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Old 03-18-2002, 03:22 AM   #61
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I hate to be a killjoy, but these posts are getting stupid. I don't know what the attitude problem with ARN was (everyone seems to complain about everyone), but I don't want it here.
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Old 03-18-2002, 03:53 AM   #62
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Ah, Douglas me old mucker! I see you’ve returned to the fold!

I also see you have lost the will to continue with your debate with scigirl. I wonder then what you are willing to discuss? I was awaiting your responses on several matters when your time was siphoned off into that debate, so they went unanswered.

Way back in<a href="" target="_blank">this (now archived) thread</a>, for instance, I thought I had established that you think evolution is true, but that sin is the cause. You also seemed to admit that your designer god was indeed a dork. If you disagree, then I’ll start a new thread to continue with this. Also we never resolved how your definition of 'kinds' (as offered in the formal debate) applied to the real world (it did not appear to work foolproof-ly); nor did you said how you came to your decisions about which of certain skulls were ape and which human.

Now you’re back, I’m very interested in your answers.

Cheers, Oolon

[ March 18, 2002: Message edited by: Oolon Colluphid ]</p>
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Old 03-18-2002, 04:52 AM   #63
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Hey, I had just been building up the steam to re-enter the debate with scigirl (I had even gone over her multi-paged prior post there, recently), and now I find that that thread no longer exists (or is archived). Should it be unarchived, or should it somehow "poof" back into existence, I would respond within a week.

In any case, you obviously completely misunderstand me if you think that I believe that (macro)evolution occurs (or has occurred), and if you think that I agree with you that God is a "dork". If that is what you think, based on reading things I have written, either I am completely incompetent in getting my views across, or you need some serious help with your reading comprehension.

In Christ,

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Old 03-18-2002, 04:54 AM   #64
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Originally posted by Douglas J. Bender:
... your reading comprehension.
Is this the hallmark of a Creationist/ID argument?

<img src="graemlins/boohoo.gif" border="0" alt="[Boo Hoo]" />

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Old 03-18-2002, 04:55 AM   #65
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Pompous Bastard,

You said, to some evil, evil man:
You are an evil, evil man. If there is any justice at all in the world, you will soon be visited by a wild-eyed apologist who has an interesting theory involving a Godel-numbering of Van Til's work and some fascinating equations based on that numbering that prove unequivocably that Jesus loves everyone but you.
I'd be fascinated to read more details of that theory - sounds very interesting and provocative, and unimaginably specific.

In Christ,

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Old 03-18-2002, 04:59 AM   #66
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You said:
Is this the hallmark of a Creationist/ID argument?
In some cases, since in some cases no other argument is needed. However, when I made that reply to Oolon, it was intended with a fair degree of humor. I don't think his reading comprehension is that bad, but in the specific case of what he inferred about my opinions on two issues, he is way off-base.

However, I can't tell you how deeply honored I am that you now consider me to be worth at least a very teensy bit of your very important time. There is a reason why I can't tell you.

In Christ,

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Old 03-18-2002, 05:03 AM   #67
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Originally posted by Bilboe:
Scientiae! Well good to see you've found your way into our dungeon! Perhaps you and Leonard can make up and we can get some good humo(u)rist threads going! I never did answer that question of yours. Have I ever been wrong?...still thinking....

A time and place for everything gentlemen. Here is to the resurrection of your dungeon.

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Old 03-18-2002, 05:09 AM   #68
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Good Sir Bilbo(e),

Thou hast posted:
Sir Bilbo(e) turned and listened as Sir Pompous the Bastard spake. "Sir Richi, that knight doth seem jolly enough. And I heard him mention Lord Van Til and -- could it be? -- Lord Lewis? And didst he not make mention of Sir Douglas' proof in goodly humor, as did we all in the land of IDURC. Surely here is no knave. May I not know his name?"
And who beest the craven and untoward knights who showest not their faces, yet mock, after the pompously good humo(u)red manner of Sir Pompous the Bastard, the noble proof bestowed upon me? Verily, shewest they their faces, and forsooth shall I unleash my mathematical fury upon them.

In Christ,

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Old 03-18-2002, 05:41 AM   #69
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With this password I thee post!

But soft! What lande be this?? Tis not the happy
abode of many a knight spent chewing the fat with
evos, and YECs, IDists and punkeeks! But there!
I spy a citizen or two of this lofty realm. By Odin's wounds! It is King Smear! And by his side,
bye and bye, the two-faced knave, Lord Leer, also
know as Principia to all us ARNieites! Could it
be that Sir Douglas was right? No such place as
Purgatory existeth and I, for my sins, have been
sent to the land of the insincere posters? Oh,
but that I had lived a better life! Now must I listen for all eternity to the calumnies of King
Smear against 'Binky', long cold in his grave, and
to the jeerings of Lord Leer whose machinations
led to the demise of the Camelot of Arniedom!

But wait! Is that not the noble Sir Bilbo? And
by his side Sir Richi of Yaado? Sir knights, it does the heart good of this your friend and liege
to discover that others of his sort are condemned
to this eternal perdition. But is THAT not Sir
Douglas of Elkhart? But surely he did deserve eternal reward for his adherence, no matter how
idiosyncratic, to our Lord's Way? But surely Lord
Leer and King Smear weren't crypto-believers?!?!?
Perhaps this IS a sort of Limbo or Purgatory after

Yet in looking at the prior posts I see no effort
to set the record straight as to the last hours of
ARNiedom, before Vesuvius did erupt burying the membership in acrimony brought in by 'Woidspite'
and Lord Leer (the evil Principia). So draw up a
chair, good friends, and I, as I partake of meade,
shall describe the denouement of the Invasion of
the Winter Fairies (Principia, Woidspite, and Companie)at ARNiedom! A cup of meade, I prithee!
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Old 03-18-2002, 05:47 AM   #70
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Originally posted by Douglas J. Bender:

Hey, I had just been building up the steam to re-enter the debate with scigirl (I had even gone over her multi-paged prior post there, recently), and now I find that that thread no longer exists (or is archived). Should it be unarchived, or should it somehow "poof" back into existence, I would respond within a week. </strong>
Don’t worry, I’ve been caught out by this. The thread is still there, all you need to do is set the dropdown box at the top of the page to something like ‘Show all topics’ rather than 20 days or whatever is the default.

The clock is henceforth ticking... by my reckoning, you’ve got till next Monday, 25 March...

<strong>In any case, you obviously completely misunderstand me if you think that I believe that (macro)evolution occurs (or has occurred), and if you think that I agree with you that God is a "dork". If that is what you think, based on reading things I have written, either I am completely incompetent in getting my views across, or you need some serious help with your reading comprehension. </strong>
Of course I doubted that you think so. Since you now say so, however, then "based on reading things you have written", the former option seems to be the case.

If you wish to continue that thread, just say, and I'll unarchive it (moderator’s privilege ).

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