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Old 09-30-2002, 06:50 AM   #21
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Albion: "I see he's a fellow of the Discovery Institute Center for Science and Culture. Wonder why the newspaper article didn't mention that?"

Just a guess, but perhaps it's part of their ongoing wedge strategy not to mention such a questionable affiliation in local articles. After all, if a professor of chemistry at UGA says it's so, how many laypersons are going to actually take the trouble to find out if he knows what he's talking about or what flakes he may align himself with?

Rufus, any word on the UGA biology faculty publicly putting the smack-down on this nonsense?
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Old 09-30-2002, 07:04 AM   #22
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Originally posted by Clutch:

I seem to recall Dawkins citing a distinguished physicist who refuted evolution just as elegantly, by pointing out that there was no evolutionary reason for polar bears to be white -- after all, nothing hunts them! </strong>
Yup, but the chap was the distinguished theologian Hugh Montefiore (Bishop of Birmingham IIRC) in his book The Probability of God.

<strong>Yep, I can't figure out how this could work, from the forty minutes I've spent thinking about it. Therefore, biologists are full of shit.</strong>
Funnily enough, that’s more or less Dawkins’s comment, something like “I, a theologian, as I sit here in my study, having not given it much thought, cannot think what benefit a polar bear might derive from being white...” It’s early on in Blind Watchmaker. I’ll get the exact quote later, if anyone’s interested.

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Old 09-30-2002, 07:04 AM   #23
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Here is the super list of petitions sent in by UGA to Cobb County. (I organized the Genetics one.)

To: The Cobb County School Board
- Via email -

From: Brian Binder, Assoc. Prof.
Dept. Marine Sciences
University of Georgia

Date: 9/25/02

Re: UGA Science Faculty Overwhelmingly Against Cobb County
Evolution Proposal

A large number of University of Georgia Faculty object to the proposal
to allow "alternative theories" of the origin and development of life
on earth to be presented alongside evolutionary theory in Cobb County
science classrooms.

At least three different petitions objecting to this proposal have been
circulating among science department faculty at UGA. These petitions
have been, or will shortly be submitted directly to the Cobb County
Board of Education. Although the three petitions are different, they
all object to proposals to present alternate views alongside evolution
in the science curriculum, they all maintain that these alternate views
do not represent scientifically valid or testable concepts, they all
contend that these views arise from religious rather than scientific
considerations, and they all warn that presentation of these views as
matters of science rather than of faith would significantly degrade the
quality of science education in Cobb County schools.

For your information, I have compiled a list of all those faculty
members who have signed one of these three petitions. In all, 92 UGA
faculty members from 14 different departments have so far signed on
against the proposal (more signatures are expected by noon 9/26/02,
when the last of the petitions will be faxed to you). Please note that
virtually all of the signees are scientists who work directly in
biological or geological fields, making them particularly
well-qualified to comment on the scientific merits of this issue.
(Contrast this with the list of 28 GA Professors who are on record as
supporting the Cobb proposal, no more than 10 of whom work in fields
related to biology or geology.)

The following UGA faculty members have signed one of these petitions:

Name Position UGA Department

1. John McDonald Professor, Dept. Head Genetics
2. Michael McEachern Asst. Professor Genetics
3. Jonathan Arnold Professor Genetics
4. Michael Bender Assoc. Professor Genetics
5. Sidney R. Kushner Professor Genetics
6. Robert Ivarie Professor Genetics
7. Richard Meagher Professor Genetics
8. Sue Wessler Distinguished Research Prof. Genetics
9. Norris Armstrong Asst. Professor Genetics
10. Rodney Mauricio Asst. Professor Genetics
11. Mary Bedell Asst. Professor Genetics
12. Janet Westpheling Assoc. Professor Genetics
13. John Avise Research Professor, National Academy of
Sciences Member Genetics
14. Michael Arnold Professor Genetics
15. Marjorie Asmussen Professor Genetics
16. James Hamrick Professor Genetics
17. Wyatt Anderson Professor, Dean of the Franklin College of Arts
& Sciences, National Academy of Sciences member Genetics
18. Nancy Manley Asst. Professor Genetics
19. Clairborne Glover, III Professor Biochem. & Molec.
Biology / Genetics
20. Mark A. Farmer Assoc. Professor Cellular Biology
21. Scott Dougan Asst. Professor Cellular Biology
22. Kojo Mensa-Wilmot Professor Cellular Biology
23. James D. Lauderdale Asst. Professor Cellular Biology
24. Jacek Gaertig Assoc. Professor Cellular Biology
25. Rick L. Tarleton Distinguished Research Prof.
Cellular Biology
26. Timothy Dore Asst. Professor Chemistry
27. Brian Binder Assoc. Professor Marine Sciences
28. Patricia Yager Asst. Professor Marine Sciences
29. Adrian Burd Asst. Professor Marine Sciences
30. Merryl Alber Assoc. Professor Marine Sciences
31. Samantha Joye Assoc. Professor Marine Sciences
32. James T. Hollibaugh Professor Marine Sciences
33. Barry A. Palevitz Professor Plant Biology
34. Marshall W. Darley Assoc. Professor Plant Biology
35. Shu-Mei Chang Asst. Professor Plant Biology
36. Michael Scanlon Asst. Professor Plant Biology
37. Gary Kochert Professor, Dept. Head Plant Biology
38. Wendy Zomlefer Associate Research Scientist, Herbarium Curator
Plant Biology
39. Michelle Momany Assoc. Professor Plant Biology
40. David E. Giannasi Assoc. Professor Plant Biology
41. Bruce Haines Assoc. Professor Plant Biology
42. Russell Malmberge Professor Plant Biology
43. David Porter Professor Plant Biology
44. David Radcliffe Professor Crop and Soil Sciences
45. Robert K. Kuzoff Asst. Professor Plant Biology
46. Mary J. Godt Assistant Research Scientist Plant Biology
47. Wayne Parrott Professor Crop and Soil Sciences
48. William Barstow Professor Biology
49. Marguerite Brickman Asst. Professor Plant Biology
50. Karl E. Espelie Professor Biology
51. Robert Matthews Professor Entomology
52. Donald E. Champagne Assoc. Professor Entomology
53. Mark R. Brown Assoc. Professor Entomology
54. Marcus Fechheimer Professor Cellular Biology
55. Haini Cai Asst. Professor Cellular Biology
56. John S.Willis Professor Emeritus Cellular Biology
57. Judith H. Willis Professor Cellular Biology
58. Michael Adang Professor Entomology / Biochem. & Molec. Biol.
59. Michael Strand Professor Entomology
60. Susan T. Goldstein Professor, Dept. Head Geology
61. Michael F. Roden Professor, Assoc. Dept. Head Geology
62. Alberto E. Patiño-Douce Professor Geology
63. Sally E. Walker Assoc. Professor Geology
64. L. Bruce Railsback Professor Geology
65. Steven M. Holland Professor Geology
66. Sam Swanson Professor Geology
67. Raymond P. Freeman-Lynde Professor Geology
68. Ervan G. Garrison Professor Geology / Anthropology
69. Douglas E. Crowe Assoc. Professor Geology
70. C. Ronald Carroll Professor, Institute Director
Institute of Ecology
71. Amy D. Rosemond Asst. Research Scientist, Asst. Institute
Director Institute of Ecology
72. J. Bruce Wallace Professor Institute of Ecology
73. Lawrence Pomeroy Professor Emeritus Zoology
74. Philip Holmes Assoc. Professor Psychology
75. Chester Karwoski Professor Psychology
76. Dorothy Fragaszy Professor Psychology
77. Andrea Hohmann Asst. Professor Psychology
78. Erwin Berstein Professor Psychology
79. Roger Thomas Professor Psychology
80. Jonathon Crystal Asst. Professor Psychology
81. Harry A. Daily Professor, Director of the Biomedical Health
Sciences Institute Microbiology
82. Robert Maier Distinguished Professor Microbiology
83. William Jackson Payne Alumni Foundation Distinguished
Professor Emeritus, Dean Emeritus of the Franklin College of Arts and
Sciences Microbiology
84. Mark A. Schell Professor Microbiology
85. Anne. O. Summers Professor Microbiology
86. Juergen Wiegel Professor Microbiology
87. Anna Karls Assoc. Professor Microbiology
88. Ellen Neidle Assoc. Professor Microbiology
89. Joy Peterson Asst. Professor Microbiology
90. Eric Stabb Asst. Professor Microbiology
91. William B. Whitman Professor Microbiology
92. Larry J. Shimkets Professor Microbiology
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Old 09-30-2002, 12:19 PM   #24
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F-ing awesome response you wrote! Concise, and extremely persuasive to anyone who doesn't have their head stuck in the sand of religious dogma.

And that list of professors is a *great* counter to the list of 28 creationists.

Excellent work. <img src="graemlins/notworthy.gif" border="0" alt="[Not Worthy]" /> <img src="graemlins/notworthy.gif" border="0" alt="[Not Worthy]" /> <img src="graemlins/notworthy.gif" border="0" alt="[Not Worthy]" />

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Old 09-30-2002, 01:04 PM   #25
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I like this alert from Focus on the Family;

"Professors are teaching evolution as fact [at colleges], and flat out admitting it! ( Oh my!)

<a href="" target="_blank">Worldviews</a>
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Old 09-30-2002, 01:39 PM   #26
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That's funny -- it must have been ten years since I read Dawkins TBW. That bit stuck with me!

But I'd remembered it as a physicist. No doubt because physicists are forever deciding that they can clear up all the problems of this or that other discipline in an afternoon. Philosophy and evolutionary theory are their favourite targets; a colleague of mine jokes that when eminent physicists get on in years, they go through "philosopause".
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Old 09-30-2002, 01:45 PM   #27
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Thanx, Gooch's Dad.

[ September 30, 2002: Message edited by: RufusAtticus ]</p>
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Old 09-30-2002, 03:13 PM   #28
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F-ing awesome response you wrote! Concise, and extremely persuasive to anyone who doesn't have their head stuck in the sand of religious dogma.

And that list of professors is a *great* counter to the list of 28 creationists.

Excellent work.

They're even relevant degrees.

amazing, hey *after seeing lists of creation "scientists" came to despair of seeing a list of people who had relevant degrees in it*

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Old 09-30-2002, 08:04 PM   #29
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Well here is the Emory (a Methodist University) petition with 99 signatures.

September 9, 2002

Cobb County Board of Education

Dear Sirs,

We, the undersigned, are writing to you in support of Jeffrey Selman's
suit opposing stickers attached to middle and high school biology
textbooks that contain disclaimers on evolutionary theory. As science
educators at the graduate level, we must take a stand against such
stickers that call into question scientific, evidence-based instruction
in the public schools. We feel that it is
our duty as scientists, educators, and citizens to ensure that secondary level
science classes teach science and not religion. There is a
desperate need for
high-quality science education in the United States, Georgia, and in
Cobb County.
To put evolutionary theory onto the same level as faith-based creationism and
"intelligent design" would disregard mountains of evidence carefully
gathered by
thousands of scientists over the past 160 years.

Evolutionary theory is a theory in the same sense that Einstein's
theory of relativity is a theory. Or that electromagnetism, quantum
mechanics, and the Copernican concept of planetary motion is a theory.
Do you need a disclaimer on scientific theories when you teach that the
Earth revolves around the Sun? Evolutionary theory has been supported
by a myriad of observations including recent molecular genetic evidence
based on the genome sequences of dozens of
organisms. All biological evidence supports the concept of descent from an
original common ancestor, and all of biology makes sense only in the
framework of
evolutionary theory. To suggest to middle and high school students
that there is
any type of debate within the scientific community on the validity
of evolution
would be completely untrue and a disservice to those children.

We strongly urge you to vote to remove the evolutionary disclaimer
stickers from
biology textbooks in Cobb County public schools.

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Carlos Moreno
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Emory University School of Medicine

Total of 99 Faculty Signatories (so far from Emory).

Physical signatures for these 30 Faculty members:

Dr. Carlos Moreno
Asst. Prof of Pathology

Dr. David Lambeth
Professor of Pathology

Dr. Didier Merlin
Asst. Prof of Pathology

Dr. Andrew Neish
Asst. Prof of Pathology

Dr. Daniel Kalman
Asst. Prof of Pathology

Dr. Ichiro Matsumura
Asst. Prof of Biochemistry

Dr. Bruce Levin
Professor of Biology

Dr. Alec Hodel
Asst. Prof of Biochemistry

Dr. Gerald Shadel
Asst. Prof of Biochemistry

Dr. Jeremy Boss
Professor of Microbiology & Immunology

Dr. Paul Doetsch
Professor of Biochemistry

Dr. Scott Devine
Asst. Prof of Biochemistry

Dr. Silvija Staprans
Asst. Prof of Medicine and Microbiology & Immunology

Dr. Ifor Williams
Asst. Prof of Pathology

Dr. Guy Benian
Assoc Prof of Pathology

Dr. Gordon Churchward
Assoc Prof of Microbiology & Immunology

Dr. Andrew Gerwitz
Asst. Prof of Pathology

Dr. John Lucchesi
Asa Griggs Candler Professor
and Chairman, Department of Biology

Dr. Linda Gooding
Professor of Microbiology & Immunology

Dr. Shoichiro Ono
Asst. Prof of Pathology

Dr. Charles Saxe
Assoc Prof of Cell Biology

Dr. Barry Shur
Professor and Chairman, Department of Cell Biology

Dr. Charles Parkos
Assoc Prof of Pathology

Dr. Bryan Noe
Professor of Cell Biology
Associate Dean of Research
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Dr. David Jaye
Asst. Professor of Pathology

Dr. Richard Kahn
Professor of Biochemistry

Dr. John Logsdon
Asst Professor of Biology

Dr. Asma Nusrat
Asst Professor of Pathology

Dr. Stephen Warren
W.P. Timmie Professor and Chairman
Department of Human Genetics

Dr. Sharon Weiss
Professor and Chair
Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

Electronic Signatures only for these 69 Faculty Members.

Dr. Frans B. M. de Waal
C. H. Candler Professor, Psychology Department

Dr. Sam Speck
Director, Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases, and Professor,
Department of Microbiology & Immunology

Dr. Rustom Antia
Associate Professor of Biology

Dr. Lorin J. Freedman
Asst. Prof of Neurology

Dr. Steven J. Garlow
Asst Professor of Psychiatry

Dr. Danny Reines
Professor of Biochemistry

Dr. Michael D. Crutcher
Asst Professor of Neurology

Dr. Steven L. Wolf
Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine

Dr. Krish Sathian
Assoc Professor of Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine

Dr. Criss Hartzell
Professor of Cell Biology

Dr. Aryeh D. Stein
Assoc Professor of International Health and Epidemiology

Dr. Judy Kapp
Professor of Opthalmology

Dr. Michele Marcus
Assoc Professor of Epidemiology

Dr. Samuel C. Dudley, Jr.,
Asst Professor of Medicine and Physiology

Dr. T.J. Murphy
Assoc Professor of Pharmacology

Dr. Reynaldo Martorell
Robert W.Woodruff Professor and Chairman, Department of International Health
Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University

Dr. Vincent W. Yang
Professor of Medicine
Director, Division of Digestive Diseases

Dr. Robert Donahoe
Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Dr. Margaret K. Offermann
Professor of Oncology, Winship Cancer Institute

Dr. Louis J. Elsas
Professor of Pediatrics and Biochemistry
Director, Division of Medical Genetics

Dr. Lawrence S. Phillips
Professor of Medicine

Dr. Joseph M. Kinkade
Professor of Biochemistry and Epidemiology

Dr. Ronald L. Calabrese
Professor of Biology

Dr. Melvin Konner,
Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Anthropology and of Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology

Dr. Robert W. Bonsall
Assoc Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Dr. Victor Faundez
Asst Professor of Cell Biology

Dr. Sonia M. Altizer
Asst. Professor of Environmental Studies

Dr. Darryl Neill
Professor and Chair Department of Psychology

Dr. Paul Wade
Asst. Professor of Pathology

Dr. Leslie A. Real
Asa G. Candler Professor of Biology
Director, Center for Disease Ecology

Dr. Arri Eisen
Senior Lecturer, Biology
Director, Program in Science & Society

Dr. George J. Armelagos
Professor of Anthropology

Dr. Gray F. Crouse
Professor of Biology

Dr. Stephen A. Morse
Adjunct Professor of Microbiology

Dr. John M. Nickerson
Associate Professor of Ophthalmology

Dr. Grace K. Pavlath
Assoc Professor of Pharmacology

Dr. Alan Sokoloff
Assistant Research Professor of Physiology

Dr. Hanjoong Jo
Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering
at Georgia Tech and Emory University

Dr. Philip E. Pellett
Adjunct Professor of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics

Dr. Michael Davis
Robert W. Woodruff Professor of Psychiatry, Behavioral Sciences and

Dr. David Lynn
Professor of Chemistry

Dr. Joseph B. Justice
Winship Distinguished Research Professor
and Chairman, Department of Chemistry

Dr. June R. Scott
Charles Howard Candler
Professor of Microbiology and Immunology

Dr. Anita H. Corbett
Assistant Professor of Biochemistry

Dr. Nael A. McCarty
Associate Professor
School of Biology
Georgia Institute of Technology

Dr. Edward T. Morgan
Professor of Pharmacology

Dr. Robert B. Gunn
Professor and Chairman of Physiology

Dr. Donald J. Shure
Professor of Biology

Dr. Jan Mead
Assoc. Professor of Pediatrics

Dr. Neil Lamb
Asst. Professor of Human Genetics
Director, Center for Medical Genomics

Dr. Peter E. Jensen
Professor of Pathology

Dr. R. Compans
Professor and Chairman,
Department of Microbiology & Immunology

Dr. Jan Mead
Assoc. Professor of Pediatrics

Dr. Otto Froehlich
Assoc. Professor of Physiology

Dr. Peter J. Brown
Professor of Anthropology

Dr. Keith D. Wilkinson
Professor of Biochemistry

Dr. Frank J. Gordon
Associate Professor of Pharmacology

Dr. A. A. Ansari
Professor of Pathology

Dr. Erwin G. Van Meir
Professor of Neurosurgery and Hematology/Oncology

Dr. Elaine Walker
Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience

Dr. William Mitch
Chairman of Internal Medicine
University of Texas Medical Branch

Dr. Judith Fridovich-Keil
Assoc. Professor of Human Genetics

Dr. Hugo S. Moreno
Asst. Professor of Gynecology & Obstetrics

Dr. Benjamin Freed
Adjunct Lecturer of Anthropology

Dr. Robert Tauxe
Chief, Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Branch
Division of Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases, NCID, CDC

Dr. Andre Nahmius
Professor of Pediatrics

Dr. Harold Gouzoules
Professor of Psychology

Dr. Stephanie Sherman
Professor of Human Genetics

Dr. Judith Fridovich-Keil
Assoc. Professor of Human Genetics
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Old 10-02-2002, 01:56 PM   #30
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A little note:

John Avise and Wyatt Anderson, the two population geneticists and NAS members mentioned in AJC articles about this controvercy, said today that they got hundreds of creationists emails last week.

John specifically said that he hadn't had so many people praying for his soul in his life.

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