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Old 12-31-2001, 11:42 AM   #31
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Hovind - I haven't a clue who he is and have never been to his site.
Maybe I'll check it out to see what it has to say.

Another thing - if evolution was correct- what do you believe (or maybe even know)happens at death. Interesting concept that isn't it? Why should evolution result in death? Shouldn't a mutation have occurrred somewhere along the line that resulted in animals that don't die?
Also - why do we grow old - it seems that that shouldn't have happened should it?
The weaker species should've been those that died but aren't there another species that don't die?

Lol, where else in the body can you envision the brain so that it would be in a more suitable place? Where it has a smaller risk of injury?
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Old 12-31-2001, 12:28 PM   #32
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Originally posted by davidH:
<strong>Shouldn't a mutation have occurrred somewhere along the line that resulted in animals that don't die?</strong>
<a href="" target="_blank">It did.</a>
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Old 12-31-2001, 12:31 PM   #33
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Originally posted by rbochnermd:
Do you suppose the Hovinds of the world get some sort of twisted pleasure from setting up the Davids of the world into making fools of themselves?
It appears that it is David that delights in making a fool of himself:

<strong> A eye that simple couldn't even distinguish light from darkness unless the head that they were on moved constantly. Infact an eye like that can't be classified as an eye at all.</strong>
So what would you call it? Some of my legally blind patients whose eyesight is so poor just might like to know.

Many creatures on this planet are born with eyes that can only distinguish light from dark, and others are born with eyesight much better than ours. Regardless of the acuity of vision, these light sensing organs are called "eyes."

<strong>Don't believe me?</strong>
Not when you spout nonsense. Why should we? You present no facts to back-up your assertions, and much of what you post is just plain wrong.

<strong>...Then do some research on the eye.</strong>
How much "research" would you recommend? As little as you have done, perhaps?

<strong>The sun can't last forever but I know it won't shink away to nothing. I will go into more detail on this but believe me the sun does use up fuel. </strong>
This statement is not a revelation to most of us.

<strong>But still I would be interested to know how you believe something came from nothing.</strong>
...such as the sky-daddy you worship.

[quote<strong>Asking me to explain it myself is an avoidance of the question. You believe it therefore you prove it to me and if it seems resonable to me then I will accept it. - As simple as that.</strong>[/quote]

First tell us what you are babbling about: are you questioning evolution, abiogenesis, or the origins of the universe?

<strong>In relation to you body. I think you should take a look at the immune system - maybe you don't realise how many times this has saved your life.</strong>
<img src="graemlins/banghead.gif" border="0" alt="[Bang Head]" />

<strong>I think you should look upon it with a little more respect maybe.</strong>

<strong>Another thing - if evolution was correct- what do you believe (or maybe even know)happens at death. Interesting concept that isn't it?</strong>
Yes, what happens at death to our consciousness has challenged philosophers and theologians for ages. Of course, it has nothing at all to do with evolution, but go ahead; you appear to be on a roll:

<strong>Why should evolution result in death? Shouldn't a mutation have occurrred somewhere along the line that resulted in animals that don't die?</strong>
Only if it confers reproductive advantage upon the species.

<strong>The weaker species should've been those that died but aren't there another species that don't die?[</strong>
No, less fit species are ones that don't produce viable off-spring.

<strong>Lol, where else in the body can you envision the brain so that it would be in a more suitable place? Where it has a smaller risk of injury?</strong>
For you personally, I would advise removing it from your...oh, nevermind, this one is just too easy.


[ December 31, 2001: Message edited by: rbochnermd ]</p>
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Old 12-31-2001, 12:32 PM   #34
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Originally posted by davidH:
For those who talked about the sun not decreasing in size - what do you think, it's refuelled or something?? The sun can't last forever but I know it won't shink away to nothing. I will go into more detail on this but believe me the sun does use up fuel. I will try and find a website for this cause there's no point giving book references.
No numbskull, the sun's energy comes from the fusion of atomic nuclei, not gravitational collapse! I don't think that there is any evidence that sun has undergone long-term shrinkage in recent history, though its size does occilate periodically. And it will eventually use up its fuel, but not for at least 5 billion more years. The whole "shrinking sun" argument was based on creationist dishonesty and slopiness, was discredited many, many years ago, and has been disowned by nearly every creationist organization. Did you even bother checking the links that were offered to you?

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Old 12-31-2001, 12:43 PM   #35
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Originally posted by davidH:
<strong>Hovind - I haven't a clue who he is and have never been to his site.
Maybe I'll check it out to see what it has to say.
No, no, please don't. You are confused enough as it is. Hovind makes you look like a genius and he makes your average paranoid schizophrenic look calm and relaxed. Try going to <a href="" target="_blank"></a> instead, like many people have suggested to you. You don't have to agree with what's written there, but you should at least familiarize yourself with the basics of evolution (and basic biology) before you attempt to critique it. Furthermore, there are refutations there of common creationist claims, such as the shrinking sun argument. Make sure your claim hasn't been debunked thirty times over before bringing it up here.

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Old 12-31-2001, 12:53 PM   #36
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Originally posted by davidH:
<strong>For those who talked about the sun not decreasing in size - what do you think, it's refuelled or something?? The sun can't last forever but I know it won't shink away to nothing. I will go into more detail on this but believe me the sun does use up fuel. I will try and find a website for this cause there's no point giving book references.

Is this supposed to be news to us? The sun won't last forever - it's lasted 5 billion years, and it's got maybe another 5 billion or so left. Now, how does that present a problem for evolution?

But still I would be interested to know how you believe something came from nothing.
I think Zeus did it. But as to how Zeus came from nothing I'm completely stumped.

Hovind - I haven't a clue who he is and have never been to his site.
Maybe I'll check it out to see what it has to say.
I'll save you the bother. Go <a href="" target="_blank">here</a> to see the best bits.

If you are traveling down the highway at sixty miles an hour, and turn your headlights on, how fast is the light going from your headlights? Compared to you, it is going at the speed of light. Compared to someone on the sidewalk it is going at the speed of light plus sixty miles an hour. [Einstein must be turning in his grave]

Did you know that the black suited organization that attacked the Koresh cult was a United Nations task force?

You say, “Brother Hovind, you don't believe in fire breathing dragons do you?” Yeah, you better watch video tape number three; there really were fire breathing dragons.

The Smithsonian Institute [sic] has 33,000 sets of human remains in their basement right now as you are reading this. Many of them were taken while the people were still alive. They were so desperate to find missing links, so desperate to prove their theory that they murdered people to prove it.

The Trail of Tears was where the Cherokee Indians were driven out of the Chattanooga area all the way to Oklahoma. One third of the entire nation died en route. That took place here in America as they were driven from their homes. Evolution is largely responsible for what happened to the Indians. [Trail of Tears 1838-1839. Publication of Origin of Species 1859]

Stalin's autobiography states, ...... [The book is a fictional exploration of the psychology of Stalin which is available from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>]

Mammoths do not have any sweat glands. They were not designed for cold climates.

This man is a highly respected creationist.

Also - why do we grow old
Maybe it has something to do with the passage of time.

[ December 31, 2001: Message edited by: Pantera ]</p>
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Old 12-31-2001, 12:59 PM   #37
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Originally posted by davidH:
<strong>doh! Did it again! Sorry about that.

In relation to you body. I think you should take a look at the immune system - maybe you don't realise how many times this has saved your life.
I think you should look upon it with a little more respect maybe.</strong>
Yeah, and millions don't die from infections every year. If it were so "perfect" than we wouldn't get sick at all to begin with.
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Old 12-31-2001, 01:02 PM   #38
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Originally posted by davidH:
<strong>Hovind - I haven't a clue who he is and have never been to his site.
Maybe I'll check it out to see what it has to say.

Another thing - if evolution was correct- what do you believe (or maybe even know)happens at death. Interesting concept that isn't it? Why should evolution result in death? Shouldn't a mutation have occurrred somewhere along the line that resulted in animals that don't die?
Also - why do we grow old - it seems that that shouldn't have happened should it?
The weaker species should've been those that died but aren't there another species that don't die?

Lol, where else in the body can you envision the brain so that it would be in a more suitable place? Where it has a smaller risk of injury?</strong>
The only purpose to evolution, if there is any purpose, is to allow the organism to survive long enough to pass on its genes to the next generation. Everything else is irrelevant.
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Old 12-31-2001, 01:04 PM   #39
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How bout trying to back up your claim that students in Genetics programs don't believe in Evolution anymore? On the surface you are a bold faced lier. Maybe you have been dupped by someone else?

Do you really know what you believe?

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Old 12-31-2001, 01:55 PM   #40
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Originally posted by davidH:
Hovind - I haven't a clue who he is and have never been to his site.
Maybe I'll check it out to see what it has to say.
Feel free. You can share each other's brilliant insights on biology, cosmology, astrophysics, genetics, etc.

Another thing - if evolution was correct- what do you believe (or maybe even know)happens at death.
Umm, let me guess. We die?
Interesting concept that isn't it? Why should evolution result in death?
Why not? Evolution doesn't have anything to do with it. You make it sound like evolution is some anthropomorphic sky deity with a bad attitude. I thought that was what YOU believed in.
Shouldn't a mutation have occurrred somewhere along the line that resulted in animals that don't die?
Even more basic than Oolon's cnidaria, there are some RNA sequences that seem to be immortal. After all, life is merely RNA's mechanism for creating more RNA. You didn't think we were special, did you? Besides, it wouldn't necessarily be a good thing for RNA if the hosts lived forever - where would be the incentive to reproduce? We'd be standing room only for humans, and probably knee-deep in lemmings or something equally prolific. Can you imagine how many mayflies there would be if they didn't die in 24 hours? Yechh.
Also - why do we grow old - it seems that that shouldn't have happened should it?
The weaker species should've been those that died but aren't there another species that don't die?
Basically because the parts wear out. Copying errors multiply during mitosis, toxins build up over time, etc. Hell, you start dying from the moment of conception. Weaker species don't have anything to do with it. Evolution is not a progression "toward" any specific improvement (like immortality - which may not necessarily be a plus, anyway). The term refers to merely the mechanism(s) of allele competition in a particular environment. Weaker species lose the game, the more fit survive to pass on their alleles to the next generation. (RNA Rules!)

Lol, where else in the body can you envision the brain so that it would be in a more suitable place? Where it has a smaller risk of injury?
How about somewhere down around the pelvis? We don't need all those reproductive things that just get in the way since we're going to live forever.

You do have at least some incling of what you're talking about, right?
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