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Old 02-12-2002, 09:53 PM   #1
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Question suggestion for writing on LDS practices

Most of the online material concern Christian denominations different from LDS. I would like to point out several things:
1) LDS is politically very active, nowadays against gay rights issues, historically against feminists and Equal Rights Amendment.
2) LDS missionaries are very active on converting people outside US and can be a huge nuisance. Worse than JW.

Therefore, I think that there should be more attention paid to LDS. They have beleifs and practices which are different from other christian denominations, but they are equaly dangerous in their attempts to impose their morals and beleifs on everybody else.

There is one LDS practice which greatly concerns me, and which I would like to suggest the authors of Secular Web to address. The practice is so called "baptism of the dead". This means that if I die, baptism by proxy can be conducted in LDS temple which would be explicitly against my wishes. I've talked about this matter with several LDS members, and they don't seem to understand why would anyone be upset about it since they beleive that spirit can accept or refuse baptism. Since I don't beleive in spirits and I don't see how can I "refuse" or any way how can I prevent baptism being performed after my death, I am quite upset with this "we couldn't get you while you were alive, we'll get you after you die" approach.

If there is something written already on this topic, I apologize. If not, I would like to suggest that somebody addresses this important issue, since that practice is blatant disrespect of beleifs and wishes of non-LDS members.
According to some online info, LDS church has performed baptism for Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun, as well as temple sealing in marriage (see link: <a href="" target="_blank"></a> Apparently, they have also performed baptisms for Holocaust victims, too, which got Jews very upset (naturally, since it appears that they have also baptised Goebbels (1990, Santiago) and Himmler (Salt Lake City Temple, 1990)).

Is there anything which can be done to draw more attention to this disturbing practice and to end it? Appears that LDS church has some serious computer problems since even names which were removed from some records, such as Anne Frank show up in IGI files.

As I said, I am an atheist. I don't care whether someone beleives in Jesus Christ or invisible pink Unicorn, or Green Monsters from Mars, or Great Green Arkleseizure and the coming of the Big White Handkerchief. But I do mind very much when they try to impose their beleifs on others. Especially others which cannot defend their beleifs.
Old 02-12-2002, 11:32 PM   #2
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I live in Mormon country and have heard this mentioned before. They claim to have ended this practice. It seems that they got into a little stink with the Jews and the families of some prominent dead people.

Lincoln, Washington and Jefferson were all baptised in this way from what I understand.

Frankly I don't understand the whole obsession with geneology? Sure they may fool some non-Americans with stories of how so many famous Americans were Mormon but nobody's believes it here.
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Old 02-12-2002, 11:37 PM   #3
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I just got in the argument with couple of Mormons on that, seems that they have not ended the practice, but that nearest living relative instead of just anybody can submit the name to the temple. I am double checking on this.

What bothers me most I guess is that all mormons I've talked to (we are here (Hong Kong) up to our ears in missionaries, argh!) don't see what's wrong with the practice. They keep telling me that I can refuse. How can I refuse if I am dead? AAArrrgghhhhh!

Alex (concerned atheist)
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Old 02-12-2002, 11:44 PM   #4
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Well, you might be interested to know that the LDS church ran out of names long ago. Not enough people are dying to take up the slack, either, so they have to re-baptise people many times over. It's more about the ritual than the actual baptism of the dead.
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Old 02-12-2002, 11:48 PM   #5
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I know that they don't actually dig out dead bodies Proxy is actually baptised, since they have to immerse some body in water. But still I find that practice absolutely disgusting. If anybody would perform such a ritual over me, it would be spitting on everything I beleive in. I can't imagine worse disrespect.
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Old 02-13-2002, 04:35 AM   #6
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I would like to relate some thoughts to you about Mormonism.
I spent 25 years married to a 4th generation Mormon.
I was a priesthood holder in the LDS church, my kids were raised in the Mormon faith.
Yes your Temple reference is valid, but what is of concern here should not be "baptism for the Dead" as much as the mandate to prepare for the collapse of the global economy.
Mormon general authorities are having all members prepare for the eventual downfall of the US and the collapse of it's economy.
They tell the members that the US will be the first country that has a total economic collapse, and that the rest of the world will follow in short order due to the fact that the entire world economy is tied to the US.
They espouse the doctrine of a 2 year food and water storage by every member to assure that they can survive through this coming collapse.
They have systematically built Temples and aquired land and mineral rights throughout the entire world.
In most of the surrounding areas of the Temples, there is usually an LDS farm where food is grown and stored, giving them the means to be self sufficient.
The GA's have stated that following the collapse
the only thing of value will be land and mineral rights, with their holdings they have the capability to proclaim Salt Lake City as the New
Zion, and the capital city of the world.
And by the systematic building of Temples all over the world they will be able to assume power
with influence in every corner of the globe.
They believe that they will be reestablishing god's kingdom on earth, with themselves as the only line of direct communication with god.

People who have not been part of the LDS communities simply cannot understand how serious these people are.
Look around sometime, count the number of Mormon Temples scattered throughout the world and count the number and location of those in process of construction, you will be shocked.
Now count the number of new converts they make in a 6 month time period, I can tell you it is a very large number.
LDS membership is very selective in their disclosure of doctrines to the general population
and they keep a low profile in political arenas
where they have established a strong presence without raising any questions.
This my friend is a very powerful, wealthy, self sufficient organization.
We loudly decry Islam as the fastest growing and most violent of the worlds religions, that may be true, but if we were to check the influence of religious doctrine on governments we would find not Islam, not christian fundamentalism, but mormonism with the most power and wealth, and they quietly go about fulfilling the objectives of the church GA's.
This is no game for them, it is deadly serious.

LDS members were Temple garments under their street clothes. White cotton garments that identifies them as Mormon and gods chosen.
Those garments are worn at all times (except for bathing) and they are blessed in the temples to protect the wearer from evil and harm.
Inside the Temples there are many more ceremonies than just baptisim for the dead.
As a mormon you cannot go inside the temple unless
you have completed the requirements set by the GA's. which are the adherence to the word of wisdom, and unquestioned observence of the D&C.
You must as a member tithe, no questions no excuses, you must give 10% of your earnings or you will never be qualified to go into the inner circle of the Temple. You will be restricted to the reception areas just as non-mormon visitors.

I could go on and on with this expose' but I think I have given enough right now for anyone to swallow. LDS members are taught that there is only one true church on this earth. And you must testify publically that you believe that Mormonism is true and that you believe that it is gods authorized representative on earth.

Yes, Mormonism is a very powerful force, and they are preparing to rule the world in gods name.
They are serious..........and they have prepared the means to accomplish their goals.
A quiet cancer....eating away at the infra structure of the entire world.
If you wish to investigate this further, let me know and I'll give you some things to look into.
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Old 02-13-2002, 05:22 AM   #7
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I am aware that they work hard to spread. Those missionaries are unbeleivable. I've seen plenty of them while I lived in Germany, and plenty of them now in Hong Kong. One has to be real fanatic to learn not only Puttonghua but also Cantonese in attempt to spread his religion
In any case, religion which requires each young man (and some women, too) to go somewhere for 2 years as a missionary is bound to spread. Though in Germany they weren't doing that good

I've heard before about "secret garments", but I've never heard anything about what you've said on economy. I would appreciate more info. I have to confront two missionaries every morning when I go to work

The reason why I am concerned about baptism of the dead is that I just find it unfathomable such blatant disrespect for beleifs of others. Other religious fanatics are at least satisfied to leave you alone after you die. From these, there is no escape. Arrgghhh! and what's worse, they don't seem to see anything wrong with it.

Alek (concerned atheist)
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Old 02-13-2002, 06:28 AM   #8
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If they never take those garments off except for bathing you'd think you could smell a Mormon coming a mile away.

I for one am going to be royally ticked off if I wake up in Mormon heaven, where there definitely is no beer, because some SOB decided to baptize me after I died.
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Old 02-13-2002, 06:37 AM   #9
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When the world economy collapses I will join the Mormons and eat the food they have stored away and sleep in their shelters.

On a more serious note, I do see religious wars coming within the next 50 years. Religious fundamentalism is growing around the world.
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Old 02-13-2002, 07:16 AM   #10
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I was raised Mormon, so I can jump in here.
The baptism of the dead thing is done by teenagers. They use thier supple young bodies as proxies. I did it when I was 14. Hell, I wasn't about to pass up a trip to Washington DC.
As for the "under-garments", they are a loose fitting one piece white thing. They look like a short sleeve shirt attached to a pair of boxers. The material is pretty thin(unless my parents' were just worn). They had nipples sewn into them, and a brief style dick door. You are allowed more than one, so they do get washed.
As for the world domination thing, I was excommunicated when I was 16, so I didn't get into "the inner circle". Everything sighhswolf said seems to bring back memories.
We had a couple of 55 gallon drums in the garage that were filled with some type of grain. I don't remember what happened to the grain, but when the barrels were empty, we emptied a can of starter fluid into one and fired a bottle rocket into it from the garage roof. Man, that 20 foot high mushroom cloud was cool!
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