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Old 03-19-2003, 04:25 AM   #11
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Amos
[B]Three selves and an ego makes four identites. In our mythology they are called Christ and Mary of the subconscious and Adam and Eve of the conscious mind.

Christ is our animal man Lord God identity who is above Mary and Mary and Eve have continuous relations with each other (I will strike at your head while you strike at his [Adam's] heel) while Adam is the idiot who thinks he is in charge of his own destiny.

Dear Amos.

The ego is a part of the ''little'' self, it is part of the 3D ''little'' self programming. Universal understanding does not recognise your analogy, but we could fully agree that the ''Adam'', the ''little'' self does think it drives the bus. That is something one has to climb over to truly understand the ''self'', all of it.


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Old 03-19-2003, 04:44 AM   #12
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Dear jpbrooks.
We thank you for reading our post.

Originally posted by jpbrooks
Hello, malai5.
Thanks for your reply.

But it is not easy for a person who is truly "inflicted" with "3D programming" simply to imagine what it would be like to not be so "inflicted". Any person who could do that easily and simply would not really be "inflicted".
(end of quote)
We have all been ''truly inflicted'', for to climb over it in our lifetime is our greatest lesson. To see the ''non'' sense, the true lack of logic, compared with the universal way, which is 180 degrees out of sync with the 3D, is to free yourself to be you. If you are a ''being'' (see Droids and Beings) and the majority are, you are connected directly to the universal mind and the direction that is available to you. Your ''knowing'', intuition, is the way you get your ability to ''see'' past the 3D conditioning.

Granted. But again, the "simplicity" of attaining a firm understanding of how the "universal way of being" would operate in one's life and how it would contrast with "3D understanding", is what seems questionable. Humans are "creatures of habit", and it just doesn't seem likely that it would be easy for most people simply to alter their "habit" of "3D" thinking, in each area of life/reality, overnight. I'm not saying that it is impossible; just unlikely.
(end of quote)
It is not easy, as we can attest, but by facing yourself and your ''reactions'' and questioning those ''automatic'' reactions honestly, you will start to see the difference. This ''facing'' should not be judgement of yourself, but rather an assessment, as it is a moving picture.
Well, attaining that "higher" level of "habitual" thinking and understanding would, more likely than not, require much meditation and experience gained in applying the "universal way of thinking" to all areas of life and reality. And again, it doesn't seem likely that that would be easy.
(end of quote)
Meditation does indeed help, for it is another way by which you connect with the universe, through your Higher Self. And again, it is not easy, breaking any habit is not easy, but with the will, to know truly what you are and subsequently what you are capable of and of course the consequent flow on to all around, makes it an impelling journey.

I'll be back later.

PS. Sorry about the ''quote, end quote'', still learning to drive this forum.
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Old 03-19-2003, 04:59 AM   #13
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Default Re: bamboozled

Originally posted by sweep
1. What then, when I have the 'higher self'? What difference will it make. What will I do?

2. Why are you telling me this? Is this a little secret you would like us all to know? Doesn't your passage presuppose that we are false beings and you a true being?

don't want to piss anyone off, but wanted to ask.
Dear sweep.

When you are operating in big self, Higher Self mode, you are not judgemental of yourself or others. You do not guage yourself by the judgements of others. You do not fear, for fear is a learned response. You are not controlled by others, you do not seek the favour of others, you do not seek to be liked by others, you are self responsible, you love, without conditions, you do not have a ''price''. You know that you are good enough as you are, not comparable to anyone else, for all are individuals and above all, you are truthful to yourself and all others, even when you know that the truth will hurt, for to withhold the truth is to deny yourself and others the ability to truly know you and themselves.

No one is a false ''being'', although a few are not beings but droids. We are merely messengers bringing you the truth of what you really are. We are no different to you, our role is different, that is all.


PS. Being in bigger self means that one gets ''pissed off'' a lot less.
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Old 03-19-2003, 05:16 AM   #14
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Originally posted by Keith Russell
malai5, there is no 'purpose' to all this.

Existence exists, period.

Dear Keith Russell.

Existence IS existance, yes, but are you really understanding what it is, even a bit more knowledge is better than a bit less.
The purpose is to let you know that there is more to you and what you live in than you have been taught. Now you may choose to not want to know and that is you perogative, but to not want to know more of what you are, is a denial of self and your true potentials. We have no investment in whether you do or not, we just offer the information we have received for all to peruse and consider. You make up your own mind if it sits with you or not.


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Old 03-19-2003, 05:24 AM   #15
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Default Re: Gotcha!

Originally posted by Nowhere357
I'm pretty good at seeing other viewpoints, at allowing for differing word interpretations and different levels of understanding. As I tried to understand what you were saying, however, the disharmony I felt finally resolved: you are trying to use logic in order to deceive people! Well, shame on you.

If you want to create a new religion, go right on ahead. If you are looking for recruits for your cult, though, I bet you come up dry in this forum.

BTW my favorite droid is R2-D2. I'm not a huge Star Wars fan (I'm normal sized) but that little guy has a lot of heart.
Dear Nowhere357.

We are not trying to convince, nor deceive anyone. This is your swing on it and you are entitled to your opinion, but it is just your opinion.
There are only 3 of us in our research group and we have no intention of expanding that number. Hardly the motives of a cult.
The universal information we receive and put out freely is for anyone to consider or not. We have no investment in convincing anyone of anything. The information is for you to add to your philosophical base, if you so wish and to use it, if it sits, to help you to understand the greater you and what you exist in. That is all.


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Old 03-19-2003, 07:05 AM   #16
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Hello malai, you mean to "dodge under" don't you? Our attempt to "climb over" will only increase the little self that we are trying to overcome.

The four identities I refer to are universal because 2X2=4 all over the world.
Old 03-19-2003, 07:25 AM   #17
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Originally posted by malai5
The universal information we receive and put out...
Please define "universal information", this term currently has no meaning for me.

Cheers, John
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Old 03-19-2003, 07:32 AM   #18
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Amos
[B]Hello malai, you mean to "dodge under" don't you? Our attempt to "climb over" will only increase the little self that we are trying to overcome.

The four identities I refer to are universal because 2X2=4 all over the world.

Dear Amos.

We do mean ''climb over'', because there is a need to confront, head on, the truth of what you are and do in ''little'' self.
The ''little'' self tries to ''dodge'' it's truth all the time, it tries to defer and blame others or other things for it's shortcomings. When confronted, it will become automatically defensive, before any thought is engaged. If the defensive reaction fails to achieve the desired result, it will adopt ''victim'' mode, you know, ''poor me'', I want your sympathy etc. Part of it's defence, after the initial confrontation, is to attempt, by all manner of coersive tactics to convince it's perceived confronter that they should see ''it'' their way. Very clever is our ''little'' self, for it has learned it's survival tactics from others and has refined them to suit it's particular character.

The only way to subvert these ''tactics'', is to be brutally truthful with yourself and realise that the ''problem'' is always yours unless you have taken on someone else's. This is a choice, as there is no requirement for you to do this and it is often a form of deferal so you don't have to ''look'' at yourself.

When you say 2X2=4 is universal, surely you mean, of the 3D world. The universe is not so predictable, it doesn't of nessessity operate by the rules of the 3rd dimension. That is surely a presumption, but understandable.


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Old 03-19-2003, 07:49 AM   #19
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by John Page
[B]Please define "universal information", this term currently has no meaning for me.

Cheers, John

Dear John Page.

We define ''universal information'', as information that is accessed by the cognitive/objective, intuitive thought process and is information not derived from 3D sources.
The information we receive,(we, refers to the 3 of us who work on researching the cognitive abilities of the ''mind'', the higher self mind, what is currently refered to as the ''unconscious'', but as our forays into this area have proved, it is anything but unconscious.) from the process, is from other dimensions, very advanced dimensions and is truly universal, as it's view of the 3D world is 180 degrees different, even to the way we go about our daily lives.

It has taken us 3 years of proofs, personal and worldly for us to believe and trust in our sources to the point where we are putting out the material to the world.
We have no agenda to convince anyone, you have free will, you believe what you will and we have no investment in your belief or not. We are just the messengers here to do the job of a messenger, it's as simple as that.

We thank you for your question and we welcome any questions you or anyone may have.


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Old 03-19-2003, 08:18 AM   #20
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Hello again Malai, our little self is very clever and it is not until "you are brutally truthfull with yourself" and "realise" that not just the "problem is yours" but that you are the problem that the problem will be resolved. Overcoming? yes, but to overcome we must undergo and *unconsciously* set the surpreme identity free.

The battle of overcoming rages between our rational and non rational mind so for the non rational identity to be victor the rational identity must be overthrown and placed subservient to the non rational mind. That's all.

My 2X2=4 makes reference to the positive and negative forces that exist in each mind whereby we are motivated. Our hormones are strong motivators for our responses and they are released by the surpreme identity to create, procreate and co-create until finally our "little self" is exhausted and surrenders its will to reign surpreme.

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