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Old 08-24-2001, 07:40 AM   #1
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Arrow Doherty Critics: Here's Your Chance Redux

Just to keep them coming, everyone who is critical or doubtful of Doherty's book The Jesus Puzzle (not his website or anything else, just the book), please read the opening post to the following thread, and add to that thread if you have anything that meets the criteria of what I'm looking for. Go to Doherty Critics: Here's Your Chance. Thank you!
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Old 08-25-2001, 06:45 AM   #2
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Where's Nomad/Brian? Seems to me he'd be flooding the other thread with contentions. Ah, just realized. Richard asked that you read the book. Perhaps Brian is unwilling to purchase it?

I'm beginning to wonder about Mr. Doherty. He seems to get quite upset when anyone challenges him and appears to often pull a persecuted attitude that no one is addressing his theories. Richard has noted publicly that some of his research leans him in the direction of the mythicist position (correct me if I'm wrong) but he also thinks at bare minimum any one mentioned in history should be granted at least a grain of existence unless there's a good argument otherwise (this latter would be Burton Mack's position, who relegates Jesus as some obscure person that did exist but is lost entirely through community documents and legendary development).

Anyhow, just two thoughts that entered my head recently. Am currently reading GA Wells "Jesus of the Early Christians," wondering if it will add anything to the argument.

Eagerly awaiting your review, Richard. I'm assuming when you say McCullogh, is that Bruce McCullogh, who's criteria William Lane Craig claims to use? I've not read his book, "Justifying Historical Descriptions" yet but have flipped through it. I'm not sure exactly where it is but I think he says something in his preface about thanking God and elsewhere in the book he notes the trinity is a fact. Any thoughts on this? If you want citations I'll try to locate the page numbers.

Take care,
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