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Old 08-14-2003, 09:52 PM   #51
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Originally posted by Milton
i only pointed out the mistake of equating darwiniam theory with the theory of gravity (and then with the idea that darwinism is as valid as the idea of the earth being spherical).
The various natural evidences constitute a scientific fact that at least some species are descended from other species. That is the "fact" of evolution - common descent. A "theory" of evolution seeks to explain the mechanism of common descent. Modern Darwinian Theory surmises, briefly, that DNA mutations are responsible for physical traits that confer varying levels of reproductive success on individuals. There are other theories of evolution, like the long-discredited Lamarckism, whereby individuals inherit physical traits directly.

Gravity is the name given to a fundamental force that attracts matter particles. Natural evidence confims that matter particles are indeed attracted to each other, and that attraction can be understood as an equation. A theory of gravity seeks to explain the mechanism whereby matter particles are attracted to each other. Relativistic gravity surmises, briefly, that gravitational attraction is caused by space-time warping around matter. There are other theories of gravity, like quantum gravity, whereby a force particle is exchanged between matter particles.

See the analogy?

By the by, that's all I'm going to off-topically say about these things.
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Old 08-15-2003, 08:04 PM   #52
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Originally posted by Milton
you say I don't know, just because I don't agree
No, I say you don't know because your comments reveal as much.

... besides, i have not made any call or challenge, i only made a point. i only pointed out the mistake of equating darwiniam theory with the theory of gravity (and then with the idea that darwinism is as valid as the idea of the earth being spherical).
Evolutionary theory is as valid as the theory of gravity. I know you think they're not and that's why they shouldn't be equated, but they are.

If you look at the vast body of evidence for evolution, you might recognize that to promulgate an alternate theory would be like throwing gravity out the window and arguing that what looks like gravity is really something else.

The theory of gravity isn't valid because you can drop something and it falls. It's valid because it consider mass and distance, and tests reveal this to be consistent.

If you want to observe something in biology for evolution (i.e. like dropping something demonstrates gavity) then vist the site I suggested and you will discover similar observations.
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