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Old 07-15-2002, 06:18 PM   #51
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Hello rainbow walking,

Hello David,

Dave: Humans are evil, and that is why humans have used both science and religion in evil manners. The problem is an instrinsically human problem.

1. Humans are evil:

rw: Bzzzt. Wrong answer. Humans are often WRONG. This does not equate to being EVIL. Humans often use, and encourage the use, of any and all forms of power,( be they scientific, political, economic, or cultural), wrongfully. This does not always equate to EVIL.
David: Humans are evil.

Rw: No David, this is a lie perpetrated by your cult. Humans CAN become so and commit actions that can justifiably be declared so across the board as evil, but all humans are not evil. To take the actions of a comparatively few in relation to the majority and declare ALL humans evil is evil itself. Humans are born neutral, not evil sinners as your cult propaganda lies to us and claims. You’ve been listening to too many sermons from your professional mouthpieces. Humans have the CHOICE to be good or evil or neither, depending on the situation.
Humans are not, I repeat ARE NOT, evil by default. This poisonous doctrine is the crowbar used to pry open men’s minds to allow your cult germ to inject its virus. It is a lie and was invented by the father of lies and does not represent reality or the truth, period!
Only by ignoring the fact that if humans were truly evil they’d have become extinct centuries ago can your lying cult continue to hoist this filth upon unsuspecting humanity. I intend to dedicate a good portion of my Philosophy of Life to revealing this putrid sore and the puss oozing from its rotting flesh as a result of this disease.

Only by ignoring the fact that if humans were truly evil we’d never have progressed beyond the dark ages that were, BTW, the direct result of xianity’s cult control over men’s minds. If there is any evil in this world today it’s directly related to mysticism and Christianity and Judaism and Muslimism, period! Care to take a geographical tour of all the battles and skirmishes going on around the world and see who is fighting who?

You have no idea how much and passionately I loathe, detest, hate, reject and curse this lie. I am not evil, my wife is not evil, my sons are not evil, my neighbors are not evil, my co-workers are not evil, my doctor is not evil, my barber is not evil, my friends are not evil, my mother is not evil and, in fact, I don’t know a single person in all of my 47 years on this planet, other than Bin Laden and his cohorts, (who have progressed to the final stage of the religious disease), who I would classify or label as evil, except those who continue to recklessly mouth this insidious filth as though it were true. This lie of lies is evil, more evil than anything you could ever perpetrate against humanity in your fallen state of intellectual sickness. I wonder how many wrongful and evil acts have been committed by people who’ve been mis-led and brain washed by this slanderous filth? Since this disease has been around almost as long as man, I would be VERY inclined to suspect that this LIE has enabled and empowered and encouraged more evil than anything humanity could ever imagine. It’s time it be exposed for what it is and what it actually accomplishes and what it was invented to achieve.

David: Humans have a long history of committed all sorts of atrocities and engaging in wars,

Rw: Yes they have David and good humans have ultimately come out on top. But this intellectual disease ridden dis-honesty totally ignores the FACT that humans have a LONGER history of working to save and heal and help and prevent war and produce the requisites of life and love and art and beauty. This despicable lie only lurks in the darkness of minimizing all the good that humanity has done and harping only on his mistakes. What a cheap, ignorant, bigoted, unmitigated pack of cockroach dung infested scallions your cult propandizers are for infecting the minds of humanity with this tripe. I rebuke the lot of you.

David: humans are known to be filled with hate,

Rw: That’s not evil, it’s an emotion and sometimes a very useful one from which such virtues as justice and fairness and equity have their origin. Need I remind you that your imaginary deity hates? So is it evil also?

David: anger, bitterness, prejudice and lust.

Rw: None of these emotions are evil. Only an idiot would think they are. I know you’re not an idiot so I can only assume you’ve been deceived along with a goodly portion of the rest of humanity.

David: Humans pollute the environment,

Rw: That’s ignorance, not evil. Very rarely is there found a case where a person or group of people intentionally do this. One Saddam Hussien comes to mind and the last time I saw him on TV, (just recently), he was kneeling to pray to his imaginary deity.

David: drive species to extinction,

Rw: Ignorance, not intentional premeditated evil.

David: exploit the poor,

Rw: You mean like the church?

David: oppress the helpless

Rw: Acts committed by a very infinitesimally small group of individuals compared to the combined population of this planet.

David: and are selfish.

Rw: And that is not evil, it’s human nature and please don’t try to tell me human nature is evil.

David: Humans go out of their way to slander, offend, insult and harm each other, treating both friend and foe in the same evil manner.

Rw: None of those are evil, they might be rude, inconsiderate, uncaring or impetuous but they are definitely not evil. Your cult germ has lowered your standards of judgment to such a low degree of understanding as to make life itself appear evil. Get a grip David.


Conclusion: Religion is EVIL. Man is not!

David: If science's goal is to guarantee the continued existence of humankind, its actions contradict that ideal.

Rw: Bullshit. I tell you what David, if you REALLY believe this go and sell your car, your computer, all your scientifically developed toys, turn off your electricity and running water, dis-connect your sewer system, divorce yourself from all modern scientifically devised conveniences, avoid roads, bridges, McDonalds, and any means of transportation other than your own two feet, strip yourself of all your clothing manufactured using modern scientific methods, toss out your deodorant, toothpaste, soap and toilet paper, empty your frig and sell it along with the house, and live your life like you REALLY mean this crap! Be BOLD David! Be an example! Show us heathen how a Christian really practices all the trash he preaches. Don’t hold back David. Go for it!

David: Science developed nuclear, biological and chemical weapons sufficient to drive humankind to extinction.

Rw: To protect people from religious and sick minded zealots and power hungry idiots who would drive us to extinction in more hideous ways than you could imagine. Nuclear energy also generates the electricity you run your computer with. Biology has isolated and found cures and treatments for diseases that have ravaged humanity for thousands of years. Chemistry has created fertilizers and untold numerous life enhancing products. You dishonor mankind and his greatest efforts in this line of crappy dappy reasoning. People who espouse such ignorance do not deserve to enjoy the benefits.

David: Science and technology pollute the earth's air, oceans and lands which deadly and debilitation chemicals.

Rw: Mostly out of ignorance and science and technology will clean up the mess.

David: Science and technology's promise of easing life's burdens has evaporated into the stressful gridlock of our city streets, the lowest-common-denominator entertainment which fills our televisions and the death & violence which fills our newspapers.

Rw: Preach it brother Dave, better yet, prove it brother Dave, get out of your pulpit dude it ain’t working. Let’s trace the lives of the perpetrators of any given crime and I’ll bet you a days wages the majority of them were infected with the god germ somewhere in their past and were sold the whole bullshit line about being evil. Ever wonder why the MAJORITY of every inmate in America’s prisons subscribes to some type of religious persuasion?

David: If you think that science is right you are wrong.

Rw: Prove it Dave, don’t preach it, live like you really believe it. Move to a remote island in the Pacific and never show your face among humans again for the rest of your life. And don’t take a boat because it was likely a product of some scientific accomplishment in chemistry and engineering. Pray to you imaginary deity to provide you the tools and necessities of life. Don’t lift a finger to do anything for yourself because you might pollute some stream in the process or exterminate some forgotten species.

David: Humans have created this monster called science and it is threatening to drive us to extinction.

Rw: What an intellectual coward you’ve demonstrated yourself to be. I’m very disappointed David. I thought you loved science?

Dave: I wonder how civilization ten thousand years from now will view the failed promises of science today?

Rw: They won’t. They’ll be too busy enjoying the benefits derived from those trial and errors while religiously infected minds were crying foul and sending troops to Congress to legislate its failure. While we’re on the subject, what has your religion and mysticism ever contributed to the future of mankind Dave? Hell, if we had divorced ourselves from our goodness and intellect and blindly followed your cults dreams we’d all be slaves…or worse. If science fails there won’t likely be anyone around in ten thousand years to bemoan it. I wonder when civilization will wake up and begin to honestly view the failed promises of religion that have been made for several millinia?
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Old 07-15-2002, 06:26 PM   #52
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Hello Bracer,

Uh, ‘scuse me here DM… Challenge! Isn’t this kinda stating the obvious?
David: Yes, it is stating the obvious. True nonetheless.

The strange thing is, why would an Omnimax God allow such a thing to happen “In His (or Her) name”?
David: Because God has granted humans free will, allowing us to act as foolishly, blasphemously and evil a manner as we choose to behave.

Your first reply is little more than a continuation of your above thought. In other words, humans are all imperfect and nasty and bad, yet somehow the Omnimax God (while dutifully recording the fall of every sparrow) not only created them this way, but allows such things to go on in His (or, again, Her) One Off and All Important Perfect Creation.
David: God does allow humans to act in this manner, as evidenced by the ability of humans to act in this manner. Should God not allow humans to behave sinfully? Should God not allow you to think whatever you will about Him? You can answer those questions for your own self.

Funny. But this is in fact an interesting point to ponder. In 1947 a few bits of balsa wood and mylar fell out of the sky near Roswell, New Mexico. Add in one overly excitable Air Corps Captain (sorry, but the analogy to Saint Paul is a bit irresistible) and less than half a century later half the people in the U.S. seem to think there are alien bodies hidden in Area 51. If such a silly myth can spread in even modern times, how much easier must it have been for myths to spread 2000 years ago? Just a thought.
David: The Roswell myth is not analogous to the Religious histories. History does not function as history within the context of religions and therefore it is inappropriate to consider such accounts "mythical" with the assumption that "mythical"="false".

Oh. Right.”Humans bad. God good. Therefore, God exists” Y’know, if you keep saying it over and over again…

Nah, still doesn’t make sense.
David: I don't see where you found the above argument in the quoted paragraph.

Actually -- and I’ll re-phrase lpetrich’s above question -- how, exactly (and I mean EXACTLY), do you determine which parts of the Bible are “real” and which are meant “only in a sense”?
David: Context. Jews and Christians have discussed such issues for nearly two thousand years, it is by no means a simple subject.


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Old 07-15-2002, 06:30 PM   #53
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Hello Answerer,

Sorry David, but this is a serious generalizing statement, not all humans behaved the same way you had stated, what you had said, occurred only to some humans and you can't accept a few humans to represent all mankind right?
Furthermore, your examples only show how egoistic humans are rather than how evil they are. Humans doesn't = demon.
David: I am not speaking about "a few humans." Over history the population of humans who have engaged in violence and warfare must exceed one billion, a significant percentage of the total human population.

Besides, a larger group (many billions) are think and speak violence and hate, and/or are entertained by violence and hate.

Humans are evil.


David Mathews
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Old 07-15-2002, 06:33 PM   #54
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Originally posted by David Mathews:
<strong>Hello Answerer,

David: I am not speaking about "a few humans." Over history the population of humans who have engaged in violence and warfare must exceed one billion, a significant percentage of the total human population.

Besides, a larger group (many billions) are think and speak violence and hate, and/or are entertained by violence and hate.

Humans are evil.


David Mathews</strong>
There are far more others who prefer peace than pointless bloodshed, the population of violence humans is in no way bigger than the rest of the population of humans who prefer rest.
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Old 07-15-2002, 06:43 PM   #55
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Hello Theli,

How do you know?
know... know... not too mysterious.
I thought god was just a big mystery, and all attributes he was given was allegorical.
Does this mean that "omniscience" is false, or do you actually know this?
David: Omniscience is a quality of God by definition. As to the question of what omniscience means, whatever thought may arise in my mind as to what that word means is false because the mind cannot conceive of absolute knowledge nor absolute truth.

Oh, god's existence is known?
Is that trustworthy?
But we know nothing else about him, so there is really nothing we can call "god".
David: God's existence is known by faith, and faith is trustworthy for the believer.

Are the atoms that my body consists of "god" or is it "me"?
Is the chair I'm sitting on, "god"?
This chair doesn't seem too mysterious to me.
Is "we" you and me, is it humanity, is it life, is it everything on this planet.
David: Your atoms are not "you" they are just atoms. The chair you are sitting on is not you and not God. The chair is no mystery but its fundamental components are a great mystery. "We" is the totality of the Universe which is perceptible to humankind.

So, you do lie?
If I regard myself as being a 12ton giant, do I not lie?
David: Jesus' divinity is by no means a lie.

How do you know?
Can you gaze into the future and check out everything science knows, and can know?
David: Science is not omniscient. Science is not infallible. Do you agree?

1. When has this happened?
2. If don't save our lives, how can we live?
3. Do we die (on the inside) from treating diceaces?
4. What do you reffer to as "living"?
David: People who become obsessed with preserving hteir own life may cease to engage in any "risky" activities and virtually confine themselves within the security of their home. Otherwise they might bother doctors will every little pain, ache or sickness of their body and therefore harm their productivity.

If we needed the first to fulfill the second we would not deserve the second from the people who loves us.
Do we really need to be forced to love people?
I love people?
Am I forced by god?
And how does the first obligate the second?
David: God does not force us to love people. God won't force you to love anybody. It is all matter of choice on your own part.

Religion is a failure made by man. Better?
David: You say that religion is a failure. Some failure: 4 billion religious people on the planet, and of that group hundreds of millions who have made substantial sacrifices of their comfort, time, wealth and life based upon their devotion to their religion.

Religion has not failed by any measure.


David Mathews
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Old 07-15-2002, 06:49 PM   #56
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Hello davidm,

Earlier in this thread you said: "I love science."

Later you said: "Humans have created this monster called science and it is threatening to drive us to extinction."

So, you love a monster? Care to explain?

Or, do you really not love it?
David: I love the idealism of science as it searches after knowledge and understanding of the Universe. I hate the sins of science as it demolishes human dignity, develops weapons of mass destruction and destroys the environment.

Religion depends on appeals to ignorance and fear. The ignorance is the lack of knowledge about the universe. People were ignorant for thousands of years, until science came along. Science has pried loose religion's choke hold on humanity's collective neck.
David: Science as mankind's savior is a great paradox. Have you made a religion of science?

The appeal to fear is implicit in some of your posts. While you yourself may be a decent and sincere person, you have alluded to the dread that some may feel in meeting their God. And you have pointed out that when we die, we will be forgotten; that when humanity becomes extinct, its efforts will have been to no purpose. These are appeals to fear, to existential dread. To cure this fear, religion offers the quack remedy of God. But just because we are mortal, it does not follow that God and an afterlife exist. You have yet to product a scintialla of evidence for your God and his realm.
David: Atheists should have existential dread.

As time goes by more people will reject a "cure" that is worse than the disease. In fact, there is no disease. The proper response to the inevitability that we will die and cease to be is: "So what?"
David: Some atheists disagree with you.


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Old 07-15-2002, 06:54 PM   #57
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Hello sandlewood,

If the scientific method is not the best way to gain knowledge about the nature of the Universe, you need to provide some other method and show how it is a more reliable way to gain knowledge. Religion has not been shown to be a reliable way to gain knowledge about the Universe. It only makes unsupported assertions. It doesn’t tell us the details of how the sun works; it didn’t tell us about the Big Bang, or how to make useful drugs out of plants. It is not going to tell us what the next smallest nuclear particle is.
David: Science is good at what science does. Religion is good at what religion does. Science and religion both have their own territory and there is in reality very few little contact between the two.

Your definition of the “ineffable mystery” is vague and wishy-washy. In one place you say it is the cryptic question “why?” which means both “what is the purpose of everything?” and “what is the cause of everything?” which are two different questions. In another place you give a quote by Fontenelle that suggests the ineffable mystery is an inability to find ones own identity. You attempt to claim that the scientific method cannot answer this question, but you cannot even define what the question is.
David; These are all mysteries, and the fundamental question is also a mystery.


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Old 07-15-2002, 07:25 PM   #58
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Anyway, David, your claim humans are evil are definitely wrong. If being is evil by nature, it will love destruction or preverted ideas very much and will does it most if not all of the time. But the point is that there is no one seen doing killings from beginning of his life til his death. Have you ever seen a baby or young children doing unspeakable evil acts during their childhood? Furthermore, even though humans may commit killings or some other crimes, but there is much more points in their lives in which they, not only, live in peace and also do good deeds.
Therefore, humans are not demons and are definitely not evil by nature.
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Old 07-16-2002, 03:05 AM   #59
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Originally posted by David Mathews:
<strong>David: You say that religion is a failure. Some failure: 4 billion religious people on the planet, and of that group hundreds of millions who have made substantial sacrifices of their comfort, time, wealth and life based upon their devotion to their religion.

Religion has not failed by any measure.</strong>
It depends how you define 'failure'. If all those sacrifices are in vain, because there was no God or because people were mistaken in thinking God required them, then one could say religion has failed humankind...couldn't one?

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Old 07-16-2002, 03:10 AM   #60
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Originally posted by Answerer:
<strong>Have you ever seen a baby or young children doing unspeakable evil acts during their childhood? </strong>
They don't have the power, actually.

I think it's true that children can be very selfish - if that's a label one wants to place on their learning to individuate and separate themselves from the world around them and learn the meaning of 'me'.

Kids will do things like hit other kids out of curiosity to see their reaction; take toys away from another kid just because the other kid wants it even if it upsets the other kid - simply because they want that.

Go forward a few decades and the same people are fighting wars over land just because they want it.

It's "mine, mine!" at different ages.

So...whilst kids are unable to commit great atrocities, if you watch them you will see that they aren't little angels with ne'er an unselfish thought in their heads. Their world revolves around them and their needs from birth. It just does. Maybe that's how we survive to adulthood, in part - maybe it's all part of the will to live. I'm not sure how to interpret it. But I do know it's not true that kids are free of the impulses that drive adults to do terrible things as soon as they have big enough toys and enough power to do them with - as it were...

I know kids can be sweet and loving and unselfish too. These things as well as the less societally constructive things, begin in childhood. So it seems to me.

Just so you know I'm not trying to portray kids as all good or all bad.


[ July 16, 2002: Message edited by: HelenSL ]</p>
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