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Old 08-24-2003, 06:33 AM   #1
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Default Father Geoghan is dead, let's have pity.


Father Geoghan is dead. He was killed in prison. I feel sorry that he died? Why? Because he was born to molest children. He did not have a choice in the matter, it was just the man's "sexual orientation".

Maybe id soceity would of allowed him to have a "civil union" with one of those choir boys, this persecution, prosecution, and ultimate death of this fine gay man would have never occured.

We should have more gay men like him teaching and preaching in our soceity, but we do not because harmful angry bigots like the Boy Scouts USA, and the US Military does not want them to be there. But it was wonderful that loving Christians like the Roman Catholic Church gave this homosexual man chance after chance. Poor Reverand couldn't resist grabbing a 10 year old's cock in the swimming pool, but he should have NEVER gone to prison for this, because he was born this way and he could never change.

I'm so sad today:boohoo: :boohoo:

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Old 08-24-2003, 07:52 AM   #2
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Default Re: Father Geoghan is dead, let's have pity.

Originally posted by senor boogie woogie

Maybe id soceity would of allowed him to have a "civil union" with one of those choir boys, this persecution, prosecution, and ultimate death of this fine gay man would have never occured.
You seem to be confusing homosexuals with pedophiles. One is a person who has sexual desires towards another of the same sex, the other is someone who has a perverted tendency to treat children as sexual objects. Father Geoghan may well have been both, but it was the latter aspect of his character that landed him in prison, and not the former.

Or perhaps you are saying that gays are more likely to be child molesters.

Homophobia: Fighting the Myths

MYTH #2: Lesbian and gay adults are a danger to children
FACT: Sexual abuse of children occurs primarily within the family. Most sexual abuse of children outside the family is committed by pedophile (people who engage sexually with children). Adult lesbians and gays are no more likely to be pedophile than heterosexuals.
scigirl has already posted a thread on debunking more anti-gay arguments.
Why not simply post there instead of starting a new thread?
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Old 08-24-2003, 08:02 AM   #3
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Default Re: senor boogie woogie

If you have a point in there, it has been completely smothered in boring sarcasm.

Your entire post only brings to mind the image of a dancing scarecrow, singing "If I only had a brain."
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Old 08-24-2003, 08:56 AM   #4
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Father Geoghan is dead. He was killed in prison. I feel sorry that he died? Why? Because he was born to molest children. He did not have a choice in the matter, it was just the man's "sexual orientation".
I have to disagree totally. He did have a choice in the matter and he acted on the choice. Some people are, unfortunately, born with a chemical imbalance that makes them more prone to view children as sexual objects. That doesn't mean that they have to have sex with children. They still make a choice to take an action that puts their own desire for pleasure over the child's right not to get molested by someone he trusted.

Yes, they have a chemical imbalance that makes them more likely than the average person to do this and that is sad. However, it isn't even close to being a justification for them doing it, it just means that they have to work harder than the average person not to do it. If someone has diabetes, they have a chemical imbalance that means they can't process sugar fully, that simply means that they have to work harder than the average person to control their diet and that is sad. If they make the choice to continue eating sugar and go blind, then it's really their own fault.

This guy made a choice to molest children. It's his own fault. He was not born to molest children. He was born with a condition that meant he had to work harder to not molest them, but sometimes life just sucks and things like that happen. He was still an adult with the ability to make his own decisions and he made a decision that was wrong and was sent to jail for it. I am also sorry that he was killed in jail since child molestation is not a capital crime and he should not have ended up dead for committing that crime. Your assertation that the man was a victim is wrong, however. The man was a criminal. The molested children were the victims.
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Old 08-24-2003, 11:08 AM   #5
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Originally posted by Tom Sawyer
He was born with a condition that meant he had to work harder to not molest them, but sometimes life just sucks and things like that happen. He was still an adult with the ability to make his own decisions and he made a decision that was wrong and was sent to jail for it.
That's right, give the troll exactly what he wants. What, do you leave the door open for burglars as well?

Expect to hear about how gay people are "born with a condition that meant he had to work harder to not be gay, but sometimes life just sucks and things like that happen". I've got a good idea that that's where this is going.
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Old 08-24-2003, 07:56 PM   #6
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Originally posted by Tom Sawyer
Some people are, unfortunately, born with a chemical imbalance that makes them more prone to view children as sexual objects.
Do you have any evidence to back this assertation?

If not, I suggest you consider the possibility that pedophilia (unlike homosexuality, in my opinion) is a psychological and not congenital condition.
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Old 08-24-2003, 08:33 PM   #7
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The OP is definitely not MF&P material, and while some may be trying to drag something relevant out of it, this is going to get moved if it doesn't see a strong surge of forum-relevant material.

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Old 08-25-2003, 02:52 AM   #8
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Default Re: Father Geoghan is dead, let's have pity.

senor boogie woogie,

Poor Reverand couldn't resist grabbing a 10 year old's cock in the swimming pool...
I detect a hint of arousal here on your part. Methinks Mr. boogie woogie here has some deep dark sexual fantasies he's too afraid to admit.
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Old 08-25-2003, 06:50 AM   #9
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Pain Paien,
Originally posted by Tom Sawyer
Some people are, unfortunately, born with a chemical imbalance that makes them more prone to view children as sexual objects.

Do you have any evidence to back this assertation?

If not, I suggest you consider the possibility that pedophilia (unlike homosexuality, in my opinion) is a psychological and not congenital condition.
There ae numerous examples of chemical treatments having effects on pedophilia, such as lowering the recidivism rate, which suggests that there is a chemical dimension to the disorder. It's probably not the whole story, but the chemical imbalance does have an effect which is why I used the phrase more likely to instead of is the reason for :


Recently Reported Medical Study Fuels Debate on Advisability of

PS, could you describe to me a psychological condition that isn't due to chemicals in the brain?
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Old 08-26-2003, 05:37 AM   #10
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I detect a hint of arousal here on your part. Methinks Mr. boogie woogie here has some deep dark sexual fantasies he's too afraid to admit.
He does indeed seem fixated on the whole homosexual issue. He is right about one thing, though: we do need more gay men preaching and teaching in society. Positive examples and testimony are surely what senor boogie woogie and his kind need if they are ever to find the courage to admit what they are
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