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Old 04-03-2003, 12:28 PM   #11
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Originally posted by Toto
Is he going to recommend giving away all of your possessions to the poor and dedicating your life to helping others? <other stuff> If he doesn't he's just another hypocrite.
If he does, I am offering my services as a possession depository! I'll take anything and everything! I'm sure I can find a good method of disposing of said items.

By the way, spurly, you're about 2 days late on posting this topic!
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Old 04-03-2003, 12:35 PM   #12
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Step 1: force yourself through repetitive self-brainwashing to unquestioningly believe everything your church elders tell you
Step 2: Don't read the Bible
Step 3: Let someone else read the Bible to you, skipping over the bad parts and making sure you don't hear any contradictions
Step 4: Pray
Step 5: Once you have had the beliefs ingrained into your head, make sure you never think about them again
Step 6: If someone points out an inconsistency in the Bible, don't examine it. Just keep it in the back of your head until you see a proper pastor to give you some apologetics.
Step 7: Accept whatever the pastor gives for an explanation without thinking if it's possible or not (as per step 1)
Step 8: Every time you do something nice, just like you used to, remind yourself how you're only doing something nice because of your newfound godliness
Step 9: Bother the hell out of and estrange your old friends by witnessing to them
Step 10: Declare that they are immoral godless heathens when they don't want to be around you anymore
Step 11: Cut off all contact with heathens and surround yourself with like-minded godbots
Step 12: Sigh in relief as you have now brainwashed yourself so fully and cut yourself off enough from outside reason that you will never deconvert

Congratulations, you've made it through my 12-step program. You are now cured of your addiction to thinking.

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Old 04-03-2003, 01:31 PM   #13
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Default Re: How to become a Christian class

Originally posted by spurly
Our senior pastor is going to be teaching a class entitled How to Become a Christian, later this month. I thought it would be interesting to see what some of the ex-Christians on this forum think he should include in a class with that title.

Here's your shot. What would you include in a class with this title if you were teaching it?

Well, I have a feeling that class is preaching to the choir, but...

First and foremost, how about evidence? That's a pretty good way to convince those that aren't already convinced - in fact, it's probably the only way to do so for many of us.

Failing that, at least addressing the logical flaws in the idea of blood sacrifice with respect to a supposedly benevolent deity being the only possible way to 'save' a creation that he supposedly created would be nice.

There ARE reasons that we nontheists consider your deity to be no better than any other barbaric deity that was ever dreamed up by humanity - and blood sacrifice is certainly one of them.


The San Diego Atheist
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Old 04-03-2003, 01:38 PM   #14
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Default Re: How to become a Christian class

Originally posted by spurly
Our senior pastor is going to be teaching a class entitled How to Become a Christian, later this month. I thought it would be interesting to see what some of the ex-Christians on this forum think he should include in a class with that title.

Here's your shot. What would you include in a class with this title if you were teaching it?

Don't ever question anything, EVER! BELIEVE, OR YOU WILL BURN IN HELL FOREVER! DO NOT QUESTION! Got it?! (Wait, that was a question, D'oh! )

Anyone claiming that the bible contains anything imperfect or immoral has a biased or flawed interpretation.

Atheists are evil, morally bankrupt people. They know that God exists, but they deny his existence. Have nothing to do with atheists except to turn them away from Satan (who they worship), and towards the Lord.

Hate yourself and your family. Then you can follow Jesus!

Claims in favor of Christianity never have to be backed up by logical arguments! EVER!

Hmmm...that's all that I can think of right now. Did I miss anything?


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Old 04-03-2003, 01:52 PM   #15
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Put your newfound deity first and foremost in your life...even to the detriment of your relationships with friends, parents, children, spouses, and other assorted flesh and blood people who's reality you can verifty by normal standardized means.
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Old 04-03-2003, 02:01 PM   #16
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If this class were being held for children, I would strongly suggest that the kind pastor inform the class never to make fun of bald-headed prophets.

There is a price to "bear" for that!

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Old 04-03-2003, 02:29 PM   #17
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Default Re: How to become a Christian class

Originally posted by spurly
Our senior pastor is going to be teaching a class entitled How to Become a Christian, later this month. I thought it would be interesting to see what some of the ex-Christians on this forum think he should include in a class with that title.

Here's your shot. What would you include in a class with this title if you were teaching it?

Forget the need for evidence, just have faith. Respond to every question with "just have faith" and you will be fine.

When one of those infidels asks you to defend your faith, say "I just have faith." Then walk away, or say you are going to pray for them.

Remember to "just have faith" and don't worry if you have doubts, just have faith and your doubts will go away eventually, or you will learn to ignore them sufficiently.

If you don't understand something in the bible, or why Joshua killed all those people, "just have faith."

Above all, JUST HAVE FAITH. You need nohting else.

Otherwise I'd try to teach them apologetics, and have them read books by apologetics types.
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Old 04-03-2003, 07:42 PM   #18
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Default Re: Re: How to become a Christian class

Originally posted by Debbie T
Is this class for Christians or unbelievers?

I believe the bible lays it all out starting with John 3:16 that would be the foundation. From there teach the mental gymnastics to keep you a Christian.
Debbie, the class if for non-Christians who are interested in Christianity. What mental gymnastics would you be referring to?

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Old 04-03-2003, 07:44 PM   #19
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Originally posted by Toto
Is he going to recommend giving away all of your possessions to the poor and dedicating your life to helping others? Going to jail to protest the war? Never praying in public? If he doesn't he's just another hypocrite.
I don't know if he will cover these areas or not. Some of these areas are the ways you live out your faith after coming to Christ. By the way, just a note about the never praying in public thing. In the sermon on the mount when Jesus said that he was talking about making a show of your prayers. Jesus later prayed in public himself. It wasn't the act he was condemning, but the attitude of superiority and doing it for others to see.

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Old 04-03-2003, 07:46 PM   #20
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Originally posted by Jamie_L
What is this class intending to teach:

How to believe in the truth of Christianity?


How to live in accordance with Christianity?

These are two very different things.

In the class he is going to be addressing the subject of how to accept Christ. The way that works out in our lives will be a subject for a life time of classes.

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