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Old 05-22-2002, 06:08 AM   #11
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Originally posted by Tercel:
<strong>Are you trying to give us more reasons to be a Christian here? Or are you actually advocating Nietzsche's abhorrant philosophy? </strong>
Perhaps I should have put in more of that section.

And I happen to like Nietzsche. I don't think his philosophies are abhorrant.
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Old 05-22-2002, 06:55 AM   #12
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"Faith cannot rescue us from the inadaquacies of reason, simply because reason is not inadaquate"
George H. Smith
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Old 05-22-2002, 10:54 AM   #13
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Originally posted by The Dark Lord:

Perhaps I should have put in more of that section.

And I happen to like Nietzsche. I don't think his philosophies are abhorrant. </strong>
Notice your location. You want to get together and burn down that creationist's place in Hudson?
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Old 05-22-2002, 11:08 AM   #14
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Is this supposed to be a meaningful topic/thread? I fail to see any discernable rational argument in Vinnie's original post.

I understand the criticisms well enough - but fail to see any philisophical justification for them.

My advice is to keep your "rants" to yourself unless it is backed with substance. I don't even find those quotes to be especially witty (yes, I will grant that atheists can display wit).

Perhaps I should not be so surprised. I have come to expect this sort of mindlessness from Muslims and (sadly) my Fundamentalist seems that it is becoming more and more the norm here also.

Dave Gadbois

[ May 22, 2002: Message edited by: DaveJes1979 ]</p>
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Old 05-22-2002, 06:23 PM   #15
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Originally posted by DaveJes1979:
<strong>Is this supposed to be a meaningful topic/thread? I fail to see any discernable rational argument in Vinnie's original post.

I understand the criticisms well enough - but fail to see any philisophical justification for them.

My advice is to keep your "rants" to yourself unless it is backed with substance. I don't even find those quotes to be especially witty (yes, I will grant that atheists can display wit).

Perhaps I should not be so surprised. I have come to expect this sort of mindlessness from Muslims and (sadly) my Fundamentalist seems that it is becoming more and more the norm here also.

Dave Gadbois

[ May 22, 2002: Message edited by: DaveJes1979 ]</strong>
This is the infidel's posting section after all. Besides the more Christian try to convert them with faith alone, the more angry will everyone become.
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Old 05-22-2002, 07:34 PM   #16
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"""""""Is this supposed to be a meaningful topic/thread? I fail to see any discernable rational argument in Vinnie's original post. """""""

I didn't start this thread I do think it would fit better in a different forum here though but I'm not a mod and it really doesn't bother me that much.

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Old 05-22-2002, 07:51 PM   #17
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There are quite a few ironies on this thread.

anyway, welcome, ilgwamh !
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Old 05-22-2002, 08:44 PM   #18
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"The sleep of reason breeds monsters"
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Old 05-23-2002, 12:01 AM   #19
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I think you guys are right. I re-read my post and it was/is out of place and is a bit hypocritical. For me to be so forword like that would be just like being one of those Christian "recruiters". I worte that after a heated debate, (as you can probably tell), and got a little carried away. I'll try to keep my "ranting" to a minimum.

- Jeb
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Old 05-23-2002, 12:15 AM   #20
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Originally posted by beachbum:
<strong>Hello vinnie

Glad to see you back and (I hope) well and fully recovered. As for your comments I think you are correct. Unfortunately for a little different reason, in that I do not think the average - everyday xian will want to listen to reason or logic if that reason or logic flys in the face of everything that xian has been told is the only way he will get to heaven.

There in lies the rub. In my opinion I find that religion has primarily used the carrot and stick method with many of its followers. An omnipotent god creating everyting for everyone and then killing his creations by the tens of thousands. Later, deciding that man needed god to die for the forgiveness of sins created against god. Circular logis might not be best but in many cases it it the only logic the average xian has.

Again, Vinnie I am really glad you are back.

Stan the beachbum</strong>

You forget one good argument: Many of the quotes you are using, are from famous people, and a lot of people actually don't know that these famous people were not religious at all.
The likes of Paine, Jefferson, Einstein etc.
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