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Old 01-14-2003, 09:12 AM   #31
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Originally posted by Starboy
spurly, wouldn't that tend to make Christians intolerant. Under the circumstances you describe a live and let live attitude would be hard to maintain.

Nope, living a life for Christ 24/7 does not of necessity make a Christian intolerant. Tolerance is allowing others the room to believe what they believe, even if they don't believe the way you do.

Jesus allowed that as well. He does not force anyone to follow him. As a matter of fact he told his disciples that if they were rejected they were simply to shake the dust off their feet and go to the next town, house, etc.

But the Christian must be constantly living in relationship with God - or they are not really following him.

When I go to the grocery store - the way I treat people and the money I spend are a direct result of my relationship with God.

When I write a letter to an editor of a paper, the words that I use, the tone they are written in (hopefully a tone of love), and the topics I address come out of the most important aspect of my life - walking hand in hand with God.

When I go to work, the way I do my work is also directly affected by my relationship with my creator and redeemer. That is why I will not lie to protect someone else, or falsify reports, etc.

Even when I drive, the way I drive should be a direct result of my relationship with my heavenly father. I should obey the speed limits, really stop at stop signs, and drive in a way that lets others know they are loved.

When I meet people who don't have a relationship with God, wherever they are, my relationship with God leads me to pray for them and tell them about the overwhelming love of God.

No, it doesn't make me untolerant. Instead it makes me much more loving.

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Old 01-14-2003, 09:37 AM   #32
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spurly, I may have asked you this before, and if so just ignore this. What do **you** say to the Christians that want the ten commandments posted in the schools and public buildings, that want the US government to support Christian institutions directly. That desire the government to legistate Christian morals? That ask their followers to travel the world to evangilize and spread the word of the gospel. What do **you** say to them? Do you say, that is not what Jesus wanted? Or do you just turn the other cheek and leave? It is one thing to tell a bunch of atheists, but IMO the acid test is what **you** say to fellow Christians.

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Old 01-14-2003, 09:41 AM   #33
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Default Re: God be Praised

Originally posted by B.Shack
At last Gemma, you're seeing that for yourself. THANK THE LORD!
If I'm brainwashed, then I doubt I'd recognize that I was brainwashed.

Gemma Therese
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Old 01-14-2003, 09:49 AM   #34
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i respect your point of view, and i agree with you. a christian should constantly be a christian. however, science is still science. and scientists who would use bad science to prop up there faith are wrong.

in your view, should scientists accept scripture over science?
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Old 01-14-2003, 10:01 AM   #35
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Default Re: Re: God be Praised

Originally posted by Gemma Therese
If I'm brainwashed, then I doubt I'd recognize that I was brainwashed.

Gemma Therese
People who are totally brainwashed can't recognize the fact. if a person starts to recognize that he/she is brainwashed that can be a healthy sign of rationality.
Yet more child abuse in the Roman Catholic Church.
Here's yet another child abuse scandal. This one's in Ireland.
Here's what the British BBC had to say about it.
Here's what the British National Sedcular society has to say about it.

These scandals just go on and on. I feel those who try to defend the Roman Catholic Church come what may are truely brainwashed.

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Old 01-14-2003, 12:58 PM   #36
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B. Shack,

By your definition, you are obviously brainwashed to hate the Catholic Church -- ever think for yourself on that one, B. Shack, or do you just bask in atheist message-boards where your own opinion will be confirmed?

Gemma Therese
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Old 01-14-2003, 12:59 PM   #37
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Welcome to the church, brother!

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Old 01-14-2003, 02:01 PM   #38
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When I go to the grocery store - the way I treat people and the money I spend are a direct representation of my own moral system and how I would like to be treated.

When I write a letter to an editor of a paper, the words that I use, the tone they are written in (hopefully a tone of love), and the topics I address come out of the most important aspect of my life that all people should be reated with respect and dignity, not because of some "superior being" we follow, but as fellow humans it is the right thing to do.

When I go to work, the way I do my work is also directly affected by my relationship with myself as well as all those around me. That is why I will not lie to protect someone else, or falsify reports, etc.
because as a person of intergrity, it would be wrong to do such things. People would lose trust in me, and this would not only affect my work relationships, but my own self image as well.

Even when I drive, the way I drive should be a direct result of my relationship with my heavenly father. I should obey the speed limits, really stop at stop signs, and drive in a way that lets others know they are loved.

Ok, you got me here, I don't try to show anyone they're loved by the way I drive, that's absurd. Of course one should follow all applicable laws and show respect and courtesy by driving as this fascilitates travel for everyone.

When I meet people who don't have a relationship with God, wherever they are, my relationship with God leads me to pray for them and tell them about the overwhelming love of God.

And this one doesn't strike me as all that loving. I cannot accept the supposed love of a being that can allow the world to be as it is when he/she/it supposedly has the power to change it by snapping their omnimax fingers. In fact, I would argue that it's better to help with hands any day than to fold them in prayer.

Hmmmm...doesn't seem like one actually needs to have a personal relationship with an omniscient, omnibenevolent, omnipotent being to lead a good life does it?
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Old 01-15-2003, 08:02 AM   #39
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Originally posted by Gemma Therese
B. Shack,

By your definition, you are obviously brainwashed to hate the Catholic Church -- ever think for yourself on that one, B. Shack, or do you just bask in atheist message-boards where your own opinion will be confirmed?

Gemma Therese
Have you checked my personal profile, Gemma Therese? I'm an agnostic humanist. Still there's not so much difference between agnostics and weak atheists.
I hate those who cover up paedophilia whatever their beliefs.
Do you know of a Roman Catholic discussion forum where I would be free to criticize the Roman Catholics the way you are free to criticize atheists and other freethinkers here? Let us know if there is one.
I read both sides here. You need special dispensation before you are allowed to read the other side.
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