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Old 12-03-2002, 07:31 AM   #31
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Hi All,

My personal idea on the subject is that God is above gender and created male and female at the "same" time to portray His essence of being Love itself and Wisdom itself. There is a constant force to unite the two and make them into a perfect marriage of two equal parts.
As I posted in the thread about the soul:
We live on two plaines at the same time. The natural and the spiritual. This concept I picture as a simple egg. The top quarter of this ‘egg’ is our unconsious. The yoke would be our mind and also sticks partway into the top or unconsious section. The very top and thus unconsious part of the egg-white would be our soul and I see that as the permanent ‘docking station’ of the whole egg. This is where the love and wisdom, and thus life, flow in from God. This would be where "God is with us."
The yoke, much like an egg, has also two parts, an inner and an outer section. These two sections of the yoke (our mind) are will and understanding. From the soul, our ‘docking station,’ the will receives love, and the understanding receives wisdom. In the masculine mind these two are arranged so that the inner section is his will and the outer is his understanding. In the feminine mind these are reversed. The core of her mind is understanding and the outer is her will. This determines the priority of each to life’s situations. This is the underlying cause of the saying: “man are from Mars and women are from Venus.”
The three-quarter bottom section of the egg-white I would consider the body. From the soul there are connections or strands (DNA?) running down to govern the body, how it is first built and later maintained and even repaired. The body is full of activities that we are totally unconsious of which I see as executed by the soul. When we cut ourselves, or worse, it would be the soul that arranges the defenses and makes repaires. We have nothing to do with it, but can help by living healthy and giving it better materials to work with.
I’m sure this description has its faults but it seems close to what I think and I hope it helps somewhat.

Kind Regards
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Old 12-03-2002, 07:48 AM   #32
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I noticed that you're a Swedenborgian. I watched an interesting biography of Emmanuel Swedenborg on PBS a few weeks ago. A fascinating, brilliant, yet little known (at least in my circles) historical figure.

Perhaps you might consider opening a thread in General Religious Discussions on Swedenborgianism to fill us in on its beliefs.

[ December 03, 2002: Message edited by: Mageth ]</p>
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Old 12-03-2002, 11:46 AM   #33
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Originally posted by A3:
<strong>Hi All,

My personal idea on the subject is that God is above gender and created male and female at the "same" time to portray His essence of being Love itself and Wisdom itself.

(much waffle snipped)

I’m sure this description has its faults but it seems close to what I think and I hope it helps somewhat.

Kind Regards
Say what? That needs a whole thread in itself. I think A3's eggs are about to be grilled

In essence, it doesn't help. It's just a made-up mish-mash of badly understood spiritualism, philosophy and pseudo-science with no real empirical or theoretical basis behind it.

In any event, the charge is that christinsanity (et al) have an utterly bogusly 'male' God. Anyone can make up their own pick-n-mix god with attributes selected to weaken particular arguments but my reply is then "so what?" 19th Century philosophers ranted incessantly about the number of angels that could dance on the head of a pin, the "can I invent a genderless God" challenge is much the same sort of waste of time.
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Old 12-03-2002, 12:53 PM   #34
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Originally posted by Mageth:
<strong>I want to point that there are patriarchal cultures with the same condemnation of women which have nothing to do with judeo christianism.

So what?

Kenny et al:

Instead of the singular masculine "He", why not refer to god as "They"? Being the three-in-one and all, this would seem to fit. In addition, it seems to fit with the plural "Elohim" used in Genesis. </strong>
So what?.. just to restore the reality that judeo christianism is not the only source of discrimination in reply to Oxymoron's post. Or do you disagree with my comment?

In fact the verse in Genesis does mention a "they".However if one can comprehend the intricacity of the trinity concept, the" they" still represents 3 states of God all in one god.
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Old 12-03-2002, 01:00 PM   #35
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So what?.. just to restore the reality that judeo christianism is not the only source of discrimination in reply to Oxymoron's post. Or do you disagree with my comment?

Again, so what? I don't let my son get away with excuses like "Well, Bobby was talking in class, too." My response to him would be along the lines of "So what? We're talking about YOUR behavior, not Bobby's."
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Old 12-03-2002, 01:02 PM   #36
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Originally posted by Jobar:
<strong>I'm of the opinion that it would be nice if theists had an accurate view of Christian theology before they blindly believe in what they don't really understand.</strong>
Jobar, hello! here is the dilemna... is there really one unique christian theology? I doubt it. As I expressed earlier, I believe that the Bible is often understood as part of a subjective interpretation.
If you lurk into christian forums, you will have an example of the different " theologies" which are debated all under the same label as christian.
I have no doubt that several christians would debate me on the post earlier where I commented on the Creation of man and woman.
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Old 12-03-2002, 01:08 PM   #37
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Originally posted by Kenny:

I have simply drawn inferences from what Christians have come to believe about God based on what we believe to be God's revelation of Himself through Scripture. I'm not really interested, on this thread, of convincing anyone that such is actually the case, but I do think it would be nice if atheists had an accurate view of Christian theology before they blindly attack what they don't really understand.

God Bless,
I can't resist throwing in my two cents here. It has been my experience on various forums that there is no such thing as 'Christian theology' in the sense of a single set of beliefs to which all Christians adhere. What actually exists is a whole bunch of different Christian theologies, each of which claims to be the one and only true theology. What you have written here seems to be your version of Christian theology. I've seen many others, each of which differ in some respect from the others.

My question is, Why, then, should I accept your version over the others as being the real one?
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Old 12-03-2002, 01:10 PM   #38
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Originally posted by Theli:
<strong>And... wich is related to the dumbest question of them all, that some people actually argue about, is god a 'he' or a 'she'?</strong>
I guess God could have been an it, but that wouldn't have fit the chauvinistic concept of a leader of mankind.
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Old 12-03-2002, 01:14 PM   #39
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Originally posted by Mazer9:
<strong>Why would God create women for man? If man was truly made in his image, why would we desire or need a woman. I will assume that God has no mate (I never read or have come across any writings that would give me the impression that God has a female, or equivalent, counterpart). It seems to me that the introduction of women have only complicated issues and made man more prone to sin: lust, jealousy, temptation, ie. the eating of the forbidden fruit, etc.

I guess one would say that man needed women for reproduction and to fend off lonliness, but I'm sure God could have taken care of both issues without the need of woman. I don't know if I have read of anyone on this board bringing up this issue. I think we have just taken the woman thing for granted. Please let me know what you think about this topic.</strong>
Common angle worms are unisexual (?), so why couldn't men have been created that way? Do worms have headaches?
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Old 12-03-2002, 01:24 PM   #40
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Originally posted by Jobar:
<strong>Sabine, 'bisexual' is a synonym for hermaphrodite; it also means 'having two sexes' (humans are a bisexual species); and also again, it means 'sexual attraction to both genders' (Madonna is bisexual.)

'Asexual' means no sex; a life form which reproduces by budding or mitosis (or in the case of God, doesn't reproduce at all!)

You know, I've always been struck by the topsy-turvy way in which Eve was born- from the body of a man. I'm not really familiar with feminist philosophy, but I bet there are whole books concerning the deep masculine insecurity and fear which is shown by the tale of Adam & Eve.

More to the topic- Oxymoron's humorous prodding at evangelical pests speaks precisely to the question here, I think. If Jehovah is masculine, then women are not created in God's image! I'm sure this is a well known Biblical contradiction, but it's not one I have seen discussed here.</strong>
Perhaps "mankind" would be a better choice of words if one views it as being gender neutral.
This still leaves the issue of what his image should look like. Maybe man created him in his image, and not the other way around. Some religions have a faith object that is not personified in human terms. Wonder why the Abrahamic religions express it that way? Maybe it's more sophisticated and humanized than worshipping a rock. Makes it easier to relate to if the dude is human-like.
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