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Old 05-20-2003, 08:16 PM   #61
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Originally posted by Pyrrho
[B]My advice to men is, if you are not absolutely sure what the woman will do, and you don't want the risk of an unwanted pregnancy, then either get a vasectomy, or don't have sex with any fertile women.
Wait a moment. Why not say the samne thing to women? Why should women have more reproductive and parental rights than men? Aren't we supposed to be equal?

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Old 05-20-2003, 08:17 PM   #62
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Originally posted by Lunachick
Buddrow, I'm sure you're a nice guy an' all, but this statement smacks of the myths and good/evil, virgin/whore dichotomies surrounding women. We're seductresses, cheating thieves, murdresses, leeches...and yet so wise. *sigh*
I don't understand why you read that into this, but I can assure you that I do not subscribe to such myths. If anything I believe the opposite, although I know both men and women basically equally share the same weaknesses.

I'll share a little personal history: My mother had three children. Each of us have different fathers. My mother has gone through much difficulty attempting to extract child support from my 2 brothers' fathers (I never met my own father, and my mother never attempted to locate him) with very little to show from it. In my opinion, all the effort was wasted, and these men were not good role models for my brothers. They did not and still do not show any desire to be a part of their lives. From my point of view the legislation had no real effect here. All of the money that has been collected from them went to pay the state's legal fees!!

My opinion is that if the man doesn't want anything to do with the child, well then screw him, better off forgetting he ever existed.

And I would still tell any young woman to be careful because this may be what they run into if they become pregnant.
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Old 05-20-2003, 08:18 PM   #63
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Originally posted by Soyin Milka
If you don't pay more attention to women's viewpoints, like Lunachick's, the laws intended to protect men from unwanted fatherhood may lead to men being more and more excluded from fatherhood.
Paying attention to someone elses viewpoint should not affect what rights they have.
Men should both have more reproductive rights and parental rights, as a particular man choses.
In short, men should get the same rights as women have.

And there should be 0% liability for children one did not father or for cases where the man was only a sperm donor.

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Old 05-20-2003, 08:19 PM   #64
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Originally posted by UglyManOnCampus
Why is the man not entitled to be let off easy while the woman is? After all she can abort, give the child up for adoption or just leave it at the doors of an orphanage.
Gosh! It's a bloody cake walk then, isn't it?

I am for equal rights for both parents.
Really? Doesn't sound like it. Sounds to me like you want to punish the whore and her bastard child. Would you like some salt and vinegar to go with that chip?


Same goes for women, yet women are the only ones that can absolve themselves from any responsibility whatsoever.

Same goes for the woman, so why can she decide that a child is to be given up for adoption and he can't?
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Old 05-20-2003, 08:20 PM   #65
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Originally posted by UglyManOnCampus
In many cases the courts do not accept a negative result of a paternity test - men have to pay regardless.

And also Loren quotes a case where a man was a sperm donor and was forced to pay child support. Both cases where laws need to be amended.
Yes, they are both cases where the law needs amending.
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Old 05-20-2003, 08:22 PM   #66
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Originally posted by lunachick
I just had a thought! (Oh, don't laugh. )

Theatrics aside - I think, figuratively speaking, the abdication of male accountabilty, and the shifting of blame and culpability in this very serious matter - and it IS a serious matter when we are talking about the very stuff of life - that from my own humanist perspective; life is not so clearcut, the law is an ass, religion is an ass, politics is an ass, and men are just fucking weak. Yes, that's right - weak. They are not innocent. They are equally responsible, whether it was a drunk fuck in the back of a car or a more committed relationship. Men must be made to be equally responsible for their own reproductiveness.
That's rather the point, though. It seems that, legally speaking, the pendulum has swung clear to the other side, right past the middle ground. Whereas before abortion was illegal, and women were forced to bear a far greater burden in the child rearing process, now it is the other way around. If a man fathers a child he's screwed (ahahaha) for the most part, even if he desires an abortion or to place the child up for adoption. If he desires either that's no more or less an abdication of responsibility than the woman who would foricbly have a child raised by a spiteful, bitter father, don't you think?

The point isn't to give a free pass to men to father children whenever they want and then leave.

Allow me to elaborate my position a little: I think any law allowing a man to waive all parental rights permanently should include provisions for 'default denial' of such a waiver, for example in the case of marriage (i.e. marriage implies a life-long commitment, unless otherwise stated in some other related contract, etc. etc., and so implies consent to do the things that "normally" come with marriage--e.g. have a kid.)

There shouldn't be a free pass for either party, really. Unfortunately, in the modern climate, the deck of cards is stacked overwhelmingly in favor of women.
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Old 05-20-2003, 08:23 PM   #67
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Originally posted by lunachick

She's a temptress, a devil, a whore, a cheating liar and a thief! It's all her fault I couldn't take responsibilty for my own sexual urges and potential consequences.
I will not pay! She bought it all on herself - I was seduced! - damn her and any possible bastard child of mine to hell! I AM INNOCENT!!
Don't be silly. Nobody is saying that. We are only saying that currently men have a lesser say. And that should change. Both parties should have equal rights and responsibilities towards that child. If a woman can absolve herself from responsibility than the man should be able to do so. Also men that wnat the custody of the child should have the same access to it as women, including child support from the woman.

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Old 05-20-2003, 08:24 PM   #68
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Originally posted by UglyManOnCampus
Wait a moment. Why not say the samne thing to women? Why should women have more reproductive and parental rights than men? Aren't we supposed to be equal?
I do say the same thing to women. Double the prevention - no need for the cure.

But, given that this is not a perfect world peopled with perfect sexually abstinent and/or responsible sober people, the man must also cover his ass, or suffer the consequences, also.
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Old 05-20-2003, 08:26 PM   #69
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Originally posted by lunachick
Gosh! It's a bloody cake walk then, isn't it?

Really? Doesn't sound like it. Sounds to me like you want to punish the whore and her bastard child. Would you like some salt and vinegar to go with that chip?
Well talk about being misunderstood. I don't want to punish anybody. But let's say a woman gets pregnant. She can give the kid up for adoption. She then has no further responsibility towards the child.

Why coudln't the man decide the same?

I am not for "punishing the whore", I am for equal rights and responsibilities.

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Old 05-20-2003, 08:27 PM   #70
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Originally posted by Feather
Unfortunately, in the modern climate, the deck of cards is stacked overwhelmingly in favor of women. [/B]
I'm sorry, but I disagree. Strongly.

I've now run out of time and energy to engage in this any further today - but I'll get back to it.

Ciao for now.
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