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Old 02-23-2003, 05:31 PM   #41
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No one's saying that they give a damn whether or not anyone gives a damn if they "pop" themselves in here, Seraphim. You seem to be a bit slow grasping this concept.

My reply : And you must be thinking either I'm blind or too stupid to understand what ybnormal said in his post about "what will others think" concepts.

I already underline his statements (check my post in reply to his) and you will see where it clearly says that a person who wants to commit suicide should give a damn what others thinks. Frankly speaking, I couldn't give a damn about someone who don't wish to live myself. Why should I try hard to give him a reason to live when all he cares is an excuse to die?

while you add it, ybnormal, why don't you go to your parents (who properly loved you for years and STOOD with you when you deal with your problems) and tell them you going to pop yourself because no one else should give a damn about you? At least it will bring a peace of mind to them to know beforehand that their son/daughter going to give up fighting.

To Mad Kelly,

If I try to talk to her at all, she gets real weird and starts repeating "EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW ON JUDGMENT DAY!"

My reply : O_o ... O_o
No offence attended bub, but you sure that it is not your mother who is possessed?

Why don't you go straight to the source (those church people or whoever they are ... since I have met some priests and "holy" men and no one goes to the extend of making other craving loony) and asked them about you and your mother?

If they said you're still possessed, ask them to exorcise you. I guess they could say something like "you must do that yourself by believing in God" (as if God have nothing better to do then send Demons to possess others who don't believe in Him).

Ps : Who is MadMordigan?

By winstonjen

On the contrary. Self-harm is the hardest thing to do - we all have a natural urge against it. It is very hard to slit your wrists - your brain will unconsciously reduce the damage you do by preventing you from cutting as deep as you may be able to.

My reply : Nonsense ... want to do it, do it properly.

It is not your brain which stopping you, it is your wish to live. Why don't you stop cutting yourself up like that, and go out and face life for a moment.

Facing life is same as cutting yourself everyday. when someone looks down on you, there's a cut.

When you see two people walking while holding hands and deep inside, you wish to have someone to hold hands with, There's a Cut (this is where I get most of my "cuts" ... looking at couple who smiling at each other and simply holding hands ... NONE hold my hand like that for 13 years ... you think that is easy?).

When you do some mistaken while everyone else around you doing things properly, and you cannot help wondering whether you are some kindda of retarded ... there's another cut.

When you do things faster, think things different, and over take others as if you have a wings and they only have legs, and for their own weaknesses, they look at you like a freak ... there's another cut (another source of my "cut").

Facing ALL this "cuts" and wounds which comes from it is harder than just slitting your waist and waiting for it all to end. What you know about pain? Trying being like that for 30 years.
Old 02-23-2003, 07:37 PM   #42
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Originally posted by Seraphim:

My reply : And you must be thinking either I'm blind or too stupid to understand what ybnormal said in his post about "what will others think" concepts.
"Stupid" barely scratches the surface of what I think of you.

And you can stop with the preconceived notions - i.e., that we all must have personal problems, etc. - whenever you're ready for a serious discussion.
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Old 02-23-2003, 07:45 PM   #43
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I already underline his statements (check my post in reply to his) and you will see where it clearly says that a person who wants to commit suicide should give a damn what others thinks.

NO, Seraphim, YOU said all that, repeatedly...

I said the exact opposite... I DO NOT live for others

If you are reading my posts, you do not understand what I write.

If you are actually reading my posts, please read more carefully.

PS: What The Naked Mage said.
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Old 02-23-2003, 07:55 PM   #44
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Thumbs down

"Stupid" barely scratches the surface of what I think of you.

My reply : Hmph ... thanks for being such "thoughtful" of me but I have to warn you, I usually don't bother about what others thinks about me, I simply take what they say, analyse and then throw it away if what they say is not true.

And you can stop with the preconceived notions - i.e., that we all must have personal problems, etc. - whenever you're ready for a serious discussion.

My reply : And what is your notion of "serious" discussion? That suicide is anything but wasted death and suicide can be justified by amount of personal problems one facing? Sorry, If humanity agreed with that, the very foundation of Medical profession will not have developed simply because it is better to let people with "personal" problems deal with it as they see fit.

What I see here is simple
- a close-minded person who is having some serious problems but have no courage to ask others for help since he don't think others will give it.
- a close-minded person who is more so obsessed with himself that he thinks he IS the ONLY one in this world who have this much problem.
- a close-minded person who thinks that splattering his brain all over the wall is a great feat of courage and even argue that it is.
- OR in ybnormal's situation ... it is simple a person who wants to be a God because he wants to control everything.

Guess what, kids ... dying is not a feat of courage, Living is. Why? because you have to look at yourself in the eyes everyday and overcome your own weakness without resorting to such acts as suicides. There are people out there with same problems (or even more severe) than you. Go out, find them by opening your hearts and find a reason to live. Because life is worth living, and you may not get a 2nd chance in living (afterall, not everyone is a Seraphim and can defy death 3 times )

IF there is anyone who thinks there is something else other than what I stated here, please enlightnment me.

PS : Here's my suggestion ... Ever heard of a movie called "Angel Eyes" by Jennifer Lopez? Rent it out and watch it ... it is a good movie.
(If you wondering how I know this, a friend of mine meet me last Saturday and asked me about a song by the same name, and in course of discussing it, the movie came into the topic ... Hmmm ... and they say there is no God :P )
Old 02-23-2003, 08:11 PM   #45
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My reply : And what is your notion of "serious" discussion? That suicide is anything but wasted death and suicide can be justified by amount of personal problems one facing? Sorry, If humanity agreed with that, the very foundation of Medical profession will not have developed simply because it is better to let people with "personal" problems deal with it as they see fit.
What if "how they see fit" involves taking anti-depressant drugs? They can stop people from commiting suicide, and isn't that what you want? Or do you simply want them to 'wish' themselves happy again, and not take drugs? Taking drugs to help with depression takes courage, just like talking to others about it, because they are admitting that they are not strong enough to overcome it by themselves.

Guess what, kids ... dying is not a feat of courage, Living is. Why? because you have to look at yourself in the eyes everyday and overcome your own weakness without resorting to such acts as suicides. There are people out there with same problems (or even more severe) than you. Go out, find them by opening your hearts and find a reason to live. Because life is worth living, and you may not get a 2nd chance in living .
If suicide really WAS that easy, wouldn't every person commit suicide at the first sign of pain or depression? It is very difficult to do so if you cannot get access to a gun (like where I live, Australia) or quick-acting, lethal and painless drugs.
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Old 02-23-2003, 08:59 PM   #46
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- OR in ybnormal's situation ... it is simple a person who wants to be a God because he wants to control everything.

I do not want to be a God, Seraphim...

I am a God!

I am my God, master of my self.

I do not need you for my completeness, let alone for my survival.

I do not need your help! I do not want your help.

I want to be left alone.

The question is...

Why does all that disturb you so?
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Old 02-23-2003, 09:02 PM   #47
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Originally posted by ybnormal

Why does all that disturb you so?
Perhaps because Seraphim is not in control of his own life to the degree he would like, and he wants to control the lives of others to compensate for it.
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Old 02-23-2003, 09:52 PM   #48
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By winstonjen

What if "how they see fit" involves taking anti-depressant drugs? They can stop people from commiting suicide, and isn't that what you want? Or do you simply want them to 'wish' themselves happy again, and not take drugs? Taking drugs to help with depression takes courage, just like talking to others about it, because they are admitting that they are not strong enough to overcome it by themselves.

My reply : Drugs are acceptable as Short-term solution only. WHY? Because your body will get over the effect of drugs and sooner or later, you will be back to square one - feeling depressed once again. This is not a simple statement from me, it is something medically proven that the body's immune system will adjust to chemicals and drugs in a long run making the need for newer drugs. Even now, drugs like Pennicilin are becoming useless since the body starting to produce immunity to it.

You can take drugs, but you must not hide behind it all the time, because sooner of later, you will be forced to deal with your problems once again.

IF you say taking drugs are like admitting to others that you are not strong enough and thus needs courage, why don't add more courage into it by ask help from others as well? Maybe with drugs and help of others, you could overcome this problem.

PS : Behaving irrationally is NOT a way you seek help, trying being polite and restrain yourself when you are with others, because like you, the people you seek help too could be required to get used to you as well.

If suicide really WAS that easy, wouldn't every person commit suicide at the first sign of pain or depression? It is very difficult to do so if you cannot get access to a gun (like where I live, Australia) or quick-acting, lethal and painless drugs.

My reply : You don't need a gun to kill yourself, there are plenty of ways to kill yourself - poison, jumping out of a tall building, jumping off overbridges etc. I have a sword in my room - sharp, 3 metre long Katana which I could simply plunge it into my heart and dead in few minutes.

The act of looking for painless drugs or a gun itself means that you don't wish to suffer.

Perhaps because Seraphim is not in control of his own life to the degree he would like, and he wants to control the lives of others to compensate for it.

My reply : Unless you're a very beautiful girl whom I'm trying to get into my bed, I don't see why I should control yours or anyone else's life.

For me, control simply means thinking about what to do and what is the consequence of your actions, and follow accordingly. If you don't lie to yourself (concept of Duality where the Mind and the Heart says two different things and your consciousness is confused as what to do), you will have better control of your life.

Don't bother about trying to control how others' behave, because that is an impossible task and trying to achieve it is an impossible feat ... unless you're a God.

-By ybnormal :

I do not want to be a God, Seraphim...
I am a God!
I am my God, master of my self.
I do not need you for my completeness, let alone for my survival.
I do not need your help! I do not want your help.
I want to be left alone.
The question is...
Why does all that disturb you so?

My reply : You're a God and master of yourself? How sure of you that you have control of yourself? How long can you live without drugs made by others? How long can you sit down with someone and talk?

"You can never be whole TILL you find your centre" - Jet Li in "The One".

Where is your centre? What is your centre? Mine is in my faith and acceptance that I'm like a leaf on the water in a flowing river, I will follow where the water takes me and sooner or later it will bring me to where I should go.
Old 02-24-2003, 12:38 AM   #49
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Default Interesting Topic choice!

Originally posted by wenbur84
This is a question for all you Christians out there: Why does God allow depression to exist, and why does he allow depression to get to the point of suicide, and is suicide reason for damnation since God technically could have cured the afflicted and prevented the suicide.

Some Christians might answer the first question by saying (as others have) that depression falls into the wider category of sinful acts and painful (and sometimes grossly unfair) consequences of living in a world in which sin and evil are actual, all of which God has chosen to allow. And God has, in turn, allowed sin and evil to exist because a world in which God has brought about an end to sin and evil is more desirable (and hence, has a higher value, assuming as Christians do, God's value judgments as the ultimate standard of value judgment) to God than a world in which sin and evil never become actual.

Furthermore, in the Christian view, death is not necessarily the absolute end of a person's life. And since each suicide case is different, if God is to be the absolutely fair/just arbiter of good and evil He is assumed by Christianity to be, suicide would seem to be a major reason why (in fact) an "afterlife" in which the act of suicide of the person who died could be justly judged would be necessary.

Finally, not all Christians subscribe to the view that waiting around for God to do things that we are "equipped" to do ourselves is always the appropriate way for Christians to demonstrate their faith. Christians can hold that it is not the case that we have been left completely "powerless" in the face of mental problems. We can (and have) used the brains that we have been provided with to discover and improve on psychological techniques and therapies to deal with depression and other mental problems. The fact that many people who need help don't get it is a problem toward which brain power (reasoning) and creativity (both "gifts" from the Creator) need to be further applied.
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Old 02-24-2003, 01:33 AM   #50
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Originally posted by Seraphim

My reply : Drugs are acceptable as Short-term solution only. WHY? Because your body will get over the effect of drugs and sooner or later, you will be back to square one - feeling depressed once again. This is not a simple statement from me, it is something medically proven that the body's immune system will adjust to chemicals and drugs in a long run making the need for newer drugs. Even now, drugs like Pennicilin are becoming useless since the body starting to produce immunity to it.
Uh no, that's not how it works. Your body isn't developing immunity to penicillin. The bacteria are developing that immunity. This is natural selection at work, as the individuals that have a natural resistance to various types of drugs are the ones that survive to breed. And then they're harder to kill off, so they proliferate.

One myth down.

As to antidepressants (of which there are now four distinct classes...or maybe five, I don't have my PDR here right now to check):
Your body may eventually adjust to the effects of the particular drug you're taking. Then the drug will fade out for you. So you stop taking it. In most cases, the fix is to simply switch to a different drug.

This is no different than the problems faced by anyone with a chronic condition.


You can take drugs, but you must not hide behind it all the time, because sooner of later, you will be forced to deal with your problems once again.

IF you say taking drugs are like admitting to others that you are not strong enough and thus needs courage, why don't add more courage into it by ask help from others as well? Maybe with drugs and help of others, you could overcome this problem.
Do you regularly tell diabetics that they're just hiding behind their insulin and should just learn to tough it out? Do you think that people like me with autoimmune disorders should just stop taking all the medications that help regulate our defective immune systems? Do you think that one can just wish away a chemical imbalance?

If you really think that, I suggest you simply stay out of the threads about medical problems. It's not a helpful attitude, and in fact could get you the label of "asshole."
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