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Old 01-24-2002, 10:28 PM   #31
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Originally posted by CodeMason:
<strong>My, my, aren't we the little master of self-deceit? Your pathetic analogy fails, because the sky being blue does not provide compelling evidence against creationism. Whereas the physiological, morphological and behavioural similarities between us and chimps does.</strong>

Yeah...the statement "God should have done it this way" disproves creationism. Who is living in self-deciet?
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Old 01-24-2002, 10:30 PM   #32
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In other words:

Eating a fruit changes the immune system in future generations, drastically weakening it.

Damn potent fruit. Better hope that Osama Bin Laden doesn't start mixing that in with our apples in the supermarket.
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Old 01-24-2002, 10:31 PM   #33
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Originally posted by donotworry:

Yeah...the statement "God should have done it this way" disproves creationism. Who is living in self-deciet?</strong>
Yes, but the statement,"God has no reason to do it this way other than to confuse humans" does.
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Old 01-24-2002, 10:35 PM   #34
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Actually, I never got into "no beneficial mutations" yet, but I could if you wish.
Well, if your "adaptation" does not involve the accumulation of beneficial mutations through natural selection, please tell me what its magical mechanism is? Perhaps we have a Lamarckist on our hands.
evolution, as I am concerned with it, involves the change from reptiles to birds or chimps to humans.
Please explain to us this other mystery mechanism of yours, that suddenly stops adaptation dead in its tracks after x generations. It is indeed a marvellous mechanism, and has some sort of inbuilt "complexity filter" that prevents things that seem too complex to arise "from chance" to you from actually happening.
The other is just a subsection that is under evolution that really shouldn't be because it has been observed to happen.
What you say? This sentence made absolutely no sense whatsoever. Something only qualifies as evolution if it hasn't been observed? So if we got in some time-travelling device that allowed us to see the whole time span of the planet Earth in a single hour, and we observed, phylum level evolution, it would suddenly stop being called evolution because it had then been directly observed?
Remember, evolution (nothing to something to something very complex) is a theory.
That's a lie and I'm pretty sure you know it. Nowhere in the axiom of natural selection and random mutation is the necessity for "nothing to something" or "simplicity to complexity" (whatever that's are supposed to mean).
It can't be proved or observed (which is the nature of science).
Give this man a Nobel prize! He has managed to find a fundamental flaw in the very scientific method that all those millions of biologists over the years somehow failed to notice!
Adaptation has been observed, hence, a valid scientfic fact...not to be labeled under a heading of "theory" which evolution clearly falls.
What do you mean by "observed"? Do you mean that all things that happened before you were born must be called a "theory" because you never observed them, and only the things that you see can be called a fact?
If you even read any of the counter arguments to evolution from creationists, you would see that creationists believe and support adaptation. Have you even taken the time to do that?
It simply shows creationists don't even know what the hell they're trying to believe and support. On one hand they mock and ridicule evolution, and on the other they believe and support it?
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Old 01-24-2002, 10:40 PM   #35
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Yeah...the statement "God should have done it this way" disproves creationism. Who is living in self-deciet?
Obviously you, because you were originally making excuses for your God to do this (reusing the original design template). But I showed this excuse has catastrophic theological consequences. So now you stop making excuses? Surprise surprise.

Oh, but who are we to judge the all-mighty GOD? I mean, just because he deliberately deceived us with mountains of scientific evidence, doesn't mean he's a bad guy!
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Old 01-24-2002, 10:49 PM   #36
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Originally posted by donotworry:

Did I ever say that people get sick because they sin? READ PEOPLE.

The germs could have been there, just not deadly or infectious. It's quite simple actually.


Ever see a person with AIDS? Their immune system is so weak small things make them sick. Things that would not make us (read: normal, healthy people) sick. Point being...before the fall, we could have had much stronger immune systems. Immune systems that could have easily beaten ALL disease and bacteria.

I don't know how it was...I'm just saying there are other possibilities.</strong>
Actually, yes you did say that. You said that disease was caused by the fall, and what is the fall without orginal sin? And for your information, viruses can not I repeat CAN NOT survive outside of the host very long. There is no other way for a virus to reproduce besides to force it's genome into a host cell, hijack it, and force it to make more viruses, none, period. So either viruses lived by infecting organisms before the fall, or they did not live at all, period. And are you so foolish to believe that tapeworms were non-harmful before the fall? Did you know that they do not have a digestive tract of their own? Did you know that the ONLY way they can absorb nutrients is by absorbing already digested food from your intestine? Before the fall how did tape worms live, and what was the use of the hooks at its top end? There are other countless examples of organisms that are specificly built to be parasitic, and have no other way to make thier living besides causing disease in other creatures. So tell me Mr. Scientific *cough* Creationist, what did these things do before the fall?

An immune system so strong that it could beat all disease and bacteria? Then tell me how these pathogens survived at all if they were instantly killed off by our super duper delux immune systems?

Oh, and Mr. Scientific *cough* Creationist, since you are insisting that creationsim is grounded in science, can you back up one thing you have said with scientific evidence? Is the fall observable? Can you test it in a lab? Can you wear it with a hat? Can you test it on a cat? Do you like green eggs and ham?
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Old 01-24-2002, 10:50 PM   #37
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Originally posted by Jesus Christ:

Yes, but the statement,"God has no reason to do it this way other than to confuse humans" does.</strong>

or..."I am as smart as God and I know that there is not other reason to do something that to confuse people. I am simply being a mean and nasty god to see if my people will remaing faithful if I 'stack the evidence agains them'".

1. You are not as smart as good
2. You know nothing about reasons why things are
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Old 01-24-2002, 10:57 PM   #38
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Not claiming to be smart as God.
And actually, from all outward appearances, God does seem to be trying to confuse us with that kind of information--not to mention Cephied Variable stars, loads of microfossils, et. al.

And God does seem to want to be mean and nasty by planting all that damned evidence here and there and everywhere.
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Old 01-24-2002, 11:01 PM   #39
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Wow, you just used the Ultimate Cop-out(tm). No matter how horrible and unjust God makes his Creation, it will always be "good", because we measly humans don't know better.
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Old 01-25-2002, 03:06 AM   #40
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(about how he claims to know some agnostics and atheists who reject evolution supposedly because some structures could not have been the result of evolution)
That's news to me. You ought to tell some of these supposed friends of yours to get into contact with us. I've never heard of any agnostics or atheists who reject evolution, though if there any, they are very likely believers in Erich von Daniken sort of views; EvD believes that humanity came into existence as a result of genetic engineering by extraterrestrial visitors.

But I'd be especially surprised if they believed that the Universe is only 6000 years old.

... Did I still believe in God when my brother suffered a horrible accident and lost most of his left hand? Yes. ...
So donotworry's God can be very negligent.

... Ever hear of the fall of man? ...
Pure fairy tale.

donotworry on the archive:
Well...I have read your complete archive, ...
That's an enormous archive; why don't you write a detailed blow-by-blow critique of it and put it online somewhere?

EVOLUTION (In my words):
The broad term attributed to the way all forms of life originated on this planet (earth) as the theory that life aroze from elements present on the earth millions of years ago to form primitive organisms which, over time, formed more complex organisms which, over much more time, formed much more complex organisms, finally giving our planet as is today.
Mixing up "descent with modification" with some other stuff.

I don't care if the Catholic church recognized Darwin's theory. As a matter of fact, I don't care much for the Catholic church as an institution. In addition, I don't care if a priest believes this or that (Think Biship John Spong).
O donotworry, explain to us why you think that church is so unworthy of respect. And you will be in for a big surprise when you find what church Bishop Spong belongs to.

I grew up completely immersed in evolution (evolution books for Christmas from Mom and Stepdad, who is a biology teacher...pretty ironic huh?) and humanistic thought. Evolution never fit no matter how much I wanted it to fit (I didn't want to believe in a person God to whom I was accountable...that would be too hard. I wanted to do whatever I wanted). ...
"I know there is a god, and I hate his guts" -- sheesh.

Seems like yet another sinner-turned-saint fantasy personal history. This account would suggest that he had plenty of opportunity to learn about evolution, which she shows little sign of having done.

Scigirl on diabetes as a feast-or-famine adaptation...

Man, some people just don't read (or understand) the other side of arguments do they? we go.

When Babylon fell and people were scattered, you got your different groups of people ... . Native tribes just adapted to those circumstances by developing Diabetes (Sickle-cell anemia for below). It has nothing to do with evolution.

Evolution, by any other name, is still evolution. "Descent with modification" -- need I say more?

Also, humanity was scattered over much of our planet long before there was a Babylon.

Scigirl: a human chromosome having a bit of leftover telomere from chromosome fusion; chimps have two chromosomes instead of this one...

... There is this thing called "reuse".
As if an omnipotent being needs to do that. This is only one of legions of vestigial features; are their purpose to trick people into accepting evolution?

Actually, I never got into "no beneficial mutations" yet, but I could if you wish. And no....evolution, as I am concerned with it, involves the change from reptiles to birds or chimps to humans. ...
Antibiotic resistance is one kind of beneficial mutation that happens all the time.

Remember, evolution (nothing to something to something very complex) is a theory. It can't be proved or observed (which is the nature of science). ...
Depends on what you count as "proof".

If you even read any of the counter arguments to evolution from creationists, you would see that creationists believe and support adaptation. Have you even taken the time to do that?
Yes, I have, and they make hairsplitting distinctions so they can have it both ways.

Originally posted by CodeMason:
My, my, aren't we the little master of self-deceit? Your pathetic analogy fails, because the sky being blue does not provide compelling evidence against creationism. Whereas the physiological, morphological and behavioural similarities between us and chimps does.

Yeah...the statement "God should have done it this way" disproves creationism. Who is living in self-deciet?
Knee-jerk claims of "Goddidit" do not prove anything.

Originally posted by Jesus Christ:
Yes, but the statement,"God has no reason to do it this way other than to confuse humans" does.

or..."I am as smart as God and I know that there is not other reason to do something that to confuse people. I am simply being a mean and nasty god to see if my people will remaing faithful if I 'stack the evidence agains them'".

1. You are not as smart as good
2. You know nothing about reasons why things are
That itself is intellectual arrogance.

It's essentially claiming that "I'm just following orders, so you have no right to challenge me."
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