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Old 02-09-2003, 03:10 PM   #41
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Originally posted by Ronin
Sabine and IL ~

Now do you see?

We have each here shown that we have our own particular secular preferences as individuals...and will favor or disfavor a personality based on our own private notions.

However, the very OP in this thread has brought divisiveness to our communication based directly upon the case of theist vs atheist.

...and that is the tragedy that theism brings with it, for it is the assertive position.

That irreverence, sarcasm, mockery and rudeness become part and parcel of an argument is quite inevitable...I even invoked a barf smilie on IL once when he was being inane toward ju'iblex in a christmas thread (as I recall) and no mortal injury was struck.

Three atheists just goofing around.

Beyelzu and I (two strong atheists) have met in direct contrast on a few threads with our respective verbal weaponry and have not run to our respective mommies as of this date.

So, unless we directly observe these implied offending threads as they evolved, it really is just a matter of sticks and stones...and, in the mood of perpetual debate on the issue of mythical sky fairies, magic spell books, zombies and wizards ~ let's get back to the dance...sans all this poonanny inspired temperamental foot stomping!

PS ~ viscousmemories...very well put, however, Sabine has been exposed in this manner before. I seriously much doubt that it will register.
It is a shame Ronin you cannot help but being an opportunist of words. Sabine is going to be exposed everytime she happens to be part of the non silent minority.She disturbs the conformism and need to herd together to prove " I am so right". You spend such diligent time attempting to make any christian look bad....

You might find that endeavor not so important some day and join the ranks of men such as my hubby who found solace in loving one of those christians. The irony of life.
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Old 02-09-2003, 03:10 PM   #42
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PPS ~ and, as further condradiction to this OP, I met livius drusus when she was a moderator a few months back after really flaming the dogsnot out of another atheist when I perceived his implied encouragement of pedophilia.

The thread degenerated into outright naming calling (I believe it was announced that I was a "Pantload" or some such ~ though that may not exactly have been offensive in every was in this case.)

In any event, I was warned via PM and our posts were edited for content.

As I recall, I apologized to the sensibilities of the board and moved the fuck on.

That some see only what they choose to see, tirelessly, reinforces their martyr syndrome and merely reflects that lame old theistic sacrificial lamb tactic.
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Old 02-09-2003, 03:12 PM   #43
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Originally posted by Blake
Three points.

1. An apology is worth very little if it doesn't apologize for the actual offenses, which was the case with SmartBlonde57.

2. The "burning" of SmartBlonde57 was done on her account, not because she defended Amie.

3. At least two other people who challenged the "comments addressed to Amie," marduck and viscousmemories, were not "burnt."

So no, that is not "exactly what happened" at all.

*shrug* What can I say; you're wrong. I've backed my claims up with close examination of the evidence in question. All you've done is make assertions. That other people agree with you is meaningless; they're wrong too. Other people agree with me.

I'll support him too, if he shows that his quest is grounded in reality & not some set of preconceived notions.
OK... another " you are wrong"... " they are wrong too"... same comment as I made earlier... you can only be right then. I remain wordless.
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Old 02-09-2003, 03:12 PM   #44
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It is a shame Ronin you cannot help but being an opportunist of words. Sabine is going to be exposed everytime she happens to be part of the non silent minority.She disturbs the conformism and need to herd together to prove " I am so right". You spend such diligent time attempting to make any christian look bad....

You might find that endeavor not so important some day and join the ranks of men such as my hubby who found solace in loving one of those christians. The irony of life.

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Old 02-09-2003, 03:29 PM   #45
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Originally posted by Sabine Grant
OK... another " you are wrong"... " they are wrong too"... same comment as I made earlier... you can only be right then. I remain wordless.
No; I am right in this case. I suspected that you had it wrong, but I wasn't sure; so I turned to the evidence and checked it out. Once I was completely sure of my position, I declared it; and only after you dismissed my well-researched, carefully-thought-out argument in favor of reiterating your own unsubstantiated position, did I declare "you are wrong." You see, you made statements, such as "Anyone who was to challenge the comments addressed to Amie was to be burnt no matter what. That is exactly what happened." I found two counterexamples. In this case, and in this case only, I am right and you are wrong. Those who agree with me are thus also right, those who agree with you thus also wrong.

However, upon reflection, I think that your broader implication about abuse of theists because they are theists at II is wrong too. HelenM, seebs, Rev. Joshua and Baalthazaq are four theists I can think of who receive little or no abuse. You and Amie clearly receive a share of it. It seems to me that there might be some other quality besides your theism that you have in common that could explain this phenomenon.
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Old 02-09-2003, 03:43 PM   #46
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Originally posted by brighid

I try, but sometimes fail, to tread gently on the feelings of others. Should reality and honestly be compromised because someone might have his/her feelings ruffled? Discomfort can be a sign that something is a miss and needs to be addressed. Brighid
As livius drusus pointed out in her Psychoanalysing stranger thread

People who pyschoanalyze people like to think people are uncomfortable with their analysis because it reflects the truth. However it could be because the analysis is way off target (Second part of the the analysis is mine)

IMHO, one should thread lightly not just because one should be sensitive to the feelings of other people but also because of the possiblility that your grasp of reality is inaccurate. Not that there is anything wrong in making mistakes per se, we are all humans. It is just that when one use too strong words and sound too confident of one's analysis, one's mistakes are magnified.

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Old 02-09-2003, 03:47 PM   #47
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Originally posted by Sabine Grant
I am not under any obligation to find charming what a person considers to be what would charm me. The qualities that Livius expressed about her own person are not what charm me. Especialy when expressed with a narcissist touch. I favor qualities in a person similar to the qualities Amie has demonstrated thru various threads for example. Now... that charms me.
I am not on these boards to woo women, Sabine. I am here because I find it a stimulating intellectual environment. Substantive debate is the main focus of my posts, and maybe the ocassional waltz of verbal titillation with the likes of viscous and Ronin and Gurdur and Blake just for good measure. My point about charm is simply that is has its place, and for me that place is far more likely to be a trattoria in Frascati than a thread in MF&P. Rational discourse here. Comments on the amusing house wine there.
It appears that Livius favors honest and direct communication.... or is suddenly an expression of a personal preference " disgusting" and " venom"?
Well of course I have no problem with your opinion of my charm quotient. As for whether the manner in which you expressed it is internally consistent with your own standards of behavior, I'll leave that for you to judge.
The fact is that Livius did display some sentimentality in a thread where she posted once a picture that is very dear to her from her beloved times in Rome, Italy. Had anyone dared to drag her personal sharing into their world of sour thinking, the non silent minority I am part of would have fussed about it.
That was there. This is here. Obviously I am a complex human being with all kinds of emtional attachments and principled standards. If someone had told me a 3 sentence post in Italian about my Rome was maudlin and cloying, I would have congratulated them on their grasp of the language and moved right along without a second thought.

In any case, this is a discussion not about my occasional melancholic musings, but about whether theists are attacked for being theists so if you concede that someone might well have flamed me for my Italian post, you must concede that have a god belief is not the reason people get flamed.
There is no excuse or self justification valid IMO to the way Amie was handled in her thread.
Anyone who wants to continue to rationalize in some discourse in this thread how it was all fine will have to deal with my skepticism as to their justifications.
So be it. You could, however, try asking first instead of imputing your own preconceived notions on me or anyone else.
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Old 02-09-2003, 03:54 PM   #48
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Originally posted by Sabine Grant
I remain wordless.

Thank you for your contribution to the Internet Infidels "Save The Bandwidth" fund.
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Old 02-09-2003, 04:00 PM   #49
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Originally posted by Blake
No; I am right in this case. I suspected that you had it wrong, but I wasn't sure; so I turned to the evidence and checked it out. Once I was completely sure of my position, I declared it; and only after you dismissed my well-researched, carefully-thought-out argument in favor of reiterating your own unsubstantiated position, did I declare "you are wrong." You see, you made statements, such as "Anyone who was to challenge the comments addressed to Amie was to be burnt no matter what. That is exactly what happened." I found two counterexamples. In this case, and in this case only, I am right and you are wrong. Those who agree with me are thus also right, those who agree with you thus also wrong.

However, upon reflection, I think that your broader implication about abuse of theists because they are theists at II is wrong too. HelenM, seebs, Rev. Joshua and Baalthazaq are four theists I can think of who receive little or no abuse. You and Amie clearly receive a share of it. It seems to me that there might be some other quality besides your theism that you have in common that could explain this phenomenon.
Having something in common with Amie, I will take as a compliment.
Actualy I do not get that much " abuse". Lots of nagging. Mostly " we do not like how you do things differently from the majority". And is not that a fact that both Amie and I do represent a minority.
Now if you want to venture in character analysis to justify any nasty treatment of Amie.... I am not part of your audience. But no doubt you will get an attentive audience from the individuals who thrive on that kind of method. Then they will move on as they have fed their mental and emotional needs on the carcasses of this thread.
Personaly the real world is calling me to fix dinner, and more importantly file my taxes.
You all have a nice evening......The Bonsoiring Ballerina ( I really liked that term of endearment of yours, Ronin)
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Old 02-09-2003, 04:01 PM   #50
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Originally posted by hezekiah jones
Originally posted by Sabine Grant
I remain wordless.

Thank you for your contribution to the Internet Infidels "Save The Bandwidth" fund.
Oh god. :notworthy
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