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Old 05-10-2002, 08:38 AM   #191
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Originally posted by Kamchatka:
<strong>Mothers are my proof.

Quite convincing. So every being which gives birth had "God" and Jesus as their own personal saviors, etc. etc. blah blah blah. So, lets see, so would a cat, a rat, a monkey, a dog, a virus...

That's got to be the most idiotic and moronic proof I've ever heard. Please don't come back, I don't have time to waste on more holy fools, I currently have my hands full with Walrus as it is.

[ May 10, 2002: Message edited by: Samhain ]</p>
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Old 05-10-2002, 08:43 AM   #192
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Originally posted by Kamchatka:
We are born with god belief. Therefore, gods indeed exist.

Are you by any chance related to WJ, resident master of, and glittering deriver from, the categorically unsupported axiom?

Or have you considered that what "exists" is not "gods," but simply "god belief"?

That is all your argument indicates, and I wouldn't dare dispute it.
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Old 05-10-2002, 08:44 AM   #193
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One more thing. I said "gods exist" not "God exists".

I don't have to worship gods to believe they exist.

In fact, many gods exist simply because they have been worshipped. Whether or not I choose to worship them does effect their power but does not eliminate their existence, unfortunately.

I apologize. I MUST go now.
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Old 05-10-2002, 08:49 AM   #194
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Originally posted by Kamchatka:
In fact, many gods exist simply because they have been worshipped.

P1. If gods have been worshipped, then gods must exist.
P2. Gods have been worshipped.

C. Gods must exist.

Not too shabby!
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Old 05-10-2002, 08:49 AM   #195
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Originally posted by Kamchatka:
<strong>One more thing. I said "gods exist" not "God exists".

I don't have to worship gods to believe they exist.

In fact, many gods exist simply because they have been worshipped. Whether or not I choose to worship them does effect their power but does not eliminate their existence, unfortunately.

I apologize. I MUST go now.</strong>
Um, wrong! God belief exists. No amount of belief will make a god itself exist. Sorry! Please play again next week. We do have some lovely parting gifts for you though, such as this Think Stick(TM). Every time you feel like you're having a thought, beat yourself over the head with this in order to make that thought go away so you won't subject others to your ridiculous statements.

[ May 10, 2002: Message edited by: Samhain ]</p>
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Old 05-10-2002, 08:50 AM   #196
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Originally posted by Kamchatka:
<strong>Back to the same old atheist foolishness.

"Prove it!"

I have know greater burden of proof than the self blinded atheists on this thread.

Mothers are my proof.

What is your's?

I think I can guess.

I have to go to work now. I'm not abandoning the thread, but it may be days before I can return.

And I will return.</strong>
Burden of proof rests with those who make the claim.

My mother is atheist too.

My proof lies in logic and reason, not blind trust.

<img src="graemlins/banghead.gif" border="0" alt="[Bang Head]" />

All of these faces were born believing in God, can you guess which ones detracted such beliefs?
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Old 05-10-2002, 09:09 AM   #197
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Kamchatka: Eight pages ago it appeared this thread was discussing whether newborn humans come into this reality with "no god belief", the conclusion of which would suggest whether atheism is or is not a default position. Eight pages later the atheists continue buzzing around the theist fecal matter as if they don't enjoy the aroma and they aren't attracted to the feast.
No thanks to a certain evasiveness which is the property of one slippery theist who does not reciprocate in good faith at all.
Kamchatka: Eight pages ago someone suggested that a newborn placed on a deserted island would naturally remain an atheist. The assertion was made by more than one that the only reason there is god belief is that all those pure atheist newborns have been polluted by theist doctrine.
There are certain tribes who lack this "god-belief." A little research goes a long way. Perhaps you are suffering from a confirmation bias? A little critical thinking goes a long way, too.
Kamchatka: Eight pages later there has been no proof offered of the assertion. Why is that? Might it be that the preponderance of evidence suggests the opposite?
Not to speak for others, but personally I think the prevalent belief in god is a fundamental desire of humanity to "be" god, and nothing more. Sometimes I think it is also a projection of man's attributes raised to infinity.
Kamchatka: Are we (humanity) not stranded on this deserted island? So where did this god belief stuff come from? We are born with it, right or wrong.
Not necessarily. By the way, what a wonderful fallacy! It's easier making bad arguments than spotting them, no?
Kamchatka: Mother, parents, Earth. Gods exist my friends. The evidence is irrefutable.
False. Are there any scientific papers on this "irrefutable" evidence? Do you have anything beyond a gratuitous assertion? Again, anything that is irrefutable smacks of the all-too-human desire of certainty. Science is proof w/o certainty, while religion is certainty without proof. And we already know which you would rather aspire to.
Kamchatka: You may cover your eyes like my cat, Tiger, used to do and imagine that nobody can see you if you refuse to see them, but it doesn't change the fact that you were born with god belief. You may sit back and throw up your hands and say "I have nothing to prove, I simply have 'no god belief'. That is not an assertion, therefore there is no burden of proof."
Pathetic and weak. What empirical proof do you have of this "inborn god belief" besides what is in essence an argumentum ad populum?
Kamchatka: You simply refuse to see the evidence and cling to a perception of innocence which you also insist on denying. All so you don't have to deal with the truth.
The truth is of your own invention, so please, come up with something a bit more concrete and solid than this patronizing nonsense.
Kamchatka: We are born with god belief. Therefore, gods indeed exist. Denial does not change that fact.
Incorrect again. We are all born with certain desires, such as the ideal mate. This in no way guarantees that the object of our desire exists. Denial is a popular defense mechanism every theist employs whenever they encounter the possibility that their beliefs are nothing more than an accident of social programming.
Kamchatka: It is really quite simple, acknowledge the evidence that up to now you have spent so much energy denying and join the battle against tyrannical gods. Denying they exist won't get the job done.
Nor will wooly, vague and ambiguous assertions.

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Old 05-10-2002, 10:25 AM   #198
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Originally posted by Kamchatka:
<strong>One more thing. I said "gods exist" not "God exists".

I don't have to worship gods to believe they exist.

In fact, many gods exist simply because they have been worshipped. Whether or not I choose to worship them does effect their power but does not eliminate their existence, unfortunately.
You are, of course, correct, but in a most trivial way.

If I define "god" as 'anything that has been worshipped,' then the Sun becomes a god, as do other heavenly bodies, various statues, volcanos probably, even some humans. Calling these things "gods" is fine, but entirely secondary to our current discussion.

I have to wonder what your motive was for posting. You're not actually disagreeing with anyone, just making it look like you do. There's a word for people who make a habit of that.

[ May 10, 2002: Message edited by: Philosoft ]</p>
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Old 05-10-2002, 11:00 AM   #199
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My line of questioning was really just to determine what your argument was. It seems very similar to Anselm's Argument.

While I can't speak for anyone but myself, I think most atheists would have to admit that there is some, very small, possibility that a
god(s) does exist.

However, in regards to your argument, I really don't see how belief or disblief in any concept, god or otherwise, has any connection with the actuality of the concept itself. We can all speculate about anything and everthing.

Let me ask a very direct question. Do you, as an appearant theist(For all I know you may just be exerciseing your debating techniques), admit to the possibilty that there is no god? Or, is the concept sacrosanct?

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Old 05-10-2002, 11:29 AM   #200
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It is really quite simple, acknowledge the evidence that up to now you have spent so much energy denying and join the battle against tyrannical gods.
<img src="graemlins/notworthy.gif" border="0" alt="[Not Worthy]" />

This part was great!
Let's all join up and battle the evil gods!
While we're at it, why not wonder out into the woods with guns and hunt some orcs and goblins. Or why not expose some women for being witches and then burn them?

We must defeat evil!
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