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Old 07-14-2002, 05:53 AM   #31
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Humans are evil, and that is why humans have used both science and religion in evil manners. The problem is an instrinsically human problem.

1. Humans are evil:

Bzzzt. Wrong answer. Humans are often WRONG. This does not equate to being EVIL. Humans often use, and encourage the use, of any and all forms of power,( be they scientific, political, economic, or cultural), wrongfully. This does not always equate to EVIL.

2. that is why humans have used both science and religion in evil manners.

Let us begin with the assumption that right and wrong are determined by the furtherance of human existence. Thus the continuance of human existence is right. The dis-continuance of human existence is wrong. Human nature attests to this assumption.

Let us further assume that humans exist in a natural setting that demands a correct response from humans in order to further extend their existence. In-correct response=dis-continuance of existence. No response =dis-continuance of existence.

Thus we can deduce that continuance of human existence is good and dis-continuance of human existence is evil.

Science is the reduction and condensation, via empirical methods, of the complex forces of nature into explanation, prediction and manipulation.

Religion is the attribution of ancient imaginary mystical incomprehensible explanations for the complex natural forces of reality. Prediction and manipulation are impossible.

Science begins with "I don't know" and proceeds to find a correct answer.

Religion begins with "it's unknowable" and proceeds to invent an incomprehensible explanation.

Science facilitates further investigation into nature to determine answers.

Religion facilitates further re-definition of "primitive imagination" to determine answers.

Answers provided scientifically facilitate prediction and manipulation of nature consistently and are thus correct answers.

Answers provided by religion facilitate manipulation of human thought processes to minimize the need for correct answers about nature.

All application of both science and religion begin in human thought and ideas.

Of the two, which of the above facilitates rightness in human thought and ideas, with rightness defined as the ability to correctly predict and manipulate nature to facilite the furtherance of human existence?

Thus Science is RIGHT, religion is WRONG.

Can the application of that which is founded upon wrongness be coupled with that which is founded upon rightness and produce a furtherance of human existence?

Conclusion: Religion is EVIL. Man is not!

[ July 14, 2002: Message edited by: rainbow walking ]</p>
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Old 07-14-2002, 06:28 AM   #32
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The mystery of God is suggested by passages such as 1 Corinthians 2:11, "For what man knows the things of man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God." Also in verse 14, "For the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."
What knowledge does the "spirit of god" include? Parts of his nature?

All descriptions of God are allegories, but allegories are not lies and fantasies so much as the comprehensible shadow of the incomprehensible reality.
Comprehensible shadows of an incomprehensible reality is just that - fantasies.
They cannot have any solid knowledge of what they cannot comprehend so they are left with fantasies about it. Figments of ther imagination, that cannot be established as being more trye than their opposites. So, again... Does anyone have any knowledge of "god"? Or is it all just fantasies?

I would think that it is required of you, if you wan't to call yourself a christian, that you believe in the divinity of christ. And how can you do that?

I do that by choice.
As you cannot claim that Jesus was divine (son of god), then you are no more of a christian then I am.
If you still claim that Jesus is divine you are in denial.

If you have given the mystery a name, then you must know something about it. If not, then you don't have anything to name.

You are mistaken. You are aware of the mystery and that is why it has a name.
Then I am not mistaken. If you are aware of it, then there is something to be aware of, something you know.
Or are you saying that the whole "Great Mystery" = "God" was just something you made up, and cannot back up?
You weren't sincere?

Science doesn't actually forbid humans from asking these questions, it merely forbids humans from finding the answer.
Ok, that was better.
Wich questions are you reffering to?
And what alternatives are there to find the answer?

The mystery informs humanity of the limitations of human perception, human intellect and of the human tools of science, logic and reason.
How can the mystery inform people? We don't know anything about it.

In that case, we humans have gained a marginal, trivial amount of knowledge, the majority of which is useless relative to the struggles of our daily life. Science is merely a distraction, a form of entertainment for the intellectually inclined mind.
Does this include medical science?
If you mention trivial, what are you comparing it to?
And don't say "The Great Mystery", because frankly I think not even you know what that is.
I know what it is though. It's a huge Strawman built up by you. Huge!

If it weren't for this "distraction" we wouldn't be able to discuss this today.
I don't know how old you are, but you would probably not even be alive today if it wasn't for this "distraction".
You could try to live your life apart from the fruits of these distractions, and see how you like it.
I think you would very soon start to miss TV, microwave ovens, cars, medicin... and so on.

Comparing to the "mystery", not that is a distraction. Orchestrated by religions to gain power/authority from people's fears and ignorance.

The sun is a great mystery. A boiling cauldron of superheated gases surround the raw power of a perpetual nuclear explosion in the core. Science has devoted considerable resources to comprehending the sun and those efforts are needed because there is so much that we presently do not understand about the nearest star to the earth.
Strawman. We have learned a great deal about the sun. You just mentioned some of it.
That was some "mysteries" that was solved. And there is plenty more.

The more knowledge we get the more knowledge we need. The physical universe is a lot more complicated than any scientist ever anticipated.
Need for what?

Are you seriously claiming that the reason why so many people believe in god, is that they try to avoid believing in god?

No, I am not making any such claim.
Yes, you did. You said that people try to aviod believing in god.
And there are alot of monotheists in the world. So there must be some kind of problem with your first claim.

By definiting, mankind is ignorant of the mystery.
That is not what you said before.

The mystery is terrifying and magnificent because in thinking of the mystery we become acquainted with the wealth of knowledge which mankind will always lack.
Terrifying to who?
I'm not terrified. I'm quite calm.

I wonder.

[ July 14, 2002: Message edited by: Theli ]

[ July 14, 2002: Message edited by: Theli ]</p>
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Old 07-14-2002, 06:36 AM   #33
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And yes, I forgot.
Has god ever done anything?
Anything at all?
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Old 07-14-2002, 11:44 AM   #34
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The Typhon / David Mathews mystery...

I smell a troll...
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Old 07-14-2002, 12:26 PM   #35
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What is that supposed to mean?

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Old 07-14-2002, 12:37 PM   #36
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Originally posted by Mu:
<strong>The Typhon / David Mathews mystery...

I smell a troll...</strong>
Who's the troll?

Maybe we are all trolls.
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Old 07-14-2002, 01:08 PM   #37
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Hello rainbow walking,

[QB]Humans are evil, and that is why humans have used both science and religion in evil manners. The problem is an instrinsically human problem.

1. Humans are evil:

Bzzzt. Wrong answer. Humans are often WRONG. This does not equate to being EVIL. Humans often use, and encourage the use, of any and all forms of power,( be they scientific, political, economic, or cultural), wrongfully. This does not always equate to EVIL.
David: Humans are evil. Humans have a long history of committed all sorts of atrocities and engaging in wars, humans are known to be filled with hate, anger, bitterness, prejudice and lust. Humans pollute the environment, drive species to extinction, exploit the poor, oppress the helpless and are selfish. Humans go out of their way to slander, offend, insult and harm each other, treating both friend and foe in the same evil manner.

Of the two, which of the above facilitates rightness in human thought and ideas, with rightness defined as the ability to correctly predict and manipulate nature to facilite the furtherance of human existence?

Thus Science is RIGHT, religion is WRONG.

Can the application of that which is founded upon wrongness be coupled with that which is founded upon rightness and produce a furtherance of human existence?

Conclusion: Religion is EVIL. Man is not!
David: If science's goal is to guarantee the continued existence of humankind, its actions contradict that ideal. Science developed nuclear, biological and chemical weapons sufficient to drive humankind to extinction. Science and technology pollute the earth's air, oceans and lands which deadly and debilitation chemicals. Science and technology's promise of easing life's burdens has evaporated into the stressful gridlock of our city streets, the lowest-common-denominator entertainment which fills our televisions and the death & violence which fills our newspapers.

If you think that science is right you are wrong. Humans have created this monster called science and it is threatening to drive us to extinction. I wonder how civilization ten thousand years from now will view the failed promises of science today?


David Mathews
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Old 07-14-2002, 01:20 PM   #38
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Hello Theli,

What knowledge does the "spirit of god" include? Parts of his nature?
David: The Spirit of God is omniscient and so contains all forms of knowledge, including God's own nature.

Comprehensible shadows of an incomprehensible reality is just that - fantasies.
They cannot have any solid knowledge of what they cannot comprehend so they are left with fantasies about it. Figments of ther imagination, that cannot be established as being more trye than their opposites. So, again... Does anyone have any knowledge of "god"? Or is it all just fantasies?
David: No one has any accurate, legitimate or trustworthy knowledge of God. All we can know is that God does exist and that God is everything that we are not.

As you cannot claim that Jesus was divine (son of god), then you are no more of a christian then I am.
If you still claim that Jesus is divine you are in denial.
David: I regard Jesus as Divine.

Then I am not mistaken. If you are aware of it, then there is something to be aware of, something you know.
Or are you saying that the whole "Great Mystery" = "God" was just something you made up, and cannot back up?
You weren't sincere?
David: We can know that a mystery exist, we can know that God exist, beyond that all is conjecture.

Ok, that was better.
Wich questions are you reffering to?
And what alternatives are there to find the answer?
David: Science cannot resolve quantum mechanical questions except with probable outcomes, science cannot resolve historical questions except with informed guesses, and science cannot resolve questions which are outside its jurisdiction.

For some of these questions there are no alternatves and therefore they must remain unanswered. Other questions fall under the jurisdiction of philsophy and theology, and these discipines have their own tools for that purpose.

How can the mystery inform people? We don't know anything about it.
David: The mystery doesn't inform us about itself, it does inform us about ourselves.

Does this include medical science?
If you mention trivial, what are you comparing it to?
And don't say "The Great Mystery", because frankly I think not even you know what that is.
I know what it is though. It's a huge Strawman built up by you. Huge!

If it weren't for this "distraction" we wouldn't be able to discuss this today.
I don't know how old you are, but you would probably not even be alive today if it wasn't for this "distraction".
You could try to live your life apart from the fruits of these distractions, and see how you like it.
I think you would very soon start to miss TV, microwave ovens, cars, medicin... and so on.

Comparing to the "mystery", not that is a distraction. Orchestrated by religions to gain power/authority from people's fears and ignorance.
David: Medical science is a distraction when we become so obsessed with saving our own life that we cease living. What life is all about is not all these interesting things that science has discovered. The most important things in life are the two commands: Love God, love your fellow humans. If atheists exempt themselves from the first they still remain obligated to fulfilling the second.


David Mathews
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Old 07-14-2002, 02:42 PM   #39
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David: Humans are evil. Humans have a long history of committed all sorts of atrocities and engaging in wars ...
Like wars of religion?

David: If science's goal is to guarantee the continued existence of humankind, its actions contradict that ideal. Science developed nuclear, biological and chemical weapons sufficient to drive humankind to extinction. Science and technology pollute the earth's air, oceans and lands which deadly and debilitation chemicals. Science and technology's promise of easing life's burdens has evaporated into the stressful gridlock of our city streets, the lowest-common-denominator entertainment which fills our televisions and the death & violence which fills our newspapers.
What are you, David Mathews, a lily-livered pacifist soft-on-crime treehugging Democrat who enjoys getting mugged?

If you think that science is right you are wrong. Humans have created this monster called science and it is threatening to drive us to extinction. I wonder how civilization ten thousand years from now will view the failed promises of science today?
While DM's favorite brand of religion is entitled to completely fail in its promise to turn everybody into saints.

David: No one has any accurate, legitimate or trustworthy knowledge of God. All we can know is that God does exist and that God is everything that we are not.
Meaning that we could not have been created in God's likeness. And that "God" is not worth worshipping.

David: We can know that a mystery exist, we can know that God exist, beyond that all is conjecture.
Mystery schmystery. If you don't know who is living in a nearby house, do you therefore conclude that it's some extraterrestrial spies living there?

David: ... The most important things in life are the two commands: Love God, love your fellow humans. ...
So most of the Bible is superfluous?
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Old 07-14-2002, 07:36 PM   #40
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Hello lpetrich,

Like wars of religion?
David: Religious wars are an example of human evil.

What are you, David Mathews, a lily-livered pacifist soft-on-crime treehugging Democrat who enjoys getting mugged?
David: Not by any means.

While DM's favorite brand of religion is entitled to completely fail in its promise to turn everybody into saints.
David: Religion does not fail, humans fail.

While DM's favorite brand of religion is entitled to completely fail in its promise to turn everybody into saints.
David: If you don't want to worship God, don't. If you have some complaint against God, you can address those to Him directly.

Mystery schmystery. If you don't know who is living in a nearby house, do you therefore conclude that it's some extraterrestrial spies living there?
David: Sometimes, but only if I live in Nevada and the nearby house is area 51 ...

So most of the Bible is superfluous?
David: Only in a sense. The rest of the Bible provides the context of these commandments, with examples of the manners in which humans succeed and fail at obeying them.


David Mathews
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