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Old 06-19-2003, 07:14 AM   #131
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Why should iidb make policy changes that make theists happy, and that encourage more theists to join?
I think this idea of "theists" is where you and I differ significantly. I don't see them a just "theists" I see them as people first. As a person I know how I desire to be treated and I try my best to extend the same hand to everyone, including those who have harmed me.

Our mission will never be accomplished as long as we put ourselves into the "us" and "them" camps. Especially since that is the very thing we fight against and is likely at the root of some of your own anger and hostility (but I can't really know that. I am just guessing.)

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Old 06-19-2003, 07:15 AM   #132
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Originally posted by HelenM

.... if you can persuade the powers-that-be ....
I sincerely doubt my powers of persuasion in that aspect.

However, it will be interesting to see if there's an echo.
Well, except, I suspect this is what would happen: it would have a liberal theist moderator who agreed on humanism with the secular humanists. Conservative Christians would come in and argue with the humanists and disagree with all the moderators, whether theist or nontheist.
All to the better.
Which reminds me that even if IIDB did appoint some 'theist' moderators, it's likely that if they were liberal theists (which they probably would be), some/many conservative Christians wouldn't consider them 'Real Christians' anyway.
Divida et impera.

Nothing like splitting the enemy forces.
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Old 06-19-2003, 07:16 AM   #133
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Which reminds me that even if IIDB did appoint some 'theist' moderators, it's likely that if they were liberal theists (which they probably would be), some/many conservative Christians wouldn't consider them 'Real Christians' anyway.
Personally, I don't think we should be concerned about whether or not other Christians will see a theist moderator as a "Real Christian". That will happen whether they moderate or simply discuss things in any given forum ... unfortunately.

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Old 06-19-2003, 07:38 AM   #134
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Originally posted by brighid
Why should iidb make policy changes that make theists happy, and that encourage more theists to join?

Because it's the right thing to do ....

WOW ... I don't even know what to say except that such comments support my idea that part of the reason some people at iidb don't want a theist on the moderation staff is because of prejudice.
Oh, come on. Talk about ad hominem...

I hear this crap all the time. I'm a mod in E/C, remember, and my specific focus is on creationism. This is a common strategy: forget about the relative merits of the intellectual issue. We have to give equal time to creation in the classroom because it is fair. Scientists don't talk about god because they are intolerant bigots. You teach evolution because you hate god.

This is bogus.

I dismiss creationism because it is bullshit. Similarly, I dismiss theism for precisely the same reasons. It is not a matter of prejudice. We've got a huge library and reams of discussion here on just this topic -- are you suggesting that we all reject theism out of simple prejudice? Ludicrous.


I think there are many reasons why we would want more theists to take part in our community. I think a lot of ignorance about atheism could be dispelled (we do seem to have a positive effect on many people who come here as theists, but stay after becoming agnostics/atheists or soften their hard stance against atheism.)
This is an evangelical argument. I have even more difficulty with the idea of recruiting theistic moderators if one reason is to use them to help convert more people to atheism. I would suspect that theists might object to being set up as a judas goat, too.
If we truly desire a secular world outside of these cyberwalls we should want to attract more and more theists so they can have exposure to atheism/non-theism, etc. so they can have the opportunity to become educated. I am under the impression that alot of the problems we face in the public is largely due to ignorance and misinformation. If we can't help them see what we feel is truth, at least we can help some to be more understanding and tolerant so they chose to let us be and encourage others to quit using ignorance to support their misinformed prejudice against us.
This is a better reason -- educating people to see that atheists aren't evil. We're already doing that, though, and I see no convincing reason that blurring the lines would help. I think it would hurt. I don't see iidb as one of those generic religious places where we show that people of all creeds can get along, that deep down, we all worship the same god, whether we call him Jehovah or Allah or Jesus or The Cosmos. We're different. This is where we say that all of that god nonsense is a pile of humbug. Creeds are artificial barriers between people, and we knock down delusions rather than encouraging them.

I see attracting more theists as a positive giving the rules of discussion and the purpose of iidb isn't going to change because more theists feel they can come here and discuss things they can't discuss other places.
They can already do that. They do do that. We all try quite hard to allow theists to talk freely. Theists couldn't do a better job (and given the track record of theists at other sites, odds are that they would do a much worse job). Let's not lose sight of who we are: we are the Secular web, we are infidels, we are atheists and agnostics. We tolerate theists, but we are not theists. Let's not change that.

Why shouldn't we make the dedicated theist members of our community happy, or benefit them in some way?
Because they are not dedicated to the goals of our community, and what you are suggesting to make them happy is a softening of our purpose.
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Old 06-19-2003, 07:58 AM   #135
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Originally posted by pz
This is an evangelical argument.
The home page of Sec Web states its goal is to [...] "promote a nontheistic worldview".

If that's not evangelical I don't know what is.

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Old 06-19-2003, 07:59 AM   #136
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I hear this crap all the time. I'm a mod in E/C, remember, and my specific focus is on creationism. This is a common strategy: forget about the relative merits of the intellectual issue. We have to give equal time to creation in the classroom because it is fair. Scientists don't talk about god because they are intolerant bigots. You teach evolution because you hate god.
What are you talking about? Are you trying to say that ALL theists feel this way? You and I both know (especially if you are an E/C mod) that this is bogus. I am talking about being fair to people who deserve fair treatment and not thinking that ALL theists are a certain way because of the bad examples of some. That is the heart of the matter.

This is an evangelical argument. I have even more difficulty with the idea of recruiting theistic moderators if one reason is to use them to help convert more people to atheism. I would suspect that theists might object to being set up as a judas goat, too.
I have never suggested that and if you have read my discussions on this subject you know that to be true. I don't think we should recruit anyone, or attempt to convert others but I can see that a positive benefit can be had for all by dispelling misinformation through education. The more we educate the better!

This is a better reason -- educating people to see that atheists aren't evil. We're already doing that, though, and I see no convincing reason that blurring the lines would help. I think it would hurt. I don't see iidb as one of those generic religious places where we show that people of all creeds can get along, that deep down, we all worship the same god, whether we call him Jehovah or Allah or Jesus or The Cosmos. We're different. This is where we say that all of that god nonsense is a pile of humbug. Creeds are artificial barriers between people, and we knock down delusions rather than encouraging them.
Have I suggested we become some generic religous place? No I have not. I cannot see how allowing a theist moderator (who does not necessarily believe in any of the things you have presented) would change any part of our purpose or mission. Except perhaps the ceasation of using ambiguous labels.

They can already do that. They do do that. We all try quite hard to allow theists to talk freely. Theists couldn't do a better job (and given the track record of theists at other sites, odds are that they would do a much worse job). Let's not lose sight of who we are: we are the Secular web, we are infidels, we are atheists and agnostics. We tolerate theists, but we are not theists. Let's not change that.
This generalization is the VERY thing I (and others) are talking about. A theist at THIS website with his/her own track record should not be judged by the action of other theists - period! No more then I should be judged by your actions because we are both strong atheists. We are talking about INDIVIDUALS not "theists." That is the distinction. You want to lump everyone into this homogenous category with all the negative stereotypes that go along with it and never allow (and that is what I would like to see ... the allowance) a theist who doesn't fit your tightly defined mold to do a job! :banghead:

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Old 06-19-2003, 08:00 AM   #137
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Originally posted by pz
We tolerate theists
...well, not as moderators, of course...
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Old 06-19-2003, 08:20 AM   #138
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Originally posted by pz

Oh, come on. Talk about ad hominem...
I've still yet to see that ad hom about this all being a theist trojan horse retracted.

I hear this crap all the time. I'm a mod in E/C, remember, and my specific focus is on creationism
And most Christians, even, are not creationists.
This is bogus.

I dismiss creationism because it is bullshit. Similarly, I dismiss theism for precisely the same reasons. It is not a matter of prejudice. We've got a huge library and reams of discussion here on just this topic -- are you suggesting that we all reject theism out of simple prejudice? Ludicrous.
No, what is ludicrous is the suggestion that various hardline athiests are pushing a theist trojan horse.
Furthermore, naturalist metaphysics can only benefit from hard scrutiny.
I direct your attention to the fact that SecWeb library houses several documents from theists for that very purpose.
I would suspect that theists might object to being set up as a judas goat, too.
This question should be directed to seebs -- it would be interesting to se his reply to that.
This is a better reason -- educating people to see that atheists aren't evil. We're already doing that, though,
Especially through such open and transparent policy discussions.

I don't see iidb as one of those generic religious places where we show that people of all creeds can get along, that deep down, we all worship the same god,
Irrelevant strawman. No-one at all is suggesting the mission of SecWeb be changed.
We tolerate theists,
We'ld look very silly if we didn't tolerate theists.

We claim the truth of the matter on naturalist metaphysics --- to not tolerate opposing viewpoints would be a shot in the foot.
but we are not theists. Let's not change that.
Having a good theist mod in say one forum would hardly change the membership composition of SecWeb, or suddenly turn SecWeb into a den of theists.
what you are suggesting to make them happy is a softening of our purpose.
Not true, for all the reasons stated throughout this thread.
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Old 06-19-2003, 08:24 AM   #139
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Originally posted by pz
They can already do that. They do do that. We all try quite hard to allow theists to talk freely. Theists couldn't do a better job (and given the track record of theists at other sites, odds are that they would do a much worse job). Let's not lose sight of who we are: we are the Secular web, we are infidels, we are atheists and agnostics. We tolerate theists, but we are not theists. Let's not change that.
They would do a worse job just because they are theists, even though they fit all the qualifications for a moderator as well as any other of the mods? You're not judging theists as individual people. Your making claims that all theists are too thin-skinned about their beliefs to discuss them rationally and yet you're making paranoid claims that this whole discussion sounds like an attempt for theists to infiltrate and subvert SecWeb. Give a theist an inch and they'll take a mile, eh?

If pz's reasons are the ones upholding the rule, by all means, please do away with it. This is hate, anger and fear. It is definitely not an example of "an above average level of maturity and levelheadedness."
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Old 06-19-2003, 08:34 AM   #140
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Originally posted by Gurdur
This thread is already 5 pages long, and the number of non-theists on this thread who think it might be a good idea outweighs the theists who think so; IIRC, Seebs and HelenM are the only two theists so far to contribute, while at least 5 others (including at least 3 very hardline atheists) have indicated the idea is at least worth discussing.
I would caution against using this thread as any indication of the relative spread of opinions of our general community on this issue.

I don't believe this thread is conducive to collecting simple opinions. It is a debate, not a poll. Therefore, I don't think you can take any statistics generated from this thread as an indication of what the general nontheist or theist populace feel about the subject.

Personally, I am not prepared or interested at this time to debate this subject as a moral question and therefore, I have chosen not to participate. A thread conducive to the collection of opinions would need to be less of a debate. Sometimes a person would simply like to post an opinion without feeling the need to commit every waking hour defending it.

If we opened a thread for the purpose of collecting such opinions, we might find 10 people simply agreeing with what another said. In a debate such as this thread, many users may refrain from posting an "I agree with so-and-so", especially if the sentiment was already countered or discussed thoroughly in the current debate.

[edited to add:]
This is not to say that Gurdur was suggesting we use this thread as such an indication. I just thought I'd toss this caution in, since it was what came to mind as I read the continued debate this morning.

Carry on...
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