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Old 07-19-2003, 08:40 PM   #161
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Originally posted by Rational BAC
Of course.

Now I think that God is a guy, although I could be wrong. Will find out someday I guess.

And Biff--

You kind of got off subject there. I was complimenting on your Biblical knowledge to be able to prove a point. I assume, in this case, since you can't quote anything Biblically, just bring up a Catholic "tradition" (like this Episcopalian really gives a crap about Catholic tradition) that you really can't prove anything at all one way or the other about sex in heaven or gender of angels.

So for lack of any real contrary Biblical opinion on this subject, (besides Magus' bringing up "no marriage in heaven") then I will assume that I am correct on this subject======all the sex anyone could want in a Christian heaven------just no marriage.
Rational, im rather disturbed at why you think Heaven will be one huge sex party. God forbids sex outside of marriage. Its adultery and fornication - so why would He allow it in Heaven? I can almost guarantee you, there will NOT be sex in Heaven. There is no need for it since the pleasures of the flesh will be gone.
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Old 07-19-2003, 09:17 PM   #162
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Default Esther,Disrespectful toward christians?

mark9950 you really are funny. No disrespect meant to muslims despite your harsh comments yet you always mean all the disrespect in the world towards Christians.
Your so called God is so disrespect towards you in your OT.

If we were to live by OT,you would be wearing a covering from your head to your toe( no more mini skirts) and would be opressed by the writings of your God as was done during the middle ages.

Here is the way your God feels about all women.

Blow the dust off your bible and read how he feels about you and your gender.
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Old 07-19-2003, 11:05 PM   #163
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Originally posted by Rational BAC
Episcopalian really gives a crap about Catholic tradition
Since Catholics claim to have been Catholics from St Peter to the present day and Episcopalians can trace themselves back to a king who wanted to marry a six fingered strumpet whose head he eventually had cut off...I don't care if you give a crap or not. Genderless angels are Christian tradition. Your sorry lack of knowledge and Protestant prejudice doesn't change a couple of thousand years of tradition.

And there are no angels after all, it's a myth. And what you think of as angels aren't even the right myth. The beautiful guy with one huge set of wings that you see as an angel in renaissance art is the god Eros.
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Old 07-20-2003, 12:03 AM   #164
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Originally posted by emotional
It struck me from the very first moment I heard it, how Christian forums such as RaptureReady and BaptistBoards ban all those who don't toe the line of "correct faith".

The forums are, in a way, a microcosm of the different societies: under a secular society, all citizens have rights of free speech and free thought, including Christians; but under a Christian society, all but the Christians would be oppressed.


"I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny imposed upon the mind of man" - Thomas Jefferson
I just registered for baptistboards and my application was denied

I guess you have to "embellish" just a bit to get accepted.

Anyone here a member or a "banned" member?
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Old 07-20-2003, 01:50 AM   #165
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I am still waiting for answers from Magus to my questions about resurrection. EstherRose made a stab at answering one of them, but she was scrupulous enough to differentiate between what the bible says and her own interpretation.

The reason I am asking these questions is because the more I think about it, the more I am puzzled by the whole concept of physical resurrection. Quoting what the bible says is no explanation. I get the impression that the writers of the bible hadn't given the idea much thought.

As I understand it, xians believe that all human beings have a soul, which is totally insubstantial and separate from the body but which is a sort of essence of the person, so that when I think about *me* I am really thinking about my soul.

So one of my questions was about what happens to the souls whose bodies are awaiting resurrection. The catholic church invented the concepts of limbo, for pre-xians, and purgatory, for the rest, but I don't think most other churches subscribe to these concepts.

There is also the problem of the "incorruptible" body. In the English of the time when the bible was translated, "corruption" meant "rotting", as in "moth and rust doth corrupt". I think that if we are to acquire incorruptible bodies but not die, the concern is therefore not about rotting after death but about the effects of ageing, which starts for our usual bodies from the moment we are born and leads eventually to death and the consequent destruction of the body. That's why I asked about what "age" the new bodies would have? If they look like the body of a 20-year-old, then they already have the appearance of "corruption".

But in any case, why, if the soul can exist independently of the body, do we need new bodies anyway? What are they for? How many physical functions will they have? Presumably sex might be problematical, particularly since sections of the church frown on sex for non-reproductive purposes. Eating, drinking and excretion, intimately linked to "corruption" would also probably be excluded.

Then again, will we all be issued with identical bodies, or will we look something like our previous selves?

I could go on, but I am simply trying to explain why these are serious questions and that Magus, who claims to understand the concept of resurrection and the rapture and to be able to explain the details of both, has so far failed to engage seriously with them.

Magus! Yoo-hoo! I'm still asking!
Old 07-20-2003, 01:57 AM   #166
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Default Re: Esther,Disrespectful toward christians?

Originally posted by mark9950
Your so called God is so disrespect towards you in your OT.

If we were to live by OT,you would be wearing a covering from your head to your toe( no more mini skirts) and would be opressed by the writings of your God as was done during the middle ages.

Here is the way your God feels about all women.

Blow the dust off your bible and read how he feels about you and your gender.
My Christian life is one where women are respected, and it is found in the bible. Your website took a lot of lines from the New Testament out of context and ignored the true meaning of them. I didn't even bother reading the Old Testament verses since I figured they were as distorted as the New testament ones that were quoted.

I dress as pleases me, and no one has any complaints about it. I wear jewelry (even shiny glittery jewelry) and no one has complained. I am valued for my opinions and I worked when I wanted to, now I am at home BY MY CHOICE, not by the dictates of anyone else. I am submissive to my husband but he loves me as Christ loves the church and he often follows my lead. Ours is an equal marriage.

My Lord is very respectful of women.
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Old 07-20-2003, 02:02 AM   #167
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Default Re: Re: Esther,Disrespectful toward christians?

Originally posted by EstherRose
I dress as pleases me, and no one has any complaints about it. I wear jewelry (even shiny glittery jewelry) and no one has complained.
Esther, no one complains about it because our society is past such bigoted intolerance.

I am valued for my opinions and I worked when I wanted to, now I am at home BY MY CHOICE, not by the dictates of anyone else. I am submissive to my husband but he loves me as Christ loves the church and he often follows my lead. Ours is an equal marriage.

My Lord is very respectful of women.
Talk about a self-contradictory sentence. If you are submissive to him, then it cannot be an equal relationship. How does he follow your lead?
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Old 07-20-2003, 02:23 AM   #168
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Yes, Mike, if you don't have a body, then you don't have or need sex.

And if you don't have a body, how can they torture you in Hell???


[Thank you, O Great Scholar Lin Yutang, wherever you are.......]
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Old 07-20-2003, 02:25 AM   #169
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Originally posted by Magus55
I can almost guarantee you, there will NOT be sex in Heaven.

Almost? Are you leaving a little window of opportunity for Jesus to consummate his marriage to the bride of the lamb?

There is no need for it since the pleasures of the flesh will be gone.

Jesus will play gin rummy with her instead?
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Old 07-20-2003, 02:39 AM   #170
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Unhappy Goodness...

Originally posted by EstherRose
I am submissive to my husband...
But why?
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