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Old 08-11-2002, 07:51 AM   #51
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: San Diego, California
Posts: 2,817

Originally posted by Doubting Didymus:
I think your suggestion would be a good test, but imagine the hypothetical situation: a christian theist passes the test, thus proving that god exists.
I bet, that won't happen:
"...thus proving that god exists." didn't ever happen in human history.
Originally posted by Doubting Didymus:
What do you, as an atheist, do? Apart from the fact that he exists, what has god revealed to you about himself?
That's 'God''s problem:
'Omnipresent', 'omnipotent' 'God' who allegedly comunicates to humans that he wants to be loved, hasn't done anything in human history.

It doesn't exist other than being a superstition.
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Old 08-11-2002, 08:02 AM   #52
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Originally posted by AJ113:
<strong>Doubting Didymus:

MIR - the Croatian word for peace is frequently seen written in the sky over Medugorje.

The sun frequently has been seen to go multi-coloured and spin wildly in the sky, viewable by the naked eye without harm.

[ August 02, 2002: Message edited by: AJ113 ]</strong>
I rely on science when dealing with natural events.

To my knowledge, this hasn't been observed as a phenomenon by science.

Outside scientific observations, common people have plenty of illusions.
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Old 08-11-2002, 11:09 AM   #53
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What claim of obsevation would you interpret as a lie?

I would only call someone a liar if I knew they were lying.
Thanks for nothing, AJ.
I'll rephraze the question (I don't understand why I should)...
How would you know that someone is making a false observational claim?

How do you decide if that person is serious?
Especially if he has a pokerface.
If he is making the claim as a joke, then it will be obvious shortly after the claim is made, won't it?
I didn't say anything about him revealing his own lie (for instance - through laughter). I was, and am refering to a person with pokerface.
You do know what a pokerface is, don't you?
Ofcourse you can read alot from a persons face, aswell as his voice. But most times you don't have that luxuary.

If the claim is made deliberately to fool me on a long term basis, then once this fact becomes apparent, I will no longer trust his word on any matter.
But in order to do so, you must examine his observational claim. And that is something you deemed impossible (all claims are equal, remember?).

You misunderstand. I may have large doubts about the veracity of the claim, but I am not prepared to call anyone a liar on the basis that their claim is improbable. There is a chance that they may be telling the truth.
Then, how does those doubts come to be?

My friend, if you go through life calling people liars based on nothing but your own assumptions, you are going to make a lot of enemies.
I never said anything about calling people liars. I'm not going to go around screaming "LIAR!!!" in people's faces. Most claims you get is of a very ordinary manner. People don't usually come up to me and say "Hey, I just saw a UFO in my toilet. It was Elvis. Elvis was a UFO".

A lie is a deliberate falsehood, and I suggest that this should be known as a fact before issuing defamatory statements.
Not just deliberate falsehood. The person making a claim might have been given false information. He thinks it's true, and therefore his voice and face should be "acting sincere". You will have to evaluate the claim itself.

I'm sure very few people would agree with this. If we had a magic sixth sense that allowed us to tell when lies are being told there would be no need for lie detectors or law courts.
We do have such a sense. It's called logic. Ofcourse our logic is not completely perfect, but what sense is?

This is a very ineffective way to judge a claim.

Oh, ok. You just disagree.
Could you explain why your method of evaluating a claim is not less effective?

Agreed, but neither does it mean that you have to accept the claim as truth. It means that you are not in a position to claim 100 per cent that it did not happen.
I never said that. I agree that we can say very little with 100% certainty. I don't even try to reach 100% certainty.

If I told you I spoke to a purple 10m high carrot, how would you tackle such a claim?

See above.
I did see above. But the text above had barely anything to do with my question.
I wanted to know how you would process and evaluate such a claim.

But what if you never meet that person again?
Or what if you read his claim in a book or heard it on television? How would you reveal his possible lie then?

This "lie" thing is eating you up inside, isn't it?
Yes, I'm suicidal. Hysterical.
Seriously, I just want you to explain your line of thinking. If you are incapable of answering, then just say so. There's no need to make sarcastic remarks.

You do not have to prove that it is a lie.
Is this on a personal approach? You don't know anything about me. If I have my reasons to prove something is a lie, it is not of your concern.
Trying to get this discussion back on track, dispite your strawmen...

In many cases you cannot do so.
Not all?

You simply have to accept that the guy could be telling the truth because you have no evidence to disprove his claim.
Erhhh... So all books you have ever read, all people who has ever opened their mouths on television, you have believed?
What if two books contradict eachother? Then what do you do?
How do you decide wich religion that is right? Since their claims are all of equal value and truth, you must take them all as the truth. Now, aren't you gullible? I'm only asking, because a person who believes in everything he reads is very gullible.
What would happen if 2 people you don't know makes each a claim. One says that they saw a cow eating grass on a field, while the other say they saw godzilla eating icecream on the same field. They were both there at the same time, and they reject eachothers stories. Both of them seem equally sincere. How would you evaluate wich one of them was telling the truth, and who was not?
If you are presented with 2 contradicting stories, do you assume they are both true, simply cause they are both possible?

If there is no evidence to support his claim, then you do not have to accept the claim as truth, just the possibility that it may be the truth. Does that hurt so much?
Where do you get the idea that I'm hurting?

Regarding the gremlin...

Yes, I would. Or I would atleast ask him for concrete and indesputable evidence. People close to me may try to trick me to.

You would treat your closest friends and family in this way? I'm stunned.
Why are you stunned?
Is this a bad way to treat people?
So, according to you...
1. People become omniscient when they become my friends.
2. My family is omniscient.
3. My friends cannot lie and cannot be wrong, no matter how unlikely their claims are.
4. Claims are more likely if you know the person who makes them.
5. If someone close to me tells me that I'm about to be obducted by orcs, I should hide under my bed with a knife scared out of my mind.
6. You don't have any non-cristian friends. If you did, you would have to take their non-cristian claims as true, or you are not nice.

I don't know how old you are, but I hope you didn't use this line of thinking in school. "Yes. He looks sincere, better do what he says, dip my head in the toilet and look for the gold he promised me"
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