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Old 03-20-2003, 06:07 PM   #51
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Originally posted by Amos

. . . and that is why the streets are paved with gold!

Very nice Malai and now you should explain to me why sickness and pain cannot be part of it because they are also part of our suffering. Lets be sure to understand that pain is an illusion.

How about death and the fear of dying? Is eternal life not needed to make temporal life known, and how is it that we can be both temporal and eternal unless our temporal life is just the illusion we see with our little mind?

The universal mind is infinite but since infinity has no beginning and no end (and therefore no particular existence of being) our higher self is an extraction from this infinite consciousness (universal mind), which in its turn needs us to make this infinite mind known. We, therefore, have a symbiotic relationship with it and out of this relationship we form our "hinher self" (eternal mind has a beginning but no end) from which in turn we extrapolate our temporal mind (little self) to give us the 3D insight we need to better the world around us as human beings.

So we have 1) the universal mind without beginning and without end, 2) the eternal mind with a beginning but no end, and 3) the temporal mind with a beginning and an end.

Therefore we can only die in our temporal mind and temporal life itself is an illusion. [/B]
Dear Amos.

The whole 3D experience is an ''illusion'', but an illusion where you are meant to experience and feel what your ''vehicle'' was designed to do, the experience was designed for for the express purpose of growth. How would you know what it is like to be pain free, if you didn't experience pain, etc, etc.
To give you an example, when you are ''dreaming'', especially lucid dreams, you feel as if you are living a life. Are you aware that you are in another existence, in bed asleep?
Have you ever been dreaming about being in a ''life'' and then woken up and realised that you have accessed another ''dream life'' and then woken up in the one you have now. Those ''dream'' lives are as every bit as real to you, as the one you are consciously aware of now. Think about it.

Fear of death, is a taught response. One is taught to fear what one does not know. Primal society stuff.
The temporal life is seen as ''real'' the eternal ''life'', in comparison is seen as unreal. Another taught belief.

The universal mind, is infinite.
We are ''seeded'', so we have a beginning, but no end, we are then eternal.
The eminations from the true self, the seeded self. the temporal selves are finite in their ''lives'' and as you said have access to their higher self for guidence, to better themselves and the world they find themselves in. The relationship is a symbiotic one between the true self, the higher self and the 3D eminated self, be it in big or little mode.

The end 3 statements we know to be correct and yes, temporal life IS an illusion, a hologram.

You see Amos, your understanding of how it works is just your collective memory kicking in to triggers. This we have been informed is how it works.


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Old 03-20-2003, 06:13 PM   #52
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Originally posted by Keith Russell
Malia5--pure mystical nonsense; wishful thinking.

You have offered nothing but claims utterly unsupported by a single shred of independently verifiable, non-contradictory evidence.

Dear Keith Russell.

Our information does not respond to the 3D system of ''proofs''.
Only the personal experience can do this. Speak to Plato.
We offer universal truths for your consideration, you deal with it as you choose. Free will, remember.


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Old 03-20-2003, 06:30 PM   #53
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Originally posted by sweep
I don't know Amos. Every day I step in a freezing cold shower and repeat to myself: 'pain is just an illusion'

... but it's still bloody freezing!

But really, what I call pain is really a feeling that precedes pleasure. I recall a spell of hideous food poisoning, with burning stomach pains. On the day that I had no pains I made a cajun chicken sandwich and ate a cream bun afterwards. Let me tell you, that was a FINE meal.

Even though physically, there are different mechanisms for pain and pleasure (sensitisation and habituation) the main variables for the experience of pain are time and stimulus intensity. This might get through: If you put a frog in a pan of hot water it will jump out (stimulus intensity) If you put a frog in cool water and slowly heat it up, the frog will boil (time)

so why would pain be an illusion, except in the sense that time fools us?

Oh, malai, this G.O.D. thing: did your contacts tell the meaning of GOD? If so, do they speak English? If not, did you come up with Gift Of Design yourself?

Wouldn't the bridge between hundreds of dimensions to 3-D be a bit like teaching a chimp to play chess?

H: "LOOK! queen moves forwards, sideways AND diagonally!"

C: "OOHH! OOH AAA aaaa, aaaAA!"
Dear sweep.

Pain and pleasure can be considered opposites. One heightens the other to increase the experience. (the frog analogy)

Time, is part of the illusion as well, very much perceptionally regulated. (time flys sometimes and drags sometimes)
In reality, there is no time, it is all happening at once.

The term Gift Of Design, we were given in the articles we received.
The articles posted, are as received, slightly cryptic and in english.

The Gift Of Design, is the creating force, the Grand Order of Design is the creation.

When you consider the countless dimensional worlds and all the choices and causes and effects, we would say it would be more like teaching an amoeba to design a quantum computer.


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Old 03-20-2003, 06:55 PM   #54
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Default Re: Sorry for the late post.

Originally posted by jpbrooks
And "reductionistic" stances are useful for correcting errors that result from the misapplication of "holistic" perspectives. Again, both "reductionism" and "holism" are useful perspectives (from a methodological standpoint) in testing philosophical claims.

And the "BIG picture" is a "unity" of diverse aspects of things, each of which can be the focus of some "reductionistic" view.

I'm out of time. I'll be back later.
Dear jpbrooks.

If reductionism is used by the ''bigger'' 3D self, the more objective way of seeing, it can be used to provide a form of ''rubbery'' structure to apply to philosophy. However, when information is not ''thought up'' with the ''little'' self subjective mind, but received, as is, it is helpful to use a combination of ''bigger'' self reductionism and cognitive/objective intuitive thought to translate the concept, cross the bridge from the limits of 3D ''little'' self learned perceptions.


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Old 03-20-2003, 07:18 PM   #55
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Crystal Wavers come in the fundie variety now?

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Old 03-20-2003, 07:25 PM   #56
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Dear John Page.

1) Holograms are able to be ''constructed'' in 3D worlds.
The use of the word is to get across that dimensional ''worlds'' are energetic ''constructions'' of the true self, they are not ''real'', as the true self is the only reality.

2) The thought flow can only be detected in a 3D sense, by change in brain wave patterns, detectable when the ''flow'' is present.

3) ''Broadcasting'' yes, but by the medium of the collective consciousness.

4) ''Made them up'' we don't think so. Thats what the inquisition said to Copernicus.

5) Don't be shy, ask about ''dreams''.

6) Content yes, slogans no.

7) MW stands for multiple worlds. David Deutsch.

8) The other sense, you left out, the intuitive sense. Use this and it will put all the other senses into the correct perspective.

9) Your contract for your life's path, what you agreed to before you were born to this earth.


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Old 03-20-2003, 07:27 PM   #57
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Sorry I came in late here...but do you have any evidence for any of these fantastic assertions you're making?
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Old 03-20-2003, 07:30 PM   #58
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Dear lunachick.

Byron Bay, nice place but too many hippies and moon godesses.


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Old 03-20-2003, 08:15 PM   #59
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Mommy tells me all the time
She tells me every day
That everyone, who's anyone,
Will always go away.

And I'm looking in the mirror,
And the backdrop's falling down.
Like the ponies in the circus,
I go round and round and round and round and round and round
And round

That's why I'm always asking
Where is the doodah man.
Like everyone, he disappeared
Before he left he planned

And when we look into the mirror
We wear our fancy gowns,
And like the ponies in the circus,
We go round and round and round and round and round and round
And round.
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Old 03-20-2003, 08:40 PM   #60
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Originally posted by malai5
Fear of death, is a taught response. One is taught to fear what one does not know. Primal society stuff.
The temporal life is seen as ''real'' the eternal ''life'', in comparison is seen as unreal. Another taught belief.

Well the only reason we can die is because life is an illusion and the only reason why life can be an illusion is because eternal life is real . . . which must be true if we can die. In other words, without eternal life temporal life could not be conceived to exist. Or shall we just say that without Eden 'outside of Eden' cannot be concveived to exist.

This same is true with the light of common day which is an illusion that is made known by the celestial light, and so, without the celestial light the light of common day cannot be conceived to exist.

Dreaming? I don't remember.

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