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Old 02-27-2003, 12:29 PM   #21
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Originally posted by Ab_Normal
But he seemed to have something against figs
Somebody in an upper forum had remarked that the fig tree was a symbol for the mythological Jesus` main mythological rival at the time,Mithra.
So Jesus` curse most likely had nothing to do with a dislike of the actual tree itself.
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Old 02-27-2003, 01:45 PM   #22
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Originally posted by Fenton Mulley
Somebody in an upper forum had remarked that the fig tree was a symbol for the mythological Jesus` main mythological rival at the time,Mithra.
So Jesus` curse most likely had nothing to do with a dislike of the actual tree itself.
Thanks, Fenton, I must have missed that thread.
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Old 02-27-2003, 02:21 PM   #23
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Originally posted by Fenton Mulley
Somebody in an upper forum had remarked that the fig tree was a symbol for the mythological Jesus` main mythological rival at the time,Mithra.
So Jesus` curse most likely had nothing to do with a dislike of the actual tree itself.
To me it sounds more plausible that this is based on a real event, and embellished by the disciples: Jesus says "#¤%& fig tree!" and later his followers concoct an elaborate reason why he did this, and add that "surely the fig tree will wither away, because Jesus cursed it". After a copy of a copy of a copy of a... you get the present form of the tale.
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Old 02-27-2003, 04:29 PM   #24
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Default Fire Bombing Schools; Shooting School Buses!!!???

You people are so full of hot air. Over 20 replies and not one of them addressing the main point of my original post.

Here are some links to some other on-line articles from other sources:

Good grief! As hard as it is to believe, all this really happened! What a shameful episode.

They are probably wasted here but my next questions I guess are:

What was in those text books that was so objectionable to those people?


Why didn't somebody remind these people that it's the meek that shall inherit the earth?
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Old 02-27-2003, 04:55 PM   #25
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The bible says that they should have got married. Why didn't they choose that option instead? In fact the whole concept of "girl friends" and "boy friends" is unbiblical. The very fact that you allow "girl friends" and "boy friends" in your church, without requiring them to get engaged or bethrothed, smacks of a whole church out of touch with biblical morals.
Wow, someone who's even more sanctimonious than dear old Rad.

Christians are permitted to indulge in acts of violance provided it is (a) In self-defence, or (b) Against people whom the bible condemns under the Levitical law.
I'm curious, do you believe present-day Christians need to observe all Levitical laws?
Old 02-27-2003, 06:21 PM   #26
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Yep. The Bible Belt leads in divorce too. By my count all but one of the highest (NH) is Bible Belt. Nevada is a Bible Belt state and obvious leader, but I threw them out. But if you look at the rates of over 5.5/1000, they are all southern/religiously conservative states.

Note that Oklahoma instituted a state program to overcome this problem, and I think Florida is either considering one, or has one now (can't recall).

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Old 02-27-2003, 06:25 PM   #27
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Originally posted by Radorth
We have real Christians in my church. The divorce rate and unwed pregnancy rate are negligible according to the head of counseling, a friend of mine.

We did have a youth pastor who admitted sleeping with his girlfriend and resigned.


One thing we seem to have is self selection, people who can't face the social restrictions of your church seem to leave, so those that are left are the ones that fit your particular mold. A true statistical analysis (remember this is a small sample set so even if there were 'very few' according to your friends estimation, that is significant) would involve counting all those who left the church as well as those who stayed. the ones who left are the ones that your belief system failed to aid.

There are two kinds of absence of divorce, happy marriages and social pressure. The first is a great reason, the second is one of the most profoundly destructive and evil reasons. I was once in the fundamentalist world, where people stuck together not because they were happy but because it was the 'right thing to do'. They had to struggle to deal with the situation (called 'working for the marriage') and lived downright miserable lives (my parents were in this catagory--sincere believers that the Bible would make things work). Whe I hear people talk about the struggles they have to endure to 'make' a marriage work, I am disgusted by the obscene regligious guilt trip that puts them through this. While a marriage requires care and attention, if it requires constant struggle and stress, it is NOT working.


[btw, there is nothing evil or unhealthy about sleeping with one's girfriend]
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Old 02-27-2003, 08:20 PM   #28
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I agree with your position completely and in no way intend to challenge it, but for the sake of credibility could you quote your sources when you cite statistics?
I should like to see these numbers first hand, and for my own personal entertainment at that

Over and out,
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Old 02-28-2003, 08:15 AM   #29
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Originally posted by Cthulhu
Wow, someone who's even more sanctimonious than dear old Rad.
And I suppose you've also told your wife/girl-friend that her observation of sexual morals is santimonious? (If not, why not?)

I'm curious, do you believe present-day Christians need to observe all Levitical laws?
And how is the Levitical law to be observed in a state which does not acknowledge the Levitical law?

The levitical law imposed duties on the community and on individuals. The moral duties on individuals still generally apply, and in respect of sexual morals, literally apply.
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Old 02-28-2003, 09:07 AM   #30
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There are two kinds of absence of divorce, happy marriages and social pressure. The first is a great reason, the second is one of the most profoundly destructive and evil reasons. I was once in the fundamentalist world, where people stuck together not because they were happy but because it was the 'right thing to do'. They had to struggle to deal with the situation (called 'working for the marriage') and lived downright miserable lives (my parents were in this catagory--sincere believers that the Bible would make things work). Whe I hear people talk about the struggles they have to endure to 'make' a marriage work, I am disgusted by the obscene regligious guilt trip that puts them through this. While a marriage requires care and attention, if it requires constant struggle and stress, it is NOT working.
Yada yada. You have no idea why couples in my church stay together. Yet you comment as though you did.

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