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View Poll Results: Abortion, terminate when?
Never 19 12.18%
Up to one month 5 3.21%
Up to two months 7 4.49%
Up to three months 42 26.92%
Up to four months 14 8.97%
up to five months 7 4.49%
Up to six months 25 16.03%
Up to seven months 1 0.64%
Up to eight months 17 10.90%
Infanticide is OK 19 12.18%
Voters: 156. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 04-07-2003, 05:38 PM   #261
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Post This one is a gem:

Originally posted by dk
I would gladly argue Malthus’ economics of overpopulation though its off topic. The facts are so overwhelmingly stacked against Malthusian Economics there’s no debate, Malthus was wrong in 1800, wrong in 1900, and wrong in 2000AD. In fact I would go on to assert that Darwin applied Malthus’ economics to biology, and his cousin Galton to biometrics, and Spenser to Sociology. This calls into question virtually every psychological and sociological theory except utilitarianism, common sense, and pragmatism because they “in themselves” to a limited degree are self evident, though from a materialistic perspective everything self evident becomes a non sequitur a teleological, circular or truistic sense. I’ll grant the earth does have a finite carrying capacity, but remains unknowable short of a time travel machine.
The historian Toynbee measured all sociological and economic arguments with 3 simple verifiable propositions.
  1. Civilization requires considerable overhead to sustain and perpetuate itself and progress.
  2. Civilizations grow and prosper by resolving the problems they encounter
  3. Civilizations are ruined when they encounter an insoluble problem, doomed to pour more and more of their lives blood in vein down the black hole without recompense.
Some say abortion solves a bunch of problems, like sexual inequality, oppression of women, numerous unwanted babies/children/people, poverty, illiteracy,, etc... But the fact is BC and abortion has been available in the US for over 40 years. Over which time the economic gap between rich and poor has become a chasm, at least that’s what Jimmy Carter said when he recieved his Noble Prize. We still haven’t come close to sexual equality, ask the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transvestite alliances, not to mention the NOW, WOW, DOG, COW, PIG and PETA crowds. . The # of unwanted babies and children swallowed up “in the system” have become so numerous social services can’t even keep track of the benefactors (foster homes) much less the children. The truth is you’re in a state of denial with your head buried in non-sequiturs, non causa, pro causa because it makes you comfortable with your opinions.
It takes a really unique and mysterious way of thinking to somehow relate abortion rights to PETA and cross-dressing.
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Old 04-07-2003, 06:07 PM   #262
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Default Re: This one is a gem:

Originally posted by Dr Rick
It takes a really unique and mysterious way of thinking to somehow relate abortion rights to PETA and cross-dressing.
Hey, watch it, the PETA folks know the value of a fertilized egg, and if its an endangered bird, you better not even think about scrambling one of them babies for breakfast.
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Old 04-07-2003, 07:40 PM   #263
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Originally posted by yguy
Just a slight correction: inalienable rights cannot be granted, by definition - otherwise the grantor could take those rights away.
But inalienable rights are granted, or at least declared. If the law decrees "inalienable rights" the law can take them away. Rights aren't granted by a single human authority, they are accepted as law collectively by the members of a society. If this society as a whole decided to take away inalienable human rights, it could do so quite easily. (We have in fact done this very thing in legalizing abortion.) The only reason they are "inalienable" is because we the people want them to be inalienable so we never have to suffer not having them. Except, apparently, when it is excessively inconvenient for us. Then we the majority still get the rights, (because they are inalienable, of course,) but we can revoke them from those minorities who don't in our opinion deserve them. No logic behind this rationale of course, but that is how laws work. They are only as rational as the society who intitutes them and they can be abandoned at any time. If one law contradicts another, one of them must be abandoned in order for the laws to logically follow. Either all members of the human family are entitled to the inalienable right to life, (Universal Declaration of Human Rights,) or not all members of the human family are entitled to the inalienable right to life, (Roe vs. Wade.) Both cannot be the case.

Originally posted by yguy
This is like saying the cons of the Spanish Inquisition outweighed the pros in the long run.
Very true. They did.
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Old 04-07-2003, 08:03 PM   #264
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Originally posted by long winded fool
No logic behind this rationale of course, but that is how laws work.
OK, we're on the same page.
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Old 04-08-2003, 12:20 PM   #265
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i always thought there could only be two choices for folks who have the courage of their convictions. and as the law of this land stands, i threw in with the infanticide bookend of this poll.
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Old 04-08-2003, 06:09 PM   #266
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I've noticed that the 'long winded fool' has by far the most posts on this subject. I wonder if he has convinced anyone yet that abortion is murder? Anyone? Just wondering.

If and when he wins over all of us on this thread to his special way of thinking, there's a real challenge waiting for him down south, to wit:

Mexico had a huge poor population that is almost all Catholic.
As we all know, the R.C.C. is extremely anti-abortion.
Additionally, abortion is illegal there.
Nevertheless, even though Mexico's population is much less than the U.S., Mexico has many more abortions each year than we do.

So, perhaps long winded fool could make himself useful, if he really believes abortion is murder, and make a sojourn down south and browbeat those murdering Mexican peasant women into carrying to term. I mean, if there's one thing that could perk up a dirt poor woman with eight screaming stairstep children, it would be ANOTHER kid. Yeah, that's the ticket.
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Old 04-09-2003, 06:55 AM   #267
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Default Following lwf's "reasoning"...

I wonder if anyone else is now convinced that chimpanzees are "logically" granted human rights by the United Nations...

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Old 04-09-2003, 02:56 PM   #268
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Default Re: Following lwf's "reasoning"...

Originally posted by Dr Rick
I wonder if anyone else is now convinced that chimpanzees are "logically" granted human rights by the United Nations...

That is about the most obvious straw man I've ever seen! Chimpanzees are not granted human rights by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights because chimpanzees are not human beings. What part of this is confusing??
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Old 04-09-2003, 03:14 PM   #269
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Default Re: Re: Following lwf's "reasoning"...

Originally posted by long winded fool
That is about the most obvious straw man I've ever seen! Chimpanzees are not granted human rights by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights because chimpanzees are not human beings. What part of this is confusing??
It's really quite simple.

Since you insist that the term "human being" as used by the United Nations is defined by the dictionary, and not by it's own articles, nor by any law like the one the US has that specifically excludes fetuses, and since one of the dictionary definitions of human being is "n : any living or extinct member of the family Hominidae," then by your argument, chimpanzees, which are a members of this family, must "logically" have human rights.

"What part of this is confusing??"

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Old 04-09-2003, 03:19 PM   #270
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Originally posted by JGL53
I've noticed that the 'long winded fool' has by far the most posts on this subject. I wonder if he has convinced anyone yet that abortion is murder? Anyone? Just wondering.

If and when he wins over all of us on this thread to his special way of thinking, there's a real challenge waiting for him down south, to wit:

Mexico had a huge poor population that is almost all Catholic.
As we all know, the R.C.C. is extremely anti-abortion.
Additionally, abortion is illegal there.
Nevertheless, even though Mexico's population is much less than the U.S., Mexico has many more abortions each year than we do.

So, perhaps long winded fool could make himself useful, if he really believes abortion is murder, and make a sojourn down south and browbeat those murdering Mexican peasant women into carrying to term. I mean, if there's one thing that could perk up a dirt poor woman with eight screaming stairstep children, it would be ANOTHER kid. Yeah, that's the ticket.
So you propose that killing certain minority humans is a solution to human overpopulation? It is true that killing certain human beings reduces human population, but is this a wise way for a society to keep their poor from reproducing? If you don't believe that abortion kills certain minority humans then you are wrong, and I reference my stated argument as logical proof. If you cannot be convinced by logic alone, then there is no point in using logic to try to convince you of anything. If you view logical arguments as brow-beating, then how are you any different than any zealot vomiting some subjective and unreasonable dogma that you cling to despite ample evidence to the contrary and ignoring any critical analysis of the logic of your beliefs?

I can't convince you or anyone else of anything. It is all your choice. You can choose to be honest with yourself despite what your peers might say and possibly take a blow to your ego, or you can cling desperately to self-delusion and retain the acceptance of your similarly dishonest peers. I'm sorry if the blatant irrationality of legal abortion offends some pro-choicers, but it remains a contradictory and socially detrimental law that should not be on the books in a reasoning society.
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