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Old 04-16-2002, 08:57 PM   #31
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DNAunion: If I go to the doctor because I have a a detached retina, does the doctor HAVE TO KNOW that vertebrate eyes evolved from those of amphioxus?
MrDarwin: … (Actually, the amphioxus does not have eyes.)
DNAunion: The following are good enough for me, especially considering the intent of my statement.

“In neurulae, AmphiPax-6 is also expressed in ventral cells at the anterior tip of the nerve cord; these cells are precursors of the photoreceptive neurons of the frontal eye, the presumed homolog of the vertebrate paired eyes.” (Glardon S, Holland LZ, Gehring WJ, Holland ND, Isolation and developmental expression of the amphioxus Pax-6 gene (AmphiPax-6): insights into eye and photoreceptor evolution, Development 1998 Jul 125:14 2701-10)
”… noting a retinalike pattern of connections near a cluster of pigment cells near the tip of the lancelet, Lacalli claims that the cluster is a single eye, homologous to the paired vertebrate eyes. The lancelet eye is too crude to form images, but Lacalli suspects it can detect moving shadows of predators.” (In Search of Vertebrate Origins: Beyond Brain and Bone, Carl Zimmer, Science, Volume 287, Number 5458, Issue of 3 Mar 2000, pp. 1576-1579)
DNAunion: If you want to bicker about the eye not being an eye, then you are completely missing the point I was making.
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Old 04-16-2002, 09:21 PM   #32
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Oolon: Thanks for the link there pangloss. Talking of irony (which I thought Americans didn’t do ), I was intrigued by the previous post to your first linked one:

DNAunion: By the way Wolf, your attitude is inflammatory, abrasive, and unacceptable. Here are some of your comments from your last post:

>>>Wolf: Nonsense. You're applying a flawed analogy in a desperate attempt to prove I'm wrong and failing miserably!

>>>Wolf: You don't understand what I'm talking about and/or are trying to confuse the issue by changing the subject.

>>>Wolf: You're just trying to confuse the issuye, as usual, in order to obscure the main point here…

>>>Wolf: Says you.

>>>Wolf: Apples and oranges, DNA! You know perfectly well that the watch cover is only a dispensible accessory.

>>>Wolf: Yet your interpretation adds equivocation rather than removing it.

For your several transgressions, I am banning you from this site.
(Oolon’s emphasis)

Hmmm. Compare those to these. From the present thread:

DNAunion: Hogwash.

From this thread:

DNAunion: Uhm, could it have been because you are a couple of "flaming homos" instead of because you are an interracial couple?

Or was your "us white guys" kind of slang for "us white people"?

this thread:

You take the cake for your bringing up the irrelevant distant past out of thin air, and doing so in a misleading fashion. Only a real asshole would do something like that...and you did! I knew I could count on you to be the most immature asswipe in the world, and you didn't let me down one bit!


DNAunion: Or maybe you would like to openly admit that you are being an asshole. No, need...your childish antangonism is already speaking for itself!

I found those by a quick browse through 'recent posts'. As pangloss said, the irony (or is it hypocrisy?) is too rich...
DNAunion: I guess I will have to explain things to you guys like you were a bunch of two-year olds.

The board I setup has very strict rules, and that is made abundantly clear at the site. All the posts I made at that site followed all the rules that pertained to that site. Wolf’s posts did not, so he was banned. Simple enough for you guys?

Now about here at Infidels. Yeah, I used some bad words. So what. Any rules that are on the books here are apparently just for show: they’re not being enforced from what I can see. I mean let’s look at the language I found being used by others at this very site using a quick word search.

Karen M: “They are just saying that Stalin oppressed and killed people because he was power-hungry, he wanted to control the government, and he was an asshole in general. “
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Stonetool: First moderator. Are people allowed to use profanity in their posts? Because I know some cuss words too, like queen bitch and asshole. Those did go through my mind when I read her post , but I won’t use them :-) …

[hard to follow who is saying what]

Finally, you got it. So quit bringing up fucking Stalin, and we won't bring up Sept 11. Fair?

Oh, go fuck yourself.”
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Automaton: In my opinion, we all should just ignore the asshole. He'll never learn, he'll just continue on with his tactics of replying to one line in a post, unrelated to the rest, and claiming al we can do is attack him! The heavily mentally ill never realise they're ill, and I suspect the same is with randman. “
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Boronut: My Grandad told me the same thing about 1944. They turned up in posher coats and fucked all the birds then too.”
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Writer@Large: “Thiaoouba, I thought you were going to leave us for good and fuck off back to the 9th planet. “
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Automaton: “Won't someone please go there and tell them where to stick their fucking bullshit? In my experience brits are a lot more sensible than yanks, and won't take to kindly to being lied to.”
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
tgamble: “Hell no. We're just to smart to buy into that creationist shit.”
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

DNAunion: When in Rome, do as the Romans do!

So let’s recap. I setup strict rules at my site and as I forewarned, I made sure they were followed by ALL participants who posted there, including myself.

At Infidels, words such as fuck, asshole, bullshit, and bitch are used by others posting here, and I didn’t see any of them getting reprimanded or banned (or could someone point me to those things?). I am doing no worse than they. Now, if Infidels wishes to begin enforcing their "paper-tiger" rules sometime, then I would again do as the Romans would be doing and cease. (Who knows, I just might cease anyway, all on my own).

PS: Here are a few more gems posted right here at Infidels in the last 24 hours, in a thread that was just closed called something like "White guys rule".

brighid: Sorry, but enough of the weak women, accept assault demurely and silently BULL SHIT. ... consider yourself in for a hell of a lot of fucking pain.
brighid: yes had the misfortune of meeting a 3 inch pecker fully erect on a Chinese man...
brighid: ... so please DO NOT assume that because I have worked my ass off to pull myself OUT of the gutter, working two jobs at times, working a shit ass job while putting myself through paralegal school, graduating with a 3.75 GPA, landing myself a better job and then making my way into upper-middle class America, all the while taking care of my child ALONE – that because I am a woman who NOW enjoys a hard-earned middle class existence that I somehow DON’T have a fucking clue about life.

brighid: If you have a shit ass, minimum wage paying job it is nobodies fault but your own. … without help from anyone other then my grandmother (who lived in the same damned ghetto as I did and who is still the poorest person I know) what the fuck is your excuse?
ChrisJ: You say I just haven't found the doors that could be opened by my race? I cry BULLSHIT. …
Now, as to your original statement regarding what the fuck my problem is, I think you're right. I've been asking myself the same question.
[ April 16, 2002: Message edited by: DNAunion ]</p>
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Old 04-16-2002, 09:51 PM   #33
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Originally posted by The Lone Ranger:
Today, one of the students asked me something about Creationism, and I replied that no one could be intelligent, intellectually honest, well-educated in the biological sciences, and a Creationist. No one disputed my response, so we moved on.
Hi, Michael.

I'm going to ignore the evolution right or wrong issue because I really don't care about it.

Let me address the 'teaching moment' that you had with your student.

Now, I really feel your frustration with your student. They come out with the darnedest things (tend to believe in romantic love, and that it's okay to colonize hunter/gatherer societies, and that every female is a feminist, and that they will make a lot of money when they graduate)!

But I question sincerely the rhetorical efficacy of challenging your audience that "If you believe X, Y, or Z, then you are ignorant!" Way to make them shut their ears to anything you might wish to say to persuade them of a new opinion. Why should they listen to you? You already think they are ignorant.

The reason that your students did not challenge you on it could be one of many of the following:

1. They all agree with you (highly unlikely)
2. They really weren't listening (nope: your TA challenged you later)
3. They really just don't care (obviously not true: your ass't ta challenged you).
4. Hi Opal!
5. You have the power; they don't.
6. Why challenge you when they can just fill in the little bubble sheet that says you are a lousy instructor. Revenge is sweet.

Last I checked the Chronicle of Higher Education (a year ago), only the top ten percent of American high school grads did a four year degree. So I hardly think that we can count anyone who makes it into our classrooms as lacking in intelligence.

Man, you had a real 'teachable moment' there. And obviously you care and are passionate about your material.

I wonder what would have happened if you had tried a little Socratic dialogue on your student. Draw him/her out--have him/her explain what they think Creationism is and let others in the class contribute what they think. Let them discuss it between themselves (and crash your lesson plan for ten minutes or so) and find out where people are at. Go along with the Creationists for a bit to lead them down the garden path. Then...enter into the debate and debate the points with them.

You would have earned a lot of respect.

I am glad that you have such a relationship with your Asst TA that she could challenge you on this instead of shrugging it off.
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Old 04-16-2002, 10:09 PM   #34
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You appear to haven't grasped the difference between a competent vet and an excellent one.

Sure you can take your poodle to a competent vet who doesn't know the first thing about evolution or that the body is made up of cells. However, excellent vets and physicians are the ones that can not only treat problems they have studied but deal with new ones. The surest way to be an excellent vet/physician is to understand everything science can tell you patients. And that includes biology and evolution.

You might be satisfied with universities producing competent vets and physicians. However, I would expect the education system to have higher standards.


[ April 16, 2002: Message edited by: RufusAtticus ]

[ April 17, 2002: Message edited by: RufusAtticus ]</p>
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Old 04-16-2002, 10:11 PM   #35
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Hear, hear!!! (what Katerina said)

[ April 16, 2002: Message edited by: leonarde ]</p>
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Old 04-16-2002, 10:33 PM   #36
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Original post moved to moderators forum.

DNAUnion, your comments have been forwarded to the appropriate channels. Don't take this thread where it doesn't belong.

If you would like to lodge a public complaint, follow me: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

Thanx, -RvFvS

[ April 17, 2002: Message edited by: RufusAtticus ]</p>
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Old 04-17-2002, 12:11 AM   #37
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Yay, I got 2/7 of the naughty posts! I fu... er... I really rule! Oh hello, mister moderator, what are you doing with that soap? No... NO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
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Old 04-17-2002, 12:38 AM   #38
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DNAunion, ref 'naughty' words, the point is quite simple. You are not practising what you preach. If 'Wolf's posts qualified as abrasive and inflammatory somehow, then what are yours?

There is also a difference between using words and phrases in general currency in the 'normal' way, eg "creation 'science' is fucking useless", with directing them as abuse or for simple shock value, as in "go fuck yourself". Moderators should, IMO, clamp down on offensive and abusive comments whether or not they contain 'naughty' words (within the bounds of common sense), but to censor out words per se is prudish nonsense.

So I appeal to your better nature: rise above the foul-mouthed infidels (or Infidels). Set an example. IOW, please tone it down a bit.

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Old 04-17-2002, 01:00 AM   #39
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Originally posted by MrDarwin:
<strong>Hey moderator, is there a copyright infringement issue here? I thought such long direct quotes from published material or websites were discouraged.</strong>
Well as I said at the start of that quote:
"It’s only about a 1/10th of the article, so hopefully this is fair usage", since it was directly relevant too this thread. But if anyone thinks otherwise, I'll happily remove it, and refer people back to the pdf

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Old 04-17-2002, 03:01 AM   #40
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Originally posted by The Lone Ranger:
Why science is unique, and not just “another way of looking at things” is something that I think every educated person should appreciate.
Bingo. I'm aghast at how many people don't understand this.
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