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Old 02-24-2003, 02:06 AM   #51
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Originally posted by Jackalope
If you really think that, I suggest you simply stay out of the threads about medical problems. It's not a helpful attitude, and in fact could get you the label of "asshole."
Hear hear. :notworthy

It seems to me that since Seraphim got over his depression, he (falsely) believes that everyone else can and MUST do the same, even though their circumstances are different.
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Old 02-24-2003, 07:02 PM   #52
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By Jackalope

As to antidepressants (of which there are now four distinct classes...or maybe five, I don't have my PDR here right now to check):
Your body may eventually adjust to the effects of the particular drug you're taking. Then the drug will fade out for you. So you stop taking it. In most cases, the fix is to simply switch to a different drug.

This is no different than the problems faced by anyone with a chronic condition.

My reply : Good ... you know what you are getting into. You still think hiding behind drugs is a cure? No need to answer that, it is not meant for you alone, but also others who read this.

Do you regularly tell diabetics that they're just hiding behind their insulin and should just learn to tough it out? Do you think that people like me with autoimmune disorders should just stop taking all the medications that help regulate our defective immune systems? Do you think that one can just wish away a chemical imbalance?

My reply : Nonsense ... you are comparing body's defective system to that of a mental state.

BOTH states (mental and physical) can be cured by medical terms and personal endurance. In cases of diabetic, insulin shots are required because the body cannot produce enough insulin by itself. Same with autoimmune disorder.

Does depression comes into such category? Is it a physical defect OR a mental defect? What is its source? Why don't you tell me that as well since you so clever to compare both?

If you really think that, I suggest you simply stay out of the threads about medical problems. It's not a helpful attitude, and in fact could get you the label of "asshole."

My reply : Who gives a shit how others label me? I'm being helpful to those who wished to be helped, those who determined to put a bullet in their brains or cut their wrist could get it over with and go to hell for all I care.

By winstonjen

Hear hear.

It seems to me that since Seraphim got over his depression, he (falsely) believes that everyone else can and MUST do the same, even though their circumstances are different.

My reply : It is NOT the circumstances which makes a difference whether you wish to fight for your survival or hide behind your weaknesses, it is your own personal conviction to change yourself.

A person who born in the gutters in a 3rd World country may have the same problem as you but lack of all medical help you are getting YET fight his way out of his problem BECAUSE his personal conviction. IF you don't understand that much, then just die ... you're a waste of life anyway.
Old 02-24-2003, 09:09 PM   #53
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Angry reply to Seraphim

Seraphim I feel sorry for people like you whose view is so narrowminded and naive in thinking that it is one's own fault that they are depressed. What you are promulgating is absurd.... I want you to go up to a depressed person and tell them "Oh, you are hiding behind your medicine, grow some balls and get over it!!!" This is ridiculous... It is a proven fact that depression is cause by a chemical malfunction in the brain, not a lack of courage or what ever else b.s. you have said... If you are one of those Xians who would be so bold as to claim science to be false, than I pity you, and I cannot argue with someone who believes thusly. Yes you may have gotten over your depression.. But I am willing to bet that you may have been suffering a milder form of depression than most, certainly moreso than some I have seen. To tell a person with depression that they can choose to change is like telling a person with AIDS that they can get over their disease if they simply want to and choose to. They are both physical malfunctions of the body, whether you want to admit it or not. I hope you will research more on this topic before making bold statements like depression is a choice and is a result of the original sin... As for me, I will not worship a God that lies back and allows depression, and also people like you to claim that it is his will.

D. Thomas
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Old 02-24-2003, 10:43 PM   #54
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Thumbs down

[b] Seraphim I feel sorry for people like you whose view is so 1. narrowminded and naive in thinking that it is one's own fault that they are depressed. What you are promulgating is absurd.... I want you to go up to a depressed person and tell them 2."Oh, you are hiding behind your medicine, grow some balls and get over it!!!" This is ridiculous... It is a 3. proven fact that depression is cause by a chemical malfunction in the brain , not a lack of courage or what ever else b.s. you have said... If you are one of those 4. Xians who would be so bold as to claim science to be false , than I pity you, and I cannot argue with someone who believes thusly. Yes you may have gotten over your depression.. 5. But I am willing to bet that you may have been suffering a milder form of depression than most , certainly moreso than some I have seen. 6. To tell a person with depression that they can choose to change is like telling a person with AIDS that they can get over their disease if they simply want to and choose to. They are both physical malfunctions of the body, whether you want to admit it or not. I hope you will research more on this topic before making bold statements like 7. depression is a choice and is a result of the original sin... As for me, [8. I will not worship a God that lies back and allows depression, and also people like you to claim that it is his will. [/u]

My reply : Which rock you crawl out from? Did you read the entire three pages in this thread or just the last few posts and decided it is enough to judge me?

Refer to your statements above which I underline with numbers for the counterstatements I'm making :

1. narrowminded and naive? You will accept me as openminded if I said to someone who want to commit suicide to blow their brains away and be happy? If trying to prevent another person's death is narrow mindness, then FINE, I accept.

2. Didn't I told you that I accepted medicine and drugs as short-term solution but it will not last forever because the body will get used to its effect and sooner or later, you're back to square one of dealing with your depression without any other means?
IF you didn't read that part, go back and read.

3. Mind showing me some links about this chemicals malfunction and all? I don't remember reading about it.

4. First of all, I'm no Christian, secondly, I never claim science is wrong or false in any claims. What I'm trying to say is, find help other than drugs in form of friends etc which will go hand-in-hand with drugs because drugs are not fixing the problem, just reducing the stress which will return once the body got used to the drug's effects.

5. You've lost your bet. Mild form of depression? Does mild form of depression makes you lonely for nearly 30 years, pal? Or makes you feel that you are a freak?

6. Whether Depression is physical defect or not for you to confirm, it is for medical specialists to confirm and I'm still waiting for some sort of links or something showing what causes depression etc.
If you compare Depression to AIDS, then you are comparing a man-made sickness. Is Depression man-made sickness - meaning that the person who is suffering out of depression is responsible for it?

7. where you get this crap from? As I told you before, I'm no Christian so save such "God is out to get me" BS to some Christians who cares.

8. Should I care to know which God you worship? Or why you don't worship a certain God?
Old 02-24-2003, 11:17 PM   #55
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Originally posted by Seraphim

1. narrowminded and naive? You will accept me as openminded if I said to someone who want to commit suicide to blow their brains away and be happy? If trying to prevent another person's death is narrow mindness, then FINE, I accept.
It's not only narrowminded, it's bigoted and intolerant because your tone suggests that you won't even consider the possibility that their wish for suicide may be valid.
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Old 02-24-2003, 11:17 PM   #56
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Seraphim, I thought my mother was the worst possible case of religious psychosis until I read the posts by you and Magus55. Thank you.
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Old 02-24-2003, 11:31 PM   #57
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By winstonjen

It's not only narrowminded, it's bigoted and intolerant because your tone suggests that you won't even consider the possibility that their wish for suicide may be valid.

My reply : I've told you that I'm not here for you if you are not there for yourself. IF you think that suicide is a valid reason, FINE by me because I don't love you and I will not suffer for years like your loved ones will upon your death. Understand that part?

You choose death and as God (the one I believe in) as my witness, I've no part in your demise. You can't blame God either because there was someone who spoke in His behalf here to show you better alternatives. You made your choice.

By Mad Kally

Seraphim, I thought my mother was the worst possible case of religious psychosis until I read your posts. Thank you.

My reply : Sigh ... finally someone made my day worth it ... Thank You.

Religion is nothing more than roadsigns and maps - it is used to lead its followers to God by being in peace with yourself and everyone around you ... but IF it doesn't do it's function like it should be, throw it away.

Hindus believe that God will always guide you if you seek Him. Be open-minded and listen to others (don't forget to think what they say and don't simply accept it blindly), you will be amaze how much help you will get along the way.

In the end, you must lead your life properly so when you die, you can turn around, look at your life and be happy that you lead a peaceful life and prepare to depart in peace of mind. THERE is where you will know whether God exists or not.

PS : Get your mom to a good doctor, OR take her out of her cultist friends' grasp. Nature can teach her about God what men cannot teach by words.
And tell her for me not to worry about Judgement day ... it will come when it is time, till then LIVE life, don't simply expect to die and do to God because such life is equal to suicide as well.
Old 02-24-2003, 11:31 PM   #58
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Originally posted by Mad Kally
Seraphim, I thought my mother was the worst possible case of religious psychosis until I read the posts by you and Magus55. Thank you.
Well, the world is full of surprises, isn't it? Still, there may be hope of a cure through the wonders of science and medicinal drugs, eh, Mad Kally, Seraphim?
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Old 02-24-2003, 11:40 PM   #59
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Well, the world is full of surprises, isn't it? Still, there may be hope of a cure through the wonders of science and medicinal drugs, eh, Mad Kally, Seraphim?

My reply : Mad Kally can cure her mother by sitting down and talking to her more than putting her into a hospital bed and poking her with needles. Medical inspection and drugs is important but it is not the only way available.

She needs a warm heart to touch, NOT cold, sharp steed poking her in her veins ... I think she got enough mental poking with words from her cultist friends for one lifetime, no?

Maybe you should try it to, Wistonjen ... find someone (it doesn't matter if it a guy or a gal) who you could talk to and open up. There should be at least someone in your life like that.

Science and medicine is like religion also - JUST a tool for betterment of our lives ... if you want to make it your prison, fine by me.
Old 02-24-2003, 11:44 PM   #60
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My reply : I've told you that I'm not here for you if you are not there for yourself. IF you think that suicide is a valid reason, FINE by me because I don't love you and I will not suffer for years like your loved ones will upon your death. Understand that part?
And if one of your loved ones was in despair and couldn't go on, would you leave them be, or force a guilt-trip on them?

Religion is nothing more than roadsigns and maps - it is used to lead its followers to God by being in peace with yourself and everyone around you ... but IF it doesn't do it's function like it should be, throw it away.
I suppose the same can be applied to your methods of dealing with depression if they don't work?
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