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Old 03-17-2002, 08:30 AM   #11
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Originally posted by MrDarwin:
<strong>I tend to agree with the IDers (and creationists--shudder!) who say that we don't know for a fact that it's "junk". ...</strong>
Any opinion of my hypothesis that it is sacrificial?
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Old 03-17-2002, 09:03 AM   #12
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Originally posted by MrDarwin:
<strong>I tend to agree with the IDers (and creationists--shudder!) who say that we don't know for a fact that it's "junk". At the very least, evolutionary biologists should be cautious about labeling it as such. We certainly have to ask why there is so much of it--is it truly immune to selective pressure, or is there actually some advantage to having it, that we just haven't discovered yet? Either way, why do some species have so much of it, and others so little? We really don't know for certain.</strong>

With much of it, this is certainly true. However, there much of "junk" DNA arose through reverse transcripts of mature mRNAs that were randomly inserted into the genome (when you see things like a degenrate poly A tail, you know that's what you're dealing with). It's hard to imagine what function these could have (though there is the very rare occasion where this makes a functional gene duplicate). It would be one thing if we knew nothing about the origins of this "junk", but since we do, the ID/cre position is hard to justify.

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Old 03-17-2002, 09:22 AM   #13
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Originally posted by lpetrich:

Any opinion of my hypothesis that it is sacrificial?</strong>
I don't think that it really explains the amount of junk DNA. The important thing to realize, IMO, is that the amount of junk typically correlates to reproductive rate. For example, bacteria have little or no junk, yeast have some, round worms somewhat more, and vertebrates have lots. Even in cases where the intron/exon structure is identical, vertebrates will have longer intons than our lower eukayotic counterparts. Presumably, this is because organisms that reproduce the fastest have selective pressure to remove superfluous DNA that puts a metabolic load on them. For us it's insignificant, since almost all of our metabolism is used for things like muscle contraction and brain function. Therefore the junk tends to accumulate because there's not any pressure to remove it. Most of it can be thought of as "selfish" DNA that exists in large numbers because it's good at making copies of itself -- basically it's parasitic or commensalistic. This would incude things like retrotransposons and endogenous retroviruses, which make up a large percentage of our "junk" DNA. Introns, for example, are thought to be leftover from "broken" retrotransposons. Group II and I think group I introns are known to retropose themselves. And they have the added advantage of being self-splicing, so that they can stick themselves in the middle of a functioning gene without hurting their host. There are even bits of DNA that make their way by riding in the middle of other transposing DNA, like a mite on a flea.

The problem with the mutagen absorbing hypothesis(IMO) is that it's hard to see why this is that helpful. At best, it only seems like it would lower the mutation rate just a little bit. It would work on some chemical mutagens, but not on things like UV radiation or replication errors, which are probably responsible for most of our mutations. It seems like a lot of energy to expend for such a little gain. Also, there is the question about the distribution of the "junk" in phylogenetic terms. Bacteria and other single celled organisms have very little or no junk, and yet they are probably exposed to the most mutagens. How would the mutagen absorbing theory explain this?

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Old 03-17-2002, 09:46 AM   #14
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Kevin Dorner:
Down's Syndrome is a chromosomal aberration where the individual has two copies of chromosome 21 ...
DNAunion: Then it looks like all of us here probably have Down Syndrome.
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Old 03-17-2002, 09:49 AM   #15
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Originally posted by DNAunion:

DNAunion: Then it looks like all of us here probably have Down Syndrome.</strong>
Give the guy a break. I'm sure he meant an "extra" copy.

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Old 03-17-2002, 02:18 PM   #16
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Originally posted by theyeti:
<strong>Give the guy a break. I'm sure he meant an "extra" copy.</strong>
Thanks... yes. Picky people!

A picture is worth a thousand poorly chosen words.
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Old 03-17-2002, 06:59 PM   #17
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Isn't there something in genetics where traits can be "turned off" though? What's the term for this?

I think that is what is happening in the manx breed of cat:

Rather than having a short tail it apparently has no tail.

And the sphinx breed (with fur on its tail!):

So maybe most of that "junk" is for things that we no longer use - like tails, etc. It would have been mutated a lot and since natural selection isn't making sure that it stays useful, the mutations would just build up until it becomes complete junk rather than perfect tails, etc, that can just be switched on.

BTW, is there a term for when these traits get turned back on? - e.g. a mutation that makes you very hairy could be a reversion or is it called a retroversion or what?

[ March 17, 2002: Message edited by: excreationist ]</p>
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Old 03-17-2002, 08:31 PM   #18
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Regarding 'junk' DNA, I kinda hate to mention it since I'm beginning to sound like I'm starting the Cavalier-Smith fan-club here, but Cavalier-Smith has written a bunch of articles, plus a book, on the 'c-value paradox' (why complexity in eukaryotes does not correlate with genome size).

Instead the amount of DNA correlates basically with cell volume. E.g. bigger cell volume, more 'junk' DNA. The basic idea is that the noncoding DNA is indeed nonfunctional informationally ('junk' in that sense) but has a structural function in spacing out the genes (a 'skeletal' function), perhaps in bigger cells this allows more rapid access to the DNA, more rapid protein synthesis, etc.

This would explain why there is so much 'junk' from the informational perspective, but from the biological perspective it may not be junk, although "spacer sequences" is not exactly a pro-ID function IMO.

The above is my garbled & partial understanding of the situation. Here is a place to start though:

<a href=" 06&dopt=Abstract" target="_blank"> 06&dopt=Abstract</a>

Genetica 1999;106(1-2):3-13

The skeletal function of non-genic nuclear DNA: new evidence from ancient cell chimaeras.

Cavalier-Smith T, Beaton MJ.

Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Department of Botany, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

DNA can be divided functionally into three categories: (1) genes--which code for proteins or specify non-messenger RNAs; (2) semons--short specific sequences involved in the replication, segregation, recombination or specific attachments of chromosomes, or chromosome regions (e.g. loops or domains) or selfish genetic elements; (3) secondary DNA--which does not function by means of specific sequences. Probably more than 90% of DNA in the biosphere is secondary DNA present in the nuclei of plants and phytoplankton. The amount of genic DNA is related to the complexity of the organism, whereas the amount of secondary DNA increases proportionally with cell volume, and not with complexity. This correlation is most simply explained by the skeletal DNA hypothesis, according to which nuclear DNA functions as the basic framework for the assembly of the nucleus and the total genomic DNA content functions (together with relatively invariant folding rules) in determining nuclear volumes. Balanced growth during the cell cycle requires the cytonuclear ratio to be basically constant, irrespective of cell volume; thus nuclear volumes, and therefore the overall genome size, have to be evolutionarily adjusted to changing cell volumes for optimal function. Bacteria, mitochondria, chloroplasts and viruses have no nuclear envelope; and the skeletal DNA hypothesis simply explains why secondary DNA is essentially absent from them but present in large cell nuclei. Hitherto it has been difficult to refute the alternative hypothesis that nuclear secondary DNA (whether 'junk' or selfish DNA) accumulates merely by mutation pressure, and that selection for economy is not strong enough to eliminate it, whereas accumulation in mitochondria and plastids is prevented by intracellular replicative competition between their multiple genomes. New data that discriminate clearly between these explanations for secondary DNA come from cryptomonads and chlorarachneans, two groups of algae that originated independently by secondary symbiogenesis (i.e., the merger of two radically different eukaryote cells) several hundred million years ago. In both groups the nucleus and plasma membrane of the former algal symbiont persist as the nucleomorphs and periplastid membrane, respectively. The fact that nucleomorphs have undergone a 200- to 1000-fold reduction in genome size and have virtually no secondary DNA shows that selection against non-functional nuclear DNA is strong enough to eliminate it very efficiently; therefore, the large amounts of secondary DNA in the former host nuclei of these chimaeras, and in nuclei generally, must be being maintained by positive selection. The divergent selection for secondary DNA in the nucleus and against it in nucleomorphs is readily explicable by the skeletal DNA hypothesis, given the different spectrum of gene functions that it encodes.
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Old 03-18-2002, 05:26 AM   #19
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You said:
1)...I found a site that listed the mitochondrial genome for hundreds of animals, representing all various types. And there were sets of genes - whose proteins serve various cellular functions - that were found in virtually all of those mitochondrial genomes. Furthermore, although the ATP synthase has something like 8 genes in all, the mitochondria of virtually all of the animals had only a subset consisting of 2 or 3, and it was always the same 2 or 3 in all of them.

2) While looking into eye evolution, I found all kinds of references (dating from about 1995 on) that showed many conserved genes/proteins involved in eye development, in organisms as distantly related as humans, mice, squids, fruit flies, nematodes, etc..
Couldn't all of that be explained as being examples of "common design features"? What, if any, are the reasons that the commonly found genes in mitochondrial genomes, and the "conserved genes/proteins involved in eye development", would necessarily imply "common descent"?

3) I just started a post here about eukaryotic cell division. I spent an hour or so doing some quick abstract searches and found several kinds of genes/proteins that are highly conserved from yeasts to humans.
I suppose I should ask what "highly conserved" means, exactly, before asking why "genes/proteins that are highly conserved from yeasts to humans" necessarily implies "common descent". I don't claim to know much about genetics or biology, but from what I do understand, it seems to me that "common genes" could just as well be the result of a "common Designer" as the result of a "common 'Ancestor'". Function, as opposed to relation.

And then there is human evolution. The most impressive genetic evidence I have heard in support of it concerns the fusion of two "chimp" chromosomes into a single human chromosome (humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes while chimpanzees have 24 - and yes, I know that humans did not evolve from chimps!). I remember reading that it was actually determined - and confirmed - which human gene was the result of the fusion.
Could you describe this "evidence" in a bit more detail, and at a level a layperson like myself could understand (just not too technical, or at least just not exclusively technical)? Thanks.

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Old 03-18-2002, 06:25 AM   #20
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Hey, Douglas, you appear to believe in kinds. Will you look at my challenge in <a href="" target="_blank">this</a> thread.

Couldn't all of that be explained as being examples of "common design features"? What, if any, are the reasons that the commonly found genes in mitochondrial genomes, and the "conserved genes/proteins involved in eye development", would necessarily imply "common descent"?
You appear to be advocating that similar designs are the result of a common designer. There are many problems with this from the start.
  • Pantheism: Do dissimilar designs imply different creators?
  • Identity: What evidence do you have that divine creators even exist?
  • The Tree: The relationships of organisms do not fit design/niche. For instance, aquatic organisms, like whales, are more related to land animals than other aquatic animals.

Basically, gene similarities, in toto, do not fit "common design" because the relationships we observe do not make design sense. On the other hand, they match up well with the relationships infered from the fossil record and extant organisms.

I suppose I should ask what "highly conserved" means, exactly, before asking why "genes/proteins that are highly conserved from yeasts to humans" necessarily implies "common descent".
Highly conserved refers to genes found in diverse, and ancient sets on organisms that serve key functions in the cell and evolve very, very slowly. For most genes, it is impossible to calculate ancient relationships, like between plants, animals, and fungi. This is because after a certain time, so much evolution has occured that the relationships appear to be random. However, conserved genes evolve slowly and preserve data pertaining to relationship.

I don't claim to know much about genetics or biology, but from what I do understand, it seems to me that "common genes" could just as well be the result of a "common Designer" as the result of a "common 'Ancestor'". Function, as opposed to relation.
Then, in all honesty, you should learn more. It will be much easier for you to learn genetics if you drop this attitude that you know better than the geneticists and other scientists.

Refering to chimp and human chromosomes:
Could you describe this "evidence" in a bit more detail, and at a level a layperson like myself could understand (just not too technical, or at least just not exclusively technical)? Thanks.
This is rather funny since Scigirl presented this exact thing to you months ago. Maybe you should check this page for an explaination (it's towards the bottom): <a href="" target="_blank">Formal Debate Between Scigirl and Douglas</a>.


[ March 18, 2002: Message edited by: RufusAtticus ]</p>
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