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Old 04-03-2002, 08:34 AM   #281
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Posted by Datherton:
Can we say.....biased sources?
What about Delage? What about
the STURP official photographer? What about the
many Protestant American scientists who never heard of the Shroud of Turin (as I hadn't) before
1978? All those persons came to believe in authenticity in accord with the first two levels
of the 3 point authenticity measure.
The charge of bias wouldn't be so ludicrous if it
weren't coming from someone who defends ideas of
the very, very, very biased Koy.

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Old 04-03-2002, 08:50 AM   #282
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Originally posted by Koyaanisqatsi:
…Several clots have the distinctive characteristics of either venous or arterial blood...
Um, then perhaps the initial mistake is really yours, Koy. Venous and arterial are opposites. Arterial blood is rich in oxygen, and travels (via arteries) from the heart to the body. Venous blood is poor in oxygen, and travels (via veins) from the body to the heart.

I don’t know how exactly you distinguish the clots from the one or the other, but Meacham seems to be saying it could be either one. However, if you eliminate the redundant wording, Meacham seems to have made a non-statement. He is essentially saying that the blood clots look like blood clots. Given such a poorly worded statement, a misreading seems inevitable. Since leonarde didn’t dispute your reading, I assumed it was a correct representation of his source.

However, I stand by my statement earlier, leonarde is not reading my posts, or has no understanding of what either of us are saying:

Fact #1. An arterial wound in the lower extremities of an upright body will rapidly lead to death from blood loss, and will eventually produce a bloodless corpse.

Fact #2. Roman victims of crucifixion generally did not die quickly from blood loss.


Conclusion #1: Roman victims of crucifixion must not have had arterial wounds in the feet. i.e. The wounds must be non-arterial.

This conclusion is pretty darn easy to reach, but leonarde seems to have missed it dozens of times. He even missed it when I pointed it out to him in pretty direct terms, instead he continues to attack the validity of Fact #1. Maybe he will be able to see it now, since I have numbered it nicely for him.

If you really want to continue to dispute Fact #1, leonarde, I suggest you pick up the Boy Scout handbook for First Aid. It is written for the layman, young boys in fact, so you don’t need any medical background to read it. Look for advice on when to use a bandage and pressure, and when to use a tourniquet. It should be pretty damn obvious how serious an arterial wound is. (Disclaimer: It has been decades since I studied from this book, and they may have revised the book some, so I can’t point you to the exact text.)
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Old 04-03-2002, 08:58 AM   #283
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Well, either way, just more evidence that leonarde is not applying critical analysis to his own sources.

It makes no difference at all to what I have posted, considering I have based everything on what his sources misrepresented and still less difference to the fact that the blood on the scalp allegedly found on the shroud would have to have been fresh blood for it to absorb at all, let alone through two clothes as leonarde continues to posit.

Indeed, the fact that the head wounds were not arterial (contrary to what Meacham suggests), only proves further that the body in the shroud could not have been Jesus, since since that would mean even less of a likelihood that any blood remained pumping through his body during those three hours alive (and two hours dead)!

Either way, it still demonstrates that the shroud could not possibly be Jesus.

[ April 03, 2002: Message edited by: Koyaanisqatsi ]</p>
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Old 04-03-2002, 09:01 AM   #284
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Tell me on which page and, if possible, at what
time I posted something here about an arterial
foot wound. If you do, I'll look at it and try to
give you an answer. I simply have no recollection
of such a post by me (was it in a URL I gave, perhaps?).

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Old 04-03-2002, 11:15 AM   #285
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I know others have already pointed this out, but I'd like to make a polite request of you, if I may. Please stop hitting "Enter" at the end of every line in the box where you type your posts. Just keep typing and let the sentences wrap around, unless you are making a paragraph break. The odd breaks in the middle of your sentences make it very difficult to read your posts.

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Old 04-03-2002, 11:45 AM   #286
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Sorry, PB, but I'm not hitting enter in MOST instances: occasionally I DO try to make sure (as
best I can to get certain stuff on the SAME line
but it doesn't work out always). I started typing
on a computer in 1977 with, what is now, a very primitive word processor but it was a what-you-see-is-what-you-get type deal: alas that
was my fate until the late 1980s or so. I'll try my best to avoid bugging youses but it's a matter of teaching an old dog........Cheers!
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Old 04-03-2002, 12:06 PM   #287
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Okay, I went back in this thread to try to determine WHERE and WHEN and BY WHOM these "arterial wounds" entered the picture. On page 5
I found a post by Koy: it's long and begins with
a repost of something by me on the Sudarium of Oviedo. Koy then gets into his "dicing" of Meacham, the archaeologist whose URL I had given.
I'm going to delete what has nothing to do with the question at hand (ie the "arterial wounds")
but will leave the time of the post so anyone can
check what I deleted.
posted March 21, 2002 08:22 AM

//snip by leonarde//
I'll check this out too, in a moment, but a few quick notes here regarding Meacham:
//snip by leonarde// Could someone please explain to me how blood that had been dried for hours--considering not
just the length of time Jesus was dying, but also the length of time he was dead while Joseph
petitioned Pilate (the most ludicrous notion of all, IMO) for the body--could have possibly
absorbed through the other side of the sheet, thus accounting for the image and blood to be
found on the "napkin" (or, as you contend, Sudarium of Oviedo)?

Last I checked, Golgotha was supposed to be in the desert. Jesus, streaming with blood from
multiple head wounds (as Meacham called them "arterial...spike wounds"), two nails in his wrists (also arterial and the preferred method of a suicide by blood loss) and two nail wounds in the feet (also, most likely arterial, but if not, like spiking the bottom of a pinnata) unto the ninth hour before he "gives up the ghost," would mean that he was not only most likely completely bereft of blood (as is allegedly the case from the postmortum stab wound producing little blood on the cloth, but "copious" amounts in the scripture), but add on the fact that he hangs there dead for at least a few hours while Joseph petitions Pilate, receives permission and the body is either taken down by Joseph and Nicodemus or the body is delivered to Joseph (again, depending on which myth you read) and you've got nothing but hours old dried blood covering, most likely, his entire body, from head to toe.//snip//
Leonarde's emphasis added via bold face.
As nearly as I can tell it is HERE that the idea
that so many of these wounds are "arterial" entered the thread: Koy interpolated them into his analysis in such a way that no casual reader can tell what Meacham is saying and what Koy is saying (ie the two are blended together).
I just wanted to get the origin "nailed down".

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Old 04-03-2002, 04:24 PM   #288
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<strong>Posted by Datherton: What about Delage? What about
the STURP official photographer? What about the
many Protestant American scientists who never heard of the Shroud of Turin (as I hadn't) before
1978? All those persons came to believe in authenticity in accord with the first two levels
of the 3 point authenticity measure.</strong>
I went back and found your "three levels of authenticity", which sounds terribly ad hoc to begin with:

1)does it have a image of a true victim of crucifixion on it?
2)does the Shroud (and PERHAPS the image)go back
to ancient or merely medieval times?
3)is the Man of the Shroud Jesus?

So, what does that say? Nothing matters if you cannot show 3) to be true - indeed, it may be possible for a human being to be draped in a white cloth and have his blood and what-not stamped on the cloth. So what? Showing that it is possible does not make it probable; it merely means that you have gone out of your way to string together a very unlikely spectrum of events, molded it to fit the stories in the Bible, and then relied on the authority of a few discredited forensic "experts" and your own loosely-pieced-together theories to make an "argument".

<strong>The charge of bias wouldn't be so ludicrous if it weren't coming from someone who defends ideas of the very, very, very biased Koy.

If only you would argue more like him, hm?

The charge of bias obviously is meaningless to the debators themselves - of course they are going to have pre-conceived notions about the issue. However, what is biased is the way you selectively choose which sources to quote, and the way you attempt to "analyze" your sources. Everybody here has been doing all the analysis that you convieniently *missed* in your arguments, and all you have been doing is trying, very unsuccessfully, to manipulate sentences and statements to once again allow the possibility of your vision.
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Old 04-04-2002, 07:53 AM   #289
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Posted by Datherton:
Nothing matters if you cannot show 3) to be true - indeed, it may be
possible for a human being to be draped in a white cloth and have his blood and what-not stamped on the cloth. So what?
So what????? The central
question about the S of Turin is authenticity: you
have just all but conceded that it has been proven in the first 2 senses:
1)the Image is indeed that of a crucified man.
2)the cloth and Image likely date from ancient

The third point/level of authenticity touches, of
course, on religious matters. Therefore it is best
to let individuals decide for themselves. Still the more immersed they are in the particulars of
the Image of the S of Turin, the more likely they
are to notice that there would have been VERY VERY VERY few such victims among the many thousands crucified who would share ALL of the following:
1)had legs which were NOT broken.
2)had the lance/spear wound in the chest/side area
3)had crown-of-thorns blood flows/wounds in the
scalp area.

Again, I think that INDIVIDUALS, keeping their own
counsel, should evaluate that for themselves...

[ April 04, 2002: Message edited by: leonarde ]

[ April 04, 2002: Message edited by: leonarde ]</p>
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Old 04-04-2002, 08:14 AM   #290
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From last post by Koy:
Indeed, the fact that the head wounds were not arterial (contrary to what Meacham suggests), only proves further that the body in the shroud could not have been Jesus, since since that would mean even less of a likelihood that any blood remained pumping through his body during those three hours alive (and two hours dead)!

Either way, it still demonstrates that the shroud could not possibly be Jesus.
In the very first post by me on page 3(?)in which I address Koy I noted some jump(s) in logic in what he had already said (ie on page 3).
Here we again have a statement which, to me, makes no sense whatsoever.
Oh, well. Perhaps, as Datherton suggests, I should
become more like Koy......

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