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Old 02-22-2003, 11:48 AM   #21
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Zeus never spoke to the Greeks?! He sure had lots of sex with some of them, I'm sure he must have said something! You don't consider it a miracle that he was able to change himself into a shower of gold, so he could be with Danae?!

And if you think that your god never contradicts himself in the bible, then you need to read it again! As for what kind of god Allah is, who are you to judge what is righteous? Your little mortal mind cannot fathom the morality of god, so how do you know whether a heaven filled with sex is good or not? You're judging based on your standards, not gods. And I would love to see the Quran verse that mentions anything about airplanes.

And what book did god write after he supposed came back to life? Are you now positing that Jesus wrote the New Testament??

Editing to add - also, what makes you think that you would SEE the gods at the top of Mt Olympus? Where have you physically seen your god?

But then this is all off topic. Sorry about that.
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Old 02-22-2003, 12:22 PM   #22
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Obviously, I am a newbie. I find myself intrigued and fascinated by these discussions concerning the existence/non-existence of a "Power" whom the earth's population most commonly refer to by the name of "God," with some altered versions/names depending upon the socio-geographic regions of the earth.

Maybe I am totally out of place here, in this specific topic by mentioning my thoughts, however, I often debate my ownself concerning "proof" of the power, commonly referred to as "God" and I occasionally come to an impasse.

In the course of the history of humanity - how or "who" planted the "seed" - whether evil or good - concerning the mere thought of such a reviled or loving force who seems to have been embraced by all of humanity thru the annals of time? Sure, there is a good percentage of those who NEVER accepted the idea of a "god." However, the mere fact of such heated debates/wasted time/wars/traditions/customs to have been incorporated so deeply thru the millenia seems to be a large obstacle in disproving the existence or short life of a "god."

I may not be too clear in trying to get my question/thoughts across in these few words on this topic. Please accept my apology if I seem to be causing a disruption in the theme of this topic, too. To qualify myself - my ancestry and gene pool is full of Xians. I was raised in the same tradition as well. As has happened in many cases, as I matured, I questioned the whole scenario and went so far as to calling myself a devout agnostic. However, as time progressed I find myself back to believing in a greater power - a "Creator" if you may. That is about as far as I have progressed/digressed - whatever you think. I am not qualified to prove my belief, nor am I here to push an agenda. I am here to learn from all.

Again, if I am out of place in this topic, excuse me. Maybe someone could give me the directions to the topic that is more in theme with my question?

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Old 02-22-2003, 12:35 PM   #23
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Originally posted by Magus55
Hmm, no clue who Visnu, Ma-Tzu, IPU, or Annunuki are but people have been to the top of Mt. Olympus - no home of the gods there and since Zeus never actually spoke to the greeks or performed any wonders before his people - hes a joke. Not to mention Greeks had multiple gods - what Zeus wasn't powerful enough on his own to handle all his followers problems?
What an odd refutation...

Allah constantly contradicts himself in the Quran
So does Yahweh in the Bible...

And of course we can't leave out Allah ordering his followers to insight Jihad on any non believers and kill anyone who isn't a muslim. Christian God doesn't tell us to go kill Muslims and fly planes into buildings - Allah is a creation of Satan.
Someone needs to read the Old Testament, methinks.

Elvis has never written a book telling people hes alive and well while dancing on stage before 500+ people after supposedly coming back alive...
Technically, neither has Jesus.

Of course, what is the point of this? No matter what i say you bring up some contradictory excuse because Atheists have nothing else - they have nothing going for them that even remotely suggests God doesn't exist and when Christians try to show you how to avoid eternal punishment - you laugh in their face saying it will be fun.
Well, you got one thing right. Atheism is about all about having nothing...i.e., no evidence for the existence of a deity.

By the way, since your god is omnipresent, your comments about disproving him requiring infinite knowledge are unconvincing.
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Old 02-22-2003, 12:44 PM   #24
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Originally posted by satanka
Maybe someone could give me the directions to the topic that is more in theme with my question?

Thanks. [/B]
Satanka, you might find some interesting discussions relating to your topic in the 'Existence of God(s)' forum.

Hi, by the way. :-)
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Old 02-22-2003, 01:53 PM   #25
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posted by Magus55:
Elvis has never written a book telling people hes alive and well while dancing on stage before 500+ people after supposedly coming back alive...
That's because Elvis didn't huddle around a campfire with a bunch of ancient superstitious goat herders making things up as to what the hell is going on.
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Old 02-22-2003, 02:53 PM   #26
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Luiseach - thanks for the greeting. Your suggestion is greatly appreciated and makes absolute sense. I knew the forum you mentioned would be more the place to seek some views on what spurred the original concept or idea of something called "god." I did not mean to interrupt the flow of this topic.
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Old 02-22-2003, 02:55 PM   #27
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“Hmm, no clue who Vishnu, Ma-Tzu, IPU, or Annunuki are but people have been to the top of Mt. Olympus”

Vishnu- Hindu, incarnation of Brahma the creator god

Ma-Tzu- the empty mirror, the present day awakened one, ancient master of Zen

Annunaki- this is an ancient Babylonian word, though the true meaning of this word is unclear, it usually refers to a pantheon of ‘Gods’ of Babylon who created humans, Marduk was one, so were Anu, Inanna, Dummuzi (Tammuz in the Bible) whether they were gods, immortals, supermen or Aliens is not relay clear but their stories are mimicked in later mythology.

IPU - a joke, Invisible Pink Unicorn
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Old 02-22-2003, 02:55 PM   #28
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Originally posted by satanka
Luiseach - thanks for the greeting. Your suggestion is greatly appreciated and makes absolute sense. I knew the forum you mentioned would be more the place to seek some views on what spurred the original concept or idea of something called "god." I did not mean to interrupt the flow of this topic.
No problem...
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