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Old 07-03-2002, 03:49 AM   #171
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The Other Michael,

I totally agree! I think all employees should be given the options that apply to them. Some won't really need to take care of the day care options, but I don't see why flex-time, etc. should be available to ALL employees regardless of gender, marital or parenting status. THANKS for pointing that out. That is what I meant somewhere in that part of my mind that doesn't always express itself very well. Sometimes I forget that others aren't privy to all my inner ramblings

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Old 07-03-2002, 03:57 AM   #172
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I don't believe that pointing out forum rules, that you may been previously unaware of in order to maintain a proper tone in this discussion was beating you over the head with my "moderator" stick. As one of the mods here it is part of my job description to do so. I am certainly not perfect, and I fully support everyone's right to express themselves freely but we should keep the tone civil. I disagree with a lot of people, but I try not to make character assisinations in this forum. I am learning and if you feel you have been treated unjustly, or others were also in need of reprimand that I (and other mods have missed) I strongly encourage you to state so and it will be properly addressed. I do not want to be unfair to anyone, especially those I disagree with.

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Old 07-03-2002, 03:58 AM   #173
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THANKS guys and gals!

Crab Juice - LOVE the quote. I have copied it and added it to my book of Good Quotes!

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Old 07-03-2002, 07:33 AM   #174
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the multiplicity of ways of being human
That is a cool phrase...will be using that
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Old 07-03-2002, 08:04 AM   #175
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Originally posted by brighid:
<strong> Sometimes I forget that others aren't privy to all my inner ramblings </strong>
You mean you didn't know about the messages being beamed in/out of your brain via your computer? I'll dig up the log and let you know what you've been thinking - just give me a few minutes.

Remember, WE control the horizontal AND the vertical . . . .

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Old 07-03-2002, 09:11 AM   #176
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Are you saying YOU do KNOW??? I am in trouble now. Why didn't any one inform me of this before? Oh, that's right ... I have a bit of an unclean mind ... no wonder you've kept it a secret

Cheers back at ya,
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Old 07-03-2002, 09:28 AM   #177
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Originally posted by brighid:
[QB]Are you saying YOU do KNOW??? I am in trouble now. Why didn't any one inform me of this before? Oh, that's right ... I have a bit of an unclean mind ... no wonder you've kept it a secret [QB]
I may be a moderator third class, but that doesn't mean that I don't have OTHER responsibilites in the EAC.

Quis custodiet istos custodes?

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Old 07-03-2002, 10:30 AM   #178
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Some won't really need to take care of the day care options, but I don't see why flex-time, etc. should be available to ALL employees regardless of gender, marital or parenting status.

It should be obvious to anyone who has any experience in manufacturing why flex time can't work.

If there are 100 people on our production line, and any given 15 don't show up, I might as well send the rest home cause there will be no work for them. It really doesn't matter to me or to the other people who rely on the work for their lively hood whether people are late/absent because they are hung over, because they are lazy or because their kid had diaper rash. Actually it does, because the guy with the hangover can stop drinking, but the one with the kid isn't going to give it away.

Because punctuality and reliability are so important in our business, we pay premium wages to those who have a track record of good attendance. In addition, opportunities for training and advancement go first to those who have demonstrated a commitment to the company.

Since almost everyone, including many women with children, are able to meet their obligation to show up for work on time, everyday, what reason would we have for taking on the added expense and jeopardizing the livilyhood of all the other workers in the company just to molly coddle 3 or 4 people who chronically come in with another sob story about their child ?
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Old 07-03-2002, 10:34 AM   #179
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Okay – well, you are forgiven then! Unfortunately if it isn’t English or German my foreign language skills are practically zero – once upon a time they were sooooo much better. But my German is VERY rusty right now! So, if you care to translate I will be more then happy to answer your question

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Old 07-03-2002, 11:18 AM   #180
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Originally posted by MadMordigan:
<strong>It should be obvious to anyone who has any experience in manufacturing why flex time can't work.</strong>
Hi MadMordigan,

There is no doubt that flex time doesn't fit into all workplace scenarios, but it can do so in many.

For example, where I work (a government facility with limited public contact, and that generally during "core" hours) I can start work anytime between 6AM and 9:30AM. That lets me avoid the majority of the wretched Bay Area commute traffic on my 50 mile round trip each day. It also lets those who function better in the morning or afternoon adjust their schedule to suit them. And if people have to flex one way or the other to pick up kids, meet a doctor's appointment etc, they are often able to do so without having to take leave/work less than their full day.

The work still gets done, and quite well too.

And we've recently started allowing some people to work from home one day a week, and that seems to be paying off as well, with no drop in quantity or quality.

The field offices that deal with the public normally have some flex time available too, though it may be restricted some to make sure that they are fully staffed during the period the doors are open to the public.

If it can be offerred to the employees with out jeopardizing the work quantity/quality, I think it is only a sensible thing to do.

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