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Old 03-18-2003, 05:10 AM   #31
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Originally posted by Ut
What is it with Southerners? When the Clinton/Gore ticket won two times in a row, nobody complained that there were no Northerners on the ticket. (Clinton from Arkansas and Gore from Tennessee)
Because Northerners don't let a 130 year-old conflict influence their voting decisions?
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Old 03-18-2003, 07:40 AM   #32
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Default hear, hear, ex-idaho

I completely agree with ex-idaho that Dean should not stop opposing the war once bombs start to fall.

That is precisely the time to speak out.

Remember: this will be an illegal war. The UN thinks so. The US should think so, too; since the Congress abdicated its own responsibility to declare war.

Who ordered US troops to Iraq? Me? You? The Congress (spineless wimps that they are)? No. George W. Bush and George W. Bush alone.

This is not a US war. It is a Bush-league war.

(Which, alas, will soon become a Mideast conflagration, and after that a world conflagration.)
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Old 03-18-2003, 07:57 AM   #33
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I think I may have found a candidate I can support!

Too bad his first name is Howard, but maybe that sounds reassuring to some people.

I saw his name and views mentioned favorably on another thread ("Partial-Birth" abortion ban), but didn't even realize he was a candidate in the presidential race.

I think that shows he has a way to go, but I think there's time for people to become familiar with him, and for those of us who think he'd be a good candidate, we can help spread the word.
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Old 03-18-2003, 08:47 AM   #34
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Default I wrote to Howard Dean last week

I'm pleased to add to the long list of praise for Howard Dean the fact that he personally answers emails. Here's our exchange:

Me: Are you considering selecting a woman or minority as your running mate? Thanks.

Answer: Although I have not yet selected a running-mate, I appreciate your input. I will consider all qualified candidates -- including women and minorities. Please continue to follow my campaign through my official website,

Thanks for your interest,
Howard Dean, M.D.

That's more than I've ever gotten from my own elected republican representatives. I'm so sick of not being listened to by Bush and the republicans over the invasion of Iraq, I think I'll save my sanity and concentrate on helping Howard Dean get elected in 2004!
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Old 03-18-2003, 12:26 PM   #35
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Tonight, for better or worse, America is at war. Tonight, every American, regardless of party, devoutly supports the safety and success of our men and women in the field. Those of us who, over the past 6 months, have expressed deep concerns about this President's management of the crisis, mistreatment of our allies and misconstruction of international law, have never been in doubt about the evil of Saddam Hussein or the necessity of removing his weapons of mass destruction.

Those Americans who opposed our going to war with Iraq, who wanted the United Nations to remove those weapons without war, need not apologize for giving voice to their conscience, last year, this year or next year. In a country devoted to the freedom of debate and dissent, it is every citizen's patriotic duty to speak out, even as we wish our troops well and pray for their safe return. Congressman Abraham Lincoln did this in criticizing the Mexican War of 1846, as did Senator Robert F. Kennedy in calling the war in Vietnam "unsuitable, immoral and intolerable."

This is not Iraq, where doubters and dissenters are punished or silenced --this is the United States of America. We need to support our young people as they are sent to war by the President, and I have no doubt that American military power will prevail. But to ensure that our post-war policies are constructive and humane, based on enduring principles of peace and justice, concerned Americans should continue to speak out; and I intend to do so.

March 17, 2003
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Old 03-18-2003, 01:16 PM   #36
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Default Don't stereotype the south

Keep in mind, as far as intended votes and all that jazz, if there hadn't been voting errors foul ups etc.

Gore would have won WITHOUT most of the south with the exception of Florida, which has so many northern transplants it can't very well be considered the "true south".

I think Dean can win most if not all of the states that Gore carried INCLUDING Florida.

On top of that I think he has a good chance of picking up West Virginia because of his moderate views on guns (he apparently feels that NEW gun legislation be in the hands of the States, but he does think their should be a ban on assault weapons and supports the Brady Bill).

Its possible he could pick up Virginia depending on his Tobacco stance or depending on the ability of my friends in VA being able to get more dems registered in places such as Northern Va.

I feel that the reason that Gore lost Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina and the rest of "Tobacco Road" was because of his very harsh words against the tobacco industry and him making a big deal about going after the tobacco companies. (I whole heartedly agree with that stance, but think perhaps he should have been more low key about it. ) I'm not sure how many votes are gained solely on being anti-tobacco, and as you can see it cost him his home state, so it loses more votes than it gains I'd say. Tobacco is equal with GOD in the tobacco states. It accounts for a huge portion of their economy and the major universities there are funded by the tobacco industry and highly dependent on it. Just look at the whacko that as we read this is in a tractor on the mall claiming to have explosives because he is upset about the legislation against the tobacco industry and losing subsidies for tobacco farmers (he is a tobacco farmer). Sure, fight tobacco but be low key about it during a campaign I think. Just like Sep. of Church and State. I would like candidates to be for that but think perhaps they could be low key about it during a campaign and not make a huge issue of it. (once in office, that's another story).

We can't stereotype how states will vote. New York State has re-elected a Republican Governor ! supposedly "liberal" New York City has had 2 Republican Mayors in a Row.

I helped get Mark Warner a Democrat elected in Virginia a southern state. North Carolina has last I checked a Democrat Governor.

The state I lived in for over 7 years, Maryland, which is very left, democrats out number republicans 3:1 yet they just voted in a Republican Governor, which no one dreamed was possible!

Maryland, by the way is a Southern State, south of the Mason Dixon line and it went for Gore and will go for Dean as well if I have anything to do with it!

My point is we cannot stereotype states and how they will vote.
Think of how many Northern States and overall states voted for ROnald Reagan. It was a sweep!

Alot of the people that come out to vote it seems are voting for CHANGE more often than voting for one party or the other. People WILL vote on the issues not just blindly for the party.

If we all sit around and do nothing to help the candidates we admire, then perhaps they won't win, but if we mobilize NOW and get up and take action and spend more time in the REAL world doing something about it and less time "talking about it" then
Howard Dean can win.

If we put our minds to it and take action, we can win out over the minority religoius right wing.

If you would like to take action go to Dean's grassroots meetups Dean Volunteers Deans Official Site

Dean has a Million Dollar Challenge going throughout the internet.

They are asking for checks of $10.01 (the extra penny showing the power of the internet)
see the details at

As I mentioned we need more action and less talk.

Which leads in to

A song Dean is using:

"A little less conversation. A little more action."
Elvis Presley

TAKE ACTION! Vote the preacher out of the White House.
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Old 03-18-2003, 01:52 PM   #37
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Originally posted by paul30
Remember: this will be an illegal war. The UN thinks so.
Correction: The UN Secretary-General thinks so. Or at least he said so. If the General Assembly thinks it is illegal, let them say so. Of course, no Security Council resolution condemning the invasion of Iraq would succeed, as two of the invaders hold vetoes.

As for the legality of the invasion -- welcome to the world of Might Makes Right. The UN cannot judge a country to be a criminal if it cannot enforce that judgment -- especially when the "rogue nation" in question outspends every other military combined.

from the Howard Dean statement
Those of us who, over the past 6 months, have expressed deep concerns about this President's management of the crisis...
That's precisely the problem: there is no crisis. Or, it's only a crisis in the sense that a temper tantrum is a crisis. Bush wanted this war, he set out to do it, and this is the process he's using to get it done. At no point has it been a "crisis" (except when it looked like the rest of the world would stop it from happening). This has been a "project" from Day One.
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Old 03-18-2003, 09:04 PM   #38
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Default Re: Don't stereotype the south

Originally posted by marylandnaturegirl
If we all sit around and do nothing to help the candidates we admire, then perhaps they won't win, but if we mobilize NOW and get up and take action and spend more time in the REAL world doing something about it and less time "talking about it" then
Howard Dean can win.

If we put our minds to it and take action, we can win out over the minority religoius right wing.

As I mentioned we need more action and less talk.

TAKE ACTION! Vote the preacher out of the White House.
I couldn't say it better myself, but I think your comments are definitely worth reading again. :notworthy
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Old 03-19-2003, 07:27 PM   #39
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I remember seeing a speech by Dean last year on CSPAN before I knew he was running for president (he was campaigning for the re-election of the governor of Iowa, IIRC). After he was done with the speech, my first thought was "if only he were running for president...". He was a Democrat who wasn't afraid to say that he was one, and advocate things that traditional Democrats wanted, not to mention he wasn't afraid to attack Bush. He also said he was fiscally conservative, which I doubt Al Sharpton is (the only other Democratic candidate who at least has balls to stand up to Bush). So I'm definitely hoping (praying? ) that he can win the nomination. I think that people could really take to his message, and that he could unseat Dubya.

As far as a running mate goes, whoever gets the nomination should select Mary Landrieu, IMO. Sure, she's a bit of a Republicrat, but as has already been pointed out, you'll need at least one Southerner on the ticket to win, and if Edwards wins the nomination, we northerners are mature enough to not let that stand in the way . Besides which, Landrieu is a woman, and it's a great way for the Democrats to connect with one of their primary bases (it's not like they were going to win the white male vote, anyway.)
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Old 03-20-2003, 04:39 AM   #40
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That's precisely the problem: there is no crisis. Or, it's only a crisis in the sense that a temper tantrum is a crisis. Bush wanted this war, he set out to do it, and this is the process he's using to get it done. At no point has it been a "crisis" (except when it looked like the rest of the world would stop it from happening). This has been a "project" from Day One.
<five-star quote!>
:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy
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