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Old 07-25-2003, 12:40 PM   #11
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Originally posted by emotional
No, we won't come back to that. You don't understand, brettc, that reason plays no part in my beliefs. It is reasonable to believe that there is no life after death, but I'd go insane if I disbelieved in the afterlife, so I've switched reason off regarding that question. My faith is a wall of protection. I'm not going to let that wall fall off just in order to save face with some people. I believe no matter what people say.
I think that this is what many atheists on these boards find so mysterious. Most of us would feel incapable of making the statement that you just made here while still continuing to believe. Honestly, I don't feel capable of believing something for non-rational reasons, especially knowing that the belief is motivated primarily by fear. As much as I would want to believe, I'd always know better. For example, I couldn't believe in Santa any more even if I wanted to.

Your ability to believe on non-rational bases is one that most of us simply don't have. Don't take this as a judgement, but more as one explanation for the kind of reaction that you sometimes invoke from some atheists.
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Old 07-25-2003, 12:47 PM   #12
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I don't get the dogged pursuit of emotional's beliefs. It honestly appears to be ridicule. What is so wrong with admitting one is really terrified of something? Why are people trying to stifle honesty? It's not like his beliefs tell you that YOU'RE bad, it's not like they have any impact on how he makes decisions about his daily life, it specifically states that life should be lived as if there is no deity. It is exclusively held as a security blanket against death and not one iota more.

What is wrong with that? I wish all religionists would admit to that! I would be happy if all religion abated to the nature of emotional's "religion".

I really don't get the unrelenting patrol of his discussion to make sure he includes a statement of his fear.

He's identified it, faced it, coped with it. And he still hangs around here, enjoying (most of) our company, exposing himself to, in our minds, the opportunity to rid himself of his fear in a non-supernatural way.

He was asked what he believes, not why he believes it. I don't get the atmosphere of attack. He's vulnerable, why keep swinging the axe? What's the point?
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Old 07-25-2003, 12:49 PM   #13
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My faith is a wall of protection. I'm not going to let that wall fall off just in order to save face with some people. I believe no matter what people say.
Forgive me for asking, but then why exactly are you even on this board? If you admit that your faith is impervious to examination and necessary for your psychological well-being, wouldn't you be better served participating in a forum where you are surrounded by people who believe as you do?
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Old 07-25-2003, 12:55 PM   #14
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It isn't true, though, that I can believe anything without evidence. When I was a fundamentalist theist I wanted very badly to believe in the efficacy of prayer, but all around me I saw the blind operation of natural law, so I couldn't believe. The God in whom I believe now is a God of natural law, who created the universe and left it running naturally.

Belief in the afterlife is much easier, much more possible, for me than belief in the efficacy of prayer, because the afterlife is hidden - you can't really prove a negative. And I also read a lot about NDE accounts and spiritualist literature to give myself a stronger evidential boost for my belief in the afterlife. Granted, there are refutations for all that (eg NDEs may be the reaction of a dying brain, mediumship is all a fraud), but I don't pay attention to those things, my stake in the afterlife being so high.

My belief is certainly irrational and based on fear of death, but it has a chance of being true. I don't believe in things that have no chance of being true, such as young-earth creationism.
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Old 07-25-2003, 12:59 PM   #15
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Originally posted by Just Ignore Me
Forgive me for asking, but then why exactly are you even on this board? If you admit that your faith is impervious to examination and necessary for your psychological well-being, wouldn't you be better served participating in a forum where you are surrounded by people who believe as you do?
If you know of such a forum where people believe as I do, then please tell me. I haven't found any such yet. As well as Infidels, I'm also on Theologyweb, but mostly Christians are there, and I'm in sharp disagreement with them on almost everything.
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Old 07-25-2003, 01:18 PM   #16
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Well, I couldn't give you the name of a specific forum off the top of my head, but I'm sure if you did some hunting through a search engine you could find some New Age-type boards that might interest you. (I'm assuming when you say "believe as I do" that you mean that in a broad, generalized sense.)
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Old 07-25-2003, 01:27 PM   #17
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"New Age" - hahaha! I definitely don't label myself a New Ager. New Agers are pantheists, I'm not. But I suppose spiritualism is, in the perception of many, part of the New Age scene, even if erroneously so. Thanks anyway, I'll keep on looking
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Old 07-25-2003, 01:35 PM   #18
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Originally posted by Rhea
I don't get the dogged pursuit of emotional's beliefs. It honestly appears to be ridicule. What is so wrong with admitting one is really terrified of something? Why are people trying to stifle honesty? It's not like his beliefs tell you that YOU'RE bad, it's not like they have any impact on how he makes decisions about his daily life, it specifically states that life should be lived as if there is no deity. It is exclusively held as a security blanket against death and not one iota more.

What is wrong with that? I wish all religionists would admit to that! I would be happy if all religion abated to the nature of emotional's "religion".

I really don't get the unrelenting patrol of his discussion to make sure he includes a statement of his fear.

He's identified it, faced it, coped with it. And he still hangs around here, enjoying (most of) our company, exposing himself to, in our minds, the opportunity to rid himself of his fear in a non-supernatural way.

He was asked what he believes, not why he believes it. I don't get the atmosphere of attack. He's vulnerable, why keep swinging the axe? What's the point?
The reason his beliefs are attacked is because the absolute absurdity of them. He admits it is pure faith and isn't based off logic. These boards are for discussion and his type of blind faith that correlates with christian faith is something most people look down upon. And the reason his fear is brought up is because that is his only reason for such an unfounded belief.
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Old 07-25-2003, 02:21 PM   #19
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Originally posted by JakeJohnson
The reason his beliefs are attacked is because the absolute absurdity of them.

Absurd to you, you mean. To me they aren't absurd at all.
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Old 07-25-2003, 02:35 PM   #20
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I know he was just answering a question, and I was just commenting on his position.
No, you attacked him. You misstated his position, and used that misstatement to belittle his views, and told him how he feels.

And where did I tell him how to feel?
You said "You fear not having life after death so.." but he never said nor implied "fear", which of course is a feeling. [edited to add: in the op. - I'm new here. Apparently he's acknowledged the fear elsewhere.]

Just because his position is non-offensive, doesen't mean it is a good one.
I judge faith by results. Other than that, I could not care less what people believe.

I am sorry if I brought a debate where one really isn't needed, but I felt the need to comment.
But you didn't bring a debate. There were three lines in your post. The first line misstated his position. The second line told him how he feels, along with some insulting remarks. And the third line was some sort of psuedo advice.

Where exactly are your points and your reasons?
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