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Old 10-10-2002, 07:55 PM   #21
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Originally posted by MBR:
<strong>Runners keep breaking world records too, don't they?</strong>
So what ? US national average IQ actually rises 3 points every decade. Do you follow how this flies in the face of the Bell Curve’s most controversial assertions ?

Murray reluctantly concedes the Flynn Effect & responds in 2 ways which seem to contradict each other. First he arbitrarily places a limit on how similar IQ norms between the racial groups can ever become, then he somehow say that IQ and cognitive function are quite separate. His varying responses on this are very shaky.

Originally posted by MBR:
<strong>What assertions are you referring to?</strong>
HM assert that cognitive function is 60% attributable to genetics.
HM assert that therefore environmental improvements in cognitive function (social, educational, employment programs) are only ever marginally successful.

Albeit a single line, but their book also contains the assertion that the government should remove itself from all welfare and social programs. This would seem quite out of place in a so-called scientific work, especially when the assertion cannot be drawn from their conclusions. Very tellingly, this is Murray’s belief regardless of any racial conclusions he might draw.
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Old 10-10-2002, 08:39 PM   #22
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Originally posted by MBR:
<strong>Labeling a higher IQ as inherantly "better" is a slightly bigoted opinion. Perhaps you could clarify this.</strong>
Actually “higher IQ as better” is completely bigoted. In the past I have been quite vocal that my view of humanity does not worship IQ nearly to the extent that some do. Those who have been here longer may remember some of my past clashes on this issue. But in this instance IQ is being taken in the context of employment and socio-economic status.

As such “higher IQ as better for better paid employment” is a valid generalisation. By asserting that statistically blacks will always have a lower mean IQ than whites due to genetic differences (as HM assert), they open the door wide for those who would assert that there is ample evidence to support reasons why blacks should never be proportionately represented in higher paying white-collar jobs.

Originally posted by MBR:
<strong>Is it so absurd to believe that congnitive ability could have developed at different rates for different groups that inhabited significantly different environments. Especially in the face of different physical characteristics that are obvious. </strong>
Of course, that is the entire point. I completely acknowledge that there are differing norms. Where I diverge from HM is in believing that these norms are more malleable than they assert. To me environment plays a pivotal role, more than HM give credit.

Sure we are a product of our genes, but reductionists such as HM oversimplify the brain and ignore the ability it has to reorganise itself based on environment. How else does one get a 3 point average IQ increase every decade ? Not by any genetic improvement which I am familiar with, that’s for sure.

So while I regard the issue as extremely complex and quite uncertain, suddenly HM and others make these sweeping conclusions, and on the basis of some very shaky analysis.

Originally posted by MBR:
<strong>It seems people are way too sensitive about it.</strong>
I think you’ll find with good reason.
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Old 10-10-2002, 10:56 PM   #23
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Originally posted by MBR:
<strong>Labeling a higher IQ as inherantly "better" is a slightly bigoted opinion. Perhaps you could clarify this.</strong>
Of course how reliably one can measure IQ or cognitive ability, and how well this correlates with employability is a whole other debate on this issue.

But given the controversial nature of the psychometrics I tend to steer clear of those easy assertions that psychometrics is simply pseudoscience (although it is a loose belief of mine). So for the moment I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that IQ can be related with employment in a meritocracy. So for the moment I’ll presuppose good psychometrics and bad psychometrics, & declare HM as the bad side.

Although personally whenever I’ve hired somebody, I’ve never placed any value on any IQ tests or even aptitude tests for that matter. I find extremely little correlation between these and performance as an employee.

Anyway, off for the weekend, but I’m sure that won’t trouble you at all.
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Old 10-11-2002, 09:26 AM   #24
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First, let me suggest that you take a look at a recent article in the journal "Intelligence" that was signed by 53 leading scholars in the feild.
It was not a defense of the Bell Curve, but a reaction to the myths and misinformation that was being spread in the media by the ideological response to the Bell Curve.
The artivle actually highlight 20 mainstream ideas in addition to the 5 I posted.

"Mainstream Science on Intelligence: An Editorial With 52 Signitories, History, and Bibliography"
INTELLIGENCE, Vol 24, pg 13-23.

Originally posted by echidna:

Originally posted by doubtingt:
1. African Americans consistently score 15 to 20 points lower (almost 1 standard deviation) on several different measures of general intelligence.

Actually I’m no longer sure of this. It’s certainly the number which is bandied around, but the Bell Curve was sensationalised for its radical assertions & sensationalisation wins publicity but not necessarily accuracy.

While possibly true shortly prior to the Bell Curve, my reading cites several mentions that the gap has noticeably narrowed in subsequent studies. In part, this is pivotal to many of Herrnstein and Murray’s most controversial assertions.


This number is standard and mainstream. There is no persuasive evidence of general shifts in group IQ norms, only mixed findings that show in some years the differences in academic acheivement scores (not IQ) have narrowed.

Originally posted by doubtingt:
2. These differences occur on tests, such as Ravens Matrices, etc., for which there is no theoretical or empirical basis to assume cultural bias.

I’m not familiar with Raven’s Matrices, but this site, <a href="," target="_blank">,</a> certainly seems to list :

a: Malnutrition and/or undernourishment.
b: Lack of attention and stimulation from one year old.
c: Strict and overprotective child rearing practices.
d: Poor educational facilities.


… as possible reasons for different norms.

These are not "cultural biases" of the tests. These are environmental factors that do affect performance. However, none of these factors have been sufficient to account for racial differences, as these differences at all levels of equal SES, and wealthy, well fed, well schooled blacks score higher than poor black but only the same as poor, malnurished, poorly schooled whites.

Originally posted by doubtingt:
3. Genetic inheritance accounts for about 50% of the individual variance in scores on these tests.

Umm, that’s an area of high uncertainty. Twin studies are largely relevant here however the ones used by the Bell Curve are cloudy at best.

There is a high level of consensus among researchers that genetics plays a large role and the body of reputable studies show an influence of anywhere from 40 to 80%.

Originally posted by doubtingt:
4. Any factor, such as genetics, that is responsible for individual variance in IQ CANNOT be automatically assumed to be responsible for group level differences.

Interestingly I gather that black women earn on average around 10% more than white women. So while Murray and Herrnstein use income gaps as evidence for their assertion of a genetic base for IQ, when this is presented, they immediately attribute it to Affirmative Action programs, thereby acknowledging alternative influences, albeit very selectively.
I'm not really concerned with M & H specifically, and this is relevant to the point I made above which I would think you would agree with.

Originally posted by doubtingt:
5. To date, there is no adequate socio-cultural explanation that has been able to account for these group level differences.

Well actually the many alternatives include education, nutrition, culture, social attitudes, many of which are overlooked by HM, and those which are studied would appear to have been studied very questionably.

Yes, these are things that could affect cognitive performance and they are "possible" reasons why blacks and white differ, but none has yet been able to actually account for all the data that shows differences despite SES or the lack of differences between groups who differ on these environmental dimensions just as much as blacks and whites.

Originally posted by doubtingt:
6. The only scientifically justifiable position on the source of these group differences is to remain agnostic and neutral until future evidence provides more insight.

Whew, finally I can agree to an extent. I am not familiar with more recent studies.
As uncomfortable as these facts are, they are mainstream, scientifically backed facts. It could very well be the case that racial differences are entirely due to some complex interacting set of environmental factors that have yet to be conceived in a testable way. But genetics certainly cannot be ruled out at this point and there is some evidence that cannot be squared with the environmentalist assumptions that have been formulated thus far.
H and M may have secret motives and some of their rhetorical tactics seem to try and lead the reader to a genetic conclusion, while at the same time making the explicit claim that they are agnostic at this point. However, the anti-Bell curve and anti-intelligence rhetoric coming from the left is unquestionably and blatantly rife with bias, lies, and distortions, and is quite obviously motivated by ideology and fear (however benevolent) rather than a sober examination of the evidence.
I think Pinker's recent book makes an almost humorous observation about the self-contradictions in the anti-intelligence rhetoric that reveal it ideological roots:
"I find it truly surreal to read academics denying the existence of
intelligence. Academics are obsessed with intelligence. They discuss it
endlessly in considering student admissions, in hiring faculty and staff, and
especially in their gossip about one another. Nor can citizens or
policymakers ignore the concept, regardless of their politics. People who say that IQ is meaningless will quickly invoke it when the discussion turns to executing a murderer with an IQ of 64, removing lead paint that lowers a
child's IQ by five points, or the presidential qualifications of George W.
Bush. In any case, there is now ample evidence that intelligence is a stable
property of an individual, that it can be linked to features of the brain
(including overall size, amount of gray matter in the frontal lobes, speed of
neural conduction, and metabolism of cerebral glucose), that it is partly
heritable among individuals, and that it predicts some of the variation in
life outcomes such as income and social status" (pp.149-150)

[ October 11, 2002: Message edited by: doubtingt ]</p>
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Old 10-11-2002, 09:45 AM   #25
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My two cents:

I’ve always wondered what all the critics of The Bell Curve would do if another book came out with the startling conclusion that African-Americans were better athletes than whites and Asians.

In my experience the people who have problems with the book are usually the closed-minded ones as they equate intelligence with being superior. Even if it could some how be shown that whites were the most intelligent “race,” it wouldn’t follow that we are better, superior, etc. It’s generally the bigoted critic who projects his or her own value of intelligence as some sort of objective standard.

These are also the same people who hurt women by telling them they were the same as men by assuming their moral worth was somehow related to their "abilities" in relation to men.

[ October 11, 2002: Message edited by: pug846 ]</p>
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Old 10-11-2002, 09:45 AM   #26
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Originally posted by echidna:
To take an extreme, say nurture counts for nothing and IQ is only attributable to genetics. Essentially education programs, social programs, health programs and so forth all become worthless.</strong>
Nonsense. These are tendencies. They aren't certain outcomes. If hypothetically we were buying into the race-IQ proposition, then it would still be true that not all white people have higher IQs than all black people.

Originally posted by echidna:
<strong>Of course HM don’t assert zero, but they do assert that environment counts for factorally lower than is generally considered. Separately they also assert that such programs are only marginally effective. </strong>
HM? If you mean the Bell Curve authors then ou are incorrect. They discuss a number of things.

Originally posted by echidna:
<strong>In doing so, the bettering of mankind is mainly achievable only by genetic improvements to the human race. Lower intelligence DNA would seem to be a liability for starters. </strong>
You are presuming what "bettering mankind" means.

Again you are not seeing there is a disconnection between the state of affair (the "is) and a prescribed course of action (the "ought"). I may be wrong but do you understand the basic "Is to Ought" fallacy? It seems you don't.

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Old 10-11-2002, 11:02 AM   #27
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Regarding Rising IQ:

There's a book on the subject editted by Ulric Niesser, one of the founders of cognitive psychology. It's a good read. I used it once for a presentation on the subject...

My argument...rising IQ is due to increased complexity in the environment...i.e., more shit to remember and use.
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Old 10-12-2002, 06:25 AM   #28
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Echidna: So what ? US national average IQ actually rises 3 points every decade. Do you follow how this flies in the face of the Bell Curve’s most controversial assertions ?
I don't follow. Since no one holds IQ to be 100% genetic, an across-the-board rise in IQ could be explained in terms of changes in the environment (training, nutrition, educated parents, television). Why do none of the experts in the field agree that the Flynn effect "flies in the face of the Bell Curve’s most controversial assertions"?

Echidna: Just quickly, whatever Murray and Herrnstein’s own conclusions, the Bell Curve has been seized by many Eugenics organizations as scientific justification of eugenics (as surely H & M must have anticipated).
Charles Darwin has been used to justify eugenics as well, but that's no criticism of Darwin. Facts about the world do not become true or false by reference to their possible social consequences, I'm sure you'll agree.

By denoting the larger attributing factor of genetics over environment, eugenicists conclude that environmental influences over IQ will always be limited.
Well, that's hardly a reasonable criticism of the BC. Environmental influences over virtually any trait would always be limited, unless there are no genetic factors at all. And the evidence is simply undeniable that many psychological traits are at least partly under genetic control, the question is only how much.
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Old 10-13-2002, 10:04 PM   #29
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Originally posted by pug846:
<strong>I’ve always wondered what all the critics of The Bell Curve would do if another book came out with the startling conclusion that African-Americans were better athletes than whites and Asians. </strong>
Pug, you’ll find this is quite a well known book already.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Taboo : Why black athletes dominate sports and why we are afraid to talk about it

FWIW I think the physical differences including sports performance are relatively obvious & I’ve argued their existence in the past. Where I differ is that psychometric analysis such as the BC oversimplify the brain’s complexity and ability to reorganise itself according to outside influences. Differences between gender intelligence is one obvious example but hopefully I can expand later.

Originally posted by pug846:
<strong>In my experience the people who have problems with the book are usually the closed-minded ones as they equate intelligence with being superior. Even if it could some how be shown that whites were the most intelligent “race,” it wouldn’t follow that we are better, superior, etc. It’s generally the bigoted critic who projects his or her own value of intelligence as some sort of objective standard.</strong>
Doubtingt’s description of the BC’s critics is more accurate than this one IMO.

The trouble is, when it comes to employment which is one of the most influential societal influences in determining an individual’s socio-economic status, some measure of intelligence (or cognitive ability) is objectively better. I’ve already said that this plays no role whatsoever in their value as a human being, however it is key in creating much of their well-being in society. Do you differ with this ? If so, how ?

This is largely why the findings of the Bell Curve are so hotly debated.
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Old 10-13-2002, 10:14 PM   #30
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Doubtingt, I mostly agree with your concluding comments, as does the American Psychological Association. To date I don’t think I’ve denied the relevance of some measure of intelligence or cognitive ability, however I think the BC oversimplifies the measure.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

The differential between the mean intelligence test scores of Blacks and Whites does not result from any obvious biases in test construction and administration, nor does it simply reflect differences in socio-economic status. Explanations based on factors of caste and culture may be appropriate, but so far there is little direct empirical support for them. There is certainly no such support for a genetic interpretation. At this time, no one knows what is responsible for the differential.
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