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Old 07-25-2002, 11:05 AM   #21
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Also, reading the lists of credentials, by posters on this forum, there is a tremendous amount of scientific knowledge and experience here. Also,
because of the website it is found on. Many are Atheists. What better group to argue creation against? Well, I guess If one was looking for an easy target in order to win and bolster his self image, this would not be a good choice. But If a person wanted to actually look at the subject objectively and use debate as a means of learning, of challenging ones assumptions and fine tuning and strengthening others, then, this is the place.
Could an evolutionist who as also an atheist find such worthy opponents? Sadly, probably not.
I am still not a materialist and do not have a materialistic view of origins. I have been swayed mostly by the arguements of common descent as well as the arguements for an Old Earth. That is not the whole ball of wax.
There are still many points of contention and they will come up in the future. I also see holes in much of evolutionary theory. Of course so do evolutionists as they seek answers.
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Old 07-25-2002, 11:08 AM   #22
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Originally posted by GeoTheo:
I kind of miss the simplicity of being a non-Christian and being able to take someone outside and prove who is the better men in a physical fight.

I am willing to do that when people insult me, for some reason. Call it a character flaw.
I didn't think he was being insulting at all. Did he say anything in that post that was not true?

Did you or did you not used to be a YEC, then switch to an OEC, now you may accept evolution? Are these not the facts? I think Mr Darwin, and others, have a right to be a bit skeptical of your beliefs, or rather the methods you use to obtain your beliefs. Aren't you skeptical too? I know I am skepical of a belief I have that wavers back and forth (for instance, my views on political parties - I know they are not solid, because I can argue both sides!)

I am too arguementative for Christian websites and often get banned.
Hmm, given your admittance of your argumentative nature, and the fact that you often get banned, are you willing to consider the possibility that you are are over-reacting to Mr Darwin's questions?

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Old 07-25-2002, 11:12 AM   #23
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Heh, cross post. I liked this second post of yours much better! Hey, I just ranted in the private forums earlier today, but then I snipped it all out because I realized I was over-reacting to something. Silly primates we are.
Originally posted by GeoTheo:
There are still many points of contention and they will come up in the future. I also see holes in much of evolutionary theory. Of course so do evolutionists as they seek answers.

Ok I really need to go now - I've been threatening to go to portland all day (for a wedding) and it's getting to be that time. I'll be back monday!

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Old 07-25-2002, 11:26 AM   #24
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I think that when dealing with a topic like this, which has well-presented (which isn't the same as good) arguments on both sides and which comes with so much heavy spiritual baggage attached, it's not all that surprising that a person might have a rather slow and difficult and maybe not necessarily straight-line journey through the minefield. We'll just have to see how this pans out in the longer term. You are planning to stick around for the longer term, I hope, Geo?
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Old 07-25-2002, 11:28 AM   #25
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Well, perhaps my getting insulted too easily and wanting to beat people up is not a result of sin, but a combination of high testosterone and low seretonin levels.
Have fun at the wedding.
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Old 07-25-2002, 11:50 AM   #26
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Originally posted by Albion:
<strong>I think that when dealing with a topic like this, which has well-presented (which isn't the same as good) arguments on both sides and which comes with so much heavy spiritual baggage attached, it's not all that surprising that a person might have a rather slow and difficult and maybe not necessarily straight-line journey through the minefield. We'll just have to see how this pans out in the longer term. You are planning to stick around for the longer term, I hope, Geo?</strong>
I think you summed that up pretty well. I guess I was a little over-sensitive to the charge of being easily led, because I had wondered about that myself. But, I know that I am not. I always stand out as being different wherever I go. It is kind of an odd state of affairs in this day and age when people get body piercings and tattoos in orfer to fit in, when historically in America those were things people have done to stand out. I stand out by being conservative. My mother thinks I would have ended up as a liberal Democrat
had I grown up in a conservative Republican home and state. But being raised by a liberal democrat in Rhode Island and New York, I was able to rebel by being a conservative, which I think is equally as odd as getting ones tongue pierced in order to conform.
I would like to believe that I always act and look at issues purely on principle. But that is perhaps not totally true for everyone. I will say that I would never want to live in Lincoln, Nebraska, because it would be just to boring.
As far as the long haul, Yes I am in for it because I am a biology major. "Hanging around with
YEC's" is actually an odd statement because it actually doesn't come up much in churches or Christian circles. It is the predominant view in conservative Christianity, but most atheists here I find know a lot more about their position on origins and why, than Christian creationists do. In order to "hang out with YEC's" I think I would have to hang out with Gish and Ham in person.
Christians read the Bible to find out what the signifigance of humanity is, atheists read scientific articles on anthropology. So it is no wonder who becomes more informed on the issues.
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Old 07-25-2002, 12:10 PM   #27
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Originally posted by GeoTheo:
<strong>Hey Bubba,
I am still molding my position. I am reading trough Genesis trying to see what truth is trying to be communicated there. If its allegorical, then there is still a meaning there, just not necessarily a literal one.
I was often frustrated as a literalist when other Christians would kind of gloss over it or explain it in just a few words. I think the Bible is very economical in its wording generally. If the the first four chapters of Genesis could be summed up in " Well, ultimately God is our creator and man is a sinner...." I think it would be alot shorter.</strong>
Well any issues you have with Genesis can be taken up with my or possibly by our constituents in the Biblical Criticism forum on Infidels.

I can assure you, by the fact there are two sources for many stories in Genesis, it is not to be taken as a literal fact. Heck, the bible even seems to state that its history starts with Abram. Even then, some parts seem to indicate the Revelation at Sinai is the real beginning of history, which is not even in Genesis.

The nation of Israel takes its religion from historical events. The fact that Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, the Tower of Babbel are mere footnotes, perhaps not even that important, to the rest of the Tanakh, it is certain that such stories prior to Abraham are not to be taken literial, but rather at literature (as a story).

Any questions, just ask.
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Old 07-25-2002, 12:30 PM   #28
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Originally posted by GeoTheo:
<strong>Mission, If you choose to accept it:
Prove you are not a spineless weasel.
I will if you first prove that you are not just a prick who has nothing nice to say of anyone.</strong>
Aw, c'mere, ya big lug:

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Old 07-25-2002, 12:34 PM   #29
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I'm over it now. I think your post was very funny.
I don't hold grudges. I have a short memory as well as a short fuse.
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Old 07-25-2002, 12:53 PM   #30
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Although an apology would have been nice...
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