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Old 11-21-2002, 08:24 PM   #11
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Fair enough

I'd just like to say that Unum just described the only deity that I would believe in

And though it is consistent with most people's idea of atheism, it does have another name.
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Old 11-21-2002, 08:31 PM   #12
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Originally posted by Jobar:
Hello Unum; welcome to Internet Infidels. Seems like we are breaking out in pantheists all over the place!
Thank you. It's good to be here. However, I do not consider myself a pantheist, nor a theist, nor atheist. I believe in everything, therefore I believe in all of these things.

Here's where the problem lies:
"A galaxy entity can be encompassed by the universe entity. As far as we currently know, the universe entity is the final parent entity. This universe entity is singular, as it encompasses everything. It literally is the only One. It is everything we know, everything we think of and everything that is. It is our reality. "

The universe is the word we use for the totality of what we observe, certainly. Trouble is, we cannot say what, if anything, lies beyond our observations! We can't know (at least at present) if the universe is contained within a multiverse, as posited by the Many Worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics; we have no ways to determine that.
I don't see a problem with this. The One entity to truly be One, encompasses all things. If the universe is encompasses by the multi-verse, then the One is the multi-verse. If the multi-verse is actually encompassed by something else, then the One is this something else, ad infinitum. The One is the final parent. I used the term universe as it seems to be the currently accepted term for something that encompasses everything. The definition for universe at states "the whole body of things and phenomena observed or postulated". If this is the accepted definition I don't see how the multi-verse would not be contained within the universe as universe includes even things postulated (which the multi-verse is). Either way, the One would be both the universe and the multi-verse.

I too think that the nature of our observable universe makes the hypothesis of an ultimate unity a valid one- but we can't say it is proven. It may be true, but impossible to ever prove!
I agree, it cannot be proven. Nor can anything if you think of it. It always ends up in an infinite regression. I guess this is where we all have faith.


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Old 11-21-2002, 08:50 PM   #13
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Originally posted by Unum: is all true and all false at the same time..
So, hrm, by most logics..

(X AND ~X) --imply--> Y

So if your theory is totally true and totally false at the same time, pink donkeys fly with the horses to the pink moon every saturday while visible in the night sky all over the world.
Old 11-21-2002, 09:28 PM   #14
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Originally posted by Guttersnipe:
Not quite certain on what you mean by 'reality'. Are you referring to the existence of objective bodies, minds, etc.? What about current mental states? Do we even need an argument to know what our mental states are?
I consider reality to be that which my mind relays to me from the sensory input I receive. I am unable to prove this reality to others because I have no idea if they sense exactly what I sense. Does this answer your questions?

While you do use words to define words, this is not an example of circularity because the act of stipulating or defining a term is not an argument. Circularity occurs only when the conclusion is contained in one (or more) premises.
Circularity also occurs when we use the thing being measured to do the measuring. To define the concept of words requires you to use the concept of words. I do not know what the concept of words means until it is defined, yet to define it requires you to use the concept which means I must already know the concept to understand the definition.

Interesting. A couple of points: 1)Though various parts of this One entity may be conscious and self aware, it doesn't follow that this One entity is as well. Cities contain numerous conscious entities, yet a city itself is not aware. 2)The entity you are describing (the universe) is not in any way incompatible with atheism. Atheism is the belief that *God* does not exist, and your beliefs concerning this One entity do not posit it as the creator of the universe, which is one of God's essential attributes.
Are you certain that a city is not aware of itself? Are you aware of yourself and the part you play in the city? If you consider yourself to be aware, then it stands to reason that this city is aware as you are a part of it.

Of course it's not incompatible with atheism as it includes atheism within it. However, it also includes theism within it as well. It is the entity that unifies all things into the singular. The entity that I am speaking of is everything, so it is the creator and the creation. God, Allah, The Tao, the universe, etc. are some of the many names that have been posited for this entity. None of them are entirely correct, yet at the same time none of them are entirely incorrect either.


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Old 11-21-2002, 11:55 PM   #15
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Originally posted by Unum:
Are you certain that a city is not aware of itself? Are you aware of yourself and the part you play in the city? If you consider yourself to be aware, then it stands to reason that this city is aware as you are a part of it.
Am I certain? No, there is very little of which I can honestly say that. However, the question is not one of certainty but rather of sufficient reason (or perhaps semantics). You seem to think that an entity (such as the city) must possess all properties of its individual components. If that were true, then I must be both conscious (incorrigible) and not conscious (like my liver). But I cannot logically possess both of these properties -- my being conscious rules out the possibility of me being unconscious, or vice versa. So it must not be true that I possess all of the properties of my parts.
Of course it's not incompatible with atheism as it includes atheism within it. However, it also includes theism within it as well.
As I see it, you have two paths here. 1)Deny the law of non-contradiction. 2)Insead of saying that there is one entity that possesses all properties, make the more plausible claim that there is one entity (the universe) which has many parts with many different properties. The latter path avoids consistency problems because it does not attempt to conjoin inconsistent properties. Here is another example of what happens when we do attempt to do such: There are two squirrels - one fat, one skinny. Therefore, the One entity is a squirrel which is fatter than itself.
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Old 11-22-2002, 10:15 AM   #16
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Yes, it is all true and all false at the exact same time.
This drastically reduces the significance of your One. Nothing is really being said about the absolute truth of the One if it is all false at the same time that it is all true. What is there possibly to gain by saying that the universe contains all things that are true and all things that are false? So what. The One buys us nothing over the standard concept of the universe.
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Old 11-22-2002, 10:57 AM   #17
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I think your argument is in a way valid in that we can say that human entities all live on a planet entity which lives in a solar system entity on and on until you get to the universe.

Nonetheless, this does not prove the existance of a supreme being.

This does remind me that at one time we believed the smallest particle of matter was a molecule. Since then we've taken this down a number of levels. I wonder if we will one day learn that there are progressively bigger entities than clusters or even universe.
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Old 11-22-2002, 11:11 AM   #18
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Originally posted by Synaesthesia:

So, hrm, by most logics..

(X AND ~X) --imply--> Y

So if your theory is totally true and totally false at the same time, pink donkeys fly with the horses to the pink moon every saturday while visible in the night sky all over the world.
Yes, this happens now as you have just spoken it into existence. I have no way of knowing if things that do not exist can cause an effect on me. However, I do know that things that do exist can. Your statement caused an effect when I read it, in other words it had energy and likewise power, therefore I assume it exists.

I never claimed that this entity that I try to speak of is an easy concept to grasp. In fact, I don't believe it can be grasped. The moment I think I have it, is the exact same moment it has slipped through my fingers.


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Old 11-22-2002, 11:26 AM   #19
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Originally posted by Guttersnipe:
Am I certain? No, there is very little of which I can honestly say that.
Until we know everything, is there anything we can be absolutely certaion of?

However, the question is not one of certainty but rather of sufficient reason (or perhaps semantics). You seem to think that an entity (such as the city) must possess all properties of its individual components.
The greater entity is the individual components. If the individual components have a property, than the greater entity has that property.

If that were true, then I must be both conscious (incorrigible) and not conscious (like my liver). But I cannot logically possess both of these properties -- my being conscious rules out the possibility of me being unconscious, or vice versa. So it must not be true that I possess all of the properties of my parts.
Is logic logical? Can you prove it using logic?

As I see it, you have two paths here. 1)Deny the law of non-contradiction. 2)Insead of saying that there is one entity that possesses all properties, make the more plausible claim that there is one entity (the universe) which has many parts with many different properties. The latter path avoids consistency problems because it does not attempt to conjoin inconsistent properties.
I don't have to pick one, as I will pick both of them. The law of non-contradiction rules out dualities, yet dualities are inherent in nature. How can something both be one and many at the same time? How can something both be everything and nothing at the same time? How can something both be infinite and finite at the same time? A circle is both infinite and finite. There is no beginning nor end to the circle, only a relative beginning and end. Yet, I can still consider it to be one circle. It's illogical, yet it is what it is. Maybe we need a new law of logic to account for these things.

Here is another example of what happens when we do attempt to do such: There are two squirrels - one fat, one skinny. Therefore, the One entity is a squirrel which is fatter than itself.
Not exactly. The entity would not become a squirrel, but two squirrels.


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Old 11-22-2002, 11:38 AM   #20
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Originally posted by K:

This drastically reduces the significance of your One.
It is the only thing that is significant as it is the only thing there is.

Nothing is really being said about the absolute truth of the One if it is all false at the same time that it is all true.
This is purely a matter of perspective. What is true and what is false? Personally, I see nothing that is false, therefore this entity is all truth to me. It very well could be true and false to others. However, this would still be included in this entity as to be everything it must include both the true and false, as well as the logical and illogical.

What is there possibly to gain by saying that the universe contains all things that are true and all things that are false? So what.
There is nothing to gain and nothing to lose as well as everything to gain and everything to lose. What do you see that is true and what do you see that is false?

The One buys us nothing over the standard concept of the universe.
The One does not buy us anything nor does it cost us anything either. It just is. When most people think of the universe, they don't think of it as being conscious nor able to help them in any way. This One entity that I speak of however is conscious (if I am conscious) and can help people (If I can help people). It's all a different persepective of looking at the things around you.


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