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Old 04-16-2003, 11:03 AM   #131
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Default Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Back again, briefly.

Originally posted by John Page
OK, when you think you understand how you came to know what you know and whether, therefore, your knowledge is reliable, please tell me how you think you came to know how this knoweldge was acquired.

Cheers, John
Dear John Page.

Well, John, we did not study or learn the information that we receive in this 3D life.
Our ''knowledge'', as retrieved ''memory'' fits with our understanding of multiple lives, in many dimensional circumstances so it is eminately feasable that if we have this ability to ''tap into'' universal material, the collective consciousness, we can access our ''memories'' as well as others we deal with. This we have proven to our satisfaction and the satisfaction of others. If we are validated in one area, using the same ability, it stands to reason that what applies to one applies to the other. There is an order we have observed and a similarity of access which enables this process to occur.

John, I personally have travelled to the U.S.A. on the basis of information I had received relating to a ''past life''. The information I received proved to be correct and it really impressed me. Very freaky stuff. Even found living ''relatives'' with the same ''past life'' family name still living in the same county.
The information included family history, street numbers, type of life circumstances lived. There was even a 95 year old postmistress still alive who I could talk to who remembered the family and the person who ''I'' was and could substantiate some of the information I had received.

The life I was given the information about, was terminated in the 2nd world war, in the Pacific theatre. I was an 18yr old Marine.

So John, believe it or not, it's up to you, but what would you think if you were faced with a similar situation?


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Old 04-16-2003, 11:08 AM   #132
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Default Back again, briefly.

Originally posted by malai5
So John, believe it or not, it's up to you, but what would you think if you were faced with a similar situation?
Seek the source of that knowledge, which is exactly what I suggested in my prior post.

Cheers, John
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Old 04-16-2003, 11:23 AM   #133
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Default Re: Back again, briefly.

Originally posted by John Page
Seek the source of that knowledge, which is exactly what I suggested in my prior post.

Cheers, John
Dear John Page.

We know the source of that knowledge.
What you should understand is that it is our True selves, that are energetic entities that are in touch with the complete information of ALL our ''lives''. The True self, everyone's True self sits in the hierarchy of the whole. It is the True self, with all the other True selves of every being in this 3D world, which sets up the hologram and all possibilities for all individuals in it. In effect, all possibilities for each of us have already played out, it is the free will choice that decides which one we, in this parallel will perceive as our life.

John, what you think of as you, in this 3D world, is just an emination of who and what you really are. Far greater than you could ever imagine.


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Old 04-16-2003, 11:36 AM   #134
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Originally posted by malai5
We know the source of that knowledge.
No you don't, you only think you do. I can only change that conclusion based on a) credible evidence that you know the source of your knowledge and b) that this knowledge is not delusional.

Cheers, John
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Old 04-17-2003, 12:17 AM   #135
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Originally posted by John Page
No you don't, you only think you do. I can only change that conclusion based on a) credible evidence that you know the source of your knowledge and b) that this knowledge is not delusional.

Cheers, John
Dear John Page.

John, we know.
It has been proved without a shadow of a doubt to us.
John, it is not up to us to prove it to you, if you doubt us, prove to us that it cannot be so, prove to us that there is no way we can know. John, prove us wrong.

John, there have been many court cases where the onus of proof of the existence or not of an ability, or of the existence of a god has fallen to the prosecution to prove. These cases have not been successful for the prosecution.
John, you have no way of knowing whether what we say is wrong, or right, we accept that. But the concepts have sat with others who have been persuing the Q,M. road. Are they ''delusional'' as well. We don't think so. They, like us, are seekers outside the ''square'' that is all and for that we and them are derided and considered ''delusional''. It's a fine line between ''crap and brilliance'' but we know, as do others what side of that line we are on and it is not on the side of ''crap''.
We would like to ask you what articles and new thought have you brought forth. What is your contribution to the knowledge of the human race?

John, every new concept is at first met with derision.
Not all new concepts can have a physical proof at the time of inception. Quantum Theory is one that springs to mind.

John, unless you can prove that what we say is not true, you will have to wait till what we say becomes obvious to all and accepted by all, as the truth of how life works.


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Old 04-17-2003, 01:59 AM   #136
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Default NowHere

Originally posted by malai5
Hi Malai. How are your efforts doing?

BTW, careful with that logic stuff, Malai.

Can you explain this sentence:

"This sentence is a lie."

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Old 04-17-2003, 05:01 AM   #137
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Originally posted by malai5
It has been proved without a shadow of a doubt to us.
How? Your post seems content free.
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Old 04-17-2003, 08:14 AM   #138
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Default Re: NowHere

Originally posted by Nowhere357
Hi Malai. How are your efforts doing?

BTW, careful with that logic stuff, Malai.

Can you explain this sentence:

"This sentence is a lie."

Dear Nowhere357.

The sentence, ''this sentence is a lie'' is a perceptional ''lead''.
Does one believe what the words say?
There is nothing in the sentence that would lead one to presume any thing that was false, yet it is stated to be false. One could equally say, ''this sentence is the truth'', again, what does that mean. Semantics would say that the sentence is still a sentence whatever it says it is. So, as a sentence it is valid, no lie. As a statement it is empty for it says nothing.

When a statement is made from a perceptional understanding and the understanding has a proven track record that has been put to the test by the perceiver, then the statement becomes a factual one by the one making the statement. If there was no basis, why make the statement in the first place.
It all depends on how honest with oneself one is. If one is scrupulous in the way one deals with one's self, and is truly confident that all ''bases'' have been covered, then any judgements of statements made may be seen as part of the perceptional base of the one who judges, not of the one judged.

If this was not the case, no new ideas could ever see the light of day, no new concepts could ever be discussed and expanded for the receiver of the ''new'' would be convinced by the skeptical judgemental response that he/she was wrong.
It takes strength of character to persist in the face of the unbelieving established way. But in reality, the established way was once the ''new'' that gained ''acceptence'', became acceptable to the established way.


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Old 04-17-2003, 08:34 AM   #139
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Default Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Back again, briefly.

Originally posted by John Page
How? Your post seems content free.
Dear John Page.

If you have been reading our post up till now, you would see that we have been given validations in many areas as to the truth of what we receive. All areas from the personal to the prediction of world events have only helped us to believe our contacts and our ability to receive ''cleanly''.
What we experience and we have shared some of this, is credible proof for us. If you are seeking more, this you will have to find for yourself, as others have.
One cannot transfer a personal experience to another, let alone a constant series of them. So, if our information does not sit with you and you do not wish to persue your own proofs, we can not help you. We are not dealing with the ''normal'' 3D way of ''seeing'' here, we are dealing with the universal way and that is not limited to the 3D system of ''proofs''. You do not have to stay with the limits of the 3D world, but you will, if your intent is not to ''see'' another way. It's up to you.


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Old 04-17-2003, 08:51 AM   #140
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Originally posted by malai5
If you have been reading our post up till now, you would see that we have been given validations in many areas as to the truth of what we receive.
I have been reading the post and haven't seen a single verifiable statement pointing to evidence of how you know what you know. Answer the question if you wnat to have a debate.
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