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Old 07-07-2002, 05:01 PM   #91
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And by the way, Luv Luv if you are willing to look for more historical information, you will find out the name 'Yahweh' actually comes from the name 'EL' which is one of the pagan gods in the ancient world. Therefore, this proves that Jews' God is actually being carried from the polytheist religions of that time. Even the ten commandments of the Torah is quite similar to the vows within the Eygptian Book of dead.
Well, frankly speaking, I don't think that all this is the result of concidence especially there was a time when Jews were being ruled by the Eygptians.
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Old 07-07-2002, 06:38 PM   #92
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Originally posted by Answerer:
<strong>And by the way, Luv Luv if you are willing to look for more historical information, you will find out the name 'Yahweh' actually comes from the name 'EL' which is one of the pagan gods in the ancient world. Therefore, this proves that Jews' God is actually being carried from the polytheist religions of that time. Even the ten commandments of the Torah is quite similar to the vows within the Eygptian Book of dead.
Well, frankly speaking, I don't think that all this is the result of concidence especially there was a time when Jews were being ruled by the Eygptians.</strong>
"Amen" also happens to be the Egyptian creator god, coincidence? I think not! If in doubt read the last book in the Bible, there it specifically names Amen as God.

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Old 07-07-2002, 10:18 PM   #93
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Originally posted by Amen-Moses:

"Amen" also happens to be the Egyptian creator god, coincidence? I think not! If in doubt read the last book in the Bible, there it specifically names Amen as God.

The actual name of the Canaanite god that Yaweh/Jehovah came from is AL-YWHW or EL-YWHW

literally YWHW-from-EL or YWHW-of-EL

and luvluv

please see PSALM 82:1

[[A Psalm [04210] mizmowr
of Asaph.]] [0623] 'Acaph

God [0430] 'elohiym
standeth [05324] natsab
in the congregation [05712] `edah
of the mighty; [0410] 'el
he judgeth [08199] shaphat
among [07130] qereb
the gods. [0430] 'elohiym

pretty clear that the OT says that there is more than one god;

actually a more correct translation of the psalm would be

EL the mightiest of the divine ones/gods [elohiym] standeth in judgment over the {rest of the} divine ones/gods.

furthermore :

the hebrew word 'el comes from the root 'ayil

strong's concordance

0352 'ayil

1) ram

it is quite interesting that the symbol of the god EL in the canaanite pantheon is a BULL

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Old 07-07-2002, 11:02 PM   #94
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I have something to add from a biological science perspective.

Luvluv, your concept of progressive revelation is intrinsically flawed. Modern Homo Sapiens has remained Modern Homo Sapiens for at least one hundred thousand years, with intelligence, mental capacity and cognitive ability approximately equal to ours today.

It is a common error to mistake very ancient humans for drooling apes, but I guarantee that if you could travel back in time and snatch a cave person from 50 000BC and brought him into the present, they would be just as capable of recieving any revelation we can, from Socrates and plato to any of the modern biblical 'updaters' you state.

So what has god waited so long for? Are you going to propose that ancient peoples souls were underdeveloped? If so please state why any of us should believe in a soul in the first place, and just what it is that makes us so much more developed than they?

Or are you going to propose that ancient societies were less developed? If so, why didn't god reveal himself more to the more developed ancient cultures other than the comparatively barbaric Jews? (at the time, no anti-semitism here). Or perhaps he did, after all. Remember that Confucius stated the 'golden rule' many thousands of years before jesus.
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Old 07-08-2002, 07:21 PM   #95
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Well if you can come up with any mechanism by which it could happen then I am all ears (or eyes in this case ). Hell if you could there might even be a nobel prize in it for you.

All you have to do is find a way of measuring the height of something that has no height. To me that is inherently logially impossible but maybe you are using some other definition of logic!
Your first paragraph has no apparent logical connection to your second paragraph, which simply reasserts that interaction between a two dimensional object and a three dimensional object is impossible in different words.

While I am not aware of any mechanism by which a two dimensional object could interact with a three dimensional object, I am not so arrogant as to therefore concude such an interaction is impossible. Why exactly is it impossible?
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Old 07-09-2002, 02:27 AM   #96
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Originally posted by tronvillain:
While I am not aware of any mechanism by which a two dimensional object could interact with a three dimensional object, I am not so arrogant as to therefore concude such an interaction is impossible. Why exactly is it impossible?
If something is completely undetectable then how can it interract in any way? Let's go back to my analogy of a knife with no thickness, how can this knife have any effect on my loaf of bread?

Actually by saying that something is undetectable is also saying that it can have no effect!

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Old 07-09-2002, 07:08 AM   #97
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Additional info on the polytheism of the Yahweh cult : <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Seems they have a Goddess or two, still prominent in this time.

Among the goddesses representing either the female side of Yahweh or his consorts, such as Asherah, Shekhina, Anath, and Lilith, Shabbat Hamalka has a unique personality and origin. Her myth strongly influenced Jewish thought, and contributed to the strength of home and family that had improved the odds for physical and spiritual Jewish survival…

In a Midrashic passage the image develops: "Rabbi Shimeon Ben Yohai said: The Sabbath said before God: 'Master of the worlds! Each day has its mate, but I have none! Why?' The Holy One, Blessed be He, answered her: 'The Community of Israel is your mate.' And when Israel stood before Mount Sinai, the Holy One, blessed be He, said to them: 'Remember what I told the Sabbath: 'The Community of Israel is your mate.' Therefore, remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy."

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Old 07-09-2002, 05:16 PM   #98
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So if I'm understanding you all correctly, you are stating that Judaism is actually a polytheistic religion?

Do any Jewish scholars agree with your characterization?
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Old 07-09-2002, 06:48 PM   #99
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If something is completely undetectable then how can it interract in any way? Let's go back to my analogy of a knife with no thickness, how can this knife have any effect on my loaf of bread?

Actually by saying that something is undetectable is also saying that it can have no effect!
Yet again you do nothing more than repeat your assertions rather than attempt to support them. Remember, I am not claiming that two dimensional objects exist or that they would interact with three dimensional objects if they did, I simply pointing out the possibility. If you wish to claim it is in fact impossible, you will have to show it rather than assert it.

Now, what effect would a knife with no thickness have on a loaf of bread? I don't know. It might simply pass through it, or it might slice through it perfectly.
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Old 07-10-2002, 04:09 AM   #100
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I doubt most modern day Judaic scholars would classify modern Judaism as "polytheistic." However, Judaisms roots ARE polytheistic and thereby so are Christianities and Islams. These three are called Abrahamic religions for a reason!

If you click on the link I provided and then click on the Yaweh link for that page you discover some interesting information (if you have not already.) I am not as sharp on Kabbalah and Jewish mysticism as I use to be, but everything in that article is pretty accurate and I have either been involved in or know of modern Jews that still engage in the ceremonies as outlined in that text. I am not sure that most Jews know of the roots and I didn't know of those roots until reading that article.

Christianity is a direct result of pagan, polytheistic religions. It EVOLVED to its present stage and has changed much since its beginnings way back in the day of El, Asherah, and the pantheon of Middle Eastern Gods and Goddesses. Christianity can even be argued to still be polytheistic with it's Triune God who is One, but also three in God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now if you include the worship of the Virgin Mary and the saints of Catholicism you have an even broader spectrum of "veneration and worship" of more then ONE being.

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