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Old 03-20-2003, 03:48 AM   #31
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by sweep
[B]thanks malai (that makes a lot of sense) I'm temped to ask you whether you are suffering from acute paranoid delusional schizophrenia, but you've said such soothing things that I can't help but offer you my hand. (not being sarcastic By the way)

what I still don't understand, if we all find this higher self is where humour would go, since ignorance, error & realisation are the key to all forms of said humour?

secondly, and more importantly, I ask myself what is worthwhile? Now, that I have gotten rid of many attachments, I am left with gaps to fill. Now that I value things less, or at least try to convince my self that my things aren't that valuable, I am not sure where to go or what to do. What is worthwhile? must I adventure, or get a job and be satisfied in animal needs: eating, breeding, sleeping etc?

Dear sweep.

No sweep, we do not suffer from any form of delusional condition, but some of our work involves those who have been diagnosed with such disorders. We find that some of these diagnosies are way off the mark, as the ''problem'' is merely a highly developed psychic ability that has been treated with ignorance.

Hey, sweep, we have not lost our sense of humour, it's just different that's all. As we said in another post, a bit ''black''. The humour still involves our own stupidity and that of the world around us. We are still learning more and more about ourselves in relation to the universal way. The key, is that the universal way is 180 degrees out of sync with the 3D way of doing and thinking. Think about that for a while.

Yes, one does get to the point where the 3D life and it's ways, have little meaning for you. But the difference is, you have no feeling for them, so you do not miss them.
What are you left with, is a world you are in but not of. The ability to ''see'' from this perspective enables one to free oneself of a lot of the pitfalls the lessons, you would have had to learn otherwise.
To realise your contact with your true self in this life, also means that out of the run of parallel lives, this could be your ''last life lived'' of this perticular ''run''. If this is so, it is a great leap forward in soul/true self growth. Mission accomplished, contract fulfilled, best posible life lived.

Sweep, allow your ''gut feelings'', the intuitive ''push'', to lead you to your next opportunity.


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Old 03-20-2003, 04:14 AM   #32
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Amos
[B]Hi Malai, the question here is how can we consciously achieve this? That is, how can we consciously let our intuition be our guide in life while knowing that that will be the best decision we can make?

Would that not be like "learning to walk on water" if we call our higher self the "celestial sea?" Do you see how it would be tempting to step on a rock and just pretend we are standing on water?

Dear Amos.

Yes, it is like ''walking on water'', for in truth that is the way the universe is and all in it. Constant motion, any solidarity is merely the perception of same.

When you learn to trust your ''intuition'', your will find it will NEVER let you down. One of the key aspects to living in the universal way, is to have NO expectations, NO presumptions other than your intuitive ''feelings''.
To expect, is to try to second guess the future and in all truth, if you are not connecting to the cognitive/intuitive higher self, you will be disappointed. Disappointment leads to lack of trust of self, lack of the ability to trust others. With lack of trust of self comes with it low self esteem, a problem endemic in 3D society.

The journey to ''big'' self/universal way of being/doing, in a 3D world gives you the understanding of self that enables one to have a healthy self esteem and the confidence to trust that there will be a stepping stone just under the ''water'' you are stepping on.
To be able to operate in this way, the way of the universe, which is in constant motion, takes you from ''fear'' to trust, a trust that is your knowing that you are here on this earth for the time dictated by your contract and you will have all the opportunities come your way to fulfill this contract. Whether you spend that time in fear and mistrust or not, is up to you, but the universal way provides the ''best possible outcome life''.


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Old 03-20-2003, 04:28 AM   #33
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by emphryio
[B]I would also like to hear what you have to say about humor; including, if you don't mind, how you would define it, along with how it relates to big and little self.

Dear emphryo.

Humour, in true form, the ability to laugh at yourself, take yourself lightly, afterall, your life is only one of countless lives, your real responsibility to the true you is in relation to that.
In ''little'' self, little ability to laugh at oneself, but a greater ability to laugh at the mistakes and foibles of others, because basically, one is taught to be judgemental, when in truth, you have no real ability to do this, for there is no way you will have ALL the information to make judgements.


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Old 03-20-2003, 04:35 AM   #34
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When you learn to trust your ''intuition'', your will find it will NEVER let you down. One of the key aspects to living in the universal way, is to have NO expectations, NO presumptions other than your intuitive ''feelings''.
that is 100 % true. I have no argument with that, and I am glad that someone has said that here. What malai has said ties in with an interesting conversation I had wiht my friend last night.

In my opinion this person is far from, what I would guess to be, insane, and I trust some of what has been written, even though parts of it aren't necessary for me to think of.

thanks malai
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Old 03-20-2003, 05:29 AM   #35
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Dear sweep.

You'r welcome.


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Old 03-20-2003, 06:56 AM   #36
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Originally posted by Malai5:

we, refers to the 3 of us who work on researching the cognitive abilities of the ''mind'', the higher self mind, what is currently refered to as the ''unconscious'', but as our forays into this area have proved, it is anything but unconscious.

We research this area, using our Psi abilities, as well as teach others to do the same. We have been involved in this work for many years with many successful students getting their own proofs of the existence of the universal mind.

No sweep, we do not suffer from any form of delusional condition, but some of our work involves those who have been diagnosed with such disorders. We find that some of these diagnosies are way off the mark, as the ''problem'' is merely a highly developed psychic ability that has been treated with ignorance.
I am curious to know more about your organization. What is its name? Is it a not for profit 501(C)(3) corporation? What are its sources of funding? Where is it located? Do you have a web presence beyond anonymous discussion board posting? You mentioned having students. Are you an an accredited learning institution? Do you offer any degrees? Do your students pay by the class, the semester, the final product? Do you offer financial aid for fiscally disadvantaged?

Please describe the methodolgy of your research on paranormal phenomena. I am particularly interested in an explication of how you came to your conclusions re mental health disorders being caused by repressed paranormal abilities instead malfunctioning chemical processes of the brain. You mention that only some of the diagnoses are inaccurate. By what means do you distinguish between the genuine schizophrenic and the frustrated psychic?

Also, does your use of the collective pronoun "we" when posting mean that all your posts are composed by triumvirate? If so, is this team effort accomplished with traditional 3D universe methods (pens, paper, a table for three) or is it the result of some kind of tapping of the universal mind? Are your partners registered posters? If not yet, do they intend to be? If they do not so intend, why have you been chosen to be the typing fingers of the collective?
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Old 03-20-2003, 07:41 AM   #37
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Originally posted by malai5
1) The limitations, the ''band'', is the frequency parameters of the 3D world. All dimensional worlds have a frequency ''band'' and operate independantly of each other.
What are the wavelengths? What type of frequency modulation is used?
Originally posted by malai5
....the universal mind, if you like, the collective consciousness, it can access this if it chooses to.
...and the access method is what?
Originally posted by malai5
2) If there is no universal mind/collective consciousness, then how do you explain the ''hundreth monkey phenomena''.
Sorry, I've never heard of it.
Originally posted by malai5
The ability of some to connect and ''see'' without the use of the normal senses, remote viewing, near death experiences etc, etc.
Are you quoting paranormal phenomena (or unexplained normal phenomena) which are nto yet fully understood as the reason there must be a universal mind?
Originally posted by malai5
We are living proof of the existence of the universal mind and the ability to access it.
In your dreams.
Originally posted by malai5
We research this area, using our Psi abilities, as well as teach others to do the same. We have been involved in this work for many years with many successful students getting their own proofs of the existence of the universal mind. You go figure.
You are deluded. You expect me to delude myself because you have no evidence of the existence of a universal mind, which is what I asked you for.

Experimental evidence shows a) a mind is a phenomenon of a human body, b) a conscious mind is a phenomenon of the brain with a 1:1 relationship between conscious minds and brains, c) the intersubjective sharing of information between minds/brains enables us to share ideas and other higher level concepts, d) the existence of any universals is a concept only - the categorization of reality that is performed by one's mind/brain can mislead one into thinking such things as "the truth" and "the universal mind" exist outside the mind.

Now, back to reality......

Cheers, John
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Old 03-20-2003, 07:47 AM   #38
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Originally posted by malai5
When you learn to trust your ''intuition'', your will find it will NEVER let you down.
This is an illogical homily. My intuition is different than your intuition. Therefore, the intuition of one of us is wrong therefore intuition has let one of us down.
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Old 03-20-2003, 08:44 AM   #39
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Dear livius drusus.

Thank you for your enquiry.
We are only too happy to ''fill you in'' on us.

To answer your first question, we do not have a name, we are not an organisation in the normal sense of the word and our funding comes from donations, what our students can afford. They pay by the class but this is not enforced.
There are no bits of paper awarded as there can be no ''standard'' of achievement in this area. Each achieves their own ''level'' of cognitive/objective contact, but surfice to say, they achieve far more than they imagined. We do not advertise, it is all by word of mouth, recomendation. The results speak for themselves. The class/forum (downstairs, as we call it) is not for research, but for learning. Not only how to access their ''gifts'', connection, but how to move from a 3D way of being, to that of the universal way of being. This forum is very confronting as it requires the participants to face their conditionings and learned beliefs which limit their lives and prevent their ''clear'' access to their connection to the universal mind/collective consciousness through their ''higher self''. There is no coersion, no compulsion as it is a personal journey the students are on to find their ''true'' selves. They all have their free will choice to come or go as their is no judgement metered in their choice. It is their choice, it is their life.

The 3 of us who instruct, were brought together over 3 years ago, through a common interest in the metaphysical. Our meeting and getting together, is another story, for another day.
Before our meeting, we had, individually been receiving material, by the medium of ''writing'' and ''drawing'' and ''visions'', that only really made sense when we pooled what we had received.
This opened a ''flood gate'' of information which provided proof upon proof about our own lives, the lives of others and world events by the way of predictions which were 100% accurate.
We were very skeptical at first but proceeded cautiously, constantly seeing proof after proof unfold before we could trust the contacts we were dealing with.

Over the 3 odd years (and they have been very odd) our contacts have instructed us in the universal way of ''seeing'' and way to live our lives. It works, we can attest to it.
We are merely passing on what we have been taught and have no investment in whether it is taken up or not.
We are the messengers, not the message.
The articles we have posted so far are only a small portion of the information we have been ''given''. As you can see, there are 2 areas. One area which is towards the philosophical and the other more towards information of the truth of how the universe is organised.

We do not research paranormal phenomena.

I, malai5, work in the field of counciling, but using my abilities as a clairvoyant. People are refered my way by personal recomendation and the medical fraternity when they have exhausted all traditional avenues. (bit of a last chance saloon).
Subsequently I have worked with schizophrenics which have been subject to a diagnosis which owed more to ignorance than medicine. Agreed, it's a fine line sometimes, but I have learned to trust what I ''see'' and are ''given''. It has not let me down yet.
I do not see what I do as surplanting the traditional healing sciences, but rather as an adjunct, another element that can be brought to bear on a ''problem''.

Our little ''team'' the triumvirate as you so aptly put it, are all clairvoyant, but perform 3 different roles when we sit down to ''work''. I translate, when it is needed, what comes through. If you think that the wording in our posted articles is a bit cryptic, you should see what comes through from other contacts. I use my ''gifts'' for this. (in my 3D self, it is way out of my knowing).
The ''A'' of M.A.M. is the ''vision'' receiver and enactor.
The other ''M'', is the writer and receiver of the great bulk of what comes through (the golden fingered typist). As well as drawings, symbols, equations, formulae etc.
Yes, it is not only tapping of the universal mind, but individual entities and groups of entities of the highest dimensional intelligence.

So you see, we are at our best when the 3 combine as one, the joining of energies where the output is far greater than the sum of the parts.

At this time, I am the public face of the 3 and as such will generally use the plural ''we'', in our posts. The other 2, may join in later, if it is requested they do so by those we are the messengers of.

We have no website, as we generally send the articles to specific arenas, as well as one other scientific forum. In the not too distant future, we intend to publish some of the material, when the timing is right.

We hope that has answered most of your questions and we are happy to answer any questions you put to us, as long as they are serious ones. If not, you will see we do have a sense of humour.



We thank you for the chance to post on this forum.
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Old 03-20-2003, 08:49 AM   #40
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by malai5
Originally posted by Amos

Dear Amos.

Yes, it is like ''walking on water'', for in truth that is the way the universe is and all in it. Constant motion, any solidarity is merely the perception of same.

When you learn to trust your ''intuition'', your will find it will NEVER let you down.

. . . and that is why the streets are paved with gold!

Very nice Malai and now you should explain to me why sickness and pain cannot be part of it because they are also part of our suffering. Lets be sure to understand that pain is an illusion.

How about death and the fear of dying? Is eternal life not needed to make temporal life known, and how is it that we can be both temporal and eternal unless our temporal life is just the illusion we see with our little mind?

The universal mind is infinite but since infinity has no beginning and no end (and therefore no particular existence of being) our higher self is an extraction from this infinite consciousness (universal mind), which in its turn needs us to make this infinite mind known. We, therefore, have a symbiotic relationship with it and out of this relationship we form our "hinher self" (eternal mind has a beginning but no end) from which in turn we extrapolate our temporal mind (little self) to give us the 3D insight we need to better the world around us as human beings.

So we have 1) the universal mind without beginning and without end, 2) the eternal mind with a beginning but no end, and 3) the temporal mind with a beginning and an end.

Therefore we can only die in our temporal mind and temporal life itself is an illusion.

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