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Old 03-16-2002, 07:27 PM   #61
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(stuff on early-Middle-Eastern flood and creation stories...)
Why do you not accept what is written down in history? Is the reason just because you see no evidience for a global flood - we live in a changing world - Islands form quickly and yet seem millions of years old. Why will you not believe history?
So what about flood stories? Lots of rivers make big floods every now and then, so there is plenty of inspiration for flood stories. And does DavidH accept "what is written down in history" as evidence for religions and sects that he does not believe in?

I'm talking about the 130 meter rise in sea-level from the last glacial maximum. Given humans' habit of living near coasts, it must have affected almost every culture - and been quite devastating. It should not be surprising it plays a central role in the mythology of almost every early culture.
However, this was 10,000 years ago, and most of humanity lived in small villages -- and could easily have moved from the coasts as the sea level rose. Furthermore, imagine that you were living back then -- what would you see? The sea advancing into the land at a rate of a few kilometers a year AT MOST.

DavidH: (flood stories)
What evidience do you have that they were myths? You see in our time there has never been a global flood - so how do you know what evidience to expect?
Simply by considering what would happen if water covered all the land surface. The Bible itself agrees with what one would naturally expect -- mass destruction of land fauna. So how did all the rattlesnakes make it back to the Americas, leaving none behind? Likewise with sloths and South America. Kangaroos and Australia. And numerous other examples of limited-range species. Why were kangaroos able to hop all the way to Australia, while rabbits couldn't? And why did all the wombats go to Australia, but none of the woodchucks? And why did all the giant turtles go all the way to oceanic islands like the Galapagos? And why did no rats follow them to those islands?

And how is it that trees kept on growing for the last 9000 years as if there was no flood? This is a result found from trees in several places, such as the southwestern US and bogs in Ireland and Germany. The simplest conclusion is that there was no global flood.

Think about that, DavidH.

I think the problem that you might have is that you are examining this from an evolutionist mind set. You believe that the earth takes millions and millions of years to change - therefore you believe that there should be abundance of evidience to show that there was a global flood.
Millions and millions of years have NOTHING to do with it. Mainstream geologists accept the reality of a variety of relatively rapid events, like massive volcanic eruptions, big local floods, and meteorite strikes. DavidH, I suggest that you study some of the mainstream geological literature some time, and it ought to be clear to you that if a global flood had left unambiguous evidence behind, its occurrence would be accepted.

And what does this have to do with evolution?

Putting that aside, what if the earth changed far more quickly than you would have though? That within 6000 years the earth has altered so covering up signs that there was a global flood.

Trees continuously growing as if nothing had happened are a good bit of counterevidence, as is all the floral and faunal continuity of various places.

You see, I would be more inclined to believe ancient history, ...
The fact that there are documents of an ancient flood of massive proportions leads me to believe that something must have happened, that lead to these stories.
Local floods and exaggeration are both very common, so a single global flood is a totally superfluous hypothesis.

Let me put it to you another way.
If you were there, and that flood did occur and you decided to document it and write it down. Yet people 6000 years later deny it ever happened because they see no physical evidience for it.
They would think that I had only seen a local flood, because I could not have seen all of our planet without doing a heck of a lot of traveling.

I think I am more inclined to believe what was written in those ancient days. What else do we have to go by?
Physical evidence.

Trees. Ice caps. Sediment layers.

For example - maybe later on in future years people will deny that there was ever a Roman conquest of the world. Sure all they have to go by is written sources, drawings and all. But Surely that could all have been a myth of the Romans - it could never have happened because they see no physical evidience of it having happened.
If there was no physical evidence of it where there ought to have been, then why not?

But written records in Egypt and Mesopotamia go through that date without any trouble, and there is absolutely zero physical evidence for such a flood in tree rings, lake-bed sediments, or big glaciers.

Could a few examples of these be given? And the way they were dated explained?
Tree-ring dating is known as "dendrochronology". One looks for a site with a lot of well-preserved old tree trunks, and one compares the patterns of tree-ring widths. In good years, a tree will produce a lot of wood, while in bad years, a tree will produce relatively little wood, and several trees showing such a pattern cannot be coincidence. But if one tree had some pattern when it was young, and another tree had that pattern when it was old, the two trees' ring records can be combined to form the equivalent of a long-lived tree. And by combining the records of enough trees, it is possible to construct the equivalent of a 9000-year-old tree that is still alive.

As the Bible says that the earth is so young - and that the land mass was created as one area surrounded by sea.
Doesn't that coincide with the fact that the land can be shown today to have originated from one land mass? Could the moving of the land have been started by the great flood, or could the moving of the land today be the slowing down of the moving land after it was forcefully started by the flood?
However, that would require superfast continental drift, which is simply not observed. The continents were in one piece 200 million years ago, NOT 6000 years ago. And furthermore, this big supercontinent had been formed by the collision of previous continents; the continents play a game of "bumper cars" over hundreds of millions of years.

... Maybe the whole theory of evolution is like day evidience will be shown that refutes the theory of evolution.
It's worth pondering I think.
Especially after you consider the possibility that parts of the Bible could be found to be equally false.
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Old 03-16-2002, 07:41 PM   #62
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this post is for DavidH:

I am asssuming if you are into the universal flood, then you probably believe in the rest of the Ark story as well...

Problems with the Genesis Account

Creation "scientists" are NOT actively looking for data that would DISPROVE
THEIR THEORY. For example, religious theologians have struggled for centuries
to "scientifically" explain how an ark could have been constructed to hold EVERY
known species of animals on the earth--while maintaining temperature, food,
and waste control for them. Other problems of the Ark story include:

*How did the animals from around the world migrate to and from the Ark?
Kangaroos and koala bears exist only in Australia, and penguins and polar bears
live in cold climates. There is no evidence of these animals ever being present
in the Middle East. Were they supernaturally transported from their native
habitats to the Ark, and then back again following the Flood, with no traces
left that they were ever present in the Middle East? And what would the koala
bear have eaten on the ark? Koala bears only eat eucalyptus tree leaves, which
are indigenous to Australia and Indonesia alone. (There are many other examples:
such as panda bears only eating from the bamboo tree indigenous around China).

*Where did all the water go after the Flood receded if it indeed covered the
entire surface of the Earth? (Some creationists have speculated there must
be deep seas of water hidden within deep fissures of the earth that no one has
located yet.

*If the Flood was truly meant to destroy "all flesh that moved upon the
earth", why weren't fishes and sea mammals--such as dolphins and whales-
destroyed as well? (Note, some translations of the Genesis story get around this
by implying that God "only" wanted to destroy "all flesh that moved upon the

* Scientists estimate there are about 100 million species in the world. A
large proportion of these are bugs (twenty percent of the 100 million species
are beetles!) If God specially created each species, then he must have spent
more time making insects than humans. Did He then have a special affinity for
beetles? Do all varieties of bugs serve a purpose? As Mark Twain quipped on
this once, "The good Lord didn't create anything without a purpose, but the fly
comes close."

* Why as one moves from younger to OLDER layers of the fossil record, species
appear to have evolved from simpler forms and common ancestors. As Stephen Jay
Gould put this, "If God made each of the half dozen species discovered in
ancient rocks, why did he create in an unbroken temporary sequence of
progressively more modern features-increasing cranial capacity, reduced face
and teeth, larger body size? Did he create this to mimic evolution and test our
faith thereby?"

So much data supporting evolutionary change has been collected, that as
Gould and others have noted, IF evolution were indeed false, then either
God, or alternatively the Devil himself must have falsely planted millions
of faked fossils in order to "trick" those who use observation and science
to guide them.

Creationists largely get around problems such as explaining the LITERAL
nature of the Flood and Ark by arguing that if God is truly all-powerful, then
He would have the power to create ANY miracle-- exactly as described in the
Bible! Creationists try to avoid the issue that this is a religiously inspired
argument, and NOT a scientific one.

By relying primarily on FAITH in the biblical account of creation, AND
ignoring any scientific evidence that would be contrary to a belief in
creationism "scientific creation" is not really scientific at all-- but
clearly falls under the category of an ideology or religion.

Geological Evidence for the Earth being Billions of Years Old

One fact both creationists and the evolutionists agree on is that evolution
would need billions of years in order to work. Creationists maintain that
the earth is around six thousand years old (according to Bishop Ussher's famous
calculations made in 1645). But let's turn this argument around and see what
evidence exists for Earth being LESS than 10,000 years old? That is, what
evidence are creationists ignoring in order to prove the validity of their
young-Earth theory? The following is a list of what Creationists must ignore
or refute:

*why do we see stars in the sky that are millions of light years away from
earth. Creationists argue that God created star light separately from the stars
at the time of creation- just so humans could enjoy this at night!

*why doe the transitional nature of the fossil record shows older creatures
in lower stratum of rock, and more recently evolved creatures in higher stratum.

*How could major geological processes take place over thousands (as opposed
to millions/billions of years. For example, literal creationists disagree that
the Colorado River cut through the Grand Canyon over millions of years,
insisting "special" properties of Noah's Flood sped up the process to fit within
their 6000 age of the earth. (Creationists typically are silent to such
problems as why only extremely primitive life form fossils - as opposed to
advanced organisms can be found in the pre-Flood rocks of the Grand Canyon?)

*Young earth creationists such as Gish maintain that radioactive dating
(such as the carbon-14 method) is only reliable for short-term dating - that
decay rates of the radioactive isotopes used to date rocks could have been much
greater under extreme past conditions (like a great Flood), so the rocks are
really much younger than they "seem" to be. There is no legitimate evidence for
this claim from experimental or theoretical physics.

*Genetic studies that show that DNA molecules from closely related species
resemble each other more than distantly related species.

*Genetic studies that show the Human genome is comprised of 95-98% junk,
with the working 2-5% sequences containing genes that show an evolutionary
history that includes viruses and bacteria.

Taken from:

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

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Old 03-16-2002, 11:39 PM   #63
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Originally posted by wehappyfew:

Not by a long shot, doctor G. The evidence for the global flood is overwhelming and indisputable. I'm surprised at the selective memory displayed by evilutionists here. This flood should be brought up every time creationists mention the global extent of flood myths.

I'm talking about the 130 meter rise in sea-level from the last glacial maximum. Given humans' habit of living near coasts, it must have affected almost every culture - and been quite devastating. It should not be surprising it plays a central role in the mythology of almost every early culture.</strong>
Such events - or the filling of the Black Sea basin may have left their traces in mythologies, as you've said, although I'm dubious about the time scale of the 130m sea level rise.

But they are quite different from the global flood described in Genesis - which covered the highest mountains.

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Old 03-18-2002, 09:02 AM   #64
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Yes, it was a commonly held belief among scientists that the reason men came to walk upright is because of their emergence into the plains areas, where there were few trees, and walking upright would be an advantage (ability to see further). Recently this has been proven false since they have discovered upright (bipedal skeletons) amongst the forests. The scientists are therefore rethinking their hypothesis.

Oh, I'm not Catholic btw, but am a Christian (though I personally (translate me personally)believe that an "old" earth is entirely possible)because of verses in both Psalms and 1Peter. And yes, I've been in this fight before, with Oolon et. al....which is why I'm sitting back to see if someone has some newer ideas.

Originally posted by davidH:

Is this a faw in a theory? Maybe it was something that you had accepted as the truth....supported supposidly by evidience.....until proved wrong by evidience. Maybe the whole theory of evolution is like day evidience will be shown that refutes the theory of evolution.
It's worth pondering I think.</strong>
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Old 03-18-2002, 09:10 AM   #65
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Originally posted by Bait:
<strong>And yes, I've been in this fight before, with Oolon et. al....which is why I'm sitting back to see if someone has some newer ideas.
Well if you're sitting back, you'll have time to respond to <a href="" target="_blank">this thread</a> then, won't you Ron? Remind me again what Lucy is...?

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Old 03-18-2002, 09:14 AM   #66
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You forgot to add: How, pray tell then, did the Aztec's, and so many others from the other ends of the earth also have world flood myths - though many times not exactly the same as the genesis account?

And they (Oolon, Kosh, and all)think that the Jews borrowed from the Babylonian tablet because it is older than the oldest known, currently existing, scroll of the Torah...forgetting that the Jews have a habit n- to this day, of exactly copying down an old "official" Torah scroll, then destroying the old one (like we are supposed to do with old, torn, worn out American flags). This means that the words of the Torah COULD (probably?)be much older than the other accounts, the oldest Torah being a copy of even older one's.

I'm done now...

Exactly. And just by chance, the early Jews actually spent time living in these cultures
with similar myths. Why do you not think the
Jews simply borrowed those myths and adopted
them to suit their needs?

What evidience do you have that they were myths? You see in our time there has never been a global flood - so how do you know what evidience to expect?
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Old 03-18-2002, 09:21 AM   #67
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Sorry Oolon, ol' buddy,
Thought that thread died a while back. I hadn't seen the further posts. Hmmmm... ok, I guess I'll have to revisit. Thanks.

Originally posted by Oolon Colluphid:

Quite right you're not touching it. You still have one of your own pending in <a href="" target="_blank">this thread</a>. Get your fundament in there!

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Old 03-18-2002, 11:28 AM   #68
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Originally posted by Bait:
You forgot to add: How, pray tell then, did the Aztec's, and so many others from the other ends of the earth also have world flood myths - though many times not exactly the same as the genesis account?
Because river valleys are a favorite place to live, and because rivers often flood.

To me, that is a MUCH simpler hypothesis than that of a supposed flood which has left absolutely zero physical evidence. Yes, zero.

Dendrochronology is continuous for the last 9000 years; trees grew during that time in southwestern-US mountains and in German bogs without any drastic interruptions.

The big icecaps of Greenland and Antarctica also record a lack of unusual happenings during that time.

Also, aside from human-caused extinctions and reductions in range, distributions of flora and fauna have been essentially unchanged over most of this interglacial; how were these distributions so conveniently restored after that global flood?

(Noah's Flood story borrowed)...forgetting that the Jews have a habit n- to this day, of exactly copying down an old "official" Torah scroll, then destroying the old one ...This means that the words of the Torah COULD (probably?)be much older than the other accounts, the oldest Torah being a copy of even older one's.
These Rabbis were only describing the care that they and their colleagues would use in copying the Tanakh, a.k.a. OT. However, there is no indication of how this super-faithful copying got started. The Tanakh's contents were selected by some committee of theologians at about 200 BCE; before that, their contents could easily have been more variable, and probably were.

(the Babylonian and Biblical flood stories as myths)
What evidience do you have that they were myths? You see in our time there has never been a global flood - so how do you know what evidience to expect?</strong>
(Formatting corrected)

From extrapolating from the behavior of known floods. What did you expect, O Mr. Bait?

[ March 18, 2002: Message edited by: lpetrich ]</p>
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Old 03-18-2002, 12:32 PM   #69
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Ok I have been doing a little bit of research around various sites and I have some evidience of the flood that maybe would be worth discussing.

Most of the stuff has been taken from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

1.A one-mile-thick layer of salt water has been detected 10 miles below the Tibetan Plateau.


Here's a theory to discuss;

Rupture Phase. The increasing pressure in the subterranean water stretched the overlying crust, just as a balloon stretches when the pressure inside increases. Eventually, this shell of rock reached its failure point. Failure began with a microscopic crack at the earth’s surface. Stress concentrations at both ends of the crack resulted in its rapid propagation at almost 2 miles per second, about half the velocity of sound in rock.29 Within seconds, this crack penetrated down to the subterranean chamber and then horizontally followed the path of least resistance, generally along a great-circle path around the earth. The ends of the crack, traveling in opposite directions, circled the earth in 2–3 hours.30 Initial stresses were largely relieved when one end of the crack ran into the path left by the other end. In other words, the crack traveled a path that intersected itself at a large angle (or formed a “T” or “Y&#8221 somewhere on the opposite side of the earth from where the rupture began.

As the crack raced around the earth, the 10-mile-thick crust opened like a rip in a tightly stretched cloth. Pressure in the subterranean chamber immediately beneath the rupture suddenly dropped to almost atmospheric pressure. Water exploded with great violence out of the 10-mile-deep “slit” that wrapped around the earth like the seam of a baseball. All along this globe-circling rupture, whose path corresponds to today’s Mid-Oceanic Ridge,31 a fountain of water jetted supersonically into and far above the atmosphere. Much of the water fragmented into an “ocean” of droplets that fell as rain great distances away. This produced torrential rains such as the earth has never experienced—before or after.
If you go to the site there are references which would probably help explain why they believe this could have happened.

Some jetting water rose above the atmosphere where it froze and then fell on various regions of the earth as huge masses of extremely cold, muddy “hail.” (See Endnote 115 on page 196.) That hail buried, suffocated, and froze many animals, including some mammoths. (For details, see “Frozen Mammoths” on pages 169–198.) Finally, the most powerful jetting water and rock debris escaped the earth’s gravity and became the solar system’s comets, asteroids, and meteoroids. (For details, see “The Origin of Comets” on pages 199–230, and “The Origin of Asteroids and Meteoroids” on pages 231–240.)
This could well have then contributed to the ice age that enveloped parts of the earth. I find that totally acceptable as an explaination for the ice age.
The water covering everywhere would have caused a massive drop in temperature - resulting in serve heat loss, as water drained the thinner layers froze etc. - Not sure on this but it's my theory anyway.

Flood Phase. The powerful upward-jetting water rapidly eroded both sides of the 46,000-mile-long rupture an average of 400 miles. About 35% of the sediments were eroded from the basalt below the escaping water.32 Eroded particles (or sediments) were swept up in the waters that gushed out from the rupture, giving the water a thick, muddy consistency. These sediments settled out over the earth’s surface in days, trapping and burying many plants and animals, beginning the process of forming the world’s fossils.
This I think would tie in well with what is observed in the fossil record.
Wouldn't the simplar organisms be buried first whereas if the animals that were dead float near the surface? Hence they would either decay quicker or not be buried quickly at all? Again I am not sure on this but it seems to make a bit of sense.

I haven't got the time to put everything else up here but would you go to the site and at least spend some time reading what is there?

Beneath major mountains are large volumes of pooled saltwater.39 (Recent discoveries support this prediction, first made in 1980. Saltwater appears to be about 10 miles below the Tibetan Plateau, surrounded by the largest mountain range on earth.40)
Salty water frequently fills cracks in granite 5–10 miles below the earth’s surface, where surface water should not be able to penetrate.
I just thought that this was interesting stuff - maybe some of you hadn't considered this before.
Anyway I have to head on here.
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Old 03-18-2002, 12:53 PM   #70
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David - do you have any inkling of how hot is is ten miles below the surface of the Earth? It is corrently about 300 to 400 degrees Celsius, depending on how thick the crust is. This would mean that Walt Brown's water would have been rather warm on emerging from his 40,000 mile imaginary crack. Rock conducts heat far too slowly for cool water to have miraculously been there, and the rock have heated up since. Seismic evidence excludes the possibility; oil wells have been drilled to 6 miles depth, and their temperature logs exclude the possibility. There are so many absurdities in Walt's "theory" that I can't even start.....

At least he is up to date on his references, though. I'll post from home this evening on what the Science article about Tibet's cellar actually said.
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