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Old 12-12-2002, 11:20 AM   #71
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BH -

Then what is the whole ritual about?
I thought this had been made quite clear by Jess and others.

The ritual was a test of adultery. If the woman was thought to be (unexpectedly) pregnant, adultery was naturally suspected.

The ritual required her to drink a herbal abortive. If she was pregnant, she would suffer a miscarriage; if not, she would be found innocent.

Seems pretty straightforward to me.
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Old 12-12-2002, 11:22 AM   #72
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How is it you are able to discern the actual intention of an anonymous poster on any forum without having a way in which to peek into his/her mind without them knowing?

By stating that the original poster “clearly did so WITH NO SUCH intention” you are making a factual claim that you somehow KNOW what his intentions are. Your predictions about “atheist” behavior also show your very own, special kind of bigotry. How is it, pray tell, does one who lacks a belief in Gods (not just the Christian one) predictably behave? Or perhaps you have elicited a certain response in order to confirm your own prejudices? Perhaps as the pot you should not call the kettle black.

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Old 12-12-2002, 11:22 AM   #73
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Sorry, hit reply by accident.

That's another one I'd like to see you present to a Jew.
Why the hell wouldn't I?

I don't see any around right now, but when I do be assured that I will!

...and here you fall back on the predicatable "Let's blame the Christians for everything we don't like about OT Judaism" mantra yet again.

Ludicrous, bigoted, and facile in the exttreme.
Spare me the persecution fantasy. Christians are accountable for explaining the behavior of their deity as found in his grimoire whether you like it or not.

Why bother to make it sound palatable in the first place, when it's obviously not? I see no reason to guild the lily here.
Well, you have an ultra-liberal theology, it would seem, so it shouldn't be too surprising that many critiques which apply to the vast majority of your fellow Christians won't quite apply to you.

But thanks for proving my other point, which is that you'll reject any explanation out of hand (because you're not really interested in an explanation at all.)
Bzzt! I accept your explanation(minus theological details, of course)! You acknowledged that this is some primitive voodoo already.

Because I don't believe that He did.

Why do you persist in attacking straw men?
Alright, that's fine. You aren't off the hook yet, though. If this ritual doesn't actually trigger a magical effect like they supposed it would, then where did the idea for this ritual come from?

According to the Bible, Yahweh was much more communicative in those days. So how could this mistake be made?
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Old 12-12-2002, 11:26 AM   #74
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I thought this had been made quite clear by Jess and others.

The ritual was a test of adultery. If the woman was thought to be (unexpectedly) pregnant, adultery was naturally suspected.

The ritual required her to drink a herbal abortive. If she was pregnant, she would suffer a miscarriage; if not, she would be found innocent.

Seems pretty straightforward to me.
Come on, Evangelion, don't play these games. The ritual consisted of much more than merely giving her a concoction to drink, so what was the rest of it all about and how did they come to conclude that it would work?
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Old 12-12-2002, 11:28 AM   #75
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brighid -

How is it you are able to discern the actual intention of an anonymous poster on any forum without having a way in which to peek into his/her mind without them knowing?

Well, perhaps it's because his writing style was so refreshingly direct.

Like this:

How did this little sick, perverted piece of misogyny and sympathetic magic get into the bible? Do the Bible freaks believe it works? Do they still perform the ritual? Why is it so obscure among bible critics? It seems to lay out all the absurdities of the bible in one place in plain view. I think atheists should demand that the biblical literalists to defend it at every opportunity. (Then there is the bible test for leprosy.)
Are you seriously going to sit there and tell me that this tells you absolutely nothing about his view of the Bible in general, and Christianity in particular? Seriously?

And are you going to try and tell me that this was a simple, objective enquiry, without any polemical intent?

Come now. Read it through.

And please, spare me the melodramatics. <img src="graemlins/boohoo.gif" border="0" alt="[Boo Hoo]" /> I get enough of that from the Fundies.
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Old 12-12-2002, 11:35 AM   #76
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uh, huh...

you did see that the demand was made for biblical literalists and bible freaks to defend/ discuss the point, not christians? It never avoided jews.

seems like your tirade was a guess... simple and true.

edited to add: terry had mentioned that while a christian him(her?)self, it had never been discussed. That is hardly an attack.

[ December 12, 2002: Message edited by: jess ]</p>
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Old 12-12-2002, 11:41 AM   #77
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Are you seriously going to sit there and tell me that this tells you absolutely nothing about his view of the Bible in general, and Christianity in particular? Seriously?
No I am not, but it still does not speak to his intentions that claim to be quite clear about.

Is it possible he simply felt utterly disgusted after coming across this rather hideous test in the Bible and simply wanted to vent his frustration and help relieve the sick feeling in his stomach?

Did he NOT specifically address it to the FUNDIES and literalist FREAKS - and not those who fall outside of that?

So, again could you please tell us what special powers you have that make you so absolutely CERTAIN what this posters intentions ARE?

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Old 12-12-2002, 11:47 AM   #78
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Jess -

you did see that the demand was made for biblical literalists and bible freaks to defend/ discuss the point, not christians? It never avoided jews.

For the past I-don't-know-how-many posts, people have been telling me that this is a Christian-specific argument, with certain Christian-specific questions to be answered by... Christians. I've also been told that the people on this thread are asking Christians "because they preach at us, etc.", and that they are not asking Jews, "because they don't preach at us." Now you want to try and put a little spin on it.

No such luck.

seems like your tirade was a guess... simple and true.
Alas, no.

I've got you cold.
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Old 12-12-2002, 11:49 AM   #79
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Originally posted by Evangelion:
<strong>That the person who started this thread, did so for no other purpose than to mock Christianity. (He was not responding to any particular Christian; he was just taking a shot.)</strong>
If I mock someone for being an idiot, that won't make them intelligent.

Besides, the way I see it, the worst motivation the original poster had was trying to provide a reason for why one would mock Christianity.

Many Christians like to maintain an air of superiority over other religions. Islam, Hinduism, etc. are all primitive superstitions, but Christianity is above all of that. This quote makes it harder to maintain that view.

It seems that one way to hold onto that view is to distance Christianity from its roots, and say, "Oh, that's OT Judaism. Nothing to do with us." And then you can add OT Judaism to the list of religions you look down on.
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Old 12-12-2002, 11:50 AM   #80
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Thumbs up

diana -

No one's blaming the Xns for this particular ritual. We do, however, expect them to answer for it.
That's fine. Can these expectations be presented in a mature fashion, or do I have to pick my way through the polemic every day?

If you can show me a Xn who does not base his belief on the historical backdrop of the OT, I will refrain from using this story as an example of why I don't believe. Fair?
Oh, that's perfectly fair. I don't mind answering a question - as long as it's a genuine enquiry.

But it seems that very few of the participants on this thread were interested in hearing any sort of explanation. They seemed to have no other purpose in mind, than to "reinforce their prejudices", (as galiel would say.) The person who started this thread, set the tone with his polemic - and so it began.

However, I've not yet encountered a Xn who actually believes this. Moreover, I suggest to you that it is impossible. Without The Fall, we don't have original sin, and without original sin, we have nothing to be "saved" from. At some point, if you're a Xn, you are automatically subscribing to the belief that information in the OT is factual.
You'll find that plenty of Anglicans are happy to take the Genesis account as mere allegory, withouth (in their minds) compromising the fundamentals of Christian theology.

And just for the record, a belief in "the Fall" is not equivalent to a belief in "Original Sin." There's actually a variety of views on this subject, and I subscribe to the school of thought which accepts "the Fall" but denies "Original Sin."

Do you, or do you not, believe the OT is the inspired Word of God?
Yes, I do.

Um. You're at Infidels. We tend to look at scripture as though it's written by an ancient priesthood in an ongoing attempt to manipulate and control an ignorant and superstitious people.
I expected all of this. My mistake was in failing to anticipate the wanton polemic and the lack of maturity.

Mea culpa.

It isn't polite to read into people's motives, you know. Unless you're omniscient, but you might take that up with God.
Well, again, when I read this...

How did this little sick, perverted piece of misogyny and sympathetic magic get into the bible? Do the Bible freaks believe it works? Do they still perform the ritual? Why is it so obscure among bible critics? It seems to lay out all the absurdities of the bible in one place in plain view. I think atheists should demand that the biblical literalists to defend it at every opportunity. (Then there is the bible test for leprosy.)
...I tend to get a certain... impression.

Perhaps that's just me.

In my first couple of posts, I tried to (and admitted my POV up front). If you wish to disagree with my interpretation of the verses in question, feel free to debate.
I've gone back and read your posts. We are in agreement on the purpose of the ritual and its subsequent effects.

Or perhaps you still don't understand why it would matter at all to a Xn what their God demanded in the OT.

I've been through this already with at least four different people on the thread. Please read what I've written to them. It's 4:36 AM, and I can't be bothered copy/pasting it.


They also trot out OT verses to prove that God would be against abortion.
Well, that's what you'd expect to find in America. But I'm not an American, and I don't follow their rules. You won't find me jumping on the abortion bandwagon.

The passage that was under discussion before it got so grossly sidetracked is an example of God condoning and ordering the forced abortion of a fetus.
Doesn't concern me in the slightest. I'm not anti-abortion; I'm pro-choice.

What's worse, the fetus may well be the husband's.

If he's genuinely concerned by his wife's pregnancy in the first place, it's reasonable to assume that the pregnancy occurred unexpectedly. Agreed?

I thought this thread was started primarily out of surprise, shock and disgust at the scripture TerryTyron read, when he first stopped to think about what it actually entailed. His second post further expresses his dismay, but in more detail.

His observation caught my eye and I looked into it, reading several different versions of the story and checking the concordance and looking into Hebrew idioms.

My posts express my anger and disgust with the bible translators who willfully obscured the real meaning of things, whether to protect our fragile sensibilities or to cover up passages that are embarrassing. Whatever the reason, to futz with an "inspired" text, pretending to provide an accurate translation when in fact, mistranslations of this sort are the rule, is despicable.
He's taken his gloss from the King James Version, which was notoriously prudish. (Yes, astonishing as this might be, they didn't really like to have too many explicit statements in their version of the Bible.) I guess you can invent all sorts of conspiracy theories about "obscuring the meaning", but at the end of the day, none of them are going to be remotely credible.

Even the KJV gloss is more than explicit enough to show what was going on here. TerryTyron's reaction has proved this quite clearly.

At Infidels, you'll always have a few people happy to add snide remarks, as the spirit moves them. (And this was, after all, swiftly moved to RR&P, which literally invites bashing.)
Yes, well... par for the course, I suppose.

Perhaps you're too quick to judge.
I think not.

At any rate, you were quick to leap into the Overgeneralization Pit with the rest of us. Come on in...the water's warm.
I don't think I've made any overgeneralisations here, but YMMV, and thanks for the invitation.
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