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Old 01-24-2005, 12:35 AM   #1
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Posts: 37
Default The Horus myth

Hi Folks,

I was raised a christian and have only quite recently changed my views to what I think is called "weak" atheism (strong agnosticism?). From what I've read, I had a similar experience to many - biblical inconsistencies, questions about the historicity of Jesus, philosophical inconsistencies (perfect creator vs imperfect creation), etc.

Anyway, all my family and quite a lot of my friends are christian. Consequently, occasional debate (sometimes heated, sometimes not) does take place.

To that end, I was wondering if anyone can help me regarding the mythical Horus story. I realize there are many such christ figures, but I'd prefer (for the moment) to focus on one that clearly predates christianity by a fair margin.

I've scanned a few web pages and forums, and I've seen many sites that list all the similarities between Horus (and others) and Jesus. However, I've also heard apologists call these claims into question - which is fair enough, IMO.

My questions (at last) are: can we point to some hieroglyphics in Egypt that can be be reliably dated to 2000 BC (or whatever) that tell of a godman, born of a virgin, etc. and are there any books and/or web sites that accurately document (and not just assert!) these details of the Horus myth?

Thanks very much in advance!
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Old 01-24-2005, 12:49 AM   #2
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: Los Angeles area
Posts: 40,549

Please see this prior thread

Jesus as Horus

and the links in it.

Many of the claims of similarity between Jesus and Horus do not stand up, including the alleged virgin birth of Horus.
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