ever said indicates the conclusions you reached. I challenge you to produce any cite of anything I've written which justifies your bullshit conclusions.

I'm calling you out. Put up or shut up. Produce a cite from any post of mine which justifies the bullshit you've concluded, or retract it.

This problem won't go away by you ignoring it. You'll need to address this issue, unlike the "all atheists are thieves" issue you ran away from.

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Old 01-31-2006, 06:49 PM   #1027
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Having faith is not bad. That which is bad is the refusal of skeptics to admit their faith.
What's even worse is the opinions of ignorant theists who equate skeptical "faith" in well-supported axioms with religious faith unsupported by any evidence at all.

They believe in that which they refuse to concede cannot be proved and refuse to admit how religious they really are.
That's because skeptics and atheists are not religious at all (often explicitly so) much to your dismay. Even the United States Government will contend you're wrong; atheism is not entitiled to receive any religious tax exemptions that are enjoyed by major denominations, sects, and in many cases, fringe cults.

You just can't win.

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Old 01-31-2006, 06:50 PM   #1028
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Originally Posted by MRM
With your logic you must become a pagan. Worship as many gods as possible in order to avoid as many hells as possible.
Pantheism rocks!

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Old 01-31-2006, 06:55 PM   #1029
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Originally Posted by Dlx2

You have a set R representing all real numbers between 0 and 1. This set is infinite, despite the fact that there are finite bounds on this set.

Now, replace "0" with birth, and "1" with death.
I wrote a paper on that in my senior year in college many, many years ago. The "Snowflake Curve" is an infinite geometric sequence starting with an equilateral triangle, with three smaller equilateral triangles erected on the middle third of each exposed line segment (resulting in a "Star of David" shape), and each subsequent iteration constructing an equilateral triangle on the middle third of each exposed line segment. After an infinite number of iterations, the thing looks somewhat like a Mandelbrot set, with a calculated area of two-fifths times the square root of three times the length of a side of the original equilateral triangle. But the perimeter is infinite.

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Old 01-31-2006, 06:57 PM   #1030
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Originally Posted by rhutchin
I am absolutely convinced that the Bible tells us about eternal torment and no one can prove there will be no eternal torment.
Interesting claim.
Let's see the proof.
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