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Old 03-03-2003, 11:25 AM   #31
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My dad died before I realized I was an atheist (his final illness was the reason I figured it out), and my mom figured out I didn't believe before I told her. I never "came out" to my siblings, but after the last two funerals, where I didn't participate in the religious schtick at all, they've figured it out. Thankfully, I've got a really cool family.
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Old 03-03-2003, 12:43 PM   #32
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My parents never went to church the whole time I was growing up. My parents really disliked organized religion, though they weren't necessarily non-believers. Religion was not a big deal in our house, it just never came up. So, there was never much need to tell them I wasn't a believer anymore when I realized I was an atheist.

I've thought about telling them, but my grandparents are still alive, and they are pretty religious. I'd hate to hurt them if it got back to them. I suspect my father of actually being a closet atheist as well, and I think my mother's agnostic. But, again, our lives just don't involve religion, so there's not a lot of impetus to talk about it.

I think eventually it will come out. But I'm not too worried about it one way or the other. Since we never talk religion, I don't have to pretend I believe. It's not like I'm "in" the closet. Our house doesn't even have the room that this particular closet would normally be in.

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Old 03-03-2003, 01:06 PM   #33
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Both my parents know. My mom thinks I'm going through a "phase" She prefers that I refer to myself as an agnostic rather than an atheist. My dad is a pastor of the church my family goes to. He's not thrilled about my lack of enthusiasm for religion, and prays about me, even where I can hear him
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Old 03-03-2003, 01:25 PM   #34
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Originally posted by Hedwig
My parents know I'm a skeptic when it comes to all religion. I haven't gone so far as to use the "a-word" around them because as much as they don't seem very religious these days (hell, my dad hasn't been in all my life), I don't know what the reaction would be if I flat out said "yup, I'm an atheist." They know I hang out on II...I just don't think they'd like me to use the word "atheist".

My brother knows, though. He's Xtian but he doesn't give a damn what my beliefs are.
I think that's where my folks are at too, concerning my lack of belief. They know I don't go to church, and haven't for some time, but they kind of see it as a phase (or at least Mom does). "Your father and I went through a time where church wasn't very important to us, either. You'll come back eventually." This paraphrases something Mom said to me some years ago, and recently echoed a similar sentiment. "We hope you'll find something. Anything." OK, Mom, how about atheism? No? Sorry, then.

I kind of alluded to this in my other thread It's about to hit the fan, which eludes me now that the 'Search' function has been disabled. They got their feathers ruffled a bit 'cause I sort of blew off a question about taking my son to church. My wife started doing this recently because she feels he needs some exposure to it ... plus she kind of feels like she should go. I'd call her more of a Deist than anything. She says she always felt weird when we were living down south and one of the first questions anyone would ask you is, "Where do you go to church?" Anyway, before I lose sight of my point here, I have no problem with her taking him (he's only 2), and the exposure I'm not too worried about. I'll get him to be a questioner. So, I think my folks have a suspicion ... if they've talked to my sister, then they've got a really good idea, but I didn't even use the 'A' word with her either. Since Mom and Dad don't have a computer, Mom has email at work though, I don't get godspam from them much. Instead I get it from other relatives and friends.

We went to dinner with 2 other couples (plus one child each) the other night, and only 1 of them came back to the house afterwards. This couple recently got re-married (they've got an almost 11 yr old) this time by a priest, to make their marriage "official" for the Catholic Church (he is, she isn't, but I guess is converting). I walked into a discussion where my wife was telling them how church doesn't really figure into my life. Fortunately, it was a good talk. They're not real gung-ho or anything, I think they did this marriage more for other family (since obviously the first time is still legal and hadn't ended). She's (the wife in the other couple, not mine) laughing at how her folks have suddenly become very religious, and how it was never mentioned when she was growing up.

I hope old age doesn't change me. I'd like to go out as an old crumudgeony skeptic!
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Old 03-03-2003, 03:26 PM   #35
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I used to be a hardcore fundy. And now honestly, I don't know what they believe, and they dont what I believe. It work out pretty well.
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Old 03-03-2003, 03:38 PM   #36
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No, my family doesn't know yet. I don't think my family can handle the news right now. I'm the model child in the family, and the house has turned into a Holy Shrine of Nick. My sister, on the other hand, is everything I'm not. She does decently in school, but not outstanding. She doesn't get involved with any hobbies, but rather prefers to spend her time with, err, questionable people.

Anyway, right now my parents are busy being concerned about my sister. I give them hope, so to say. They see what I'm up to and my recent accomplishments and it keeps them optimistic about things. If they found out that I didn't believe in God, then I'm sure they would simply lose it. We were never a religious family, but belief in God is important to my parents. I wouldn't want them to hurt if they found out that their star kid doesn't believe in something so special to them.

That said, I do want to tell my sister when she gets up to college next year. She is going to the same school I am, and I suspect that she's not all that religious. When I go home to visit she normally leaves for church after I do, and we both arrive late. She also keeps bringing up the fact that don't go to church when I'm on my own, and I think this is her way of getting me to spill the beans first. We'll see. I'll figure out where she stands when she gets up here.

Oh yes, my grandparents will never know of my disbelief if I have anything to do with it. They are both rabid fundies. My grandpa was a preacher, and he drove to Mississippi (they live in NW Alabama) every weekend because he didn't like the local churches. I seriously think that it would literally kill my grandparents if they found that out.

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Old 03-03-2003, 04:17 PM   #37
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Both my parents are in their mid-80s, and are both very devout fundamentalist protestant Christians. I haven't told them I'm an atheist, and don't intend to, as it would hurt them immensely to find out that their youngest son is "lost", as they would put it.
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Old 03-03-2003, 04:41 PM   #38
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My parents know, as does my brother and his wife. I'm not entirely sure how much my mother-in-law and father-in-law, who are fundamentalist leaning (but not full fledged fundies), or my wife's sister (who is an irregularly church attending unbaptized Christian) know.
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Old 03-03-2003, 04:45 PM   #39
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Originally posted by Jamie_L
My parents never went to church the whole time I was growing up. My parents really disliked organized religion, though they weren't necessarily non-believers. Religion was not a big deal in our house, it just never came up. So, there was never much need to tell them I wasn't a believer anymore when I realized I was an atheist.... It's not like I'm "in" the closet. Our house doesn't even have the room that this particular closet would normally be in.
That's my situation exactly. Very well put!
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Old 03-03-2003, 06:39 PM   #40
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My parents don't know. I haven't told them mainly because I'm afraid my mom will freak out, big time. She throws a huge fit when I refuse to go to church all the two times a year we go. I also am a little afraid that if my parents find out that I'm an atheist, they won't pay for college. I don't strongly suspect that this would happen, but I'd rather not find out.
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