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Old 08-11-2003, 12:49 PM   #11
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Not to mention the fact that it follows up with how big his testicles are. It is clearly a mammal because they are the only vertebrates with external male gonads.
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Old 08-11-2003, 12:52 PM   #12
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"Why is it that when dinosaurs turn into frogs, we call that evolution, but when frogs turn into princes, we call it a fairy tale? You'll see from what we learn today that evolution is a fairy tale."
Why is it that creationists can't understand evolution? No need to reply.
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Old 08-11-2003, 01:08 PM   #13
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Man , don't read this without Prozac.
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Old 08-11-2003, 01:17 PM   #14
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Originally posted by Xixax
This man makes me want to cry. Even worse are the parents subjecting their children to this crap. I would have my children's science teacher's head on a silver platter if they ever went on a tour like this.
That would be your own head. These children are home-"schooled". Their parents are their "science" "teachers", that's why they chose this particular field trip instead of the many offered by the museums themselves.
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Old 08-11-2003, 01:34 PM   #15
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"Evolution is killing our children; it is the death knell of our culture," says Jack. "It's not just a flawed idea; it's deadly. And if you don't believe me, let's just drive over to Columbine High School. Those two shooters learned their lessons well. Now hear me carefully: I am not saying that some teacher told them to go out and shoot somebody. However, from the day they entered the public school system until the day they died, they were told, in some form or another, that they were nothing more than mistakes of nature. That they were here on Earth purely by accident. That they were, really, nothing more than cosmic jokes. And they simply followed that worldview through to its logical conclusion."
What a jackoff! It was a 99.9% christian town that shunned those kids. Granted, they had no right at killing the fundies, but they pushed, spit on, completely casted out of the society there. What did they expect would happen? A snowball fight? It had nothing to do with evolution in the classroom. It had everything to do with the Christians who thought they were better than them! The same christians who later made up story(s) of martyrdom for student(s) who died in the attack.
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Old 08-11-2003, 01:51 PM   #16
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Originally posted by Deadbeat
Especially when the original text reads something like:

"His penis stiffens like a pine."

Sanitized for the King James, wasn't it?
rofl. I didn't know that. Anyone have a link to translation that says this?
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Old 08-11-2003, 01:52 PM   #17
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I've read the story twice. Please God, let it be a parody site.
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Old 08-11-2003, 02:05 PM   #18
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Especially when the original text reads something like:

"His penis stiffens like a pine."

Sanitized for the King James, wasn't it?

Well, not exactly. The word used in the original Hebrew was "tail". It was euphamized in the original Hebrew, perhaps, as "tail" may have been a euphamism for "penis".

rofl. I didn't know that. Anyone have a link to translation that says this?

This link describes where that interpretation comes from:

You appear to be unaware that many Hebrew scholars have long asserted that the "tail" in this verse was merely a euphemism for the male genital organ. According to "John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible" (available on the Internet), "tail" in this verse is interpreted as "penis" by the Targum in the King’s Bible, and Cicero confirms that ancients used to refer to the penis as the "tail". This interpretation is lent further credence by that fact that discussion of this organ is followed by a description of the beast’s "stones" which the Targums equate with the testicles.
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Old 08-11-2003, 02:16 PM   #19
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I was hoping that it was a parody, but it looks like it's a real enterprise.

Look at what you can get at their on-line shop:

Jack Theist Meets Dr. Secular


Many Christians cower in mindless fear at secularism's persuasive power. Yet, we are exhorted to be transformed by the renewing, not the removing, of our minds. In this video you will hear Dr. Secular's followers chant the merits of a secular worldview. You will witness firsthand its chokehold on our culture. Then watch as Jack Theist destroys Dr. Secular's arguments with Biblical Truth. Once again you will be able to step out into the culture with renewed confidence. As a Christian you have not been given
a spirit of fear, but of love and discipline and a sound mind.

BEST SELLER! Simple Tools for Brain Surgery


Non-Christians seem to have the advantage in our culture. As Christians, we are sometimes intimidated by or even afraid to talk with many atheists, new-agers and evolutionists. Too often we fear we won't have answers to their tough questions. Be encouraged. Now you can learn how to engage people in conversation without fear. You can learn to ask them to give you a reason for the hope they say they have. Learn to destroy sloppy, secular arguments without destroying the person.
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Old 08-11-2003, 02:22 PM   #20
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Also, camels and lions were never immortal...

Tyson Thorne bit his lip to keep from laughing while listening to his seventh-grade science teacher drill such heretical gobbledygook into the young, impressionable minds of Thorne's classmates at Lakewood's Creighton Junior High School.
oh my! how laughable, that these so called "scientists" do not believe in immortal camels and lions! i can't imagine anything more rediculous than denying the obvious fact of immortal camels!
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